Just vote no explaining needed, since everyone believe that neo is either Mwu or a clone
I said that neo is a clone of Mwu....
real deal:6
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Just vote no explaining needed, since everyone believe that neo is either Mwu or a clone
I said that neo is a clone of Mwu....
real deal:6
I vote that it's Mwu.
I think he IS mwu, but might not remember.
I vote that it is NOT Mwu.
I say clone
I was just gonna put Mwu. But a one word post doesn't suit me or most forums rules. I think hes the real deal if that wasn't clear.
Mwu is Neo, no doubt about that! Mwu survived the destruction of his mobile suit, just like Kira and Andy did.
I'm gonna laugh if it's not Mwu....cuz honestly, it's fun to see you all JUMP to conclusions like 'hmm, blond hair....MWU'
so here's hoping it's not him ^_^
This seemed like the best place to add this, I just finished reading Gundam SEED Astray R vol. 2. It discusses a little about what happened to Andy after the combat in the desert.Quote:
Originally posted by: MadDog
Mwu is Neo, no doubt about that! Mwu survived the destruction of his mobile suit, just like Kira and Andy did.
Neither. Because I can.
I just hope this gets solved in the next few eps because I'm so fucking tired of the discussion.
yeah seeing the same topic in 14 different ways, gets really annoying really fast...cant we just stop with it
some of think hes Mwu some think hes a clone leave it at that and let the show get on with whats its doing, Im pretty sure we didnt start watching this show just to find out if Mwu is alive or not
so no more topics on this ever
if its one of those 2 its a clone. its not the real mwu just cant be, if it is ill swim to japan and headbutt the director until he dies.
this is jus a voting poll i don't care if u give an explanation jus want to see the consensu of everyone on the forumsQuote:
Originally posted by: Knives122
yeah seeing the same topic in 14 different ways, gets really annoying really fast...cant we just stop with it
some of think hes Mwu some think hes a clone leave it at that and let the show get on with whats its doing, Im pretty sure we didnt start watching this show just to find out if Mwu is alive or not
so no more topics on this ever
Can't be a clone, this guy isn't as cool as Mwu. Neo is Neo!
i'll say clone... i wonder how many they cloned... seems to be alot
look at the 3rd opening mmu has a scar on his face from the explosion, he aint no clone he the real deal bitches. clones wouldnt have a defects such as scars./
Keep in mind that we haven't seen anything of his life before the attack on Armory One. He could have easily gotten the scar at some point before that.Quote:
Originally posted by: WingZero
look at the 3rd opening mmu has a scar on his face from the explosion, he aint no clone he the real deal bitches. clones wouldnt have a defects such as scars./
it isn't mwu, cuzz i don't know WHO THE FUCK mwu is....-.-
Ok........ why haven't you seen Seed then?Quote:
Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
it isn't mwu, cuzz i don't know WHO THE FUCK mwu is....-.-
Originally posted by: Psyke
Ok........ why haven't you seen Seed then?Quote:
Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
it isn't mwu, cuzz i don't know WHO THE FUCK mwu is....-.-
i started watching anime 2 late to catch up to seed. so i only watch destiny.
It's hard to understand Destiny if you haven't seen Seed. I highly recommend you stop watching Destiny and start on Seed now. If you've enjoyed Destiny I'm sure you will enjoy Seed too, not to mention the story would make much more sense when you understand what Cagali and gang are talking about when they are saying stuff about Orb, etc.
its definatly Mwu why else would they show Mwu in the opening in the first place.
He's Mwu
Of course its Mmu, use some commonsense, his helmet cracks when he blocks the beam in seed, the glass tears his face up of course. that makes the most sense, why would the writers come up with other shit that he got scars and easily from something else? damn !!!Quote:
Originally posted by: Curium
Keep in mind that we haven't seen anything of his life before the attack on Armory One. He could have easily gotten the scar at some point before that.Quote:
Originally posted by: WingZero
look at the 3rd opening mmu has a scar on his face from the explosion, he aint no clone he the real deal bitches. clones wouldnt have a defects such as scars./
you do know that if it is a clone it lived its own life and could have gotten a scar through a normal accident just like any normal human can get a scar?
WingZero is an idiot. He should get together with Madell.
I'd like to point out again that in the other thread with the ending sequence pictures I made, Neo wasn't in them. That's a little strange considering all the main characters were inside. Mwu, however, was in the picture. So could they be the same person?
no they cant because that would destroy mwu's character he was a genuine heroic good guy, to make him evil isnt right.
As I've said one million times, and yet say again wondering why I never learn:
GSD -wants- you to believe that Mwu is Neo. They put out "evidence" such as the openings & his voice. But if Mwu truly was Neo, wouldn't that be a big damn shocker? Yes it would! Then WHY WOULD THEY MAKE IT SO BLATANTLY CLEAR? -THAT- is common sense in it's purest form.
If this was seed I would fully agree with you Terra but with GSD they have been taking the predictable route more often then not I still think they will say he's Mwu or at the very least they recovered his body and its a clone his hair matches Mwu and the scars in the opening make no sense unless they plan to reintroduce him in some way.Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
As I've said one million times, and yet say again wondering why I never learn:
GSD -wants- you to believe that Mwu is Neo. They put out "evidence" such as the openings & his voice. But if Mwu truly was Neo, wouldn't that be a big damn shocker? Yes it would! Then WHY WOULD THEY MAKE IT SO BLATANTLY CLEAR? -THAT- is common sense in it's purest form.
Well all I can say is that if it turns out to be Mwu I'll lose all faith in the Gundam franchise.
(unless Yzak kills him)
well what if Shinn randomly kills Yzak hmm?Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Well all I can say is that if it turns out to be Mwu I'll lose all faith in the Gundam franchise.
(unless Yzak kills him)
*Ignores that statement and cuddles with his Yzak dolls*
Everybody's getting new Gundams and upgrades. Wish Dearka and Yzak got new Gundams too, instead of lame Zaku upgrades. A new version of Buster and Duel would be so cool. Been a while since we saw the 2 of them and I wonder when we will see them in action again....
i guess, well see
Thats it? You should say a little more than that.Quote:
Originally posted by: WingZero
i guess, well see
About Neo being Mwu. I seems very unlikely that Mwu is even alive let alone be Neo And if he was I would say he would have gone after Ramius, not stay in the military. Also, he doesn't seem to be the type to be involved in the operation that he is now. So I would say he is probably a clone of Mwu, which I really don't want to happen because *sniff* I want him to live. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
It's been too damn long! My inner Yzak fanboy (well inner would be an exaggeration since my fondness for him is kinda blatant) is crying bloody tears.Quote:
Originally posted by: Psyke
Everybody's getting new Gundams and upgrades. Wish Dearka and Yzak got new Gundams too, instead of lame Zaku upgrades. A new version of Buster and Duel would be so cool. Been a while since we saw the 2 of them and I wonder when we will see them in action again....
What about Rey then?Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
It's been too damn long! My inner Yzak fanboy (well inner would be an exaggeration since my fondness for him is kinda blatant) is crying bloody tears.Quote:
Originally posted by: Psyke
Everybody's getting new Gundams and upgrades. Wish Dearka and Yzak got new Gundams too, instead of lame Zaku upgrades. A new version of Buster and Duel would be so cool. Been a while since we saw the 2 of them and I wonder when we will see them in action again....
Rey is pretty cute but I don't care much about him. It's all about Yzak. He's my god and has been ever since I first saw his haircut back in Seed episode 1. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I want to point out that Strike blew up right next to the Archangel. Even IF, I repeat IF, he survived the explosion, the chances of anyone getting close enough to rescue him other then the Archangel before he died would have been almost non-existant. They had by FAR the best view of the remains/debries of Strike, do you really think they would have left him if there was even a 1% chance of survival. Also, the EAF was not on the Archangel's side at the time so if any of them got too close they would have been shot down.
The blast would have sent the strike flying back(in many possible directions).
He's the man who made the impossible possible, so.......
We have 2 distinct issues with this. The first is that Mwu was not a clone in the first place and the only clone was of his father. The second is that the clones age normally there has been no point in which there was aging of a clone done to the point where in 3 years he could be a fully trained ace and have watched over the extended program. Given these issues and the fact Neo has no memories of his past and that the EA can alter memories this entire theory is disproven.Quote:
Originally posted by: Deblas
Thats it? You should say a little more than that.Quote:
Originally posted by: WingZero
i guess, well see
About Neo being Mwu. I seems very unlikely that Mwu is even alive let alone be Neo And if he was I would say he would have gone after Ramius, not stay in the military. Also, he doesn't seem to be the type to be involved in the operation that he is now. So I would say he is probably a clone of Mwu, which I really don't want to happen because *sniff* I want him to live. [img][/img]
Rey is more then likely a clone of Mwu's father as he obviously looks like a younger version of Raal however Neo being a Mwu clone is unfortunatly more farfetched then it being the actual Meu.
(keep in mind that we are in space)
(space = no air)
(space = no air)
http://gundams.net/files/pictures/se...49%20(239).jpg - Strike being hit by an enormous beam from a cannon capable of raping a battleship.
http://gundams.net/files/pictures/se...49%20(240).jpg - Mwu speaking dramatically, ensuring that his death will be heroic and uncallable.
http://gundams.net/files/pictures/se...49%20(241).jpg - A pink cloud of certain doom.
http://gundams.net/files/pictures/se...49%20(244).jpg - LOOK AT ALL THE PIECES OF MWU THAT PEOPLE CAN EASILY PICK UP AND BRAINWASH FOR NO REASON
You know the more I look at this the more I laugh. There is no way in hell that Neo is Mwu.
By the way can anyone confirm the rumor that Mwu's helmet was removed in the DVDs? That sounds like bullshit to me, no decent director would go back and change those things just to make the continuation better... (better is, again, the wrong word if Neo is Mwu though..)
Well, Mwu's comeback would be another of those unexplainable magical anime plot-twists just to get the story further. You are right, it makes no sense whatsoever.
First off the accelarated aging is not a problem, in SEED one of Raww's problems was that as a defect from the cloneing process his aging was super accelarated. That is what the pills he took were for, to try and stabalize it.Quote:
Originally posted by: DDBen
We have 2 distinct issues with this. The first is that Mwu was not a clone in the first place and the only clone was of his father. The second is that the clones age normally there has been no point in which there was aging of a clone done to the point where in 3 years he could be a fully trained ace and have watched over the extended program. Given these issues and the fact Neo has no memories of his past and that the EA can alter memories this entire theory is disproven.
Rey is more then likely a clone of Mwu's father as he obviously looks like a younger version of Raal however Neo being a Mwu clone is unfortunatly more farfetched then it being the actual Meu.
Also, where did they EVER say Neo does not remember his past?
Well, we do know, or have not seen, that Neo would be suffering from any similar symptoms to that of Rau in Seed. Rau was really suffering without his medication. Neo just seems to wear a mask for the heck of it. I wonder why nobody asks him: "Why the hell are you wearing that mask?"
I'm glad you added the "or have not seen". I don't have go get after you for that.Quote:
Originally posted by: danholo
Well, we do know, or have not seen, that Neo would be suffering from any similar symptoms to that of Rau in Seed. Rau was really suffering without his medication. Neo just seems to wear a mask for the heck of it. I wonder why nobody asks him: "Why the hell are you wearing that mask?"
Notice nobody ever asked that question of Raww either, or any other Masked Gundam villan ever (at least in an episode i've seen).
I would have to rewatch episodes to find the exact location and as I'm both at work and do not care enough to do so I'll clairify a bit. Neo clearly states he is a man with no past. As this is the case and depending what he was told they could have easily altered his memory in order to make him forget his past as he could have resolved himself to being a tool.Quote:
Originally posted by: Curium
First off the accelarated aging is not a problem, in SEED one of Raww's problems was that as a defect from the cloneing process his aging was super accelarated. That is what the pills he took were for, to try and stabalize it.Quote:
Originally posted by: DDBen
We have 2 distinct issues with this. The first is that Mwu was not a clone in the first place and the only clone was of his father. The second is that the clones age normally there has been no point in which there was aging of a clone done to the point where in 3 years he could be a fully trained ace and have watched over the extended program. Given these issues and the fact Neo has no memories of his past and that the EA can alter memories this entire theory is disproven.
Rey is more then likely a clone of Mwu's father as he obviously looks like a younger version of Raal however Neo being a Mwu clone is unfortunatly more farfetched then it being the actual Meu.
Also, where did they EVER say Neo does not remember his past?
Do I think that it would make any sense at all to make Mwu be Neo. That answer is of course not but I certainly do feel its a likely plot device they choose to use. Also the reason that Raal took the drugs was because he was one of the extended NOT because he had accelerated aging. Atleast I've personally no recollection of any point where they stated that Raal's age was accelerated.
In the episode where he is talking to Mwu and Kira in that abandoned colony he mentioned it. He was saying he was going to take everyone with him. Unfortunately I don't have my DVDs to check it for sure.
For the "Man without a past" comment (assuming he did say it) it would be MUCH more literal if he was a clone, since he really wouldn't have one. Another thing, I know it is normal to assume that a clone started as a baby, but that may not necessarily be the case. It is possible that they did a clone as an adult.
Um who was going to take everyone with them? I have no idea what your refering to here. Raal was a clone of Mwu's dad thats just a flat out fact from seed. We are talking about Mwu here however and not Raal.Quote:
Originally posted by: Curium
In the episode where he is talking to Mwu and Kira in that abandoned colony he mentioned it. He was saying he was going to take everyone with him. Unfortunately I don't have my DVDs to check it for sure.
For the "Man without a past" comment (assuming he did say it) it would be MUCH more literal if he was a clone, since he really wouldn't have one. Another thing, I know it is normal to assume that a clone started as a baby, but that may not necessarily be the case. It is possible that they did a clone as an adult.
Okay, I went to a lot of trouble to redownload episode 49 of SEED just so I could make sure before I posted this.
After his fight with Rau, Mwu was already injured from the final blast. Also after the explosion it clearly shows the debries from Strike. Not only can you see Mwu's helmet, but you can also see the torso where the cockpit would be, RIGHT IN FRON OF THE ARCHANGEL. There is no way anyone else could have gotten to him to save him.
I'm saying that is the episode that where Rau talks about why his health issues. I wasn't refering to that directly. You had said something about Rau taking the pills because he was an Extended, he wasn't.Quote:
Originally posted by: DDBen
Um who was going to take everyone with them? I have no idea what your refering to here. Raal was a clone of Mwu's dad thats just a flat out fact from seed. We are talking about Mwu here however and not Raal.Quote:
Originally posted by: Curium
In the episode where he is talking to Mwu and Kira in that abandoned colony he mentioned it. He was saying he was going to take everyone with him. Unfortunately I don't have my DVDs to check it for sure.
For the "Man without a past" comment (assuming he did say it) it would be MUCH more literal if he was a clone, since he really wouldn't have one. Another thing, I know it is normal to assume that a clone started as a baby, but that may not necessarily be the case. It is possible that they did a clone as an adult.
EDIT: Sorry for the double post, I forgot these were in the same topic. I will try to not do it again.
You guys give some screen caps when you describe a scene. From the images posted thus far and the wording of posts you make it sound like there should be nothing left. Somehow Mwu's helmet survived the blast. Like I was saying Strike never got hit with the Lohengrin. It used its shield as cover then that exploded at point blank. In the end we see the arms and legs. But what you're saying the torso is in tact? That suit should be vaporized if it got hit. Its space its space can't breathe. You don't need to breathe you got thirty seconds where you go unconcious. There is a possibility that Neo is Mwu. Its more plausible right now than him being a clone. If you guys keeping shutting yourselves off to the possibilities you will look like idiots in the end saying that he is definately dead when you got no solid proof to prove it.
I believe this was what Curium was talking about.
that pic right there should shut all of you up, there is no way in hell that mwu survived that.
also rau took his pills because of his accelerated aging not because he was an extended, it was explain in the ep 45 i believe.
Well you are just as "shut off" from other solutions, so...Quote:
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
If you guys keeping shutting yourselves off to the possibilities you will look like idiots in the end saying that he is definately dead when you got no solid proof to prove it.
And I dare say your proof is less solid, seeing as it's just random lines said by Neo that you've twisted into being related to Mwu. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Edit: God, people over at gundams.net makes people here look intelligent. Some idiot claimed it was "evidence" for Mwu being Neo that he saluted in ep 28. So basically "Neo is a nice guy who salutes Todoka, therefore he is probably Mwu". Fucking idiots.
Someone: But he blew up?
Guy: Who cares, he's a nice guy. It's Mwu!
Someone: Please just make the pain eeeenddddddddd
Thanks for posting the Screen cap Psyke. I would have, but I'm not that skilled. See like I said, the Torso with the cockpit is RIGHT IN FRONT OF ARCHANGEL. If there was ANY chance of Mwu surviving it would have been the Archangel that would have saved him.
Well, we'll find out sooner or later for sure.
I heard that supposely they edit out the helmet scene in the DVD. Volume 10 is out next week(which I'm looking forward to, finally complete my collection) so I guess I'll find out if that rumor is true or not.
Even if it is true that they edit out the scene in DVD, alot of people will be going WTF? if Neo does turn out to be Mwu.
I am hoping that it is Mwu, but...
Still waiting for someone to confirm that the helmet was actually removed...
I just checked aniDB, and nobody has released a DVD rip yet.Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Still waiting for someone to confirm that the helmet was actually removed...
no he might be someone nobody expects
Anime-MX has released a DVD rip. I'm in queue to download it now. I will let you know when I've seen it.Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Still waiting for someone to confirm that the helmet was actually removed...
EDIT: Okay, I've seen it now. At least on the DVD source that Anime-MX used the helmet is still in the picture in episode 49. Also it is dual audio so it would be a more recent release of the episode.
EDIT2: I'll do more later, but I just want to add that personally I think that Neo is the exact same as Mia Campbell.
good point on that mia thing. why hasnt anyone thought of that possibility before?
Seeing as Curium has acknowledged that the helmet isn't in, I'd like to hear what all the smartasses who listened to some random rumor about it being edited out have to say now [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Heh, yeah unless Mwu is able to breath in space, or the Blue Cosmos' guys came up with some form of reviving dead people... Mwu is dead.
And Curium your theory about Neo being like Mia Campbell is intresting.
OH well... I"m still hoping it's Mwu because I want Mwu to be back. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Terra I've said before that they can't edit out the helmet scene from the anime series because the dvd is supposed to be unedited. So while I'm a smart ass. The scene where it was removed from the SEED compilitation was still removed under direction from the higher ups. But like has been stated just because there is a helmet or not doesn't mean Mwu is dead. When you accept that possibility perhaps people will give you more credit.
There is more evidence to support that Neo is indeed Mwu over the evidence that he is not. Are you still too pig headed to admit that. Or are you going to continue in fooling yourself.
in my opinion the fact that strike is floating around in peices with the half of the cockpit left is more than enough of evidence for mwu to be dead, its impossilbe to survive that.
Actually it -does- mean that he is dead. You know the whole breathless thing?Quote:
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
Terra I've said before that they can't edit out the helmet scene from the anime series because the dvd is supposed to be unedited. So while I'm a smart ass. The scene where it was removed from the SEED compilitation was still removed under direction from the higher ups. But like has been stated just because there is a helmet or not doesn't mean Mwu is dead. When you accept that possibility perhaps people will give you more credit.
There is more evidence to support that Neo is indeed Mwu over the evidence that he is not. Are you still too pig headed to admit that. Or are you going to continue in fooling yourself.
Why the hell should I accept the "possibility that he's alive" when he clearly isn't?
I don't care who gives me credit. I have my opinion, you have yours.
And no, there is not more evidence to support that Neo is Mwu. What you call evidence are just random lines that you toss together to form some kind of theory. Ever thought about the fact that there's "more evidence" is because you can't really say anything more to support that Mwu isn't Neo other than a simple "Mwu is dead"? So therefore, "Mwu is dead" beats your senseless random theories to a bloody pulp. And hell will freeze over before -you- have the right to call anyone a pig head (pretty funny insult by the way).
Edit: Out of curiosity, do you also believe that Auel is alive?
First, Blood went into Auels helmet. Second, Abyss blew up. Thrid, the beam javelin would have speared him right through the stomach.
On to the matter of Mwu. Do you even relize what sort of weapon the Lohengrin is? ITS A POSITRON CANNON! THAT MEANS IT FIRES ANTI-PROTONS! MEANING ANTI-MATTER! How the shields deflect that, I don't know. Second, the explosion would kill Mwu, if not, his helmet coming off would mean a very painful death of decompression. I doubt the ArchAngel could retrieve a person within 15 seconds, and then reintroduce atmosphere within 60 seconds. Ever put shaving cream in a vacuum chamber, remove the air, then recompress very quickly? I have. BOOM! It expands rapidly. Certain death, UNLESS the ArchAngel had medical systems equivilant to those on the Enterprise-E from Star Trek.
Don't go after Terra. He made the comment about Auel being alive with sarcasm.Quote:
Originally posted by: dean10007
First, Blood went into Auels helmet. Second, Abyss blew up. Thrid, the beam javelin would have speared him right through the stomach.
On to the matter of Mwu. Do you even relize what sort of weapon the Lohengrin is? ITS A POSITRON CANNON! THAT MEANS IT FIRES ANTI-PROTONS! MEANING ANTI-MATTER! How the shields deflect that, I don't know. Second, the explosion would kill Mwu, if not, his helmet coming off would mean a very painful death of decompression. I doubt the ArchAngel could retrieve a person within 15 seconds, and then reintroduce atmosphere within 60 seconds. Ever put shaving cream in a vacuum chamber, remove the air, then recompress very quickly? I have. BOOM! It expands rapidly. Certain death, UNLESS the ArchAngel had medical systems equivilant to those on the Enterprise-E from Star Trek.
Positrons are actually antielectrons, not antiprotons. Also, you can survive in vacuum for minutes - it's over for your eyes and ears, but you can survive.Quote:
Originally posted by: dean10007
First, Blood went into Auels helmet. Second, Abyss blew up. Thrid, the beam javelin would have speared him right through the stomach.
On to the matter of Mwu. Do you even relize what sort of weapon the Lohengrin is? ITS A POSITRON CANNON! THAT MEANS IT FIRES ANTI-PROTONS! MEANING ANTI-MATTER! How the shields deflect that, I don't know. Second, the explosion would kill Mwu, if not, his helmet coming off would mean a very painful death of decompression. I doubt the ArchAngel could retrieve a person within 15 seconds, and then reintroduce atmosphere within 60 seconds. Ever put shaving cream in a vacuum chamber, remove the air, then recompress very quickly? I have. BOOM! It expands rapidly. Certain death, UNLESS the ArchAngel had medical systems equivilant to those on the Enterprise-E from Star Trek.
Anyway, who cares? If it's really him, they will make it that he survived somehow. Just wait.
I don't recall seeing Strike blow up in an explosion. I saw the Strike's Shield blow up. I can go frame by frame. That explosion as such a close proximity thou could do the damage that was done to the Strike. As for the death scenes they have showed the other pilots actually die. For Mwu's "death" scene they didn't show him die. Just some scraps of Strike in pretty good sized chunks. Lets get some screencaps of the strikes torso after the explosion to show the dmg. You dis whatever evidence I've provided Terra but its got the same level of relevance and value as any information you provide to say Mwu is not alive and that Neo is a clone. Or are you going by the theory that Neo is not Mwu nor a clone? That would be a good laugh. I'd have to applaud Bandai for one hell of a red herring. What proof do you have that Mwu really is dead. Besides your speculations what makes your view any better than mine and those of the other people who think Neo is Mwu?
Personally, I'd hate it is Neo was the real Mwu - that would cheapen his death and destroy the SEED franchise for me - and since SEED has done such a good job of appeasing me, I'm going to assume they wouldn't let me down now [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img].
A clone seems possible, and the most likely - Neo has to appear something like Mwu to get 'that' kind of reaction out of Marius from the intro.
I do, however, propose a new theory - perhaps Neo is... Rau! Or atleast, yet _another_ clone of Mwu's father [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img].
My main reason for saying that Neo isn't Mwu is actually that I -know- that the guys behind Seed wouldn't give us such a lame plot twist.
I respect them and think much higher of them than that. Thinking about it, making it so that Neo is Mwu would be what a newbie script-writer would do. Get it?
Which is why I think it's silly to think Neo is Mwu, because he's obviously dead, and whoever thinks otherwise is just too stuck-up on trying to find other solutions to see simple truth. I mean, in my opinion, "Mwu blew up and his helmet was out in space" and blah blah blah has a lot more ground to stand on than all those lines that you, Guardian, threw together and called "typical Mwu lines".
I will not applaud Bandai for creating a "red herring" because to me this isn't a mystery, it's just a debate between people who realize that Mwu is dead and people who want him to be alive for whatever reason they can come up with.
Question: When an anime airs in Japan for a projected number of episodes, do they writers finalise the plot all the way till the end of the series, or do they wait and see the viewers reactions and then fine tune to plot according to how receptive the audience were to the aired episodes?
I'm referring to of course non manga turned anime series.
For eg: if the viewers want Mwu back so badly not having him back would lower ratings (just an example so don't quote me), would the producers fine tune the plot from there on to make the show a bigger success?
Of course I know that giving what the viewers want may not make the anime a great one, but what I'm talking about here is ratings and viwership.
It looks like you were being Sarcastic, but I'm still responding. Personally I'd believe it was Mwu before I would believe it was Rau. As I've said many times I will never believe it is really Mwu. Rau took a Beam Saber to the chest, and then a nuclear powered superweapon in the face at point blank range. I don't believe there is ANY series in ANY catagory in ANY country that has medical tech good enough to save someone from that.Quote:
Originally posted by: Kovash
Personally, I'd hate it is Neo was the real Mwu - that would cheapen his death and destroy the SEED franchise for me - and since SEED has done such a good job of appeasing me, I'm going to assume they wouldn't let me down now [img][/img].
A clone seems possible, and the most likely - Neo has to appear something like Mwu to get 'that' kind of reaction out of Marius from the intro.
I do, however, propose a new theory - perhaps Neo is... Rau! Or atleast, yet _another_ clone of Mwu's father [img][/img].
Sorry for the double post, but when I try to edit my post I just get an error.
I was just watching through Gundam SEED episode 50 again. Rau came across the wreckage of Strike. He didn't have the reaction that Mwu was around at all.
Very good observation, Curium!
Also he looked a bit "wtf", as to further fuel the fact that Mwu was gone.
That newtype reaction doesn't occur constantly just so you know. Atleast in their battle they didn't constantly have reactions. Its definately something to put on the evidence side that he died or was picked up. That statement works for both sides. Good find. As for the "wtf" comment I think he'd have that look no matter what since I think he was planning on being the one to take down Mwu. For something else to have beat the Strike is startling enough.
You are so unbelievably thick.Quote:
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
That newtype reaction doesn't occur constantly just so you know. Atleast in their battle they didn't constantly have reactions. Its definately something to put on the evidence side that he died or was picked up. That statement works for both sides.
Of course they didn't have reactions "all the time" (naturally it would look rather funny), but why the hell would they choose not to do the reaction thing at such a crucial moment if it didn't mean something?
Ok, this is the 5th time I've attempted to post this, so hopefully it will work this time...Quote:
Originally posted by: Curium
It looks like you were being Sarcastic, but I'm still responding. Personally I'd believe it was Mwu before I would believe it was Rau. As I've said many times I will never believe it is really Mwu. Rau took a Beam Saber to the chest, and then a nuclear powered superweapon in the face at point blank range. I don't believe there is ANY series in ANY catagory in ANY country that has medical tech good enough to save someone from that.
I've been going over episode 49 and 50 trying to peice together the likelyhood of either Mwu or Rau surviving, and I came across something interesting... Rau never gets hit by Kira's beam sabre.
If you check, it acctually slides in through the cockpit but misses Rau's righthand side by a few good inches; added to that, when the explosion of the GENESIS hits Kira and Rau's units, Kira leaps out of the way (though he still doesn't come clear) and Rau's unit is push to the side by Kira, then shoved offscreen in the same direction by the 'beam'. There is no explosion and the only damage we see to either unit, was Freedom's legs getting mangled.
Now, with all that, let's consider for a moment - Strike explodes, we see Mwu getting taken by the explosion in his cockpit, certainly he is dead (unless the writers come up with some cheap, crappy plot device) Neo, on the otherhand, has not got a confirmed death, the most we see is his helmet's screen breaking and his mask flying off.
So, we SEE Mwu's apparent death, but Rau is just discarded like no one would care? - I wonder who has the greater chance of survival? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Something else that bothered me, Neo's hair is the same length and shape as Rau's... i wonder... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Okay great, now Rau is alive too?
*waits for people to bring up theories regarding Frey's survival and cloning into Stellar because they have the same voice actor*
I was jsut saying, it's more _plausable_ for Rau to be Neo, than reviving a person we know, for certain, is dead - just to be cinematic.
I get the feeling that the only reason they voice actors are the same, is because they are fulfilling the same roles as their previous incarnations. Stellar is someone the main character feels they need to protect, Neo is the EA's topgun and Rey is Zaft's topgun... soon to be turned raging genocidal maniac [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img].
I think that Mwu is Neo. During episode 44 of Seed, Rau and Mwu both sense Kira coming (according to MAHQ's review). I thinking Kira sensed the same. Also in GSD episode 23 ( 20:06 - 20:10) it looked like Kira might have sensed Neo and vice versa. Execpt without the freaky newtype flash thing.
Rau doesn't get destroyed? interesting... http://nomoz.mediahalo.com/ima...2d5071.upload/prov.JPG and the explosion(easier to see in the ep) http://nomoz.mediahalo.com/ima...upload/prov%20boom.JPGQuote:
Originally posted by: Kovash
I've been going over episode 49 and 50 trying to peice together the likelyhood of either Mwu or Rau surviving, and I came across something interesting... Rau never gets hit by Kira's beam sabre.
If you check, it acctually slides in through the cockpit but misses Rau's righthand side by a few good inches; added to that, when the explosion of the GENESIS hits Kira and Rau's units, Kira leaps out of the way (though he still doesn't come clear) and Rau's unit is push to the side by Kira, then shoved offscreen in the same direction by the 'beam'. There is no explosion and the only damage we see to either unit, was Freedom's legs getting mangled.
and this was in another topic, series is on top movies on bottom... http://end-in-z.com/def/mu.jpgQuote:
Originally posted by: Kovash
Now, with all that, let's consider for a moment - Strike explodes, we see Mwu getting taken by the explosion in his cockpit, certainly he is dead (unless the writers come up with some cheap, crappy plot device) Neo, on the otherhand, has not got a confirmed death, the most we see is his helmet's screen breaking and his mask flying off.
Just incase you didn't know...hair grows...Quote:
Originally posted by: Kovash
Something else that bothered me, Neo's hair is the same length and shape as Rau's... i wonder...
Yes, his unit doesn't explode, even your picture shows that his legs and arms came off, but the torso is intact.Quote:
Originally posted by: NomoZ
Rau doesn't get destroyed? interesting... http://nomoz.mediahalo.com/ima...2d5071.upload/prov.JPG
I don't believe that, just because the helmet is missing, Mwu 'magically' survives the exact same circumstances as I mentioned above; if you bother to re-read what I said, I never even mentioned the stupid helmet.Quote:
Originally posted by: NomoZ
and this was in another topic, series is on top movies on bottom... http://end-in-z.com/def/mu.jpg
You're right it does, and as a tribute to his dead father's clone, Mwu decides to get the exact same haircut.Quote:
Originally posted by: NomoZ
Just incase you didn't know...hair grows...
That being said, I will re-iterate, I DON'T think that Neo is Rau; but given the circumstances of both _apparent_ deaths, Rau is MORE likely to have surived. I do not in any way believe that I have proved anything short of that.
In the event that Neo turns out to be Mwu and he survives the explosion due to some convinient plot device... I'll be angry, frustrated, and probably lose all respect for the writers.
In the event that Neo turns out to be Rau, I'd be shocked an appauled, though not as much as if it was Mwu.
In the event that Neo turns out to be a clone of either Mwu or Rau, I'll be dissapointed, but not angry.
In the event that Neo turns out to be Tolle, i'll laugh.
EDIT: Oh, and can people stop taking things I say as a joke, and skewing them into yet another, pointless, arguement.
Rau is dead for sure. In GS, if a char's head splatters all over inside his helmet, then the MS/MA explodes, it's basically a 100% chance he's dead.
i can just imagine it being Tolle. Milly's face upon seeing him will just be like "WTF?!?!"
People are going to start saying it's Nicol who's Neo soon....... [img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Roko
Rau is dead for sure. In GS, if a char's head splatters all over inside his helmet, then the MS/MA explodes, it's basically a 100% chance he's dead.
i can just imagine it being Tolle. Milly's face upon seeing him will just be like "WTF?!?!"
You obviously didn't see the 2nd pic i attached, go rewatch the ep there is an explosion(bright yellow flash) in the beams path right where Providence was.
As for the helmet, I thought you meant mwu's not rau's.
Right now they both look dead, but since they edited out the helmet in space I think they decided to let Mwu live to become Neo. Why else would they edit it out...for kicks?
There's no way Rey is Zaft's topgun. Mwu was the topgun of Archangel but wasnt assigned Strike. Kira became its topgun. To be a topgunner you'd have to have sharp-shooting skills. Athrun proved a sharp-shooter and he was annihilated by Kira once in GS and had to self-destruct just to take him out and once again in GSD but thats because he wasnt fighting with the right spirit. Shinn is currently the top gun of Zaft after he learned Athrun's trick with holding a handgun which isnt much different from being in control of one in a Gundam. The precognition Rey had with Neo was just the same as Mwu and Rau. It has nothing to do with being a top-gunner but like real life twins these guys tend to know when each other is coming because one of them is the clone of the other and think smilar in alot of ways and they have a sort of rivalry that goes way back when even so much as genetically.
Wow, interesting take on the helmet. I agree if you head goes up like a balloon its evident they're gone.
Neo might be closer to Rau because he uses the same kind of mobile suit as providence used in Gundam Seed. Its like providence rebult without any change except in color. They were both black i think. Black is the color of evil. If Rau is alive it would be as Neo and its his rebirth name. He might have been revived but joined Earth under a covert agenda. But after EPI 29 i think he's really dead because Dullihand was talking to a ghost of Rau of sort unless its just his imaginations. Also the picture of Providence going up is quite clear. Kira already inflicted a knife wound and the beam would have pierced through the already weakened providence phase-shfit armory.
Rey never was Zaft's topgun. Shinn always was, which was the reason he was given Impulse. Mwu was a topgun, yes, but with mobile armors, not suits. And Kira was never part of the EA before being forced to pilot Strike. Athrun was annihilated by Kira because Kira is the ultimate coordinator, and ultimate coordinator>coordinator. And because Kira is the ultimate coordinator, he can kick anybody's butt anyday. There, I'm done contradicting you.
I saw it, and checked to make sure, the flash comes from offscreen, it envelops Provodence, but the unit itself doesn't explode (I went thorugh frame by frame, check it yourself)Quote:
Originally posted by: NomoZ
You obviously didn't see the 2nd pic i attached, go rewatch the ep there is an explosion(bright yellow flash) in the beams path right where Providence was.
As for the helmet, I thought you meant mwu's not rau's.
Right now they both look dead, but since they edited out the helmet in space I think they decided to let Mwu live to become Neo. Why else would they edit it out...for kicks?
In naycase, it's hardly the point - as I said, I don't believethat Rau survived, just that, when it comes to the bare balled facts, Rau has a BETTER chance at survival than Mwu.
As for the edited out helmet, there are a dozen possible reasons it was taken out, though I will admit Mwu's survival is one of them. I am prepared for the possibility, I'd just hate it., because he SHOULD be dead.
And just a side note about the Tupgun thingie; Shinn isn't a topgun, just the pilot of an experimental Mobile suit (and the main character) - everyone else out-ranks him (save possibly the crew workers that repair his suit).
STOP forming arguments out of statements made in jest.
Shinn is a topgun. Why do you think Impulse was given to him instead of Rey, and Rey got a sucky Zaku?
nobody's forming arguments out of statements made in a jest. if you wanna prevent it, then just don't post the fucking jest. That's what jests are for, to debate and make fun of.
Shinn was given Impulse because Dullindal did a check on all the pilot's genetics and saw that Shinn had the potential to achive SEED.Quote:
Originally posted by: Roko
Shinn is a topgun. Why do you think Impulse was given to him instead of Rey, and Rey got a sucky Zaku?
nobody's forming arguments out of statements made in a jest. if you wanna prevent it, then just don't post the fucking jest. That's what jests are for, to debate and make fun of.
most likely yes but we dont know for sure. it was said in the early eps that the captain or someone on the minerva wondered why shinn got impulse instead of rey.
wtf is the helmet removed after all? Now I'm confused
On the DVD release of the episode it was not released. In the 3 movie summary maybe it was. I'm not particularly concerned about a summary. Summaries by their very nature are incomplete.