Any knows where i could get vol 1 to the latest release?
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Any knows where i could get vol 1 to the latest release?
Do you know how to use IRC?
[Evil_Genius] @
It should be still up on the bots there.
got any web download site for full metal alchemist?
I used to get them in a site called manga but they seem to taken the links out. So go here and search for fullmetal alchemist. They have to have links for the manga. I would search myself but I'm downloading something now so my computer is a bit slow. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Go to - they should have it there.
Just read the last released chapter and i gotta say the manga is badass, much better than the anime in my opinion and that is saying alot.
Anyone else reading this or have read?
I started reading the manga scans but stopped now that the manga is out in book form. Since the anime is my fav anime along with Ippo so i wanna collect the books.
I read up to vol 4 in the scans and now two vols are out in book form and when vol 4 is out i will started reading again.
Um is anyone reading this? I just read the last ten chapters(up to 82) and things have gotten very interesting.
someone let me know if it goes past the anime ending. I would love to see this series continue
the manga and the anime have differents plotlines... so it doesnt past over the anime, it just takes a different way
Just finished reading the 85th chapter and it rocks, the story is so much more mature than it was in the anime and it's like watching the same characters in a whole new dimension.
Isn't anyone else reading this so we can discuss it?
I am, but haven't kept up with it for a couple of months. How often are the chapters released, and where do you get them from?
I'm reading it, but I disagree with the manga story being more mature than the anime. The anime ending sucked, but the story was brilliant and tied together very well.
The manga however, definitely wins in terms of character development. It also introduces many interesting characters not present in the anime. There is also more Winry and a more developed romance angle.
Lurk has the chapters, and so does onemanga if you want to read online.
I didn't like the anime story much, Ed and Al seemed alot tamer in the anime and it just got ridiculous near the end when homunculi started popping up everywhere.
Its in a monthly magazine so we get a new chapter once a month.Quote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
I wouldn't say they were popping up everywhere but sloth getting out exactly where Ed and Al were was a lil far fetched yeah
the last chapter had a kickass ending, i can't believe Al's been possessed by pride, i can't w8 for the next one.
Yeah well the thing about humans being able to create homunculi by trying to bring the dead back to life didn't sit too well with me.
Yeah, the last chapter was great for so many reasons but as you can see, not much discussion goes on here.
Not many ppl seem to read the manga around here.
The way to create homunculi hasn't been explained that well so far in the manga, besides the human based ones, we just know it needs a philosopher's stone and countless lives.
Also i'm curious to know more about the alchemy of the ling country, as just what is the reason for the princess to be so uncomfortable when setting foot on Ed's land.
How homunculi are made has been explained pretty well, although not in full detail. The only thing that hasn't been explained is how "father" was created.
I think her being uncomfortable with it is because the source of their alchemy comes from the energy of the earth while the alchemy in Amestris uses the human life force as a source of power, something like that.
I bet it isn't as si ple as that, the energy of the earth is probably just a cover up story and the real source of the energy may be way more sinister than that, remember that Father was able to completely stop the power of all the alchemists that used the "normal" method.
Yeah well as much as I would like discussing conspiracy theories with you I gotta go so we'll take this up another time. Try to do some recruiting in the meantime.
-Well I checked my rep to see if there were any comments to post, and I noticed that I got neg repped for this post. Just to clear things up I wasn't being arrogant, I really do want to discuss crazy FMA theories with Archangel, I've been wanting to discuss FMA here for a long time. I really did just have somewhere to go.
I finally started getting more FMA manga and I've got up to 9 so far. I'm getting 10, 11 and 12 this saturday (if things go well, I'll get 3 books a week >3)
Anyway, The manga is amazing. It's so much more...intense than the anime. The anime had more sadness and stuff in while the manga feels more grown up. And a tad bit scary.
I count the days til I get more. D: I'm tempted to download it in the mean time since I'll be buying it anyway.
And is it just me, or is Roy more of a bastard in the manga?
Depends on how you look at things. I'm not sure how far you're in, but Roy seemingly does everything for a reason, and yea, Al being possessed was kind of surprising. I wouldn't be surprised if he was actually 'dead' now.
Al being possessed was brilliant! We're gonna see Ed going mad on the next chapter, maybe going for father himself so he can save his brother
I just read this manga up to the newest chapter!! Its great, even better than the anime. How will this brother confrontation end up?
Well Ed is gonna freak out, he won't know how to deal with this. He won't fight his brother we know at least that, so either the possession is only temporary or Ed is going for Father or Ed will try to get help from his own father.Quote:
Originally Posted by staffcc
Won't Al be almost invincible the way he is now? They can't really rub out his soul mark and kill him, and being only armor he can't be hurt either... I guess purging the enemy is most important, but maybe they will restrain him first...the problem is how to do that to something like Al, especially a possessed one. Who knows what kind of skills it has?
I think you guys are making a bit too much out of this, sure Pride is the strongest but its not like he is invincible. We've seen people, Ed's dad, deal with him and the people in Briggs, plus Greed is there with them so he and Ed should figure out how to negate his abilities pretty quickly. It should make for an awesome battle though.
Anyway I don't think Ed is going to fight Al atleast not in the conventional sense, he can attack him and pretty much do whatever he wants just as long as he doesn't disturb the part of the armor that has the blood seal. I think we've seen Al taken apart enough times to figure out how that works, and I don't think Pride is going to harm Al since they want to use both him and his brother on "The Promised Day"
hi, I've watched the anime for FMA and I want to pick up the manga. Can anyone point me out to the volume where the anime / manga take different paths for story? I want to try to pick it up from there if possible
I would recommend reading it from the beginning. There are some differences you'll notice right away, Al's and especially Ed's personality are different for example, among other things, and its not very long. If you're really not interested in reading it from the beginning then I think where they part ways is after volume 7, so you would want to pick it up from volume 8.
What abdula said is correct but if you don't want to bother with it te manga just really goes completely different the time after the Ed vs. Greed fight
read all of the manga that's out so far. it's very good. i love what they did with Scar, Armstrong and his sister, and the Homunculus as a villain is much more powerful than that Dante bitch in the anime...
Wrath is a much more interesting character as Bradley than he is in the anime. I love the scene where they're 'recycling' the old Greed, and Wrath keeps his back turned, although you know with that eye he still sees. Since he is the one Homunculus who knows for sure he will one day die, it was a scene that got to me. He's the most interesting of the Homunculi to me... I won't be surprised if he pulls some crazy shit towards the end...
Kimblee. Wow. The guy in the anime is your shounen run of the mill psychopath. The character in the manga, however, is really something else, and he might be my favorite out of all of the characters. He's sharp, dedicated, and very insightful. He doesn't deny that he enjoys killing people, but there's more to him than just bloodlust. I love the line during the Ishbal War flashback where he says, "When you kill someone you should look at them. Don't forget them. Don't forget them. They certainly won't forget you."
so, yeah, Marcoh can just kill Homunculi with a touch right now? That guy's got to get killed off pretty soon... Pride being inside of Al isn't going to be a cakewalk, but I agree that they probably won't kill him. That'd be the shocker of all shockers. Besides, I think Pride is more of an end-game opponent, the last one to go before 'Father' (him and Wrath). So I expect it to just be a fight, maybe a few of the more minor good guys get killed off, but sorta a bump in the road.
Chapter 86 is out
Awesome chapter, we get to see ran fan with an awesome upgrade, Ling is back in action if only for a little while and pride isn't as invincible as we thought he was.
Now i wonder if the lion kind will be able to get rid of pride or at least make him retreat for now. Also, if rei fan's there, that means the old guy isn't too far behind.
Lol, pride was never invincible, if you wanna defeat him all you gotta do is turn out the light. I'll check back after I've read the chapter.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
really a pretty good chapter. Gluttony always makes me chuckle, and, as said, Ran Fan is even more badass now.
the most important thing, to me, was about General Gramman (sp?). Pretty clever guy actually, although I still think a very pissed off (and possibly mortally wounded) Wrath is going to personally take revenge on him. But if he's going to 'leave Central' to Mustang... Armstrong is already in a bad spot there because the original homunculus is personally taking charge of things...
i'm confused a little bit. i thought when Hoenheim was underground and encountered Pride, it was pitch black...? But Pride attacked him then.
I was shocked and amazed that those two Chimaera dudes did so well in single combat against a homunculus (albeit situation where their enemy was at an extreme disadvantage). Still, fodder is fodder.
You'd think Pride would carry a lighter on him....
That was a great chapter, seems to be the norm with FMA now.
Yeah Gluttony is hilarious."Your head's hard I bet its chewy. Lemme have a bite." and "I'm hungry but no one is letting me eat them" Thats just hilarious stuff. That little exchange between Greed and Ling was funny too and so was Donkey Kong taking out Ed, I'm sure he did that on purpose. This series mixes in the humor really well.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Clever guy indeed, it seems like everyone with any rank in the military wants to become fuhrer I don't think word has reached Briggs yet about father showing up in central because that just ruins all of their plans.Quote:
the most important thing, to me, was about General Gramman (sp?). Pretty clever guy actually, although I still think a very pissed off (and possibly mortally wounded) Wrath is going to personally take revenge on him. But if he's going to 'leave Central' to Mustang... Armstrong is already in a bad spot there because the original homunculus is personally taking charge of things...
He had a lantern with him which he refused to put out.Quote:
i'm confused a little bit. i thought when Hoenheim was underground and encountered Pride, it was pitch black...? But Pride attacked him then.
I was pleasantly surprised too but it isn't really all that amazing these guys are good at combat and as you said both their opponents are at a severe disadvantage. Also this isn't the first time we've seen people do well in combat against homolculi, Greed is the only homunculus I've seen that actually cares about defense, him being the ultimate shield and all. Homunculi seem all too willing to let their opponents get a few shots in. I guess because its all the more demoralizing when their opponents accept that they don't have what it takes to kill them. I mean look at Pride, Lion King is attacking him from behind and Pride is leisurely complimenting him , he didn't even change the bored expression on his face.Quote:
I was shocked and amazed that those two Chimaera dudes did so well in single combat against a homunculus (albeit situation where their enemy was at an extreme disadvantage). Still, fodder is fodder.
Lol. You can see why thats not a workable option though.Quote:
You'd think Pride would carry a lighter on him....
Great chapter...unlike some series, there arent really any complaints to be made. even though there arent as many chapters, I enjoy this series as much as One Piece. By the way, what was Hoenheim up to? Just protecting the villagers, or did he not know what was going on?
Waaah! I'm finally up to date with the manga! And it's freaking amazing, bit better than the anime...
Did Ran- Fan get automail already? I mean, it seems really soon...or maybe it's prosthetics.
they are adapting another FMA anime, this time off of the manga. perhaps 'remake' is a better way of phrasing it than 'sequel'? not enough info is out about it yet, aside that it will be based off of the manga...
they'd have to scratch a shit ton of the old anime to make it true to the manga, so i don't see how this can be called a sequel at all.
bump for new chapter
Chapter 87 on Onemanga
Freaking badass chapter. So Pride ate Gluttony and acquired his abilities. Seems a bit convenient to me but whatever. Mustang and his group are making their move and they still don't know that father and sloth are in Central and it looks like Hohenheim is going to have to help take down Pride. Things are really developing nicely.
I wonder what's Mustangs's next move
Well now pride doesn't have a choice other that running, i really don't think he can take Hohenheim on, especially with ed and 3 ki sensing fighters beside him, even with the gluttony power up
I don't know what his next move is going to be but really, does it matter.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
If you think Pride is going to run, then you really need to learn the meaning of the word. It doesn't matter whether he can take them on or not, he is Pride he isn't going anywhere.Quote:
Well now pride doesn't have a choice other that running, i really don't think he can take Hohenheim on, especially with ed and 3 ki sensing fighters beside him, even with the gluttony power up
yeah, i have the same feeling about Pride standing his ground. he wouldn't even grimace when Mufasa was beating on him in the dark, I don't think he'll back down. He's clearly scared of Hoenheim though. But now that he's absorbed Gluttony (i have some beef with that, btw, if Homunculi could just merge like that I don't see why they didn't do it before when they were in some tight spots), I don't think he'll run either.
Roy revealed something very important in this chapter, that the bombing of the President's train was all Grumman's work. He was also smart enough to figure that Grumman might be setting him up, showing that he doesn't really trust the guy much at all. However, it's not good that Sloth and Father are in Central still, not to mention the army of human transmutation soldiers that are hidden there (cue Lady Armstrong to take care of that one, we hope). And his intel was dead wrong about Selim being with the Fuhrer.
Good move taking Wrath's wife hostage though. He totally handed them that card when he was talking to Hawkeye, but I still think it'll prove to be surprisingly effective.
Also, now we finally know why Roy is such a sex fiend!
It was also good how they used tons of light to destroy shadows in this chapter. Good switch from the 'pure darkness' to keep their enemy in check.
Good point, i forgot about that.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
FMA #88 is out.
Hmmm this chapter was kind of a letdown, i wish we could have seen what gluttony pride could really do. But i'm glad kimbley is back in the game, his character is quite entertaining to observe.
couldnt al just kill pride/glutony inside since he didnt have any powers in the dark?
I'm not quite sure he'd be able to do that. But one thing I like about the manga is how fleshed out the character of Scar is. Like, he's an admitted terrorist, but its not like he does it for shits and giggles, there's actually a purpose to what he does (like most people like that). Oh, and good show of Hoenheim. I lol'ed at the "2nd to none" and the fact that he thought Pruttony(?) was "scary" . He really does have a lot of power though...almost too much.
He probably could if he wasn't Al. Can u honestly think that he could killa child like pride even knowing that he's a homunculus?Quote:
Originally Posted by deadlydreamx
love that Kimblee's back. Hoenheim was sure a lot like a more subdued, older version of Ed in this chapter, wasn't he? His smart ass remarks surprised me, since I always thought he was more of a 'quiet, simple guy who stumbled on immeasurable power' type.
i like the strategy of just neutralizing Pride/Gluttony. But I thought it was a little too soon to have him break down and start talking like that to Al... doesn't show much of his namesake, does he?
Greed is never going to make it. What a stubborn bastard... your guys' topic...but does it take Viz long to translate manga? I read there are already 20 volumes out in Japanese and only 17 in English.
If you're going to take pity on yourself, don't kill people in the first place.
Don't avert your eyes away from death.
Look forward.
Look at the people you're killing in the face.
And don't forget them.
Don't forget.
Don't forget.
They won't forget you either.
(because KiMBLEY's FUCKING BACK!!!)
Chapter 89 - scanlated by 'anonymous'
edit - mother of god it's awesome
90 is out. It's a wild ride, folks!
Olivier Armstrong is just awesome.
I already knew those freaking mass-produced humonculi was going to go berserk, i wonder if they are easier to kill seeing as they were created by regular humans.
Kimbley is back, next chapter will be amazing.
Chapter 91 is out
I love Kimbley, very good chapter I wonder how strong Al got with the phoslepher stone. Envy seems to be back on her feet, I wonder what is her aim since the manga and the anime is alot different, they never really mention envy motives.
"you'll never get away with this, you cunt!!"
-from a former central high rank officer before squash to death
Chapter 92 is out online.
One Manga
Great chapter. We get to see more of Al's ingenuity, definitely love seeing him in action. Lol at Sloth being the fastest humonculus, makes perfect sense, and it looks like Kimbly may have finally gotten what was coming to him, in dramatic fashion too.
Chapter 93 at OneManga
well, there are ridiculously good chapters, and then there are 'shit the bed' really ridiculous chapters.
chapter 90 was one of those. Hoenheim is making a case for being the suavest good guy of them all, moreso than Mustang. There were several awesome shots, notable (profile of Father's face, eyes invisibile, next panel of Pride alone in the darkness, rattling on Alphonse's helmet, then a double encompass of Father in full light with his eyes open), also the Immortal Army soldier reflected in the single lens of the nameless scientist's glasses.
The, "that's right, I'm your daddy. And you're a good child." scene was awesome gore factor to elevate the clones. Pride triumphing after all was an excellent twist, and, of course, Ms. Armstrong is the only girl badass enough to deserve Kimbley.
chapter 91
love Kimblee's face when Pride responses to "so you ate Gluttony?" And then just sitting back when Al escapes into the dust, remarking smarmily about how he could clear it but... The guy is such a class act. And a sharp dresser! Best bad guy in the whole shibang as far as I'm concerned, especially since he doesn't have Homunculus level powers.
Heinkel was boss. What a tough fucking dude.
The good guys deserve to have Envy escape for letting him stay alive that long. But, well, he's back to being sexy, which I'm all for. The bad guys really can regroup very quickly in this manga, one of the reasons I enjoy it so much.
Ms. Armstrong was pretty surprised back there (and me too), when shit-bag general actually took a stand and didn't order his troops to stand down. Her line to Sloth was gold.
Hoenheim. So badass... he's never gonna make it...
Chapter 92
Alphonse with the Stone. Badass. He even pulled out the "Imagine Blade"
Kimblee was looking sorta silly, getting talked down on by Al like that (it was a good scene though, and it really brought Al's character (and Ed's, I suppose) into a very bright light. Give 'em the fourth option, Kimblee!
Oh Armstrongs. You put the sparkle into my daffodil. and it's amazing how there can be a dude getting squashed by a giant monster made using the souls of thousands of people in one panel, and then a comic relief panel making a joke out of exactly that. the humor is always there, just enough.
Sloth gained about ten levels of character development in this chapter too. I was wondering how he could be laying like a heap of slag at Father's place in one chapter and then be attacking Armstrong the next. Dude must be hooked up with the super stoner dope.
chapter 93
things are looking bleak for our heroes? Who can save them?
Yoki. What a fucking out of the blue save. Seriously
And Pride sent them on a goose hunt? Or...
....oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
Hawkeye's "bullets don't work on anything these days!" was the cutest thing she's ever done.
Envy even tried to get Scar to remember he used to be pissed off at State Alchemists. Then he goes and talks big, even decides to talk ridiculous shit to Mustang about killing Hughes. Oh, Envy! Don't you know you're the ONE Homunculus most grossly outnumbered by good guys?
new chapter is out!!
damn roy is one BAMF
Not sure i'll be reading that whit the new anime coming up and everything
Trust'll want to read it.
really good chapter. i totally enjoyed the action, even if it was pretty one sided with Envy getting destroyed ridiculously... The scene with Riza seeing through Envy's trick was my favorite. I also loved the brutal manipulation of information and how they used Bradley's wife as a pawn. Pretty smart, but what's going to happen when the Fuhrer shows up again?
Initially, I completely second the "christ, just let the man get his revenge if that's what he wants". One of the most overtouted anime/manga morality point is "revenge can only destroy a person". Now, I personally have never had such a burning desire for revenge, let alone one I would have made good on, but, seriously, it can't always be bad to bring people to justice, is it? (there's that word again). After all, Envy has gleefully mass-murdered and enjoys tormenting people. Wouldn't his death be the best thing?
But something got me thinking... A ways back, after Gluttony was killed the first time, Father simply recreated him. Father also made a point of recycling Greed so that he could make another Greed. Envy already squirmed his way out of being captured once, so part of me thinks it's absolutely idiotic to ever give him that chance again, but another part of me wonders if perhaps keeping him alive will somehow prevent Father from "recreating" him?
Or does it not work like that? Father recycle old Greed to make new Greed, but he seemed to just make Gluttony anew from his own body... But if he can just remake the dead Homunculi, why hasn't he remade Lust yet? Or has he and they're just saving her for some future "Fuck you good guys, thought you had a handle on it but one Homunculus isn't dead after all!" moment?
Originally Posted by 6Zabuza9
This chapter had me on edge. We really saw the serious fighting side of Roy. He was more crazy then when he fought Lust.
And I loved the: "When we're alone, the Colonel always calls me Riza"
Bust-ed. And then..."Just kidding"
God, I love Riza.
Chapter 95 Online Viewing:
One of the manliest chapters yet: Chapter 96
man, the soldiers in Central sure lived up to the hype of being sucky. the stupid transmuted soldiers just tearing things up sure seems to have been a trump card that was a complete and utter failure...
the dude who came to subdue Lady Armstrong, however, seems to be one of the great exceptions. just enough time bought for the cavalry. Sloth is fucked now.
i laugh every time they put Izumi's hubby and Armstrong together in the same scene.
Sloth's last line is about as beautiful as they get from an ugly, brainless, throw-away bad guy.
I have ZERO idea what Izumi means by 'the real dangerous ones'. I can only assume she means Father himself, because, really, what the hell, you just took out one of the Homunculi and are like 'yeah, not so bad?'
Hoenheim. MOTHER FUCKING WIN. I love it when a sorta clumsy, straight-talking good guy pulls the "I'm so not even trying to fight you right now!" move. And then he absolutely puts Father in his place. It reminds me a bit too much of the conversation Ed just had with Envy, and while it shows that the apple indeed doesn't fall far from the tree (in both cases), it is a little tedious.
and, just like that, Hoenheim gives Father an absurd power-up, but... what, gives him emotions? Are they gonna talk the guy down now? further confirmation Hoenheim isn't going to make it out of this alive. next chapter should have some interesting info about what exactly went down, but it seems Hoenheim is going to be fodder...
OMG seems like theres a round 2 between greed and wrath! =)
Damn, that was exciting! And now we know a lot more about Hoeinheim, to boot.
Ugh, I just went through this entire manga again up until the point where I left off and I could not stop reading. It took me an hour or two a day to get from chapter 1-97, but I didn't and I'm damn glad. The only down side is that I have to wait for the next chapter now. T_T
huheuheuhhehueheh... *drools*
I need to see Greed!Ling get in a few good shots.
New chapter up at OneManga and other usual places. Mostly just a fight chapter (albeit a really hardass fight chapter) but shit got real in the last few pages. Mustang is going to have to open the Gate to save everyone, I'd expect.
:O holy crap! Not only was that fight with Bradley epic, but what the heck happened to Ed, Al, and Izumi? It seems that all of the people who know the "Truth" got sucked back into the gate or something. Interesting.
Sounds like they're beginning the sacrifice thing they've been talking about since near the beginning of series.
The homunculus, that is.
Chapter 100:
stockpiled a few chapters. always like reading them 2 or 3 at a time.
Bradley was fucking pimp in chapter 97. you knew he wouldn't be put out of commission by that simple train-bomb plot. that guy's got End Game written all over him. the way he took out the Briggs tank without hardly breaking a sweat was excellent.
Buccaneer, then Old Ninja. GOD DAMN.. talk about sacrificing your body to make the big play. Buccaneer especially had the triple double, disarming Bradley and then actually managing to wound him. Briggs fucking pride baby. The slugs in Bradley's Central loyalist group can't seem to get anything done.
best comic moment had to be the Toilet Slipper Bitch Slap. least favorite thing was the almost completely new "Big Bad" scientist. His Bradley clones, i can forgive. I mean, it sure makes sense, not to sacrifice all those perfectly good soldiers... but you think a few of them would have been able to foster their anger about not becoming Fuhrer into some kind of rebellious trouble... But this guy has been in how many scenes up until this point? and he just turns around in chapter 100 and manages to totally screw three of the best alchemists in the series!
Ling screaming for an alchemist was probably the most moving moment this manga has had for quite some time.
and talk about a cliffhanger at the end of 100...
Its getting really really serious. I haven't been watching the new series, but If its the same tone as the manga, I will get into it. Damn, Bradley does not go down for anything. That guy is like literally made of win, it seems. Gree/ Ling unleashed looks freaking scary. That would make a cool Halloween costume :P
was not the chapter i had been hoping for. i enjoyed Bradley, as I always do, and it's always refreshing when the good guy cavalry arrival is tempered by a bad guy reinforcement.
i did think it was fairly lame that the chimera crew got into such a big spot, and that the whole chapter seemed to whizz right by the fact that Hawkeye was freaking dying in front of Mustang's eyes. you would have thought this would be the perfect time to do a deep flashback, or at least play with the reader's emotions a bit... but that didnt happen at all. it was, however, perfectly fitting for Hawkeye and Roy to act like that.
we had more emotional content on the part of the Briggs soldiers learning about Buccaneer's death than we had about Mustang and Hawkeye facing this crisis...
will probably be some nice action when it gets animated. but i'm hoping the next chapter is an improvement on this
Granted, Buccaneer actually died. Hawkeye was wounded but she'll live.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Recently re-read the manga to get me up to speed with the newest chapters (I'd essentially forgotten 90% of what had happened) and it's awesome. I watched some of the new anime too but... eh... I guess anime isn't my thing anymore, I don't have the patience to sit through a 30 minute episode when I could just read the same chapter in 5-10 minutes.
MediaFire | Online Viewing
That's pretty sad; to get so close, then just lose his body.
all about manga chapter 102
oh. my. god.
aside from the "fuck, Mustang is BLIND" twist, the highlight of this chapter for me were the two Homunculi. Wrath, seemingly facing the end, is still just as boastful and badass as ever (it is looking slimmer and slimmer that my Anakin Bradley theory will play out. but i do enjoy being wrong some times!). Pride had to have the most golden villain reaction I have ever seen to a hero's misfortune, with his "Have you gone blind? Splendid!" fucking cold
and Bradley, finally showing respect to someone in his last hour? I like how they brought back the name issue.
i can only assume the "assimilated" alchemist Wrath said that Pride assimilated was Kimblee? Was he really up on par with the Elrics? (for that matter, I'd never really considered Mustang or Kimblee on that level...) seems to me that the Homunculi should have just been assimilating alchemists starting a long time back... no need to keep all these meddlesome people alive...
of course, this isn't about the Homunculi. it's about Ed and Al. And, man, Al really did make a noble move, returning to the battle in the best condition he could help in, even though he has been trying to get his body back for so long... but, damn. those last words from the body were CREEPY (not to mention those eyes!). i mean, seriously, has the body sorta gone mad? when it was referring to Al's return bringing nothing but ruin and despair, was he talking about the soul returning one day for the body? or just returning to the real world? (how the hell would he even know what is going on in the real world? though i suppose the nature of the gate and the truth could explain that...) either way, the way he addressed the soul as "Alphonse" seems to suggest that the body has taken on some kind of new identity.
all in all, a very bad chapter for our heroes. I LOVED IT!!!
Probably not Kimblee, but the old doctor that he just encapsulated in his shadow.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Poor Mustang, having to be forced through the gate and made to sacrifice something when he didn't even want for anything.
Also, Alphonse's body, or the conscience in it, seems to hint that Al definitely blew his last chance to reclaim himself without any form of horrible repercussion.
There was something unsettling about Al's body responding. I took it like it knew something and didn't seem to be "his" but more of another type of puppet.
Also the whole wrapping up how each lost part of their body in relation to their goal, I never thought of it like that.
I thought Roy was the one who had been "assimilated"?
i am still majorly confused about the whole thing with Pride, Roy, the doctor, and Kimblee.
Wrath explicitly referred to the doctor as "materials", and his body was the leftovers of the transmutation that sent Roy to the gate... but... again, I have to think that the assimilated alchemist has to be Kimblee.
but that still doesnt make any sense! how the fuck does Pride assimilating Kimblee give him the ability to MAKE Roy open the Gate? I thought a highly skilled alchemist had to perform a type of alchemy that went beyond equivalent exchange in order for them to arrive at the Gate? (after all, Marcoh has never been to the Gate, and the dude made Philosopher's Stones). did Pride grab Mustang and have him activate the array that Pride had drawn on the floor? that still doesn't seem to make sense...
i smell plot hole
and, yeah, i agree wit Prof Chaos. It felt way too strange that Al's body responded the way it did, as if it knows what is going to happen... and bag said it too, but how could the body know all this? (and what in the world is going on with Al's mind? it seems like there are two now, one with the boy, one with the soul... that cannot be good for when they merge again...)
also, the shot with Al's body standing in front of the Gate.... I mentioned once in an anime discussion thread about the designs on the Gates. Particularly the scene where Ed meets Al's body. The design on the Gate that Ed has come through (and returns through) has the Kabbalistic Tree of Life on it, and the very prominent bottom part is the creation of God. However, the design on the Gate that Al's body is sitting outside of is quite different. It almost seems to be a reversed image of the Tree.
page 40 of this chapter, Al's body's final, foreboding words as the Gate closes. I can make out a few words. Leo, Mercurius, and what look like ---gentum, li--, and rubeus?
What I CAN see is Al's body standing in the divide between the clearly marked Corpus and Spiritus. The positioning screams trouble, accenting the divide between the body and spirit.... certainly not a good omen...
Ed's tree has Malkuth on the bottom.
I cannot find anything that looks like the image on Al's Gate
al's door was something from a alchemist (or chemist O.o?) from the 15th century...
you are talking about ed's and al's door, what about roy's?
back to the transmutation "roy" performed, all the alchemists need to touch the transmutation circle, and this one had even roy's blood, pride activated it while roy "made" the transmutation. we didnt even got to see what he transmutated...
by the way there is no way to make perform a transmutation beyond the equivalent trade unless you have a philosopher stone which is raw power, spirits or w/e, that gets used and thus making it somewhat equivalent again.
human transmutation seems to be the way to open the gate, in the two transmutations we saw there was a "body" container, and the one to open the gate used his own blood to get the body a soul/information as edward said before transmuting his mother.
then the truth got a piece from each alchemist in equivalent trade for information inside the gate/truth
on another note. i think most likely that the truth is inside al's body, he is the truth, he knows everything thats going on, and maybe everything thats going to happen?
Yeah, this latest chapter pretty much blew my mind.
Nothing else to note. :)
So Bradley's probably fucked now, huh? Finally. Go Scar, go!
Yeah, Scar's arm threw me off. Now, are we supposed to be under the impression he's always had this arm, or was this a result of reading his brother's notes or something? Only releasing once a month, and with an entire other continuity, makes it hard to remember things.
Thanks guys for talking about it and not linking a place to get it from.
FMA 103 at OneManga
Things should be wrapping up soon.
i understand that Mei is a child, and it was absolutely badass that she wanted to take on Father all by herself (and what the hell is wrong for Ed and Al even letting her try?). but the girl was there when Scar fought Father, so, unless I am forgetting something, wouldn't she have already known that Father can attack without moving?
The fight with Scar and Wrath is going to be fucking epic when it gets animated. Wrath manuvering Scar to slip on the blood, grabbing the broken piece of blade, and Scar using his trump card at the last possible moment. Bradley's face is pricelesss.
But, hell, it is ridiculously shounenesque, that Scar would just be sitting on his ability to use full alchemy for so long. When the hell did he even do the tattoo?
I've always said, "Scar is going to be the redeemed one" He's awesome, powerful, but he's just done too much to make it all the way to the end. The blow he took from Bradley looked pretty nasty, but, hell, nobody's been beat up as much as Scar. I think we get an explanation (and flashback) about how he did the tattoo, then he kills Wrath while getting mortally wounded himself. (funny thing is, I was also absolutely certain, for a very long time, that Bradley would end up pulling a Vader at the end of all this. i can't see that happening now, not with this matchup)
Sugooi Scans
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Did that just happen? Wow...
No, it can't be. That's impossible. About the only thing I can see happening is that with the Xing transmutation circle, if it was completed, only borrowed everyone's soul and didn't destroy it.
Yeah, there ain't a whole lot I can say other than "wow" myself.