Yeah but you're not at the stage in your life where you have to make nice with people or things can get difficult, especially at work. When people reach middle-age, they think they know what's what, and they won't forgive anyone who tells them differently. It doesn't help that I look young, so they think they're helping me out by talking about life lessons that I already had and don't need any help with. Plus you're a big guy, so you can get away with being brazen. I have no such luck.
I had my wisdom teeth taken out and the drugs didn't help. :mad:
I had the same problem, except it was because my aggie orthodontist didn't wait for the drugs to kick in before operating. Then by the time he was finished, I had to stumble to the car because the drugs were then in full effect.
Btw, welcome back Jaitne.
I don't even remember how I got to the car >.> And all the pills made me sick, so I was incapacitated for an entire week.
Oh, and thank you! :D
Aye, welcome back!
I never got my wisdom teeth removed (I have no extra wisdom to spare). So, I have no idea of the bloody horrors...
Mine are all still idling around in me. We've got a mutual contract not to annoy each other. If they don't keep me happy, I'll show no mercy, and vice versa.
I've had teeth removed from the orthodontist though, and I was so glad the anesthetics were in full effect. The extracting wasn't painful, but you'd never want to hear the ear-splitting CRACK and the feeling of something wrenched from your jaw again.
Not to mention the needles. Sharp probing thing squirming around in your mouth.......argh.
I hate designing test cases for projects I was not required to attend to... just because the one that went is lazy I have to do them... send me to the damn meeting instead! so I can know what the fuck is the project about... so I can design the test cases...
The lazy woman who went to the meeting instead of me practically gave the work to do yesterday before I was leaving for home... and she wants it done for today at midday? screw it... I won't have it ready for then. She said she promised it would be done by that time? well to bad...
Why do you have to put up with it? You don't talk about her like she's your superior, though she may be, and it doesn't sound like it affects you greatly if it doesn't go well.
I'll be talking with the boss today actually... I'll be asking him to send me to the meetings (even though they bore me, but at least I will know what the heck it is about). For now, I'll just do the set, and if they are not okay, too bad...
and yes... she is not my superior...
Yeah but is she hot? You don't want to ruin your chances by not caving in to her requests.
dude... that is gross... really gross (you can imagine...)
Current bitching :
I was tasked to price out an additional ip address we need for a web site we're going to be hosting so i did and they told me I'd have to get 5 minimum and that it would be $10 a month... WOW, thats pretty cheap. I was expecting it to be alot more than $10.
but it could not be that easy... could it? of course not. got approval to buy them and then call today and apparently they have a policy about ip blocks and since we already have 5 we would have to get 13 total to get any more ips and in getting 13 more that means we'd have to change all of our current ip settings everywhere.
the 24 hour 'grace period' to make all of this happen seems very small and makes this into a huge pain in the ass.
I've been doing horribly in the gym lately. I started off a new routine this summer quite well, but I've regressed in a few areas. Today was chest day and I couldn't for the life of me lift the weight I had been doing weeks prior. I also ended up doing less reps as well.
Very disheartening. Something has to change.
If you don't have one, get a workout buddy. They'll motivate you and keep you going. Also, try wearing weight-lifting gloves. I hear they help you lift heavier than you thought you could. As always, diet and adequate sleep make a big difference.
Best bet is to make an enemy that you might have to fist fight. That will motivate you to work out harder.
Oh, I already go to the gym with a friend of mine every time and motivation isn't ever a problem with me. Your suggestion about sleep might be the problem here, since I haven't been getting much recently (a bitch all on its own). Insomnia is terrible.
I'm making good gains and improvements with all the other exercises, I just need to reconsider my approach to benching.
Mobile phone networks were blasted to oblivion from sunrise till sundown today. It covered the whole city plus all the surrounding suburbs and affected all carriers. Today I had to pick up someone from the airport as well as meeting up with a group of friends at "Entrance of X" where X has multiple entrances. Everything worked out I guess, despite wasting heaps of time.
I got semi-volunteered into setting up an ultra cheap piece of crap camera system. They are ''wireless'' except for their long power cords and their range is pretty bad... for some reason we ended up w\ this crappy set of cameras as a result of an impulse buy after our last attempted break-in at the office.
So basically we could have spent a few hours shopping around and bought some quality easy to set up ip-based cameras instead of the crap we have and it would have ended up being cheaper after yyou subtract the time i will have spent on them by the time i'm done.
i've already got a good 6 or more hours invested in tinkering w\ these cheap ass cameras ...
My dad bought some cheap DVD-Rs, and I've been burning stuff on them since a month or two ago. Now I find out that my burner doesn't like it, and about 1-5 chances, a disc's completely unusable. I've gotten into the habit of not verifying the stuff, and deleting after burning. Luckily there wasn't much anime I had to redownload.
Not getting this shoddy brand again. The innocent, white faces of these devils were really deceiving though.
What brand are they so we know what not to buy?
Buying the cheapest media is probably never the brightest of ideas. The bigger brands likely try to maintain some sort of consistent quality level but if you intend to buy a good chunk of decent disks for a decent price without wanting to pay extra for the name in the label, then the only wise choice is to buy only media based on the media code. I vaguely remember mentioning Video help here before, but let's say it again: It's a golden site for checking media codes before placing the order.
I have been lately buying consistently Verbatim media, whose media code I've checked every time before ordering (the web store I buy from lists media codes; I wouldn't buy from a shady shop that doesn't). It's good to keep in mind when shopping for these semi-quality brand media that the batch and the factory mean everything. Thus it's essential to check the media code and not just stare at the brand, because these companies get their media from factories here and there and then sell it under their name.