The only time I actually use a bank machine is when I need to deposit a cheque.
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The only time I actually use a bank machine is when I need to deposit a cheque.
i do most of my banking online but my taxes and stimulus check weren't direct deposit :(
Current bitch : I want to buy the 80gb ps3 thats coming out thursday w\ metal gear...
I'm seeing them on amazon and ebay for over $600... really hope they don't sell out before I can buy one.
Wait I'm confused. How is being in a bank when it gets robbed, not to mention that nothing was stolen from the bank itself or you for that matter, going to allow you to get out of your lease?Quote:
Originally Posted by itadakimasu
The bank is like 2 blocks from where we live... its hard to feel safe when things like that happen right next to where you live.
The bank didn't lose money because washington mutual is smart and they have you do transactions at podiums w\ computers then you have to goto a seperate "cash" podium and enter a code given to you by the clerk. They can still force tellers to give them cash but its much longer of a process then a traditional open your damn drawer kind of robbery.
Anyhow... current bitch : i'm too lazy to go out at this hour of night to buy the ps3 and nobody has their websites updated to let me buy one online even though it's now the 12th :( I really hope a bunch of douche bags who have owned ps3's for the past year don't buy up all these ps3's just to sell them for $100-200 profit...
I'd say just be patient and hope for the best. I don't think it'd sell out too easily, I think Konami made enough to meet with demands of 1 per customer, so, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Also, about the problem with the douche bags, it's happening one way or another, it just can't be avoided.
idk... im worried because i was looking on ebay the other day and there are alot of them people bought for $750.... and lots of others @ 600+
im going to try to buy from walmart because they have $1000 gift card w\ purchase.
I fucking hate pants.
To be more precise, i hate the current fashion trend in jeans. I was at the mall with a friend today and saw this nice pair of white (with a very light hint of blue) jeans. i tried on 32/34 (waist/length) and it was as always, tight around the thighs, but perfect around the waist. Apparently guys nowadays like to have jeans which tape your crotch to your leg...its fucking uncomfortable. I decided to buy it, one size bigger (34/34)...i come home and try them on, and it turns out they're even tighter. WTF?!? how is that even possible.
I very rarely go shopping, and when i do i hardly ever find pants i like, particularly i was rather pissed that the one pair i liked was so fucked up. I dont wanna buy something 4 sizes bigger just to be able to wear it and have 4 inches of slack around the waist. Now i have to go return them, which i hate to do,
Fucking metrosexual fashion....since when did guys start showing off thier asses?
I found Waldo.
My bitch: people who can speak English but choose not to.
I have a few housemates that can speak Cantonese. They can speak English perfectly fine, but when they talk to each other, they always talk in Cantonese and do it very loudly. It's not like they've known each other for a long time; one of the guys only moved in a week ago. So what is this? They're too cool to speak English? Cantonese is so awesome that when they speak it, they have to let everyone else in the house know they're speaking it?
dont be hatin on the mother tongue BoC
It's not my mother tongue. Cantonese is one of those annoying languages. It makes whoever speaking it sound like a flaming douchebag. Some people are okay, but most of the time, if it's a dude speaking Cantonese then he probably sounds like a douche.
I speak Cantonese
It's okay as long as you don't think you're cooler than everyone else because you speak Cantonese.
Good job on the recovery BoC!!
It's not because I speak Cantonese :cool:Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
I was wondering what you(BoC) would say. It was quite well done.Quote:
Originally Posted by Eurasian
I was watching the NBA finals game with those two guys just now, and they keep yelling and pissing their pants in Cantonese. I don't know Cantonese so I just sat there and tried to tune them out. It was tough because they were screaming at the top of their lungs.
I would never do something like that to other people. When I'm talking to other Chinese people while non-Mandarin speakers are around, I never speak Mandarin. If I absolutely need to, such as talking with my parents, I do it quietly. In fact, my parents are the only people I speak Mandarin with. I haven't spoken with my parents in over a week, which means I haven't spoken Mandarin in over a week. I don't care. I don't try to announce to the world that I can speak Mandarin and feel like hot shit because of it. Some of my friends don't even know that I can speak Mandarin. I can speak perfectly fine; it's just that I'd rather speak English in an English-speaking society. I'm also much better with English. Why? Because I use it.
On a related note - fobs on the bus. Every day, there are stupid Chinese dudes on the buses I ride who talk and laugh really really loud in Mandarin. WTF is their problem? It bothers me because it gives a bad image to Asian people, which happens to include me.
I approve.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Do these guys also think Yao Ming is the next coming of Bill Russell/Walt Chamberlain? This Chinese guy I talked to in Beijing got upset when I told him the Rockets were T-mac's team.
I hear you about the FOBs man. They try their hardest to make us westernized Asians look like we're third world too.
English is definately my better language, since the schools here use English as the medium and I don't have a very wide vocab base for my Mandarin. But still, I almost always use Mandarin when I'm talking to my Chinese friends. It just sounds more casual, and more expressive some times.
I'll use different languages depending on who I'm talking to and stuff. One thing I've never been able to do is to mix them. I use one or the other. I hear others do it, and it definitely sounds odd. Of course, that is besides the obvious words.
Do you mean like Chinglish?Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian