Doesn't really give off a desert vibe. The burnish is too dark and there're too many reds and greens.
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Doesn't really give off a desert vibe. The burnish is too dark and there're too many reds and greens.
yea it looks more like a swamp.
use search, r3n has a grunge tutorial thread.Quote:
Originally posted by: Itachi_y2k5
cool, how do you make them cool grudge backgrounds ?
shit, fine then its a sandy swamp i dont know, oh well to lazy to work on it so Im keeping it like that.Quote:
Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
yea it looks more like a swamp.
like the sigs FF; the first one is the best
whow fox. those sig's are nice
awesome sig!
those are cool fox.
@ FoxFire - All of those sigs are great!
Funny that you use that pic for the first Sasuke sig, since I used it for a sig of mine.
*Stealin' a page out of NarutoMaster's book*
Anyways, heres a new GW sig that I'll be sporting.
Very basic, nothing flashy. Not as generic as my Dosu sig though...
That's probably one of the ugliest sigs I've ever seen.
I usually try/want to give constructive criticism but I just can't this time.
lol, it hurts my eyes
new sig
Edit that quote to dialogue that doesn't sound like Sasuke proclaiming his superior retardation.Quote:
Originally posted by: gaaralovessand
@ FoxFire - All of those sigs are great!
Funny that you use that pic for the first Sasuke sig, since I used it for a sig of mine.
*Stealin' a page out of NarutoMaster's book*
Anyways, heres a new GW sig that I'll be sporting.
damn boc i have to agree with mut, thats is one ugly sig. if it was animated i bet youd get a seizure if you stared at it for too long.
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
Edit that quote to dialogue that doesn't sound like Sasuke proclaiming his superior retardation.Quote:
Originally posted by: gaaralovessand
@ FoxFire - All of those sigs are great!
Funny that you use that pic for the first Sasuke sig, since I used it for a sig of mine.
*Stealin' a page out of NarutoMaster's book*
Anyways, heres a new GW sig that I'll be sporting.
is there really anything sasuke says in the anime that doesnt do that(showing his retardation); gaara might as well keep it blank, or make something up
Sakura: "I love you."Quote:
Originally posted by: Knives122
is there really anything sasuke says in the anime that doesnt do that(showing his retardation)
Sasuke: "You're annoying."
All this scene needed was a beer bottle worked into it somehow and it would have been the greatest scene in all of Naruto.
BOC: Good to see popular opinion hasn't swayed your asthetic sensibilities any.
Fox Fire: Sexy. Very sexy.
GLSand: P ulling pages out of NM's playbook is always ill advised. You are just a gnat's breadth away from growing bad facial hair. Remove the quote or at least find a better one. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Meh... Maybe I'll just put his name in like FF did.Quote:
Originally posted by: Knives122Is there really anything sasuke says in the anime that doesnt do that(showing his retardation); gaara might as well keep it blank, or make something upQuote:
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
Edit that quote to dialogue that doesn't sound like Sasuke proclaiming his superior retardation.
*damns NM's influence*
@BoC - Thats... interesting...
@Itachi_y2k5 - thats a nice Link sig! Although, I cant see the username real good.
@gaaralovessand, i'll get onto that