RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
Naruto: punk rock
Sasuke: trance
Sakura: top 40 n00b
Ino: same as Sakura
Shikamaru: too lazy to download (yes download) music. Is forced by Ino to listen to her music.
Chouji: Fat Joe
Shino: Rammstein. His favorite song is "Ich will" and he loves the music video with the ants pwning the beetles
Hinata: I can only imagine her listening to Rythem or other kinds of kawaii music
Kiba: Snoop Dogg, Nate Dogg, Lil' bow wow
Kakashi: J-hop like Dragon Ash and Rip Slyme
Gai: Country. just imagine him with a cowboy hat XD
Rock Lee: he used to listen to the same music as Gai but now he listens to Linkin Park Ï tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it doesn't even matter."
Neji: hardcore (dance)
Ten Ten: J-pop
Orochimaru: Marilyn Manson (Michael Jackson is innocent!!! he is still weird though)
Tsunade: Hip-Hop, Dancehall because I can easily imagine her shaking her stuff
Jiraya: same as Tsunade but he doesn't listen to the music; he only looks at the chicks in thongs in the video clips and at live performances
3th: Reggae!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
hmm. in my opinion, too many of the characters would probably listen to various kinds depending on mood. i dont think i could associate one type with any one character.
Although i can see the 3rd listening to reggae
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
Originally posted by: chambers
You could (and probably would) say that 2+2=5
thats an insult.
You insulted me in the post before that.
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
i called you biased, it isnt an insult, its what your views were, biased.
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
SofaKing... chambers... Grow up. This stupid argument you to have, just let it be. It doesn't matter who started it.
What kind of music do they listen to?
Originally posted by: chambers
itachi aint metal, itachi is hardcore.just somthing with the most incredibly loud base line beating over and over again.
also sasuke= angsty teen
metal= angsty teen music
therfore hes obvioulsy listens to metal.
Angsty teen music? Do you know how many people that are much much older than teens go to metal shows? More than the teenagers that go. EMO is angsty teen music, not metal. You obviously 1) don't know how to spell worth shit, making your post stupid from the beginning, and 2) don't listen to much metal.
Incredibly loud bass line over and over? How many people that are older than teenagers listen to incredibly loud bass lines over and over? Not many. Obviously this is an opinionated thread, but you are very, very mistaken.
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
why so? because i chose music based on what suits the character rather than what i would like the person to listen to? the reason older people dont listen to songs that feature repeating base tracks is because the music hasnt been around that long. also dont make fun of my spelling when your grammar is fucking pathetic, this isnt an englsh forum and i will spell however the hell i want to, my posts are readable.
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
haha lol Knyteguy got OWNED [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
Jirayaa listens to Barry White, helps with his research
Oro litens to Bjork Feat howling Ghouls
Tsunadee loves the Beatles
....and I think you'll all agree with me when I say (unless ur german ofcourse) Sakura is well into David Hasslehof!
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
I want to see all the cool characters rap in the new intro/outro [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
Originally posted by: chambers
why so? because i chose music based on what suits the character rather than what i would like the person to listen to? the reason older people dont listen to songs that feature repeating base tracks is because the music hasnt been around that long. also dont make fun of my spelling when your grammar is fucking pathetic, this isnt an englsh forum and i will spell however the hell i want to, my posts are readable.
They are hardly readable, but that isn't the point. You say metal is angsty teen music, yet you show no arguments for this statement at all. I say that only teenagers listen to repetitive bass lines (read: gay), and you say it hasn't been around long enough. It actually has been around since mid-early 80s, although it was semi-underground. All your points are completely invalid at all, if you had said that Sasuke listened to just "angsty teen music" leaving out the metal, it would have been a completely valid point and it wouldn't have been a controversy as it is now.
Also, my grammar is not perfect, but it also isn't pathetic, as again you show no points for that argument at all. All this is invalid, however. So until you can show some support for any of your arguments, you're beat.
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
they listen to whatever plays in the background at the place they are drawn into...
they don't really have a choice in the matter.
What kind of music do they listen to?
Duh thats just what we hear.[img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
Originally posted by: Knyteguy
Originally posted by: chambers
why so? because i chose music based on what suits the character rather than what i would like the person to listen to? the reason older people dont listen to songs that feature repeating base tracks is because the music hasnt been around that long. also dont make fun of my spelling when your grammar is fucking pathetic, this isnt an englsh forum and i will spell however the hell i want to, my posts are readable.
They are hardly readable, but that isn't the point. You say metal is angsty teen music, yet you show no arguments for this statement at all. I say that only teenagers listen to repetitive bass lines (read: gay), and you say it hasn't been around long enough. It actually has been around since mid-early 80s, although it was semi-underground. All your points are completely invalid at all, if you had said that Sasuke listened to just "angsty teen music" leaving out the metal, it would have been a completely valid point and it wouldn't have been a controversy as it is now.
Also, my grammar is not perfect, but it also isn't pathetic, as again you show no points for that argument at all. All this is invalid, however. So until you can show some support for any of your arguments, you're beat.
didnt we just get over this discussion?
i didnt know that we had to present a list of arguments to back up our guesses on what music the characters listen to
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
i dont think he was referring to that but referring to the point that chambers called metal angsty teen music which is wrong but if you read the whole thread terra already corrected ihm on that part and its usless to start another fight in this thread.