Originally posted by: ?igma
read the quote and the reply, I make perfect sense, you're just utterly dumb.
and by using the chidori as a magnetic force (or so it seemed to me, like a highspeed train works) Sasuke can "pull" himself forward faster. As in reality, and I assume it has been used the same here, electrical energies can glide along a surface to make 'it' move faster. As a magnetic force.
Bashing an object into the wall would normally make you go slower, so I figured he used it as such.
HAHAHA, ok dude. whatever you say. chidori becomes a magnetic force. right. why are you making up stuff that hasn't been said in the anime/manga? when was any of that said or even remotely hinted? what you said is just complete garbage. the best part about what you said is that you 'figured' he used it as such. hahahahaha good one, you're on the verge of making hokage-iv look smart. hahaah nice try.