RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
Has anyone noticed that although the battle is over and the big fights are won, none of the bad guys who did this thing died O_o
Neither Gaara nor Oro or even Kabuto for that matter died, i was sure someone was gonna die so we would get some feeling of satisfaction but they all ran away. And what about Kankuro? he atleast should have been dead after having chakra bugs eat him. all and all only the 3rd died and a bunch of low level ninja's.
Thats just not right.
Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
yeah, i noticed that the bad guys didn't else would they have an aniversary of the death of hokage royal rumble?
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
Originally posted by: Baka_Desuyo
Originally posted by: Knives122
Originally posted by: LostAngel
:: big smile :: They are bringing Tsunade into the series, I just noticed that shes in the opening. I would take a clip but I am not sure if you can post pics up in the forums or not so Im not. But Almost at the end of the new opening where it pans over Naruto standing in front of Jiriaya whose in the color red, Orchi who looks like the color purple, then its her, Tsunade, in GREEN!! YaY!! I KNOW SHES GOING TO BE THE 5 TH NOW!!! Don't argue the point that its not her because it is!! *does a lil dance of joy*!!!
And the colors usually mean something Like red=power blue=speed, i think green=defense and i dont know what purple is.
Who did you talk about that had blue? Or were you just using it as an example?
I was using blue as an example, sorry if i confused anyone
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
He also used Sasuke, not only because of his l337 uchiha-ness, but his hotness, his bad ass-ity, and his blatant ability to turn to the darkside...
Neji would work, but for the reason he's awesome is the reason he wouldn't work... there would always be that 1 jutsu that would kill him, making Orochimaru's efforts for nothing. Ya know what I mean?
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
Bakasan Naruto 81 is OUT, but it isnt working for me, any luck for you guys?
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
i always wait for the quality of a/a
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
I was just listening to the ending of episode 80, and they DO say 'Gaara ni mo nai' which means "Gaara here [mo] not" ...basically. It would kinda make sense in an anime-arc way to give some sort of 'closure'. And maybe they're saying it cuz a youma/demon guy isn't there for them to get power from; with both gaara and naruto there, they could have been 'hitting two birds with one stone'. (And "Gaara" does not mean "character" in any way) Well, that's just my view I conjured up right now ^^''
Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
oh crap. sorry ppl if that's a spoiler....u can delete it ^^ or part of it, or whatever. i hope i don't bring up another bout of this issue...i just don't visit forums often