Fan Japanese?
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Fan Japanese?
Nan da, temee, Did you just call me kisama?Quote:
Neji-Aniki-sama: What in the name of Mario Kart 64 are you talking about?
Nothing really. I just called Saske a big idiot and later, put the phrase in context... that's all. No biggy...
Yeah, I thought it was Gai too! Then I did a double take and flipped back pages. I guess the fifth (godaime right?) healed him up real well.
she had to of created like a special healing jutsu to help him heal so fast cause i don't think he could recover so fast unless he got the surgery and this is a temporary fix so that he could help naruto and them out
im still wondering who the other reinforcment is cause the title the reinforcments have arrived meaning more than one person
Ok three possibilities I see:
1. Tsunade is uber good at healin, Lee is uber good at speed, so catching up to them is no problem.
2. Lee already had his sugery before the Genin team left and was just recovering at the time, even though he had his crutch and bandages on he probably doesn't rely on it as much. He decided that he was in good enough condition to help his friends.
3. Lee is still injured, he somehow got temporary boost in power (whether it be opening a gate or eating a couple of those soldier pills). Lee wants to protect Sakura from any pain, emotional or physical - even if its screwing up his chances of being a ninja again Lee came out to help.
Lee is lee, there is no reason why someone would do a henge (unless its a really stupid diabolical plan made by Orochimaru)
i dont think tsuande would create a temporary thing she wouldnt do that to lee, if it is a temporary ultra painkiller or something he will still take damage even tho he wont feel it. i think the genin team might have been out longer than we thought. she could have started the surgery after she had told shikamaru what to do, finish it in a couple of hours. how long would it take for a sennin that specializes in healing jutsu's to perfrom even a hard surgery?Quote:
Originally posted by: sangai sakusei
she had to of created like a special healing jutsu to help him heal so fast cause i don't think he could recover so fast unless he got the surgery and this is a temporary fix so that he could help naruto and them out
im still wondering who the other reinforcment is cause the title the reinforcments have arrived meaning more than one person
Gai is so cool ^^
That whole part when he enters and kicks Jiraiya by accident always makes me laugh, and just imagining it completely animated... aaah, I can't wait!!
Hai, fan-japanese desu. Totemo baka-na koto da yo... honto ni, urusai yo, omae-tachi. Watashi-tachi wa america-jin to eigo wo hanaseru-jin dakara, eigo dake hanashimashou!!!!
In plain english, "Can we all speak in english please??" Or perhaps I should start writing random words in spanish too?
I have a preety good idea that the next re-inforcment that its Gaara. It seems to me that Gaara has a score to settle with Oro considering that Orochimaru killed his father. And since Gaara has "seen the light" thanks to Naruto helping that he really is not alone. Plus he might try and help out Naruto settle the score or get Sasuke to see the light also.
Or maybe even just to surpise Lee, help out lee with the fight with Kimimaro. I know somewhere in the next couple of manga episodes that Lee is going to say something like "My body hasnt healed to its full potential yet" Or "Damn, the healing jutsu Tsunade performed, hasnt taken its full effect"
All I know that the majority of the people I know thinks that the next re-inforcement is Gaara. Otherwise who else would it be?
Then again I didnt think Rock lee would be back soo soon, I dont think anybody did. So Kishimoto has good storytelling skills.
What are you guys talkin' about, Lee has recovered from the operation and is back on track, getting started for a fight with kimmimaro, you don't have to argue about that..
It could be Shino he might of got bk from his mission with his dad and tsunade asked him to go along and help them. i dont think Gaara will come but would be cool if he did.Quote:
Originally posted by: Hokage_Naruto
I have a preety good idea that the next re-inforcment that its Gaara. It seems to me that Gaara has a score to settle with Oro considering that Orochimaru killed his father. And since Gaara has "seen the light" thanks to Naruto helping that he really is not alone. Plus he might try and help out Naruto settle the score or get Sasuke to see the light also.
Or maybe even just to surpise Lee, help out lee with the fight with Kimimaro. I know somewhere in the next couple of manga episodes that Lee is going to say something like "My body hasnt healed to its full potential yet" Or "Damn, the healing jutsu Tsunade performed, hasnt taken its full effect"
All I know that the majority of the people I know thinks that the next re-inforcement is Gaara. Otherwise who else would it be?
Then again I didnt think Rock lee would be back soo soon, I dont think anybody did. So Kishimoto has good storytelling skills.
O_o. scary. i think i've been watching too much anime. as cool as it is, i think i understood more of that than i wanted to...Quote:
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Hai, fan-japanese desu. Totemo baka-na koto da yo... honto ni, urusai yo, omae-tachi. Watashi-tachi wa america-jin to eigo wo hanaseru-jin dakara, eigo dake hanashimashou!!!!
Ok, I haven't read through the topic.. But for some reason I don't believe that it really is Rock Lee... Just the way he said that he didn't want to explain how he was healed, in anime everyone usually freezes in time while someone explains something =P... I dunno, someone in disguise? Who? I dunno, why? I dunno either. But that's just a feeling i got while reading it.
i wrote the times becuase.
- when the two chunins find sakura, they say it's 4 am, then they go to Tsunde which sends for Shikamaru, and she gives him half an hour to gather as many genins as he can... you can ~ it up to one hour - 5 AM.
- the sound four say that half a day passed and that it's nearing dusk, dusk is anywhere between 4-8 PM(depending where are you from).
- Lee talked with tsunde after the genins left and she asked him whether he was sure he would like to take the operation even if it can kill him.
Lee's appearence is complete crap becuase:
~they had a mad buildup towards the surgery, ever since chapter 90 something, so having him back to action right now is totally anti-climatix ("hey guys! i was out of action for 14 volumes, but durning this off time one on one boring fights you had, i was able to get my spine fixed, and was able to recover my body good enough to run to you all!").
~the whole idea of this arc was to have the five genins battle the sound alone, and to have some focus on them all, not to bring in uber guys to deal with them, Kimi was bad enough...
~Kimi has to be a badass at some point, his build up made him out to be as good as kakashi at least ('perfect heir to a perfect bloodline', 'hokage assaination easy' etc...), at most, he's above Sasuke's level (remember what the sound four said?), so he can't lose now, and if he won't lose, then Lee has to get it. and no one wants to see lee hit the dirt again..
about the henge deal, let's go through the possiblites.
= Kakashi or gai: immpossible, both are away on missions.
= Gaara: he isn't the guy to use henge, and he doesn't know taijutsu well enough...
= Kabuto: the only 'reasonable' option (under my insane conspiracy theory), he wants to check himself against Kimi, and he knows the Sasuke can take care of Naruto easily...
one of the four jounins= shouldn't have the power to transform, and won't want to go alone after the sound four incident...
anyway, it's nice to see that lee's back in action, but he can't do anything to help the plot right now...
The more and more I'm thinking about this, the more I think Lee is moving his body with his sheer will, just like Kimmimaro is moving his ill body with his own spirit.
Kishimoto enjoys making mirrors with everyone. Gaara "monster of the sand" v. Naruto "monster of the leaf" similarily the Oro and Jiriaya rivalry and the Naruto and Sasuke rivalry
but why would some wanna be Lee to fight kimi maybe he just couldnt be arsed to tell naruto coz sasuke was running off he might explain in the next chapter.
As Genma said to Neji: ...taku.Quote:
In plain english, "Can we all speak in english please??" Or perhaps I should start writing random words in spanish too?
OMFG LEE J00 RULE ROCK ON AND KICK ASS LOL [img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img]
Everon is right... if Kimimaro can move his body by willpower alone (he was near dead, remember?) why can't Lee do the same? Lee is the master of willpower and hard-work, and no one can deny that.
I hope the other reinforcements we are all waiting for is not Gaara. Gaara has nothing to do here. He hated his father, therefore doesn't really have a reason to kill Orochimaru. Kishimoto himself has said it already; Gaara was created to prove that while he had family and had been "loved" at some point, he couldn't trust anyone and turned out worse than Naruto, who had no one until later on his life.
Besides, this is all happening at least a month or even two after the chuunin exam. Gaara must be at the Wind Country already, and he must be busy trying to redeem himself... since it seems Naruto showed him the right path to follow.
And I keep myself firm on the fan-japanese... no need for it.
Very nice episode indeed, good to see Rock Lee back in action.
Lee tried the whole will power thing already. (the push-ups, remember?) It didn't work.