this was a nice chapter, that last page made me so hype.. all those narutos..i pretty sure kimimaro gonna mop the floor with them but i think thats all part of naruto's strategy, like he did on neji, he made all those clones for distraction..maybe i don't know.. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
Yes and as you know, Kishimoto is a HUGE Dragon Warrior fan.
In one of the earlier volumes he tells the story about how his dad would never let him get a Super Famicom to play the latest Dragon Warrior game. So he saved up and got one from his friend for ultra cheap. His dad came home and saw the game and grabbed the controller himself and the three of them (with Kishimoto's younger brother) played the game all night.
Kishimoto recently got a call from his dad, telling him that he just beat Dragon Warrior VIII (or maybe it was VII, I forget).
but there not golems there like ogres i always thought that golems where rock people
but if you look in the case of golem or smeagle from lord of the rings he lived in the mountains and because of that he became golem
so maybe your right about her summoning being golems
Dictionary definition of a golem
Based on jewish folk lore:
1:an artificially created human being that is given life by supernatural means 2: a mechanism that can move automatically
good researching skill there.
Oh and sangai, the dude in Lord of the Rings is called Gollum. He gets that from the noise he makes when he is coughing.
Back to Naruto 202...
I think Tayuya will play some melodies on her floot and have the three attack Shikamaru. Shika is a lot of things, but he isn't a fighter, he is best as a support unit backing someone like Naruto, Choji, or Neji. He is going to have a tough time since it is 4 on 1, but I think he is smarter than Tayuya so he should be alright.
i hope shikamaru amkes some totally amazing strategy to take tayuya on
he is pretty cool character
for all those that say that Sasuke will never beat Itachi
1. Sasuke has more potential then Itachi, this has been said a few times in the series by Orochimaru.
2. Itachis only reason for being a character is a goal for Sasuke - he will die eventually.
3. Itachi isnt 'god like', we've only seen him beat on some jounins that Kabuto could have done, i'm still waiting for him to impress me.
no matter how strong you think Itachi is theres one thing that makes Orochimaru better, the fact that he has infinate potential and can never die of old age - Orochimaru can swap bodies until he finally comes accross one far stronger then Itachi.
He's already outsmarted her once (in 201) so he'll do it again, he won't lose.
yeah i forgot about that
he will think of something briallnt. he does in fact think a hundred moves ahead. like against temari.
Given the trend that Kishimoto has started with these battles, I'm not certain how Shika's battle is going to go. He seems to have tried to display how the characters are learning and growing even up to now -- by having Chouji, the ever-cowardly back-liner stand up even in the face of death; and having Neji, the destiny-obsessed guy with a superiority complex, admit to and even use his weaknesses in battle. This makes me think that for Kiba's battle, he may have to rely on a deceptive measure to win, and Shikamaru... heck, he might have to learn to go on gut instinct.
i am so tired of all this itachi talking/praising, go make a thread about him if you want.
can we get back on subject ?
for instance, no one has talked about Tayuya's summon, for once in the series, we see a summoning that isn't animal/insect.
and they seem to be blind, so i'm guessing that Tayuya will control them by sound with her flute, the one in the middle has a HUGE club, the third one has wolverine type claws and the first one doesn't seem to have arms at all.
this will be an interesting fight.
i hope that kiba will take his precaution this time and wear a breathing mask http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (moridin @ Feb 1 2004, 05:11 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I know you meant individually...which is why I listed them individually and did not add "together." Where in the manga does it say he can beat them one on one? If you can present the evidence, I will stop arguing. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
do i really need to back up what i said?
orochimaru: itachi is stronger than i am
orochimaru is just as strong as the other sannins. neither one of them is stronger than the other cuz they're suppose to be like rock, paper, scissors.
the end.
EDIT: i'm not saying that itachi can beat them without a sweat, but all i'm saying is itachi will win in a fight against a sannin. anyway, i still don't understand how anyone can think that another character is stronger than itachi. it just baffles me.
naruto can in the future. why are you surprised that itachi would loose to someone. the show is not name ITACHI. eventhough itachi is strong, he will get own later in the series. probably get beaten like a rag doll.
In a fight, its not a simple "I am stronger, I win" thing. Consider Shikamaru vs. Temari...or consider a fight between Naruto and Kidoumaru...Naruto beat Neji so according to your logic, he should also be able to beat Kidoumaru. However, as was shown in the manga, Neji was the ONLY one capable of beating Kidoumaru...because of his Byakugan.
I can't believe you don't even consider the chance that another ninja could be stronger than Itachi.
I don't believe its a gollum, main reason being Oro named it by name calling him the most violent or whatever. Golem's in general are contructs made from various substances the reference as some here said before was the gollum of jewish myth made from sand, it drove away soldiers from the ghetto were the jews were forced to live at the time. Later on when the stop giving the golem commands it flips and starts to destroy things. Besides the other guy doesn't seem to need commands he does things on his own. Hes had that second head on him for some time im guessing its some kinda conjoined twin no jutsu or something..... Btw his father had beaten DW7, the reason i know because im waiting on dw 8 which isn't out yet.... sadly..... For those of you know don't know the art director for those games is Akira Toriyama and DW is also the first NES rpg, even older than ff1. That it for my contribution of random bits of information.
*edit* Something for all you Itachi fans, i found out the other day that apparnetly "Itachi" is jap slang for lesbian.... It means a butch woman by definition.
ok, i'm not even gonna argue this anymore after this post. as stubborn as this sounds, i know that itachi can't be beaten by anyone as of this moment.
kaigan: yeah, no shit naruto will be the strongest in the end and no one is talking about naruto beating itachi later on cuz he won't. sauske will...god...
moridin: it's all about techniques. you're trying to compare naruto's crap-tasitc kage bunshin against neji's moves. it's obvious that it doesn't match. naruto and all the rest of the genins lack many techniques and it's also obvious that someone like kidoumaru can't beat itachi (don't argue this cuz you know it's true). why do you think orochimaru wants sasuke? it's for the sharingan so he can learn all the jutsus and itachi obviously knows tons of jutsus since he's got all these accomplishments in his record to back it up. don't try to state retarded and obvious facts to prove your 'point' cuz it's actually proving nothing.
EDIT: moridin, your should know that your argument is invalid as soon as you compared naruto and neji. naruto cannot lose. he just can't. if somehow, naruto was matched up with kidoumaru (this is if neji vs kido never happened), then kishimoto would've made it that naruto would somehow come out as the winner.
sorry for being so damn off-topic btw.
Itachi is the strongest so far that we know of
for all we know Orochimarus new body could be stronger or Kabuto could be stronger then any sannin - theres no use discussing powers of characters, at any moment they can change.
for all we know Orochimaru could have some ultimate snake transformation mutation thingy or whatever
OK, one more thing and i'm really done.
insomniac has a pretty good point, but i think the guy, orochimaru bodys-wapped with, isn't any better than itachi's cuz if he was stronger, then why would he be captured by orochimaru?
k, i'm really done now.
mental and physical strength are two completely different things http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
also Itachi knows about the cursed seal when he looked at Sasuke 'the seal is unraveling' i wonder how he knew what a cursed seal was - even if he was in Atasuki they're teams of 2 and Kabuto was Orochimarus teammate so Oro and Itachi wouldnt have been close