Then tell the fuckers it's in their chest... >_>
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There's clearly a change in how the violence/death is delivered.
Not bad I guess, but Shu getting too much power on all sides is a tad of a let down. He's both the greatest weapon AND the leader. Something's not right, it never happens anywhere else...
I've had to take a small break from watching anime recently due to real life issues, but I just had to comment about this:
That song was so much more badass than I remember! I've been listening to it on repeat for an hour now!
I watched episode 13 earlier, and I have some thoughts on it, but I'll wait until I can catch up to post them all at once.
Ever seen Code Geass?...
the development of the 2nd half of this series is starting to seem like Code Geass to me (personal opinion) in the fact that he now has an "army" to lead, and are also the oppressed, thus they must rebel to gain their "rights" (of sorts), another thing similar to Code Geass, is the fact that "Japan" is also the "Oppressed" in this series (i think by the U.S.) as where in Code Geass Japan was Oppressed by "Brittania". again just my 2 cents but feel free to comment on this
Tons of comparisons have already been made between Code Geass and Guilty Crown, so I won't travel down that road again, but I do just want to point out that Lelouch was a much better main character than Shu will ever be. For that fact (and many others), GC can never live up to CG.
However, GC does have Egoist. *shrug*
Code Geass's main character was not a leader and a powerhouse spearhead attacker at the same time.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniac
Animeniac, please be aware of double-posting and spoiler rules in our forum. Use the "edit" function to add content to your posts if you were the last poster. Message me if you need further explanations or details.
(will message ya) and did i spoil something?
It is kinda obvious that it issimilar to code geas.. both of them have been written by same person - Hiroyuki Yoshino.
something i just so happened to recall...Shu didnt start off as a leader, but as a wimpy powerhouse then a leader, and Lelouche started of as a leader then into a powerhouse (Reference to Season 1 when he gets to he island and steals the giant robot actually heading to the front lines and even assisting Susaku in one of the cases, and in Season 2 he gets his own custom Mecha) so they about seem to be progressing the same just slight differences
@ Xelbar i seriously did not know both projects were written by the same person...thx for the insight
Shu got some random unwarranted development in terms of maturity and calmness. That is worlds different from Code Geass.
I finally watched episode 14. Between both 13 and 14, I don't feel like much has happened. Progress has been made, both in character development and overall setting of the story. But it's all things we've seen before. There wasn't one thing that happened in both these episodes that I did not expect. Except for maybe how Inori lied to Shu about being attacked. But even that isn't very surprising, if you have a theory similar to Ryll's. Or just see her as a very modest person that doesn't want Shu to worry about her.
That being said... I did enjoy both Ayase's and Tsugumi's Void. And I'm glad to see Shu finally starting to stand on his own. I remember mentioning before that Shu's eyes changed whenever he used Inori's void, but they didn't change in episode 13. I wonder if that's because he's consciously using the power that is available to him? Or if it was part of his "level up".
I'm looking forward to seeing the Shu from the opening.
WOW! Evil Shu has awoken!
Idk... for some reason I just think that Ayase is going to fall off her wheel chair next time and Shu is going to rape her.
HARE!!!! :'( (and we add another point to the existing parallels)
I can't say I liked the way things turned out (since that would kind of mean I liked Hare dying), but I do think it's appropriate, even if this backfires on him later on down the track with his whole management leaving him (except Inori).
Once again Daryl gets fucked up but survives.
edit: and there we have it. If you're too far away from your void, you lose consciousness. If your void gets destroyed, you crystalise. And Shu can use your void better than you can. Hard to imagine how you can improve on one such as Ayane's though.
Hare had to go. Her void was too strong, too useful, and they all knew it. The writers knew it too. Shu's faction didn't really have to worry about anything, because Hare's Void could just heal anything. Except for the infection I imagine.
I don't know if I buy the void downgrade angle if Shu isn't the wielder. It felt kind of like a device retconned in just to make this episode. Hare could use hers as equally as if Shu was using it. Perhaps it was because of her strong desire to heal others, that it was reinforced to its true potential? I guess you could argue the same for Tsugumi, since she still creates her own friends (the robots). If Souta is wavering and doesn't really possess such a strong desire to open and reveal things, then why is his void that form to begin with? Does Yahiro really desire to sever the existence of that many things?
It's kinda lame that Shu immediately forgot all the reasons Hare liked him. Perhaps it would not have been as bad if he heard her last words. It was right for Shu to take it out on Souta. They ignored everything he had said. It wasn't about how good your void was. If hairbrush girl could comfort some of her classmates by combing their hair, isn't that good enough? Souta wanted to pretend he was more useful, and others paid the price for his arrogance.
I'm still not sure about where Inori stands anymore. Last episode, it felt like she was changing, becoming more brutal and lying to Shu. Being more like Mana. But it sure looked like she was resisting a rape when he pulled her void. If she was becoming more manipulative and more like Mana, she would have been happy to allow him to slaughter everything in their way. She would have been glad to see her major competition out of the way. But that wasn't the case.
One question though. If they really wanted to mess with Anti-Body, couldn't they just use one of the strongest voids (like Inori's) to destroy large parts of the walls, draw the military toward another location while cutting more walls, and then flee out of one of the openings that is no longer guarded?
More like they wanted to be more useful so they didn't get the shit end of the stick. It wasn't so much about wanting to be more important. It was wanting to live.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryll
Doesn't make his punch in the face any less deserving, but his motives were at least understandable.
I still can't guage how many robots Shu can actually fight off. Every time he's pull out the sword he decimated everything that was left.. but I doubt he could take on, say 20 Endlaves. At least, we have yet to see that many.
With an invisible slash that cuts anything at a huge breadth from a large distance? I'd say he can take on a hundred of them at the same time, not like that is possible since it will get too crowded.
So far, he does not seem to have a low battery life, so endurance is no issue either.
It wasn't invisible. It was slicing with the helix tendrils that come out whenever he pulls a void. Those tendrils only stick around with Inori's void.
Your point stands though. Shu could kill 100 of them, or an army...or a giant moving wall section.