Maybe I need to download it to make Archie's prediction come true. Though I don't really remember anymore what happened in the episode...
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Maybe I need to download it to make Archie's prediction come true. Though I don't really remember anymore what happened in the episode...
There were tits, then there were some more tits and then... i'm not sure but i'll go with titsQuote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Princess Lover! Ero-OVA Preview - Definitely NSFW.
O_O Sylvie <3.
That's straight up hentai, as in not allowed in this forum
Won't stop people from downloading it when it comes out though xD
Wow, just like in your typical Eroge, you can't make out the guy's face at all.
Looks like they'll be making a whole set of these. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that they keep the anime's VAs and animation instead of substituting it with the typically cheap hentai budget.
These times even the mainstream VAs have been slipping towards more and more ecchi series all the time, so it wouldn't particularly surprise me even if they got the same voice actors in, using their real names. With the anime industry having fallen from its heydays, it must be a dog eat dog situation in the seiyuu market.
That being said, I'll try to remember to watch the ova, assuming somebody subs it. The TV series fell so flat that h-ovas might end up being the best part of it - and anything but flat, har har.
Yeah, I already watched the raw. It looks like there will only be two of them. :( The second one comes out on 10/22.
The same two as the first one.
Episode 1 has been subbed by UFW (Hentai division of UTW) & FAKKU.
This is Hentai
Not For Minors
Not Safe For Work
[UFW-FAKKU] Princess Lover OVA - Part 1 [LQ] [35E13DA9].mkv - DDL
[Doki] Princess Lover! OVA – 01 (720×480 h264 DVD AC3) [E5C53B9B].mkv
[Doki] Princess Lover! OVA - 01 (848x480 XviD DVD MP3) [CC3267AC].avi
I thought that was a bit underwhelming. It's really riding on the already-established character design, appeal and narative, but otherwise it seems to be standard stuff with budget put into maintaining picture quality.
It doesn't fit into the main story like I was hoping it would.
In that regard, I actually consider the current Queen's Blade OVAs to be superior.
This was a tedious watch. Well, the parts I watched between skips anyway.
I doubt I'll be downloading the second ova episode.
Well, I must admit thanks to that hentai I decided to give the series a chance.
Last half of the series pissed me off. I felt it was a better story when it was just centered on their school affairs and Teppei getting accostumed to being high society. When they introduced Hartman everything went down the drain.
I loved Silvye. I loved Seika. I loved Yuu.
I absolutely hate Charlotte.
Enough said.
The original series was pretty shitty, i don't even know how i managed to complete it
This is just tits and dicks right, no actual connection to the story?
The first episode was a hit, and the next two after that were also pretty good.
As Zell said, Hartman was a trainwreck, but it was already shaky towards the middle.
As for how you managed to complete it Arch, perhaps this should give you a reminder.