Saw it in the morning.
It fails.
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Saw it in the morning.
It fails.
This .Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
With Strange Journey being an NDS game... I see a lot of chances of P5 being announced for PS3 this GamesCom... but I'll keep hoping for P2 EP and P2 IS for PSP
I recently saw this video, in order to see the Japanes voices of the characters ( and most of them suck.
Yosuke's voice suck.
Chie's voice is horrible.
Yukiko's voice is crap.
Teddie's voice makes my ears bleed.
Kanji's voice is acceptable.
Naoto's is kinda... off... but good.
Nanako's is great.
Dojima's is awesome.
Rise's is excellent (Rie Kugimiya...)
Don't watch the video if you haven't beaten the game though. Its the 'normal' ending sequence.
I thought most voices were ok other except for Teddie which I've mentioned before, think it also depends on what people are used to. I couldn't really stand the Japanese voices for the Tales of Abyss anime because I was so used to the English voices. And since I played the Japanese version of P4 before I played the English one I'd say I'm more fond of the Japanese voices.
Anyway News about P3 comming to the PSP
Oh heck no!
I wanted P2...
I'll end up buying it anyway but... ugh...
Nevermind what I said. I want this NOW.
Two routes.
Minato with Orpheus
New Female lead with Female Orpheus (Eurydice?)
New scenes for Minato's Route
Option of setting all teammates to manual a la P4
Guess I'll download the English Patch of P2 afterall...
and time to buy P2 EP for PSOne from ebay...
Milking the franchise for all it's worth i see
A bit. Lol.
What I Like about Atlus is that they announce games when they are about to release. Not 6 years prior like SquareEnix.
Sounds like crappy marketing to me
Anticipation is half the sale
Most people that really want them finds out about them pretty quick either way so for those that doesn't like waiting 3 years or so for the game it's good news. For me personally I tend to forget games that I thought were interesting when there's a long wait. So from a fans perspective less wait is better IMO also compared to other PS2 ports at least they add a bunch of stuff unlike Mana Khemia... though Disgaea did add stuff as well if I don't remember wrong meh whatever.
Also to be honest don't think Persona really hit that good here in Europe or at least not where I live. The game shops got in one ex of P3 and 2 of P4, which makes me kinda sad since they're good games.
So guess it's time to start dating some guys in P3... she looks alot more positive or happy compared to Minato. And thank god for the manual thing maybe now I can actually go back and finish Aegis Episode if it's the FES version, had a hard time playing it after P4. Wonder if it'll still be Aegis or if she'll be replaced with a male version as well.
P3P will only include 'The Journey'
'The Answer' will not be in P3P. Not a big lose. Though I hope all FES extras for the journey are retained.
Only fanboys and girls will want to buy this
And i doubt the girl is gonna be as awesome as Minato. She's not even that hot, she's more the cute type while Minato has that cool silent emo thing going on for him ( which would completely fail in real life but works surprisingly well in the game world )
Also, the mp3 in her neck looks to have a different purpose from Minato's...
arch: Isn't that just in terms of looks? I mean I know Minato does have the whole cool, silent emo thing going on as you say but seeing as we're the ones that suppose to form their personality besides their "official" personality there's no real difference.
Also to be honest if they made her a carbon copy of Minato but only as a girl it'd be somewhat boring, I prefer it if they're different so that it more than just picking between male and female.
Anyway hope they upgrade the animation since it looked kinda outdated or lowbudget more so when you look at the character portraits or rather hope the animation is closer to the portraits this time around.
Its been stated already that the Female MC path will have different events and social links. The main story will also have changes to reflect the swap in gender.For instance... the scenes at the Hotel, Beach and School trip need to change.
Heck... it wouldn't surprise me if there are NEW social links, since several of them wouldn't work with a female. For instance Chihiro's or Maya (Toriumi)
New scans. Click to enlarge
Moving around is done with Menu system. No need to running around anymore.
People who can talk with are shown on screen, and choose with Menu.
Now you can direct command your party members.
Wow they gutted the game. Running around everywhere was half the point of RPGs, but now the menu system is just similiar to the one in like Phantasy Star Portable. They're milking the franchise hard core. I understand they have to do that for size constraints, but damn. If it's gonna be like that, just don't bother porting it.
I don't mind losing the running around town while they keep or enhance the slinks. Im interested in playing with the Female MC as well.
But thats just me.
Is that a new persona i see on the last scan?
And why didn't you say it was for the psp? I might get it if that's the case
Uhh... Archie... P3P... Persona 3 Portable? Yep. Its for PSP.
Several Personas are getting a makeover. For instance, that one you see happens to be Loki. Its how it looked on Persona 4.
Some people think Atlus also added Persona 2 Card System, because they see some bonuses on the status screen of the Personas. Can't confirm this though.
Webpage open.
No info in it yet though.