ahhh so good. If only I had a real computer and not this giant applebox from the early 2000's.
who wants to play?
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ahhh so good. If only I had a real computer and not this giant applebox from the early 2000's.
who wants to play?
The flash drive dog-tag is so badass. It's actually made of metal, and the orange part lights up when you plug it in.
I'm down to game: assertnfailure@gmail.com
Was gonna retire until I got back to my computer up north but I'll give it a go for some customs I guess.
Played the campaign a bit yesterday, thoughts so far...
Still as fun as expected. The missions serve well to stay fresh and unique, instead of the typical "turtle in, mass an army, destroy everything" routine. I wish there was more active involvement of hero units, though.
The in-between-missions mode feels a bit gimmicky to me. Most of the useful aspects to it (buying upgrades, choosing missions, etc) could have just as easily been accomplished with a simple menu screen. The extra dialogue doesn't seem to add too much to the story yet. You can choose your missions, which also affects what types of tech/upgrades you will have for future missions, but so far this seems to mostly dilute from the main storyline. I was perfectly content with the straightforward linear path of the older campaigns. The main storyline isn't quite as apparent, as you simultaneously focus on missions that seem to bear relatively small impact to its overall progression.
Interestingly enough, though, the game feels completely different than the beta. This is probably because half the units I've seen so far aren't even IN the multiplayer game. Its fun to play with some of the older units, and it serves to justify the transitional period of Raynor's raiders, since they are supposed to be "behind the times," afterall. Also, lots of pretty stuff to look at in-game as you explore the campaign mode. Easy to pick-up and play.
If anyone wants to play some 1v1s, add me dreamfield@gmail.com. Not playing tonight but will be on the rest of the week.
i'm game
If anyone wants to play add: luxi.darkblade@gmail.com (I have this email since elementary school and its for registration purposes only)
Anyone who is interested in playing me add: xzeroravenx@yahoo.com
I've just played the game against silver league guy(I'm doing placements) and that guy just basically walled himself in his base with cannons, tried to proxy gateway/pylon but did not attack using this, and basically he let me control the whole map. That low-skill guys are in silver? wtf?!
after walling himself in he tried to use void rays, but its bad idea to use 5 voids against 50 hydras(air was obvious after walling)
Oh, and i finished campaign. ending is interesting... :>
Man that was terrible. I can sort of play 1v1's but when me and Assertn tried to 2v2 the computer my computer completely froze and had to restart. This is torture having the game but not being able to really play. Seemed better during beta.... sorry for the bad games tonight steve :x
somehow I've won 16 in 1v1 tho hahahh
I don't know how i feel about the match making system. I'm not especially good and i've gotten to platinum several times. Maybe the brackets within a league itself needs to be better define? I feel like enough lucky match up vs bad people and you can get pretty far up.
My roommate is in platinum league and he got matched up with a bronze player...
and then lost...
Granted the guy 1-base 4-gated (aka insta-pro), but still.
what do you except so shortly after realease
I would expect that the system wouldn't be pitting platinum and bronze players against each other, for one thing.
I've always wondered how the Zerg "base" room will work. It'll be interesting to see!
I just beat the campaign yesterday, thought some people on some sites bashed the story, I throughly enjoyed it. How about you guys (for those who beat it already)?
I'm curious how HoS will play out.
after beating the challenges and gaining that fine piece of a spectre-portrait I got confident enough to do my placement matches
ended up in platium league with 5-0 stats
I'd like to stomp some comps with you guys, add KrayZee (Character code: 837)
edit: I didn't like the story *that* much
it was ok though.. basically only ~8 out of 29 missions (or 26) had to do with the plot.
the rest were merely sidequests.
the ending was weird as it could get, i still don't have a clue what this artefact exactly does (and even more WHY it does what it does), where it comes from and why everyone knew about it and why the protoss didn't use it before.
Sentenal.295 if anyone wants to add me. Currently Platinum in 1v1 and 2v2, hopefully will make Diamond if I keep playing.
I liked the Campaign, except Kerrigan was a bitch, one-shooting my Siege Tanks, and using that Darkswarm/Plague thing to kill all my Marines. She forced many restarts.