ORLY? (noob)
stfu gtfo
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ORLY? (noob)
stfu gtfo
Today I learned that if I skip my meds for two days I end up with The Zaps
Today I learned that this is the first post I've made since May. This would be more interesting if I had some witty remark, but alas no.
Today I have learned that spend way to much time on the computer... x.x
Today I learned that I play the Wii like an old man, my fitness age for today was 45!!!
Today I learned.. to backup your psd files because Photoshop doesnt keep history far enough back..
you can increase the history size in the preferences.Quote:
Originally Posted by Hikyuu
Today I learned not to be lenient when people openly bash you. Also I learned that I didn't fail last grade.
Tonight I learned I <3 me some AssertnQuote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Today I learned that if you don't pick up a 136 lb package the right way your back goes out of wack and into loads of pain, ha.
Yeah :( it's the same thing with lifting kegs thank god Im not working at the liquor store anymore ><
Sweet, time to file for worker's comp!
I don't get it...I'm still considered a "temporary employee". Basically, they work you part tiem hours without giving you any of the benefits.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
You should borrow company office consumables for compensation. Really it's your own fault for poor lifting technique.
Yeah, I usually lift all of the packages correctly except I was really pissed off today about working so I just threw it on the table.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Even if you were pissed... you have to look out for your own well being while doing that sort of thing. Regardless.
My back is fine now, all I had to do was stretch it out and get a hot shower to relax the muscles. It was just for the last two hours of working that I was really in any sort of pain...and I just used a chair then to reduce the stress on my back.Quote:
Originally Posted by Iridani
Still... you had injured it even if it was for that short time :P Goof.
I know that if I hurt my back working at the store Sue ( my boss) would just fire me lol..
You could just take shots of liquor to ease your back pain. It's a win-win situation.Quote:
Originally Posted by Hikyuu
Dang Hikyuu, isn't it 2AM where you're at?
Yeah I have no life xD night.. I have stuff do to at like 8 am e.e-- What I learned now that it is past midnight.. to be filled in tomorrow morning with an edit..
EDITED FOR FRESHNESS~: IBS Sucks more ass then I can tell you in words -.-
Hahaha, I thought you meant you didn't understand, like you figured I was making a joke (which I was).Quote:
Originally Posted by infidel
Ok, MOM, we get it, we'll be more careful.Quote:
Originally Posted by Iridani
Just kidding, I love it when girls act like your mom and warn you not to do stuff. It's endearing, and I feel that way even though I don't even have a mommy complex.
:P I'm a tad young to be a mom yet... and no way in HELL will GW count as kids lol. Meh... I just care too much sometimes so sue me. Though you won't get anything out of it except this empty pepsi can... it's all I've got :P
hmmm .... on-topic
Today I learned (via visual confirmation) that my house does have at least on mouse (we'd heard the bastard in the walls before). I also learned where he's coming in from, and that I'm gonna need about 150 pounds of topsoil, 150ish pounds of gravel, a shovel and some grass seed to deal with the problem in a correct way. Fortunately, my roommate already bought the topsoil, so really it's just the gravel, grass seed, and a shovel that I need.
I also learned (as a consequence of the previous observation) exactly where to put the mousetraps.
Finally, I learned Python -- at least, enough to write a useful multithreaded script and get the language basics and the fundamentals of the thread library...
Originally Posted by complich8
Smaller pythons should eat mice gladly, so that's a good solution.Quote:
Finally, I learned Python...
today I learned that one of the mice that came into my house appears to be a deer mouse. Which indicates that I probably have several of them, because the one I saw last night was gray, and the one in the trap is brown.
WTB: gravel, shovel, expanding foam
we used to have mice in our house. at one point, the infestation got so bad that they used to wake me up in the middle of the night scurrying about my room. then, suddenly they all left and we never saw them again. not a bad thing at all.
today i learned that i can't change the nose bone (with the excrutiatingly painful little ball at the end) in my two month old nose piercing twice in one night without expecting it to swell up like a balloon.
We had mice too about 3 years ago. Little assholes kept chewing threw our burglar alarm wires. It went off about several times a day for a month.
Apparently rodents need to chew stuff to keep their teeth from growing out of control. Like in that episode of Angry Beavers.
You will never know me >.>Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
Anyway, today I learned I know more HTML than over 99% of the entire population of Lakewood High. This isn't saying much, and I'll leave it at that.
Yeah, I taught my web design class in high school..... I had just started making my own sites when I started the class and my professor didn't know jack. The book was all the basics it took 5 minutes to learn, so he had me do it all using Frontpage on an overhead for the rest of the guys in class. So I practiced writing the code without a WYSIWYG editor in my spare time in class. Other than that I started posting in here about the time I got bored of sitting doing nothing in class.Quote:
Originally Posted by python862
On another note, Today I learned that protesters on our campus barely know what they are protesting about!
today i learned....
that when i went to the bank the other day and withdrew 1000 and their little 'hi-tech' dispenser couldn't dispense that much or ran out... and they had to cancel and redo my transaction...
they gave me $1,000 for free. bank error in your favor.... collect $1000!
no, i'm not really really stupid so i'll probably just tell them at some point since they will probably track it down when i least expect to have 1000 taken out of my bank account
Anyway, today I learned that I rock at fantasy football. I have my team sitting pretty at 4-0, second in the league only by points. I've been pretty much riding high on Tony Romo's great successes, and so I suppose I should figure out a suitable replacement for him. I'm already trying to trade Vince Young and Deuce McAlister for Brett Favre, but it seems his team's owner is non-responsive...
Today I learned to use microfilm. The totally abandoned media format.
Today I learned my display drivers seem to hate HL2 and related mods and expansions.
Today I learned what happens when you mix glucose with heated potassium chlorate.
Tell your chem teacher to toss in a Hershey Bar or better yet a Power Bar if they do the demonstration, the more calories the better.
Today, well rather yesterday now, I learned that my school shut my internet down Three times for having a "Packet Snooper" installed. Figured out it was a little XBOX mod engine I was running....
Well, live, learn, get smarter than the firewall.
Also I remember my Physics and Chem teachers teaming up for a good show in highschool, if only I could remember what chemicals they used.....
The common "wow students" chemical reactions:
glucose + sulfuric acid = the black "snake" of char.
glucose + potassium chlorate (or perchlorate) = loud, purple flames of a violent exothermic reaction.
water + pure sodium (or potassium or lithium) = various violent reactions.
the ignition of a variety of flammable gases.
last but by no means least, thermite
powdered aluminum + iron (III) oxide + high activation energy (typically magnesium fuse) = violent reaction resulting in the production of molten iron.
Another good one Nitrogen TriIodide, purple gooey mess when mixed in fluid solution, but leave it out to dry then yell at it...it yells back.
why does more calories make the reaction better?
Calories mean energy (1 calorie = 4.1868 Joules), that reaction is driven by the energy stored in the fuel so the higher the calorie content of the food the more energy there is to release as the reaction consumes it. Unless you don't like fire that is a good thing.
Today I learned the value of the right tool for the job. Specifically, a nail-puller to pull out the tacks, nails, brads and staples holding in an ancient, oxidized and nasty piece of aluminum screen on my back screen door.
I also learned that it's damned near impossible to take off ~30 year old trim molding strips that are nailed and stapled in place without destroying them. And that my patio screen doors consist of little more than a couple of 1-by-8's and 1-by-sixes nailed and doweled together and painted.
I also learned the value of a good staple gun.
That Dumbledore was gay and that he fell in love with an enemy from a while back.
Today I learned that the curse that plagues me, the sin that corrupts me, the darkness that surrounds me, the light that sustains me and the desire that drives me are the only things I can rely on.
Today I learned that the stupidity of human beings can never be overrated.
Today I learned that a cup of hot chocolate after watching The Day After Tomorrow tastes exceptionally good.
For real.
this should have been posted yesterday... but anyhow.
I learned, from a very unstable man who appears to be from africa, although i was told he is haitian... that we americans are destroying the world and that i dont have anything in common with my girlfriend because i am white and she is hispanic.
also that the american government is seriously flawwed for giving financial aid to crazy anti-american people from other countries... how can we fight a war on terror and at the same time pay anti american lunatics to live in our country.... wtf is that
are you perhaps referring to the case against the Muslim charity being thrown out today? to me, it seems to teach that the war on terror, or at least against financial backers of it, has even less lawful power than we'd ever thought.Quote:
Originally Posted by bbaucom
Today I learned that port, while very delicious and somewhat potent (20% alcohol) leaves you with one of the worst hangovers when you drink half a bottle of it in one night along with a few beers. Christ almighty, now I know why it's traditionally one small cup of that stuff after a meal...
Today I learned that I can play about 30 minutes of WoW before I have to head off to the bus stop, which I am VERY happy about.
You didn't learn that python, quit using bullshit excuses to post everywhere.
Today I learned what Guktuk (sp) is. The Alaskans eat it, it's this horrible looking "ice cream" with assorted dried fruits and a bunch of animal fat (usually fish) in it. Just horrid.
I learned today that I can make up said bullshit excuses to post the hell out of these forums. Thanks, Azazel
Today I learned that when you get too addicted to a game you lose track of time and miss your Math homework and two quizzes for the same subject. It is a loverly experience. I suggest you all try it some time.
I also learned that it is a bad idea to not backup information from a website you own, because you could lose it all in a misplaced click.... yay me. Though I am lucky that none of the stuff I lost really mattered as it was from an old install of a CMS I don't use anymore except for experimentation.
My University's joke newspaper ran a great parody of this news:Quote:
Originally Posted by Jaitne
Jan Berenstain: 'Brother Bear is bisexual'
PITTSBURGH - Co-author of the popular Berenstain Bears children's book series Jan Berenstain announced to a stunned Rosemeade Elementary School audience Wednesday afternoon that Brother Bear, son of Papa and Mama bear and sibling of Sister Bear, has always been attracted to both male and female bears.
"Stan and I always considered Brother to swing both ways", responded Berenstain when asked why Brother hung out with Too-Tall Grizzley and Bonnie Brown.But some Berenstain devotees were less than surprised. "Whatever, I saw this coming." said third-grader Julie Taylor, taking a break from long-division homework. "In Berenstain Bears Learn About Strangers, Brother got mad at Sister for telling Mama he was talking to a stranger, when he obviously was just trying to learn about the Bear County swinger scene."
In addition to vetoing several plots for the series in which Brother remains in a monogamous relationship with a female, she denies that his bisexuality is "just a phase," and hopes that her revelation about Brother Bear will receive a less intense reaction than A.A. Milne's estate revealing that Piglet is heterosexual.
Today I learned that taking a Shady Grove bus instead of a Rockville bus adds a solid 20 minutes of travel time to my commute, which means that I'm never better off taking that one.
20 minutes of websurfing made me miss the bus I wanted to be on by about 2 minutes this morning. Only do that if you've got good time discipline.Quote:
Originally Posted by python862
Today I learned that if you drop your CD player once and it stops working, drop it five more times to show it who's boss (while you pressed play with a CD inside). Then it starts to work again.
Oh yes, very true story <.<
Today I learned that one must drown himself in Photoshop to keep ones skills sharp.
Well, you'd do that anyway. And Complich: I got it all figured out. I wake up at 5 am, and I almost always leave at 5:45 exactly, to catch my 6:13 bus. Takes around five minutes to get oriented and whatnot, and my walk is seven minutes with my music playing, because somehow, playing my music affects my walking speed.
While a mouse, as in the animal, is mice plural. Mouse as in the computer thingy, is mouses plural. Also, louse is singular for lice, which is where lousy came from, it used to me full of lice.
Who the hell decided that? You can't just steal something else's name for a new device and then change the linguistic properties of the name for just your copy. That's just confusing.Quote:
Originally Posted by Jaitne
Well, from what I'm getting, that's the way they patened it.. or something.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
According the the CNN morning news Halloween actually serves a purpose for adults. It's an excuse for women to dress in sexy outfits and not feel like they are being skanky. As well as a chance for women to mark their men as theirs by forcing them to wear a matching/complimentary costume to any Hallloween parties.
It took you this long to realize that?Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
I used to think that logic only worked in the minds of high school girls (thanks Mean Girls), but apparently it extends well into the 30's.
man, thats werid....it was thinking the exact same thing (about slutty outfits)....when i was comming home from the gym, i passed by the campus bar, and they're having this halloween pub. I swear, every girl i saw waiting in line was dressed like a slut. I even saw a few who were just wearing a dress shirt and panties. I dont even know how that qualifies as a costume? are you dressing as a stripper?
It's not much of a costume if they're whores the other 364 days of the year.
Similarly on the walk home from the gym, I had a girl dressed as a Sexy Commando walk in front of me for most of the way.
It was not a displeasing experience.
Today I learned that while Strawberry and Kiwi are usually very pleasing flavours, when combined with additives and preservatives and packaged into the juice boxes sold on campus, they become unbearably vile.
Hmm... There's this one Wild Strawberry - Kiwi juice sold over here that's actually pretty decent. I wonder what went wrong over there. Or perhaps it's just a matter of personal taste preferences.
I'm pretty sure it's due to the fact that no real strawberries or kiwis found their way into that juice box.
That could certainly explain a few things. The one over here is from a quality juice maker (it's from Sweden, and even if I risk sounding unpatriotic I've to admit the Swedes have always possessed a special knack for making juices).
Today I learned that the great state of Alabama feels that the distribution of sex toys is more deserving of punishment then selling firearms to minors. According to a law recently upheld by the 11th Circuit Court,
The part in bold struck me as quite interesting since intent to distribute often comes down to a purely quantitative interpretation. What this means is even if a person purchases ' devices' from out of state if they have too many (probably defined as more than 1 since we're talking about a state of prudes) 'devices' in your house they could be charged with Possession with Intent to Distribute.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Law
And the penalty...up to a $10,000 fine and/or 1 year in jail. As a contrast the maximum penalty for selling a cigarettes to a minor in Alabama is $50, for selling a firearm it's $500.
It would be extremely hard to base a case solely on that in the court, so I doubt they would even try unless it's a rock solid case, like somebody having a warehouse full of dildos and a preorder book already filled by the names and addresses of underage girls, cardboard boxes lined up and waiting to be carried to the post office for shipment... That would be a solid case of an intent to distribute.
But they would likely lose a case just because somebody has lots of them in unopened packages. There are all manners of collectors around, after all.
They wouldn't win the case of course but they would definitely try, no offense but this is Alabama we're talking about and this is circuit court so you never know what could happen. I wonder how this all came about, could sex toys really bother someone so much that they would change the law and impose a 1 year jail term and or a $10,000 fine? I really don't get this one, and never underestimate "Intent to Distribute" its vague for a reason and cops and prosecutors often exploit it to the fullest, I've seen many examples.
Heh. I'm sure the supreme court would be delighted to handle a case of determining whether some eccentric collector's dildo collection would be meant to be distributed to underage persons or not... I'm sure they don't have anything better to do, after all.
lol, you have a point, and I'm sure the media would love to cover such a case not to mention the frenzy of lawyers who would want to take the case.
Lol Kraco it's funny that you say that since the U.S. Supreme Court recently (last month) refused to even hear the case. The Alabama sex shop owner who originally tried to get the law overturned appealed the Circuit Courts decision to them but if the Supreme Court won't hear it she's pretty much dead in the water.
Thats a bitch.
High heels are too high, and a little stick of mascara costs way too much for what it's worth. It's more than a whole nail care kit, with various nail polishes, electric nail buffers, and the other stuff.. in those cases.
Today I learned where the word "Gossip" came from. It's based on the old word "Godsib", referring to the "brothers in God" relationship that Godparents had among one another. Apparently they were stereotypically chatty and the word changed over time and came to be known by its present meaning.
Edit: And "present" originally meant "soon" and not "at the current time". Now it's both.
I learned that smoking a lot of mediocre smoke only makes you tired and lazy.
EDIT: I also learned that I have a pretty good sense of smell and taste when it comes to Johnnie Walker. Last night, we did a blind taste test of 4 different Labels of Johnny Walker and I was able to identify which was Red, Black, Gold and Blue. Now I have a scientific experiment and 2 witnesses to back me up when I say I know scotch whisky...well, at least Johnnie. I've had 7 or 8 other scotch whisky brands and some are quite tasty, most of them were single malt.
How to play a Wii and that even on my first try, I'm a better pokemon trainer than my friend :D
I don't think that is something you should be proud of.
Pfft. I was very proud. It's like chess, but with animal-like slaves that are supposed to do what you say, and fight till they faint.
Did you really say Pokemon is like chess? Wow.
Just with more squealing and less thinking. See.. we all learned something today.
You're right. We learned (or rather just reaffirmed) that everyday, someone out there will find a new kind of low.
I also learned that pandemonium is actually latin for city of spirits.
I had not cleaned the Air Filter on my server this semester.... it was nasty!
Originally Posted by Mr Squiggles
I've finally learned that the guy off of Assassin's Creed looks like the Prince, kinda. At least from what I've seen of him.
I learned that Mr. Squiggles learned Jaitne is a chick, so he will start sucking up to get some e-loving.
Sucking up? I thought I was making fun of her... Are you talking about a hypothetical future?Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Anyways today I found out just how many different types of typefaces are out there. I mean, I knew there were quite a few but the sheer amount of different types available is almost unbelievable. And I thought choosing 2 different ones for my project was going to be easy :rolleyes:
You were making fun, but now that you realize she's a chick, you'll start kissing up instead.
I learned today that people suck, but you still need to get along with them.
^ You just learned that today? I'm reminded on a daily basis how MUCH people suck.
Today I learned that winter tires are a must-have.
Today (more like two days ago) I was reminded that the army (and the officers in it) can't write shit.
"doing an inventory check" isn't a GOAL. nor is "having a night off with everyone".
because of the stupid set-in-stone PPS files, we had to spend two hours debating over semantics rather than doing actual work and planning forward.
Knows whats sad about that, not that they can't write, not that they wasted 2 hours but that this is the army.:rolleyes:
Today I leanerd you have to walk cautious in BK's kitchen if you want to prevent broken ear bones and a nosebleed. Also if you weren't, headphones are a pain.
Today I learned... actually it was the other day... that old Montréal was certainly not built for cars... and that Québec is awesome.
today i learned that i am ridiculously possessive. my brother's had my camera for the last week, and just thinking about that has been enough to get me angry. he gave it back to me today and i can't believe how relieved i am. i don't even know why. i hardly ever use it.
i also learned that spending $250 to buy a tablet was completely worth it.
today i learned that a anus could also be called a turd cutter.
Today I've learned that I haven't posted for a good two months, and that my fanfic series has hit a collective 55k words. Cheers!
I just learned today that I will almost NEVER will be able to see my favorite bands that comes rarely to Sweden. Why ? No friends that listen to the same shit as I do.
Damn, need some new friends x).
Overall, I "almost" learned to whistle. Woho!!111
Huh. Well today I learned that I have a long-lost cousin who was put up for adoption a long time ago. Neither I nor any of my other cousins knew about her until one of them met her at University.
This is gonna be some soap opera shit.
What? Just go by yourself. You don't need your friends to enjoy a concert.Quote:
Originally Posted by Chiodos