Fruit salads are bad for you anyway, too many sugars. Try a nice veggie salad or a big juicy cut of steak.
Eurasian, are you Indian or Pakistani or Turkish or what?
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Fruit salads are bad for you anyway, too many sugars. Try a nice veggie salad or a big juicy cut of steak.
Eurasian, are you Indian or Pakistani or Turkish or what?
I'm anything you want me to be............Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
.......just kidding
No, no, and no
My friends are starting to piss me off about this girl I plan on "seeing", just because she's a bit light. I know you GWers will have a field day with this, but they assume that she looks like and adolescent just because she's like 43 kilograms or something (she doesn't, and was born in 1985 to boot). I'm actually a very light person myself (only about 70 kg).
You're only 70kg? I've seen your pictures man, you look bigger than that. At 70kg, I outweigh you (I'm 75kg). How tall are you?
At 43kg, she is very petite, but being a young Asian female that's not that big a deal, especially if she's short. I think the Twins Charlene and Gillian each weigh about 43kg (95lbs) at around 5'3".
My bitch: people who overstay their welcome. We have a lot of transient workers pass through the office for special projects, and as soon as their work is done, they should move on. Unfortunately they get comfortable and stay as long as they can, and in the meantime, start helping themselves to whatever materials or conveniences you have available to make themselves at home. I appreciate the help, but they're getting paid to do the job, not as a favor to me. But since they're "helping", they feel it's ok to impose on me and my resources. It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't mental midgets and didn't smell so bad.
thanks :) i'm getting there slowly!Quote:
Originally Posted by Eurasian
lol this kind doesn't have any added sugars or anything in it. it's just pieces of cut up fruit, so it only has the regular kind of sugar that's in fruit. not really bad for you unless you have diabetes or IBS, or are a dentistQuote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
and yes, smelly people are not fun. maybe, since they're helping themselves to your stuff already, you can leave a bottle of cologne on a table and hope they help themselves to that too?
Cologne wouldn't help, since the smell comes from passing gas. Yes, these grown men have contests at annoy each other by farting. So you can imagine conversations with these guys are really stimulating. They don't fart in front of me, but the smell lingers.
I'm very light, as I'm 189cm. I had a bad flu and lost about 4-5 kg in a week.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
So you're 6' 2" 154lbs? Wow, damn skinny man.
My other bitch for the week: weak, soft teams are doing well in the NHL playoffs. After the rough and tumble Ducks won the cup last year, a lot of teams changed philosophy to include more toughness and grit. If a soft team wins this year, a lot of teams will give up their toughness and go with weaker lineups next year. It will suck.
Can you please give me that flu?! I wouldn't mind losing that much weight! =PQuote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
Ughhh, I've been trying to record videos and upload them to youtube but things keep going wrong with recording (bad lighting, making too many mistakes, camera running out of memory). If it's not one thing it's another. The whole process is so frustrating.
Take 7...
Maybe that's karma telling you it's a bad idea to post this particular video on youtube, like it might come back to bite you or something. It's weird, but sometimes when I'm doing something and it just won't go right after a few tries, I stop and think about it for a second, and realize I was doing it wrong in the first place, and it was like my subconscious was telling me I was doing it wrong, so I was subconsciously messing up on purpose.
My bitch: it's sandfly season again. Already got bit three times, probably by the same bastard. So I set up two fans around my bed to create a wind shield against the bugs. They blow over me all night, so it'll probably give me a runny nose one of these mornings.
Low rant bitching post:
Haha...they just DID add two more bands that I adore in the Metaltown band playlist. Sooo fucking sad that I have NOONE to go with : <!
Bitch today:
I have an exam in 2 days, i don't know shit and i can't study to save my life. I don't know what the fuck I'm gonna do...
just cheat...
I didn't do it on my important exams (Abitur), but most of my friends did, even though they could be excluded from the exams for ~3 years if they get caught.
Yet it seemed like noone of the teachers cares about what you do... i could have gone to the toilet 3 times and hide a sheet of paper in my socks and read it there.
Man there were people who threw papers at each other when the teacher wasn't looking and those papers had the answers written on it, of course.
lol! Or, or, make your presence on these forums scarce for the next two days except during the breaks the torture I'm about to recommend is going to merit, put your drawing projects on hold, skip every class you have with the exception of the one you have the exam in, give 2 trusted and responsible friends the right to contact you at specific time intervals to confirm that you're in fact, alive, and STUDY!
Easier said than done my friend. I have now only one day left to study for a whole exam since i'll be going to sleep anytime soon and, still, i don't know shit.
Looks like i'm gonna fail for the first time. I guess ill scan it and post it on my art thread so the shame will stop me from doing this shit again.
Yeah, I had thought of that. It's done now though, mistakes and all. I'm thinking I'll just post another one someday later and chalk this trial up to not-enough-experience.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Sucks about the bugs. Especially if they're flying ones.
My bitch is one I'm sure everyone hears on a daily basis: the price of gasoline is re-goddamn-diculous. I've paid $70+ to fill up my car before but this is insanity. I was telling my cousin the so-called experts' predictions of $1.50 per litre by the summer is becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Wich reminds me I have to do essays and such this week. You know what acutally help? Writing hints in your iPod, if your actually allowed in your school to wear one during class.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
It has saved my life more than you know...
I had this English National Test and the day before I wrote many hints, search the net for tips, grammar and such and put it in my iPod as "lyrics". The teachers in my school is VERY sloppy and all they told you was to "Turn off your cellpohones!".
I did though get to cocky and showed my iPod at the end but all she thought was that I just listened to music becuse you could hear what I was listening to thiugh my earplugs.
How about a link so we can watch? Doesn't matter for me, youtube is banned here, but others might enjoy it.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
And yes they fly. But there are creepy crawlers too.