Yeah, good idea. Most of the people continuing to read it are Hate-Readers.
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I'm in hospital and Anichart seems to be blocked from the wlan here oddly, so I have no idea what new anime are worth watching. Could you guys recommend all shows that are promising and why? Thx ?
Also blocked
Aside from Frieren, almost everything I'm watching for Fall 2023 is sequel stuff.
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto (Apothecary Diaries) starts late October though, one of my most highly anticipated anime in a year or so.
@Mfauli - Are you ok?
I say this in all seriousness, gambatte. You got this.
Back from hospital, finally! (now I've got tooth pain and my dentist told me basically shit luck all ...). Anyway, what current season anime are worth catching up with? Only show I know is Frieren. Anything else? thx
Glad you are okay! I hope your tooth isn't too bad.
I've been enjoying Shangrila Frontier because it has great animation and action sequences, even though the actual story is kinda meh.
If you like pro gaming or gaming in general, Bokura no Ameiro Protocol is a nice one.
Another that isn't being actively discussed here is Kurusiya no Hitorigoto. A nice shoujo/josei series about a women who knows meds in a time when people were stoooopid.
Strong second on Kurusiya no Hitorigoto. Probably going to be my anime of the season, slightly edging out Frieren.
I'm a fan of the manga adaptation this one is following (there are two!). But I never got around to making a thread for the anime. Not sure a lot of people are aware of it, because it started late.
It's actually more of a detective series than anything, with loads of (fictional) late Imperial Court stuff going on. Not that different from Raven of the Inner Palace, but without any magical element to it. Maomao is an apothecary, and a lot more than that, but I won't spoil.
(For the record, she looks small compared to many other characters, but she starts the series at age 17)
Lastly, give it a four-episode test, not the standard three. That's the full run of the first arc.
Thanks, I'll check out Kusuriya (is it some insider that both of you wrote "Kurusiya" or just a typo? Had trouble finding the anime at first, but thanks to my expert Japanese knowledge (lol) I figured that from the plot description it had to be "Kusuriya" ;P).
I copy-pasted from shinta because I was being lazy. It is Kusuriya no Hitorigoto (The Apothecary Diaries), copied from the video file directly this time.
Sorry for the typo!
Just finished watching "Belle" on my new projector. Beautiful anime, great sound (the German dubbed songs were nice) and overall enjoyable story. However, the story really kept skipping over "build up"-scenes as I'd call them, repeatedly leaving out scenes that would be important to make me understand and empathize with the characters' relationships. The music really made me give a blind eye to that, though.
Ok, this one's gonna be tough, but here's my question:
Can you list anime in which a human hero gets into a romantic relationship with a catgirl? Bonus-points if it's non-comedy, but a serious story.
Just started the new episode of Sasaki to Pii-chan and thought about monster girls and then how, despite how popular catgirls are, I cannot think of a single anime in which a human hero gets together with one. All I know is Xenoblade 3, haha. Really curious if there's any anime with such relationship. If it's too hard, a human side character with catgirl is fine, too.
What about the reverse? Heroine is a catgirl?
Hyper Police. Catgirl wants a romantic relationship with a wolfman.
Declining in quality from here.
Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu - One of the primary two harem girls is a catgirl.
Asobi ni Iku yo, but it's not really what you're looking for, since is a love quadrangle.
Maybe Yuusha Party o Tsuihou Sareta Beast Tamer, but I've never watched it.
Nekopara...but just like...don't.
I actually think that's it. There's no chance of getting a story without comedy to it for this.
First of all, thanks.
It's weird though, isn't it? Catgirls are THE staple of the weeb world and yet we have no serious stories where that fantasy materializes. Like, it wouldn't take much, would it? Just have any of the hundreds of isekai anime get the hero a catgirl. But nothing. Really makes me appreciate Xenoblade 3 all the more.
Hyper Police is really good though. Strongly recommend it. One the best modern fantasy 90s anime out there. And the anime is better than the manga.
Wel.. catgirls are rather specific, if you are just looking for kemonomimi, there is probably way more.
Shield Hero
Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha. - not a hero story, not even MC falling in love with a fox-girl/deity there, but still an important part of that story. The anime ends at a point where it's clear that the fox-deity (which is the reason to watch this show, because she is freaking adorable) and MCs brother love each other, but I have no idea how the manga continues (or if there even is one)
It's basically the same "deal". Cute ears and a tail, just fox/tanuki instead of cat.
But its true that most of the time, the cute Fox Girls end up as side-chicks or worse. Like "Kon" from Tokyo Ravens for example, such an adorable little beast. (She has an adult form btw - just saying because otherwise people might think weird stuff...)