paint a "V" on your forehead, that does the trick at "rocky's horror show" screenings.
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paint a "V" on your forehead, that does the trick at "rocky's horror show" screenings.
unrelated bitch..
being that its tax season i can't help but come and bitch somewhat, it has come to my attention that i am either to dumb or to undeducated along with a majority of america to do there taxes. i pull out the 1040ez BTW not so ez...not sure if that was a joke or a just a coincidence that they did that but whatever. im goin through this damn paper work claiming myself this year and what not and i come to find out that god damn i give the goverment to much money. i typically give 28% every year on my taxes what do i get back is 1100 bucks give or take. what pisses me off is not that i have to pay taxes but that i payed almost 7k in taxes, i for one would like to know what my goverment is doin that money every time i give it to them, other then the generic "police,fire department and roads" i want to see what % or what amount of my money goes were; maybe then i wouldn't feel so god damn cheated.
my next bitch is about my public speaking teacher @ SCC honest to god the bitch is 100 years old and loves to hear herself talk, never have i met a teacher that could get so pulled off topic that for a hour and a half she just rambles on about how her god damn grandson is so F'n cute until finally the end of the class period. but before the class period ends she adds on the assignment that is do the following day. now it'd be nice if i had known what the fuckin subject that im writing for this speech is supposed to be informative or persuasive.
sorry if this shit is unreadable.
It's not just unreadible it' out of place...
Seriously, take this shit to the bitching thread.
my bitch:
cheap servers are crappy... site slow downs make me want to punch someone in the face
I actually gonna recommend a punch bag and then put someones face on it. It feels better and IS better for your hand.
And you wont get sued. You can also do it all day long.
My bitch: dealing with the bottom half of the gene pool. I work with a bunch of underachievers who think they are doing well in their lives. They're older guys with little real technical expertise and no work ethic, which explains why at 40 years of age they still make $50k a year tops and they're only low level techs. So when a young whipper-snapper like me comes around (oh btw I'm Asian and most of these guys are white or black) and tells them what's what, they get upset and accuse me of being rude and condescending. One guy got mad at me for telling him it's "library", not "libary".
I know it's their own insecurities and lack of mental aptitude, but they somehow find a way of making it my fault for making them feel bad and they make it seem like I'm the bad egg, when really I'm the only good egg in a carton of bad ones. I really need to get out of this line of work (IT support) and move up in the world, so there's a more clearly defined separation between the ones in charge and the mutts doing the grunt work.
I could swear you already posted this because I'm sure I read this before.
Well it happened again, with a different coworker with the same poor credentials.
Imagine that, someone calling you condescending!Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
...Oh...wait...never mind.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
That sounds like a pretty bad situation, but it's not totally surprising that 40 year-old guys working tech support aren't the brightest guys in the world. Good luck dealing with that.
Really it's my own fault for being sort of an underachiever myself. If I was in management or an engineer, I (hopefully) wouldn't have this problem with dealing with these lower life forms, and if I did, it wouldn't matter since I would clearly outrank them.
Thanks for the words of understanding though. Well, except for the condescending part. But answer me this: when speaking to lower life forms, don't you have to speak down to them to be understood?
Hey whats wrong with that I happen to know someone exactly like that. He is brilliant just completely unmotivated. I swear its like he was born without a single iota of ambition.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Definitely. They need to know their place in the world. Lower life forms don't deserve the same social treatment.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
If you're happy with what you have, be happy. Remember though, a retarded kid loves life because he doesn't know it could be better.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
The biggest problem I have with these people is that they think they're doing well and they think they know what's what. Neither is the truth. This one guy raves about his 1992 Lexus like it's a Ferrari. It's a 16 year old car. It's almost as worn out and ancient as he is. It wouldn't be so bad dealing with him if he wasn't so proud of his meager accomplishments in life, which are the basis for him questioning my authority and superiority.
edit: corrected grammar error.
Thats just if you're blinded by your own pride if you indeed want to get them to do anything then its better to speak up to them despite how you feel. Just gotta do whatever works.Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
Exactly. We talk to children and animals at a lower level. You have to or you won't be understood. Why shouldn't we talk to mentally deficient people the same way? They get so testy when you do that though, it makes no sense. And when you do talk to them at your level, they get mad because they can't keep up. It's a bad situation all around with these mutts.Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
This is becoming way too judgmental. Talking like that I would say that you are no better than they are.
Of course I'm better than them. Even if I'm an underachiever like them, at least I realize it and want to change for the better. Also, if someone higher in standing or learning than me gives me some direction, I don't get upset and pissy about it. I realize my own limitations and deficiencies, so what excuses the mutts from having to do the same? To be completely forthright, they should recognize my authority and bow down. But I'd settle for them just taking it nicely when being corrected or getting some direction, instead of getting their underwear in a bunch.
We're better. They would never actually have this kind of insight.
Another great point. While they're busy reveling in their supposed success and standing, we're thinking and talking about it and trying to hash it out to gain a better understanding of the situation.
BoC shut the hell up. Ani I understand completely what you're saying I just don't see how you calling other people mutts makes you superior. Really this is saddening, I thought you were better than this.