just go to mirkx and check there... most of the time you'll find the new releases link there
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just go to mirkx and check there... most of the time you'll find the new releases link there
Or go to Animesuki, they have daily updates of all animes and a couple ways to browse. Great site.
uh does anyone know why AH JUST released Naruto 91 Version 2?
I mean wtf, alittle fucking late aint it?
Yikes, I never noticed that until you pointed that out. Going through the episode again and again (it's freaking funny, that's how much I watched it), when you first see the Haze ninjas in the flashback, all 3 of them have it *shudder*Quote:
Originally posted by: chambers
hey i dunno if anyones brought this up yet, but what abotu that strangley aroused ninja?
also i loved the bit where sasuke goes "damn right, i'm a genius ninja", thats the coolest/funniest thing that sasuke has ever said.
Hehe, for some strange reason, why does that guy's introduction always crack me up?
Originally posted by: piasEnigma
uh does anyone know why AH JUST released Naruto 91 Version 2?
I mean wtf, alittle fucking late aint it?
That was the worst thing I've ever seen. Not only did they completely butcher the characters in order to make some lame slapstick jokes. But they also introduced some completely irrelevant, and otherwise NONEXISTENT, Ninjas. Subsequently harming the Naruto world as whole. This episode is a disgrace to the entire Anime, and every copy should just be burnt.
Oh well, guess I will just try to manage it until the next Arc, which is my favorite, comes up. It'll be worth the waiting.
Originally posted by: chambers
hey i dunno if anyones brought this up yet, but what abotu that strangley aroused ninja?
also i loved the bit where sasuke goes "damn right, i'm a genius ninja", thats the coolest/funniest thing that sasuke has ever said.
i actually think they were meant to be the creases on their pants and not what you thought... but it would be much more funny if the guys were all aroused...
Aone released their version of 101.
yep, downloaded that file like 5 hrs ago.
good quality as always, translations seems better than ANBU's this time [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]
Haha I noticed that too when I first watched this episode. It was kinda *awkward* to watch and the whole scene lasted about 20 seconds. The weird thing is: when he turns around, the woody flips to the opposite direction. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: kooshi
Yikes, I never noticed that until you pointed that out. Going through the episode again and again (it's freaking funny, that's how much I watched it), when you first see the Haze ninjas in the flashback, all 3 of them have it *shudder*Quote:
Originally posted by: chambers
hey i dunno if anyones brought this up yet, but what abotu that strangley aroused ninja?
also i loved the bit where sasuke goes "damn right, i'm a genius ninja", thats the coolest/funniest thing that sasuke has ever said.
Hehe, for some strange reason, why does that guy's introduction always crack me up?
Oh here we go. Got those images uploaded for better clarification.
No continuity... insane, slapstick, non-pertinent humor... self depricating humor... expands on some obscure manga thing in so many freaking ways... It's like an episode of Excel Saga!
And that's all I have to say about that.
ahhhhhhhh i never noticed they all have boners, very very funny. i cant stop laughing now
[img]http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0QwD0Ag0ToHQfQNtmifgGxaVDzJGFNRggEjSOz4YDjsCv*IEQq nREl6ivooYU0VFdebuPSgcs3JN8w2!hbrPF7FTcSrqJ*LEsSTM t7oIuPl0/Naruto101-4.JPG[/img]
Naruto's evil laugh, lol
[img]http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0QwAdAxATRXUfQNtmifgGxe9u9VCgSLZiTyRbKqrTMrbun2*4l op0lti1korpHbbIqv1CjT7C7HcHyrFJc6w42KADir*y1e17fMp D4AdY0Wo/Naruto101-7.JPG[/img]
Haha, poor Kakashi
[img]http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0RAD0AjoTOIIfQNtmifgGxWxygP0aJW9StXU7KdzKoegixY4xl NzZGdy4nI!qo*f8*NljwhvAZyM*HJw*snrnXS**cXYTYgw09xQ yW7hztLo/Naruto101-10.JPG[/img]
LOL, so big
[img]http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0RADpAjsTcIIfQNtmifgGxbEIdcZt5!5GQaHb3WWTC6t9Axv6z Q0YTChuIyhNS1jczV6WAtHn*cH2vdjdr1n9ugN49pdjn0Vfc5O a!zPSqF0/Naruto101-20.JPG[/img]
Haha, another cracker
I thought this episode was a waste of time and effort. It would've been really good if you got to see Kakashi's face..but no.
ORGY! OMFG what is Sasuke doing to Chouji!!!!
On a more serious note, look at Sakura's face.
Sasuke is strangling poor Chouji to death.Quote:
Originally posted by: Lucian5000
ORGY! OMFG what is Sasuke doing to Chouji!!!!
On a more serious note, look at Sakura's face.
What scene is this from?
Do you smell what Shikamaru is cookin!Quote:
Originally posted by: Lucian5000
ORGY! OMFG what is Sasuke doing to Chouji!!!!
On a more serious note, look at Sakura's face.
wrasslin' fans know that from The Rock, of course.