RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Yeah Itachi ownz thats obvious by now stupid fanboys [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
gai's method only counters the mangekyou sharingan and that's about it, which really doesn't do that much.
Erm Gai doesnt have any experience fighting Mange Sharingan, so thats a stupid statement [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Not to get caught by the Sharingan is simply not to look in their eyes wether its Kakashi's or Itachi's eyes, period..
That still brings you in a uber disadvantage, since the Sharingan user can still copy your jutsu's, but he won't be able to predict them [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Sharingan even Itachi "the sharingan successor" is not 100% unbeatable or uncounterable.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Uchiha-Itachi
Yeah Itachi ownz thats obvious by now stupid fanboys [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
gai's method only counters the mangekyou sharingan and that's about it, which really doesn't do that much.
Erm Gai doesnt have any experience fighting Mange Sharingan, so thats a stupid statement [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Not to get caught by the Sharingan is simply not to look in their eyes wether its Kakashi's or Itachi's eyes, period..
That still brings you in a uber disadvantage, since the Sharingan user can still copy your jutsu's, but he won't be able to predict them [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Sharingan even Itachi "the sharingan successor" is not 100% unbeatable or uncounterable.
i've already said all those things, you tard. read them before you call my stuff stupid.
Originally posted by: chambers
as well of course not looking into the eyes counters it.
the only thing that does is counter genjutsus (that require eye contact) performed by the sharingan via the eyes. that is what the only thing gai's method counters, nothing else. there is only one method of countering the sharingan and it is to be an uchiha with the same level of sharingan or greater.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
as well of course not looking into the eyes counters it.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
this argument seems to be moving in circles.......
i dunno, maybe its just me
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
The trick to countering sharingan is to become "Daredevil" or that heart of sword guy from kenshin.... Lose ur eyesight and u have super sonic hearing. BOOYA there ya go instant counter sharingan =D
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
If you look at the feet, he will kick your ass even harder.
AND if you fight a person just by looking at their feet, YOU are at a disadvantage.
it just means that if they aren't force to do it, they won't do it, because its a hard task to do, and fer christ sake, Gai is fighting Itachi, just that is a MAJOR disadvantage already.
the only person that can beat itachi is Gaara, because Gaara will throw sand in his eyes and make him go blind. OR Ramen shop owner will beat itachi because he will poison the Ramen with rat poison.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Pop Quiz.
Fighter A watches Fighter B's eyes.
Fighter B watches Fighter A's feet and body.
Who do you think would have the advantage in a fight?
I would say Fighter B because looking at an opponants eyes in a fight is pretty fooking stupid regaurdless of your opponant having lightning bolts that shoot out of their eyes and fireballs that shoot out of their ass.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: chambers
as well of course not looking into the eyes counters it.
Ok, you need to understand what counter means before you use it.
v. coun·tered, coun·ter·ing, coun·ters
v. tr.
To meet or return (a blow) by another blow.
To move or act in opposition to; oppose.
To offer in response: countered that she was too busy to be thorough.
How in the world is it countering the Sharingan? It only defends against some of the power of the Sharingan.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
You counter it by watching to his feets, *DAH*
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
i think some of you guys still think that gai's method effectively nullifies the actual entire abilities of sharingan when in fact, the method only defends against tsukuyomi. stop getting the two mixed up.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
the only thing that does is counter genjutsus (that require eye contact) performed by the sharingan via the eyes. that is what the only thing gai's method counters, nothing else. there is only one method of countering the sharingan and it is to be an uchiha with the same level of sharingan or greater.
You cant counter anything that doesnt do anything, tard [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] (just lowering myself to your lvl, cuz of the swearing whoohoo its pretty cold down here)
Anyways the main thing of the Sharingan is to predict the moves and jutsu's your opponent is gonna do, then counter attack with the same jutsu (You copied) or another. Well and if you mastered Mange Sharingan you rock ass. period .
So if you don't watch in the Sharingan eyes (of any Sharingan user), thus he can't predict you thus he can't counter your attacks/jutsu's (he can still copy them though.. so in fact you are countering his Sharingan [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
The only thing you have to manage is to try watch in his eyes, since that isnt that hard cuz the opponent had a mayor disadvantage cuz he can only see you feet..
oh besides Itachi isnt afraid for Jiraiya, but he damn well knowz he doesn't stand a chance against him!
So you quickly changed your sig Mutata? itachi is the strongest bla bla (not)
fanboy alert [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Uchiha-Itachi
You counter it by watching to his feets, *DAH*
uhh, read the definition again please.
And the Sharingan can predict movements with out eye contact.
you can't counter the Sharingan by not looking into the eyes, that only defends against the part of the sharingan that screws with your mind not the ability to predict movements(Read: Not making you do movements to act like your doing them at the same time but predicting movement)
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Jessper
Originally posted by: Uchiha-Itachi
You counter it by watching to his feets, *DAH*
uhh, read the definition again please.
And the Sharingan can predict movements with out eye contact.
you can't counter the Sharingan by not looking into the eyes, that only defends against the part of the sharingan that screws with your mind not the ability to predict movements(Read: Not making you do movements to act like your doing them at the same time but predicting movement)
Well i guess you missed the zabuza saga then where kakashi explained it..
You need eye contact to sort off hypnotize him, so you can predict the jutsu's and counter against it..
Go watch it again you'll see..
And dont give me the crap Itachi has better Sharingan then Kakashi (well he does) but you still need the damn eye contact to hypnotize your opponent! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
I don't think you get it. Ok, so what IF you don't get hypnotized. YOU STILL LOSE AND GET KILLED by looking at his feet.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
No, I saw the Zabuza saga, it was explained in what would seem to me that with the eye contact kakshi got into his mind and made him choose a move that he knew so he could do it along with him, that has nothing to do with the sharingan predicting where someone's foot is going to land.
However I will go watch it again tonight just in case =)
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
uchiha-itachi, you are a complete dumbass. you are possibly even stupider than itachi_ was when he was new here.
1. i got rid of my original sig cuz i now i have an entire site for it, tard. and it's been a long time since i've changed it.
2. you obviously don't understand what the sharingan does. it should be pretty obvious that to read, copy, and counter an opponents jutsu/movement with the shaingan, eye contact between the two fighters is not needed.
3. you are completely confused about what zabuza explained. when zabuza was explaining the sharingan and how sharingan user use genjutsu to 'see the future' he wasn't talking about using the sharingan to copy and counter movements. zabuza was explaining ONLY about the 'seeing the future.' you first use genjutsu to confuse the opponent and then say some bs to confuse the opponent even more while they are still hypnotized. kakashi didn't know what zabuza was gonna say (no one can see the future, duh) all he did was imply that, that was what zabuza was gonna say and used genjutsu make him believe that. and zabuza fell for it because he was hit by the genjutsu earlier.
4. let me explain this AGAIN. gai's method (looking at the sharingan user's feet) only prevents you from being hit by tsukuyomi or any other genjutsu that requires eye contact. that's all it does. it does not stop the sharingan from seeing, copying, and countering jutsus because the sharingan user still can see everything you're doing. you're thinking as if looking at the sharingan user's feet nullifies the actual eye sight of the sharingan user.
EDIT: even though i've proved your wrong like 10 times and clearly explained what you are wrong about in like the 30 posts i've posted on this thread, you still probably won't understand. but it's ok, i'm not expecting much.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Episode 82 (Shin Otaku translation):
Gai said first: "the only way to move against him is to focus on his feet",
but after that he also said: "Well, there is another way to move, but now's not the time."
So I suggest to just wait and see. Although, I doubt Gai will have to confront him again.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Gai also says "I've contacted Anbu already" (means "im scared shitless and i need Anbu to use as a human shield")
its like hockey, if you don't lift your head up your bound to get a concusion.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
here A REALLY SIMPLE WAY TO COUNTER IT its called sunglasses if they onyl had sunglass itachi couldnt do shit [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
uchiha-itachi, you are a complete dumbass. you are possibly even stupider than itachi_ was when he was new here.
1. i got rid of my original sig cuz i now i have an entire site for it, tard. and it's been a long time since i've changed it.
2. you obviously don't understand what the sharingan does. it should be pretty obvious that to read, copy, and counter an opponents jutsu/movement with the shaingan, eye contact between the two fighters is not needed.
3. you are completely confused about what zabuza explained. when zabuza was explaining the sharingan and how sharingan user use genjutsu to 'see the future' he wasn't talking about using the sharingan to copy and counter movements. zabuza was explaining ONLY about the 'seeing the future.' you first use genjutsu to confuse the opponent and then say some bs to confuse the opponent even more while they are still hypnotized. kakashi didn't know what zabuza was gonna say (no one can see the future, duh) all he did was imply that, that was what zabuza was gonna say and used genjutsu make him believe that. and zabuza fell for it because he was hit by the genjutsu earlier.
4. let me explain this AGAIN. gai's method (looking at the sharingan user's feet) only prevents you from being hit by tsukuyomi or any other genjutsu that requires eye contact. that's all it does. it does not stop the sharingan from seeing, copying, and countering jutsus because the sharingan user still can see everything you're doing. you're thinking as if looking at the sharingan user's feet nullifies the actual eye sight of the sharingan user.
EDIT: even though i've proved your wrong like 10 times and clearly explained what you are wrong about in like the 30 posts i've posted on this thread, you still probably won't understand. but it's ok, i'm not expecting much.
Well explain me then why Gai defeats kakashi 50-49 or 49-50 with that tactic? The only difference from Kakashi and Itachi is that Itachi can use Mange Sharingan..
And for the fact you have to swear all the time proofs how low selve steem you have... got bullied all your live on school etc.. and now you need to release the frustration on the internet? lol get a life!
Thats with all the pussies big mouth behind their monitor, but IRL they shit their pants..