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does anybody know why no one is subbing episode 3 and if someone does find a subbed version could they please post the link. Ive been looking for the 3 ep for s long time
I would even like a link to a raw of 3?
yes I would please give but anime.mircx dosn't seem to work right now atleast not for me but if you know somewere else to get it or if you think anime.mircx is working now please post
Just to let you people know if you havent realized yet, Samurai Champloo has it's own section now. And yea if you happen to know a link to the raw post it up.
Here is the Raw of ep3, I didn't know rather to put it here or in the SC forum.
thanks aeon
Originally posted by: Aeon
Here is the Raw of ep3, I didn't know rather to put it here or in the SC forum.
do both people might over look this thread now since SC has it's own forum. And thanks for the raw.
Subbed version of episode 3 is out ! check!
I just discovered that they released two OST's for Samurai Champloo on the 11th I think.
If you check the official site (news section) and understand Japanese you'll probably be happier than I am. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
I've watched the first 3 eps from POPGO fan-sub. I like this anime a lot, especially the one of the voice actors is the same guy for Zoro in OP
I'm tired of having episodes ending the way it did. Come on, the best part is right there, and we have to wait until next week to get it.
true, oceen, it kind of gets you when episodes end like that, but then again, that's the whole point of cliff-hangers, to get you to want to watch it next week.
hey_ ep 3 is out subbed_ i tried dl'ing a version by af-f from but it wouldn't play on my windows media for some reason. currently finding out if just that file was corrupt on the site, or if i have to register as a member for dls to work...oh well, persistence
er i meant _ my mistake
use the edit button and don't multi post next time, thanks.
99% of the time if your file doesn't play, then you don't have the right codecs. i don't have the links right now but if you go to the anime support forum i'm sure you can find the links.'
but if you do have the right codecs, the file might be corrupt because it did not finish properly.
Ok, locking this, everyone post in the new forum.