Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
Thanks for posting Dazzz.
Notice "ABOUT." About isn't equality. It's like saying almost, in like "Sasuke almost won against Lee." Almost and abouts don't quite cut it. Lee is still faster than Sasuke, so Sasuke not being able to block Lee's attacks is still a problem.
You put that difference of speed into a person like Rock Lee, and he'll take fulll advantage of Sasuke. For someone like Rock Lee, that's all he needs. There will be such a big gap. About Sasuke's ninjutsu or genjutsu, Sasuke shouldn't even try it, because Rock Lee can close the gap quick, and with one iron fist. Sasuke may be out cold for a while.
More importantly, if everyone agrees that Lee can hold his own or even beat Sasuke or Naruto, then why are people complaining about Lee being a match for Kimimaro.
Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
Originally posted by: dazzz
plz know what you are talking about before posting.
and why do i get a feeling that you have something against me?
Actually, I did misspeak. I was writing and thinking about gates open, hence the next sentence I originally wrote. As to your next sentence, I won't even comment.
The whole of my post I was thinking about Lee bouncing Gaara around the room, which was with several gates open. Sasuke has Lee's speed w/o the weights, but Lee has more speed than that, being able to open his chakra gates. That was the point I was attemping to make, despite my mistake and misspeaking.
RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
lol, the naruto manga forum is the best place for discussions. ha ha.
RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
Originally posted by: Saruto
where could i read it in english?
You can download 210 translated in
RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
Originally posted by: Saruto
where could i read it in english?
As Neji would say:
Urusai yatsu da, ne?
RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
Hahah Lee will be even greater now after some sake then he was after he opend the gates [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
Originally posted by: Saruto
where could i read it in english?
As Neji would say:
Urusai yatsu da, ne?
As Terra would say:
Speak english goddamnit [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
Originally posted by: itachi_
Hahah Lee will be even greater now after some sake then he was after he opend the gates [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
doesn't it bother anyone?
Lee's forbidden life-risking techniques are outmatched by his Drinking Habits
I reapet, where opening five gates failed, a bottle of Booze will succeed
Unbearable pain to reach one's goals? No, a few shots of whiski will get you much farther than that...Shots of Whisky
RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
Originally posted by: itachi_
Hahah Lee will be even greater now after some sake then he was after he opend the gates [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
doesn't it bother anyone?
Lee's forbidden life-risking techniques are outmatched by his
Drinking Habits
I reapet, where opening five gates failed, a bottle of
Booze will succeed
Unbearable pain to reach one's goals? No, a few shots of whiski will get you much farther than that...
Shots of Whisky
Did the manga say Lee was stronger than with the gates? He is probably stronger than when he doesn't have any gates open. But the only thing we know is that he loses control.
RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
I don't think that his drinking makes him stronger than opening the gates. What the drinking instills is that it opens up another side of Lee. One that we've never seen before. As everyone has said before, Lee has pretty much been a linear character i.e. he was taijustsu based. Drinking just makes his taijutsu more multi dimensional. I don't believe that it is stronger than the gates. It helps make up for his lack of cantra, as professionals would call it. Even Gai fears Lee in his drunken state, so he must be really strong.
Funny thing is that we haven't seen anything ninjutsu or genjutsu based from Kimimaro yet. He's just pulled bones out of his body, but that's more taijutsu based than the other two. Maybe Kimimaro also leans more towards taijutsu. In that case it would be a very good match between them.
Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
You saw the flashbacks when he drank sake the last time, he went berserk on that house, it was totally destroyed. btw, did he drank that sake with purpose or did he picked the wrong bottle not knowing it
RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
lee's a mean drunk
well i dunno since even gai fears lee when hes drunk then i wonder what will happen ke said that kimimaro moves where fluidic and well kimimaru said that lees where stiff so the booze should loosen lee up and increase his fighting spirit
Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
Originally posted by: itachi_
You saw the flashbacks when he drank sake the last time, he went berserk on that house, it was totally destroyed. btw, did he drank that sake with purpose or did he picked the wrong bottle not knowing it
He thought it was water in the restaurant, just like this time he thought it was medicine.
RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
probably when lee gets drunk, he doesn't get as powerful as when opening his gates but probably his moves will be more perfect and unpredictable, now imagine a fighting style that can attack while dodging blows accurately that'll most likely be what happens, his moves will be too unpredictable and too precise for kimimaro to handle thus his downfall, although I do think that when kimi goes into Lvl 2 either Lee will have to open the gates again or he'll be screwed because if he's capable of going against lvl2 kimi then kishimoto will need to think up a damn good explenation for it
RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
As Terra would say:
Speak english goddamnit [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img][/quote]
Huh, Neji doesn't speak English...
Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
there is no lvl 2 kimimaro. stop saying that since we don't know yet.
Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
if kimi doesn't have a lvl2 then he's a stupid charachter to begin with and i see no reason why rock lee won't be able to beat him and it woul be stupid for him not to be able to go lvl2 because even sasuke is made to be level 2, why would oro have wanted kimi before if he didn't even have a seal lvl 2 and I won't believe things like that he's just as powerful as lvl 2 with his normal seal
RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
lol, the naruto manga forum is the best place for discussions. ha ha.
Mut@t@, I have a problem with your #3 in your sig.
I really wasn't going to comment on this, but I really didn't want you to embarass yourself by contradicting yourself, I've been holding back for months now.
strength is defined as the capacity or potential for effective action.
In your own words, Naruto has the most potential for effective action. I know you agree with this since you openly state it. Thus, by definition of strength, Naruto is the strongest. So you, yourself, have contradicted your #3. Since, we've just proven your #3 wrong, with Naruto being the strongest, your #2 goes out the window. With you being wrong, it nullifies your #1. So #1, #2, and #3 are wrong, very wrong.
RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
Originally posted by: hiten mitsurugi
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
lol, the naruto manga forum is the best place for discussions. ha ha.
Mut@t@, I have a problem with your #3 in your sig.
You might as well talk to air hiten. I could expound on this, but like I just suggested, it'd be pointless.
On more noteworthy topics, Kimi most likely has some altered form. We've seen a total of three kinds of seals, and know that two have altered states. Kishimoto has been fairly linear where this things are concerned, and the only reason I could understand not seeing Kimi's altered states is his current health, or rather the lack thereof.
I think this'll be the most-funnest-fights in a long time, and can't wait for a paintpixel`ed scanslation of 210 and 211.
RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
The thing is, when people on these forums say "the strongest ninja" they are usually talking about "who would win in a battle". So while I understand what your theory is saying, it only applies to the minority of posters here.