Well Kiddies i belive that Sasuke has to get away right now. I belive that kimmarono or however you spell it can keep naruto and lee busy for a bit so sauske can get away....
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Well Kiddies i belive that Sasuke has to get away right now. I belive that kimmarono or however you spell it can keep naruto and lee busy for a bit so sauske can get away....
Sasuke off to find Snake-boy, Naruto willl follow, Lee will take care of Kimi.
Could it be that Kabuto is going around looking like Lee???
It is obvious that Lee could not have had the operation, recovered and caught up to Naruto. Naruto, Kiba, Shika have been going non-stop since they left the village, so at best Lee had to have left the village four hours after they did. I think its someone impersonating Lee and we know that Kabutos job was to study the Leaf Village.
Meh, we'll be having Naruto vs. Sasuke sometime soon. I bet next chapter'll be Kimimaro vs. Lee, and maybe the next one too. Then we go to Naruto and Sasuke, and there'll be much staring and yelling, and then we'll again have
(Add "AKIRA!!" and "KANEDA!!!" for humor... unless you haven't watched Akira yet.)
And much fighting. And while it'd be better for the plot if Sasuke got away, I want to see Naruto kicking pretty-boy's ass.
However, I think that'll end with lvl 2. Sasuke vs. Half-Kyuubi-ed Naruto, and maybe, just maybe, if Naruto goes completely berserk (like he did when he was fighting against Haku), Sasuke will be the first one to see the half-reincarnated Kyuubi and not die...
...or maybe he will die after all. Ha ha ha ha. Yeah right.
Nope. Green is "midori," and blue is "aoi."Quote:
Originally posted by: XwingRob
Hmm, I believe the word in Japanese for green, also means blue too. Weird. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
Naruto vs. Sasuke huh? They've been teasing us so long, its kinda surreal. I wonder what Sasuke will do next. If I got new power, where would I go first? I KNOW! I'd go see my darling admirer Sakura! But I guess thats as bout a big a chance happening as Yondaime being Nauto's father...........right?
Saske is such a waste of time...As this Japanese kid told me today, aniki...suge aho da...
Let Oro have him, and have Sakura go look after yelling we don't want to see your face anymore or any of her powerful jutsus...
"He's a big idiot" is what the kid was saying, I believe.
I think the Oro arc is about to come to an end, soon. I seriously think he's at the end of his rope. He's done everything he can to hang on. It's time we move onto bigger, and better things in the manga.
That's exactly what I thought. On the whole issue of Lee, my atitude is, Lee is my favorite character in the manga/anime, so, even though not everything makes complete sense, he's there and fighting and thats good enough.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
As for the people suggesting lee is gai in henge.....all i gotta ask is.....why? What would possibly be the point of gai pretending to be lee. All that does is confuse the good guys, as the enemy prolly has no idea who lee nor gai really is. It would just decieve his allies, and what's the advantage in that?
Though someone going henge may make little sense, it makes very little sense to me how a person you saw in need of life threatening surgery in the morning shows up the afternoon fighting with a new technique. Learning a technique in his injured state? Makes about as much sense as Gai going henge.
My guess is it's Sakura. What better way to put her in a pivotal role (FINALLY). Plus she fully knows what Lee looks like, wants to help, and knows Naruto would stay behind if he saw her fighting.
Yep, it's totally out there, but it makes a lot more sense than Lee to me.
I asked those two boys if they were brothers, and then asked if the oldest looking was the aniki. He said yes, but the ototou added that line...Quote:
*He's a big idiot*
Yeah, I was more shocked that the aniki himself, who was there, and just kept playing go in his gameboy...
Still, Saske suge aho des... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Was sasuke in cursed seal level 1 or 2?? because his hair was white he really look kinda ogre at first sight.
Neji-Aniki-sama: What in the name of Mario Kart 64 are you talking about?
And Lee rocks. (Muhu @ Pun)
ok, ok, I just had a thought.
What if Tusnade (sp?) was lying to Lee, infact he was always going to be fine, she just wanted to stop him putting himself in danger, so gave him an ultimatum which would either make him stop, or prove he was worthy to keep being a ninja?
actually, the doctors in the pre- fights said the same, so he is in a bad condition...
but still a nice thought
I for one am one of the Happy folks to see Lee back. To quote BlackKnightwhen I saw Lee. Even Kimiaru said this guy is good.Quote:
I shit myself
Go Lee-san!!!!!! Yeah, why WOULD Gai henge into Lee? Thats just weird...
Maybe that's Hinata-chan...
Nah, Hinata is way too shy to be Lee.
Lee is Lee people... I already did half-an-essay on that, so I wont insist anymore. In what I'l insist though, is that I want to see Sasuke getting beaten, and I'm perhaps one of the two people in the entire world who would like to see Sakura getting a bigger role and... well, I just want her not to be so useless, and THEN get a bigger role.
Also, could we _please_ keep the fan-japanese down...? Its bad enough that 75% of the fanfiction out there has it, do we have to incorporate it in the boards already...?
Or at least spell it properly. Its "desu" and not "des", it doesn't matter how it sounds...
What chapter was this in the manga? I don't seem to remember....Quote:
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Oooh, I'm so looking forward for when Gai gives Naruto his jumpsuit and Naruto actually thinks of wearing it until Jiraiya tells him he'd rather die than be seen with someone in that suit.... it might just be one of my favorite (humorous) moments in all of the manga.
hahaha that was so funny
its right after jiraiya/sasuke/naruto meat kisame and itachi in the hotel and gai shows up drop kicking jiraiya because he couldn't see clearly on the other side of the wall with his headprotecter LOL!