i really dont think that Akamarus piss is lethal
that'd be the stupidest idea EVER
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i really dont think that Akamarus piss is lethal
that'd be the stupidest idea EVER
why not maybe its not actual pee maybe its a very strong venom similar to that of a spitting cobra which has been documented as to eat through skin and muscle maybe akamaru has a second glan inside his bladder that allows a corosive liquid to extrude through his well um and its very acidic
hell sakon said it was burning like acid
intersting theory, but i don't think Akamaru can talk... so we have to dismiss it.
Naruto is aimed for 12-16 (mainly 14) at japan,no way around it, the anime is for kids, the manga is for whoever wants it.
have you ever had any liquid in your eyes? if you dont expect it it always stings unless you're used to it like water
piss actually does have some mild acid in it but i doubt there could ever be so much as to kill or burn through someones eyes, it'd kill akamaru just by being inside him.
'i forgot to mention, my dogs piss kills people'
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>it'd kill akamaru just by being inside him.</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
not if its natural to his body
amd urine can be leathal kinda
boy aint this a fun conversation
ok i'll bet you 100 bucks that Sakon doesnt die to Akamarus piss alone http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
i never said he had to die just that id think it funny if he had his eyes or a hole burned into his head that disabled sakon
Actually, the anime is aimed lower than that, I'm sure. Most anime is aimed at a younger than teen age in Japan. So it could look pretty weird for a 16 year old to be watching anime in Japan. Hehe.
Manga's more wide-spread over the ages, whereas the anime adaptions aren't usually watched by teenagers.
At any rate .. I'm not too interested in Kiba. So I just hope that this fight hurries up, so we can see what Shikamaru's plan is. It's always interesting, seeing what he'll come up with.
ok ^^
fact1: narutochuushin modify all inane chapter into jpg wich modify inane original work just by recompressing the chapter
fact2: narutochuushin remove inane tag,
take a look at inane chapter203 http://ojisama.free.fr/Naruto_v23_ch203%5bInane%5d.zip
they remove page too : inane chapter on narutochuushin http://ojisama.free.fr/chapter203.zip
u can see that the page1 with inane credit just was removed, it s not the first time it happens.
fact3: they change filename from "Naruto_vxx_chxxx[Inane]" to "chapterxxx"
fact4:they disrespect inane
Just see their news for naruto chapter203
"After what I thought to be a rather annoyingly long wait, Inane has finally decided to put out chapter 203. They've been sitting on a completed version for at least a full day, god knows why they didn't put this thing out when it was finished like any logic would say to do. Regardless, they've finally gotten around to releasing it, and as always, we've got it up here on Chuushin for you"
So for them inane is annoying because we released chapter203 sunday althought the raw was out only since friday, and we released when it was ready. They just assume thing about inane althought they dont know anything.
And if your read inane website at the same time we were talking about droping naruto because of ppl like that who think that inane is obliged to release the chapter is less than a day ...
<@Gogeta619> I don't care about Inane because you're pointless
<@Gogeta619> the world would not mourn your loss
<@Gogeta619> all would still receive the same weekly scanslated manga
<Lvl9> god, my head hurts from trying to read u re lame typ in
<@Gogeta619> I modify your crap because it sucks cock the way it is
<@Gogeta619> and sorry if I don't host homosexually challenged multimedia
gogeta is an admin of narutochuushin btw...
fact5: now they modify our current page at their own will
inane page1 version http://ojisama.free.fr/naruto_ch204_p01.png
inane said "plz do not support or donate to narutochuushin"
inane altered page on narutochuushin http://ojisama.free.fr/chapter204_01.jpg
they changed it to "plz do not support or donate to inane thx"
u can also read their new : "Well, after what I find to be a rather humorous turn of events, Inane has decided to tag this week's Naruto release with a little bit of extra information. You'll see what I mean when you download it. To think they'd knowingly tell all you Naruto fans not to support or donate to Inane, well, it's simply astounding. But I suppose we should all take their words to heart, as, after all, they are the untouchable gods of scanslation, are they not?"
fact6: they just know to say for their defense that i m a stupid french. Ok o_O;;
so you see narutochuushin just dont like/respect inane at all but on other other hand they use inane chapter to get more popular.
And i m not even talking about that naruto is licensed in usa wich make http site like narutochuushin totaly unlegit...
Oh god not one of those character comes back from the dead scenarios. Inuyasha and Dragonball Z did those things...well...to death.
The reason I mentioned Haku, and not Hokage was because I don't think anyone really developed a liking of the old man. Haku on the other hand was a child and had lost everything because of his cursed "advanced bloodline"
shikamaru has the biggest potential of dying in my opinion. Since he is a good friend of Naruto, and he is the leader, and must protect his team.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Everon @ Feb 15 2004, 04:45 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> The reason I mentioned Haku, and not Hokage was because I don't think anyone really developed a liking of the old man. Haku on the other hand was a child and had lost everything because of his cursed "advanced bloodline" </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
speak for yourself, mate. long live ole man the third, thats what i say
crazy theory here, when my roomate saw the kiba stabbing himself pic he said it appeared as if kiba was stabbing himself where his bladder was. maybe his piss is toxic too and only his own body can handle it, so itll kill off ukon. maybe. just thought id throw that out there. Itd be weird as fuck but hell it could go there.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Oh god not one of those character comes back from the dead scenarios. Inuyasha and Dragonball Z did those things...well...to death.</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Sasuke has 'died' several times already, so has Naruto - so has Raido and Gemma.
how could you not notice the fact that they keep coming back?
Raido is the prime example, he was supposed to have died while protecting the hokage, then hes alive again and fights the sound 4, and 'dies' again - then hes talking again.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (XpLo @ Feb 14 2004, 01:48 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Jakob
"1) Oooh, changing the file format is stealing!? Since when?"
where did i mention stealing ? oO
"3) Who cares what the FILE NAME is, if Inane is mentioned in the image itself? Maybe it'd make you happy if we put "Inane scanslated this for all of us Naruto fans!" on every single page?"
Inane cares. And exactly like in chapter 203 narutochuushin REMOVED THE INANE TAG IN the chapter(page1). Read again my post....
"4) I've seen at least one time where Inane has had the chapter done, yet someone decides to hold it off for some reason. Obviously since I don't work for Inane, I don't know the whole story, but i'm sure UltimateDBZ isn't making this shit up just because he doesn't like you. "
ohhh really what chapter ?? u cant know when a chapter is done unless you re in inane wich i doubt .....
"5) So, its okay for Inane to say "don't support Chuushin" but if we turn that around and say "don't support Inane," we're the ones that are wrong?"
Yes it s wrong it s our edited chapter, not yours, u just modified inane chapter,if u dont like what we put in our chapter then DONT distro it .... This page can be considered like stealing </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
You mentioned that the tag for Inane was removed? hmm but only in Chapter 203?
Well I realize the feud is supposedly over, which is good- is chuushin still going to use Inane scanslations then? I though OT went under?
that bladder stabbing theory is indeed crazy
if that does happen Kiba will be know as the piss jutsu genin.
Mannen your sig is way too fucking big for this forum. theirs an overall size limit of like 500x150. ur s is like 5 billionx6billion
Howz that?