There really is no need for character development for this ever since the end of the 1st series, but that is the only thing the 2nd season has been doing. I like the comedy, but I would love it more if it were interspersed with actual plot.
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There really is no need for character development for this ever since the end of the 1st series, but that is the only thing the 2nd season has been doing. I like the comedy, but I would love it more if it were interspersed with actual plot.
There is always a need for fanservice in this show. It need not be explicit, but it needs to be present.
Some weird shit going on with that release... anyway, i found it on irc with the crc AF20435B
The CRC in the filename was wrong. They've re-released it with the correct CRC (4F9B62CA) in the filename.
Whatever, i already downloaded the other one.
Does the memory-wipe work on supernatural beings? If not, Anderson must have been faking it, but it wasn't as apparent as Sera's.
The subs said Chris was the headmaster's student, but I thought I heard she's the headmaster's teacher.
Commie's subs said "mentor," so I don't know which subs you were watching.
That's one hell of a curse placed on her. Alas, Tomonori's ring didn't even last a whole episode, but in exchange we got more drunk magiclad girl, and original Eu.
I guess the big question is what Kyouko will ask in exchange for telling Dai-sensei Chris' weakness. Too bad the answer is obviously fried squid. :3
Indeed it does. I have no idea how I derived that meaning when I watched the exact same subs.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryll
I love how little sense this show makes.
I'm actually getting nauseous from all the racks in the show.
Only Ayumu could pull off a fishnet shirt.
Shitaya Noriko's evil psychotic yandere voice is the best. That's a pretty shitty punishment though. Not as bad as being forced to be a boring, middle-aged man, but pretty bad. She wouldn't be able to redeem herself even if she wanted to.
Tomonori's facial expressions during the mixer were hilarious.
Kyouko's seems to be the most torpedo-shaped of all, though it could have just been the nightgown's lack of support.
It must be good being a zombie, being able survive brutal attacks to reap the reward afterwards. I gather that none of vampire ninjas, magiclad girls or diezens of the netherworld age neither? That's cool too.