Araragi concluded that Tsubasa must have seen Mayoi because she didn't feel like going home neither. She too was wandering around on Mother's Day.Quote:
Originally Posted by Everon
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Araragi concluded that Tsubasa must have seen Mayoi because she didn't feel like going home neither. She too was wandering around on Mother's Day.Quote:
Originally Posted by Everon
One word.. Bloomers. The room scene in the last part of the episode was awesome. Great shots(LOL), comedy between Kanbaru and Araragi's Mags And the bloomers. Awesome.
It has been a while since I've heard anything other than "Araragi" so my mind is troubled. ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by Bill
This series needs more Shinobu-chan. Kanbaru was right, she's almost too cute.
This arc isn't grabbing me the way the others did, I may have to wait for the custom theme song before I get interested.
so the music that kicked in at 7:15 (when he loses sight of Kanbaru) was awesome. so awesome, that when that one background theme that they use a lot kicked in when Hanekawa was bringing up his closeness with Kanbaru, it seemed really annoying. at the beginning of the series i just kinda ignored the track, but after hearing that one in this ep prior, i guess it got me paying more attention to the background music :\.
the scene where they see the dead snakes, and then when they stop her from killing the snake. those scenes were cool, and interesting. and the ending, weeding through the fanservice, was interesting as well. but all the rest of the stuff (what like, 85% of the episode?) wasn't really interesting :\.
so far i like this snake arc... but i mean, this like 15% snake story, 85% other random stuff.. not expecting much from it.
I am surprised you have kept up with this show considering you are only always around 15-20% interested in it. I would have dropped any show that didn't keep my interest at least 60-70% of the time. It would be a waste of my time to do otherwise.
The gaijin 4koma meme was brilliantly used in this episode, mainly because Kanbaru's facial expression.
Is it really so surprising that someone isn't like you in a particular way? And even if it is, what point is there in mentioning it here? Is it that big of a secret that different people have different motivations and different standards of tolerance?
Anyway, I rather liked the lack of Senjogahara in this ep, I wonder if that's a surprise for anyone too... While I often enjoy Senjogahara for her crazy, emotionally confusing antics I think she can be sort of smothering for Koyomi. He tends to be very weak and I daresay useless around her and since I identify Koyomi as the main character it annoys me to see him upstaged too much. Coming off his rather useless performance in the conclusion of the last arc I feel like Koyomi needs to flex some main character muscles for an episode or two to keep things in balance. I imagine Senjogahara will be along soon enough to berate him for something or other but I'm hoping he'll be able to resolve this snake issue without too much help from her.
I actually fully agree on this even though Senjougahara doesn't disturb me otherwise at all nor do I mind the fact Araragi is completely under her control whenever they are together. But it certainly would be nice to see Araragi manage to play a bigger role in solving a case. I don't believe Senjougahara personally is even interested in solving strangers' problems like Araragi.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
wait, what exactly has senjogahara solved in the past? araragi's first reaction to any oddity is to show it to Oshino. who then fixes it.
Okay, "fix" wasn't exactly the right word there if you put it like that. It's more like "play an important part", perhaps even more important than Araragi.Quote:
Originally Posted by Pandadice
Mayoi Snail:
She pointed out to Oshino that Araragi was talking to something she can't see. That was critical in identifying the problem, which Araragi himself didn't see. Oshino will have figured it out of he brought Mayoi to his place, but that would make it a different scenario. She also played some part in directing them to her lost home. Araragi, who wasn't from the area, may have thought it was his own fault for not finding the place, rather than considering the place actually cannot be found.
Suruga Monkey:
She came and saved Araragi's life. Saving protagonist's life = "play an important part". Araragi thought he could prove to the devil that it can't kill him by defeating it (and proving he was stronger). Oshino told him the chance was slim, and it indeed failed. Even with his regenerative abilities, he would have died. Senjougahara was the one who could turn that situation around.
Oshino called her, but we really don't know how much instructions he gave her, and how much of her actions were on-the-spot after assessing the situation.
The point is, if all one does is complain about the show without properly elaborating on why they dislike it, why watch it then post about it in the first place? It almost feels like trolling, though I am sure that is not his intent, which is why I tried to phrase my last post in a relatively suggestive and least offensive (that I can manage) manner.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
EDIT: While I love Hitagi, I hope Araragi solves this case with Kanbaru. I don't think Hitagi will have interesting interactions with Snake girl, at least in comparison to Kanbaru who is a loli-loving lesbian.
[gg] Bakemonogatari - 10 [E40C2606].mkv
Hmm... I still would like to know why Araragi is so hellbent on saving everybody. The ritual this time was rather interesting, in any case, as was the detail Araragi could just grab the constrictor and fight it physically. I imagine it would have been over in a mere moment if he wasn't only 1/10 of a vampire. Still might have been if he hadn't fought with bare hands.
Yuki's wish was fully granted seeing how Senjougahara never appeared or had even a single line in the whole episode. Plus Araragi ended up playing a big part in solving the case. I do hope, though, that Senjougahara appears in the next episode. She's supposed to be Araragi's girlfriend, after all. One might say Kanbaru has paid back her debt after this case and could thus withdraw. Unless Araragi turned her into a bi...
Animation this episode was terrible. Most of the action parts were cut out, and there are scenes when Araragi is talking but his mouth stays still.
Despite all that, I still liked this episode, especially the Araragi development. It is great that he recognizes the inherent absurdity in his "kindness".
At the moment he was fighting the snake, Araragi was not even 1/10 of a vampire. He needed to power up using Shinobu just to reach that level when he fought (got pawned) by Kanbaru. It is interesting that it is in fact Araragi's decision to keep himself in the middle of humanity and the other side, just to keep Shinobu alive or something of the sort.
Senjougahara will have her hands full with such a self-sacrificing boyfriend, especially because those are the really popular types in anime.
The arc felt a bit short and less conclusive than the others might be because the scene with the sisters at the end was missing. Also there wasn't really that much background info on Sengoku and interaction compared to the others. But I did like how it ended.
Anyway don't really know how the novels are but it too bad that we don't really get to see how Araragis oddity started with the vampire and Oshino.
It makes the ending less conclusive, as you say, as well as more gloomy. I can't say it's not appropriate, since this arc discussed some of the less-than-cheerful aspects of Araragi's actions and consequences. The bloody arm was a good scene to end on, IMO, as it sums up the situation: it's not always win-win.Quote:
Originally Posted by fireheart
The reminiscence scenes were really well done though. I liked how they used slides for Araragi's lines instead of his voice so it was still Sengoku's monologue, so as to not split the focus.
As for the butchered fight and non-moving mouthflaps, I don't think SHAFT has much of an excuse.
edit: Actually, I take that back. Rewatching that, I'm appreciating more of the effect of SHAFT's animation choice. The lack of animation combined with tense music conveyed the essence of the fight very well:
wtf is going on?
It's exactly what Araragi's going through as he fought his invisible adversary. The red/white stills were great. As he was struggling with that oddity, the only thing he knows for sure is if he's fine, or whether he just got attacked.
It's just like the pulsating, flashing red screens in first-person-shooters. You know you just got attacked, but you can't see shit.
Bright blue/pink/yellow SHAFTY colours would be just plain inappropriate. If it was animated normally, well, it wouldn't be SHAFT.
I still don't get the mouthflaps. It looks more like a sync stuff-up rather than lazy animation, as it makes sense when you use [Voice-Line] instead of Araragi's shot.
I'm betting it was not intentional, and they had some animation problems. For now, there is no way to tell for certain, so I will wait for the DVD release and check for the differences.
It would certainly be quite funny if they indeed are so sorely lacking in animators that they simply couldn't get the animation finished before the airing date.
I read about that rumor as well, and it would make sense for it to be the primary reason for such an animation, as well as for the DVDs to have more complete animation given the general public response.
Given their circumstances, I thought the idea and effect in this episode was really smart.
started watching this some days ago...
this show really has it's moments
couldn't stop laughing
... and the whole show is so strange, which makes it even better...
I really enjoy this.