Originally Posted by David75
He's considered level 0 also because his attack power is 0, 0 being the attack power of your average human being.
That let's me think that the accelerator must have something else up his sleeves than just his Vector direction modification... or he'd be level 0 too.
Other questions:
Why having young teens with powers and the ability to kill/attack?
What is the society they live in?
What is the source of their power, which parts of sciences did develop to give them these powers and why?
For the magic world we know, and somehow we get the idea that science and magic are equal in power allowing for some kind of balance or coldwar beetween them.
That's all we know I guess.
Back to Touma, he had trouble with the cutting strings and swords girl, because her attack was mainly physical. Touma escaped thanks to his wits.
His hand proved some limits with the spell that was threatning Index, his finger got injured by magic only, which never happened before, and didn't after. So some level/types of magic can actually work on it. It's not necessarily a threat now, but could be in the future.
Regarding his powers, wits and recklessness, Touma ressembles Kuzumi Taiga from Mx0 a lot. Everything else is quite different.