Originally Posted by KrayZ33
I just wonder what those side characters are all about if this anime will end in 4 episodes... they have explained nearly nothing.. and we havn't seen a strong monster yet, "only" the dragon... but I expected more... something like the 4 (5) knights in the first episode :/ or in the flashback in episode 3
All in all there is not enough fighting in this anime, I didn't know that it had only 13 episode, so I didn't care until now
Only 13 eps?!?!
*goes check anime sites*
Damn, and here I thought this was going to be a good old, long running show. In that case, we really haven't gone that deeply into all our characters. It's done a good job so far I guess, but seeing as it's only 13eps long, they should have done more in getting us knowing the characters. Oh well, guess I'll sit back and enjoy the rest of the show.
I'm surprised they killed off a character... much less one from Neeba's group. Kaaya's apparently very important to the central storyline, and the mirrors of the characters were an interesting twist (though I didn't quite get the point of adding them in besides having a plot point to go off of.).
I'm also surprised and upset that this is only getting 13 episodes!
it was said that neeba was going to get all his party killed. wasnt it? that blue chick?
im betting a neeba vs jil fight at the end... or maybe kaaya betraying jil at the real last floor.
Tower of Druaga: Episode 10
wtf is with that youtube version? I hope they upload one without the ad, because I won't watch it otherwise... and youtube had the best quality ~~; *sob*
and what is with that Gonzo X bost link? seems like its just the preview (wow I didn't know that this has such a nice quality, I take back what I said before)
Do I have to do something to watch the whole thing? I clicked on nearly everything on that page :/
edit: ehhh... "points" oO
ok now I remember why I didn't use that side xD
Watched it on crunchyroll
well pretty nice episode, yet I can't believe this anime did (or rather will) end so fast.... they climbed that huge tower way too fast and actually pretty much nothing happened while climbing that tower except for the dragon.
Poor Jil btw, I wonder who will betray him, why and when.
neeba is such an asshole
Thing is, why is he like that? Neeba has some hidden agenda, and something that apparently he'll kill, or sacrifice his team for. That and aliance with Sumer might very well be what he's doing.
I agree about the story's length. Normal RPG storylines are at least standard, because so much usually happens, and with each event, you develop each character from either a novice like Jil, or a flawed character like Melt, into the imperfect, but admirable character in the end. Often, it's the development and teamplay/friendship that they've developed, rather than their skill, that brings them through.
Right now though, it doesn't feel as though anyone's advanced anywhere. Jil still feels like the noob climber, and Melt is still his old selfish self. They've changed that a little, but it's not gradual nor pronounced enough. Meh, I still like this series though.
I wonder if Gonzo had a little chat with our fansub groups. There haven't been any HD subs lately.
damnit i want 720 hd versions of ep 7+, did all the hd-subbers quit this?
Furukawa, Nova-subs and Otaku-Legend all say that their releases are still coming. We can only wait (unfortunately). There's a group called Hikimori no Kami who are up to episode 10, but release stuff in SD mkv. Just request it, and I can update all the links with their releases easily enough. I just thought most people now would watch the stream and archive the HD, so I never really bothered.
well, we get to see Druaga next episode atleast....im wonder if they'll do the final fight in eps 11 and 12, and then do a summary/comical ep in 13, like they did for ep 1.
I wonder what's the significance of everybody asking Jil what his after if he gets the rod. Naturally if it's only believed to grant one wish people would know, but even then it should still be kind of superficial or just to gauge how much the person is willing to risk to get it. After all, in the end all the survivors would need to fight for it with each other, except for those who wish for money and are willing to split.
However, the way people kept asking it gives me the impression they could be using that for something else. Maybe it's just to make him appear like a real hero who doesn't want anything for himself (and thus some others who want something badly badmouth him to make themselves feel better). However, seeing how the tower seems to have those two ghosts there sitting and monitoring the magics, calculating people / time, maybe there's something in the last place that will find troublesome a person who doesn't want anything, and that might make Jil's presence decisive.
Personally I think it would be more interesting if Jil didn't want anything from the rod till the end and that played a role in the conclusion.
Tower of Druaga: Episode 11
Nice, no stupid ad this time on the youtube version.
Originally Posted by Yukimura
Nice, no stupid ad this time on the youtube version.
yeah instead its got a runtime of 5:02.
Seriously what is wrong with Gonzo's distro all of the sudden on this. If they don't plan to support it on youtube say so and stop wasting out time.
I don't understand this... if they plan to make CR a anime streaming site they should improve the fucking quality... youtube is twice as good as CR... even the standard version (not highquality) from youtube is far superior to the high-def @ CR
edit: woooozaa... I take that back! the h264 version doesn't look as bad as it did in the very first episodes...
AH... i see, they added "h264 high-def" which is exactly the same as the one on youtube... what I watched before was the normal "high quality" version which is crappy as hell ^^
Wow... the high-def version is really "high-def" nice. feels like I downloaded the episode
edit2: OK all that quality bragging aside... THIS episode is TRUELY AWESOME! thats what i expected too see! thats what I wanted... thats how it should have been from the beginning.
to all who watched it and stopped because its boring, you might want to watch at least this episode.. its really good..
not that awesome that this episode alone is enough to say that the anime is good, but if all the episodes were done like this, it would have been one of the best this season. imho!
This was a great great episode. It was full of some classic rpg cliches but the animations seemed to be a mixed bag at times. Not that it was especially bad or anything but compare Fatina's attacks to poor Uku's "here let me just toss this hammer at you". I liked the scale of Druaga because it did make it seem hopeless that these people would have any chance at taking the demon god down. The Druaga CG did seem a bit plastic-y to me but cool all the same.
I did laugh when Neeba caught back up with his prey... all I could think of was "message for you sir".
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Awesome ep, quite sad but very well done. And there wasn't even any mention of marriage until it didn't even matter...
Originally Posted by Yukimura
And there wasn't even any mention of marriage until it didn't even matter...
hmm? what do you mean. Ahmey wanted to marry that Uruk soldier/general who died during the last summer. That was shown 1 or 2 episodes ago
or did I misunderstood your sentence
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
hmm? what do you mean. Ahmey wanted to marry that Uruk soldier/general who died during the last summer. That was shown 1 or 2 episodes ago
or did I misunderstood your sentence
One of the rpg cliche's from ep1 was the kiss of death "when this battle is over I'm going to get married".
A different context but I remember thinking it when she mentioned getting married as part of her dying words. The bigger cliche I saw in that was the... I had my own hopes and dreams but it's okay because I got to meet all of you... statement. I'm sure the spear is still stuck in Druaga and maybe next ep we'll see the next rpg standard... the dead comrade helps defeat the boss when all seems lost. Maybe they can toss her ghost in there somewhere for good measure.
nooooooooooo!!! dont do that, it was in ragnarok the animation and it was sucky and stupid... i still would like to see someone start drilling druaga's head with ahemey's spear, not her ghost