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One of KOF XIII's Five New Fighters Revealed
SNK revealed Saiki one of the brand new characters made for the console version of The King of Fighters XIII. Players will need to clear certain conditions before unlocking Saiki.
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Pre-order The King of Fighters XIII and you also get an additional character, a version of Iori who his regained his pyrokinectic powers.
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SNK also outlined the various modes in The King of Fighters XIII. Players can battle through a visual novel-esque story mode, challenge other players via online battle mode, and complete missions (survival, time attack, and trial) in mission mode. The King of Fighters XIII also has a tutorial mode, arcade mode, practice mode, replay mode, gallery mode, and customize mode.
KOF XIII sounds way better than KOF XII already. XII didn't have shit for modes.
KOF XIII Pre-Order Bonus, Final Box Art, & Full Website
EVO 2011: Tekken Tag Turnament 2 & Soul Calibur 5 Gameplay
SoulCalibur V Gamescom 2011 Trailer
Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown Announcement Trailer
Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown will finally be released overseas as a downloadable game next summer on PSN and Live Arcade.