Not really
A better way to look at it is that it is an expensive game console, but a cheap Blu-ray player.
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Not really
A better way to look at it is that it is an expensive game console, but a cheap Blu-ray player.
Seems like the PS3 could be able to replace a computer in many aspects
"Under basic agreement with SCEI, Terra Soft was granted a unique opportunity to develop and bring to market a complete Linux OS for the Sony PLAYSTATION 3. In development of Yellow Dog Linux v5.0, Terra Soft integrated and enhanced code from Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Sony Group, and Fedora in order to offer the following:
- kernel 2.6.16
- gcc 3.4.4 and glibc 2.4
- Cell SDK 1.1
- 2.0.2
- FireFox 1.5.0 and Thunderbird 1.5.0
- Nautilus 2.1.4
-... and a suite of Personal Accessories, >Development Tools; Sound & Video, Internet, and Networking applications.
A single-click installer enables absolutely anyone to install without instruction. Post-install, the default suite of applications presents an intuitive, self-guided means of exploring Linux without the confusion of multiple applications in the same family. An Advanced installer mode enables selection from greater than fifteen hundred packages, as is expected from a complete Linux distribution."
It's a very cheap alternative compared to a computer with the same power, though the computer still have many more different benefits, but i might be considering changing my pc into a ps3 in the future.
That is awesome. Thanks for the info Sandldan.
Yes thanks for the info. I'm still thinking about getting it but I might wait till the prices drop before I buy it and I want to see the reviews for it. Nintendo Wii is also coming out next month and that would be fun too.
Wont even try to get one at launch myself, will wait until the first price drop maybe. With the ps3 running a fully fledged linux os the homebrew possibilites becomes endless, depends on how open sony is willing to have it.
With the ps3 you'll also be able to buy ps1 games for under 14.99$ then transfer them to your psp and play them there. The price becomes more and more worth it
Screw waiting, Im going to try to get it when it first comes out :p
>.< Its a good thing there are tons of stores around me :D
I'll definitely buy the PS3, but only when one of the following comes out:
-Confirmed Games-
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Makai Wars
White Knight Story
-Hopeful games-
Kingdom Hearts 3
Star Ocean 4
Yeah, the launch titles arent too impressive
Genji: Days of the Blade
NBA 07
Resistance: Fall of Man
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
Call of Duty 3
EA Sports Fight Night Round 3
The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
Full Auto 2 Battlelines
Madden NFL 07
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire
Untold Legends Dark Kingdom
Ridge Racer 7
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07
Sonic the Hedgehog
Need for Speed Carbon
Tony Hawk's Project 8
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas
Those are the ones available at launch, most of them are multi platform titles. The only title that's a must for me is resistance fall of man. By the time the second batch of ps3 arrives to the stores there'll be alot more ps3 exclusive games to get.
A list of games and their release date, the list goes on up to 06/04/07
Heavenly sword, assassin's creed and warhawk are the ones that stand out for me on that list.
But still miss some good rpg's :confused:
Yes not much good launch titles. I have Xbox 360 and I already own some of those games and Xbox 360 is releasing Call of Duty 3 and Gears of War on November too, and the still unknown release date of Halo 3. Nintendo Wii which is also coming out next month and is cheaper to buy is looking good with the fun games like Red Steel, Super Smash Bros.Brawl, New Zelda, Avatar: The Last Airbender and some others.
The PS3 games I looking forward to is :
Metal Gear Solid 4
Devil May Cry 4
Grand Theft Auto IV
Resident Evil 5
Tekken 6
Final Fantasy XIII
Assassin's Creed
Resistance: Fall of Man
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (maybe)
Although the computer aspect sound delicious, I think I'll stick with an actual computer. Again, I'm one of those people who is very unsure on how well the ps3 will do in the market.
I am getting one when it releases. I think its a good excuse to miss school =PQuote:
Originally Posted by Sandldan
The PSP transfer is pretty sweet, glad i got a PSP.
Yes i do to hope for those also.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Im with you on that one =PQuote:
Originally Posted by Zati
Originally Posted by Zati
Marvel UA
those are also on xbox360, where gta4 will have exclusive x360 content ;)
Ps3 will also receive the same "exclusive" content the x360 receives ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by darkshadow
Just came over a small fact sheet that sony actually made themselves
Oh that is interesting Sandldan. I think that will come in handy when my friend tells me about how much im spending on the ps3 compared to what he has spent on his 360.
And that is the first place i saw that the Wii is going to have internet access free for only the first 6 months, i thought it was going to be free like the ps3.
The factsheet that Sony distributed is filled with inaccuracies.
Not even going into all the things they misconstrued about the 360, the Wii has free internet gaming access from launch. The 6 months refers to the Opera browser.
Sony VS Microsoft (keep reading till bottom for comments about the whole thing on the site)
We hear Microsoft ain't too happy about this chart either and is preparing certain legal action
Europeans who want to import PS3 not good news for you
Microsoft is just mad, a lot of companies release data sheets saying that their product is better then the others. If you wanna make you 360 as high end as a PS3 then you will be spending more that's always been known when the HD-DVD player was first announced and people knew it was gonna be 200.Quote:
We hear Microsoft ain't too happy about this chart either and is preparing certain legal action
Who cares about exclusive content on certain games or charts (that prove xbox360 isn't cheaper).
I care about games. And the games I expect aren't on Wii or Xbox360.
Period :D
I got this neg rep on this post
"Pretty sad to spend $1000 of 2 games that aren't even fun."
My response:
Pretty sad people are so close-minded we all need to like their games.
Im not even badmouthing Wii (maybe Xbugs) and I get that because I don't like the games they are developing or announcing (sp?).
Grow up.
Just to show what kind of games I play... this is my psone/ps2 games list (all original, no copies)
Final Fantasy V & VI
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy Tactics
Star Ocean 2nd Story
Valkyrie Profile
Legend of Legaia
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Rival Schools
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy VII - Dirge of Cerberus
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts II
Xenosaga II
Xenosaga III
Disgaea 2
Makai Kingdom
Star Ocean Till The End of Time
Dark Cloud
Dark Cloud 2
Valkyrie Profile 2
Gran Turismo 3
Devil May Cry
Resident Evil Code Veronica
Resident Evil 4 - Collector's Edition
Final Fantasy XII - Collector's Edition
.hack//G.U. Rebirth - Collector's Edition
I'll have to wait until the price comes down to buy one, unfortunately I have bills to pay these days :mad:
Who ever neg repped me on this needs to either grow up or actually try to defend Microsoft who are trying their hardest to make their system match the PS3. If you don't think the HD-DVD player wasn't developed to match the PS3's Blu-Ray player or the fact that they are now coming out with an HDMI add on as well which will prob cost no less then another 30$ then I feel bad for you. Next Christmas I can see them releasing a redesign with all this included as well as the rumored 100gb hard drive that was revealed by them. And if a 20gb HD cost 100$ I'm scared of the price for a 100gb one.