from the title... we can say it is a filler... geez.. WHEN WILL IT END!
i wish someone would go kill the guy who decide to do filler... the manga is far enough from the anime damn it! we don't need more filler!
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from the title... we can say it is a filler... geez.. WHEN WILL IT END!
i wish someone would go kill the guy who decide to do filler... the manga is far enough from the anime damn it! we don't need more filler!
From what I've heard, they are missing a licenser (for the manga?). If that's true, they'll proably find one soon, and the fillers will end. Maybe that's why the fillers are only one episode now?Quote:
Originally Posted by BioAlien
... Or maybe I'm just too optimistic.
I don't quite know what you exactly mean, but Studio Pierrot must have a license to be able to produce anything Naruto related, fillers or not.
how can they not have the license for the second part ?
It will NEVER END, NEVER I TELL YOU. They are conducting an experiment to see how badly they can SCREW their fans and still squeeze cash outa them. Just a few more eposides until it reaches a full year. After that then the really fucked up shit will happen. I say RUN, RUN as FAST and as FAR as you can. They are out to torture us, and we like mindless zombies willingly subject ourselves to it. RUN DAMNIT, RUN.Quote:
Originally Posted by BioAlien
edit: grammar
*sigh* Another announcement about another filler episode, another ton of crying and temper-tantrums.
Remember, the more filler they feed us now the less we have to deal with in the future. The anime is at a great point to take a break and let the manga get ahead. Yeah, I know alot of people would rather have short filler arcs interspersed in the general storyline, but not me. I'd rather get all of this crappiness out of the way so we can enjoy some kickass Naruto the way it should be once it all starts up again.
And at this point I'm just about numb to filler shitiness. If they mingled filler with manga-based episodes not only would it ruin the pace but the filler episodes would look even worse than they are now.
It's like walking past a puddle of piss on the street. Yes it stinks. No nobody likes that smell (lest you got some serious issues). But you know what? I'd rather all the people piss in one street or on one block and to hold my breath and just grit that block out, knowing there's beautifully fresh air at the end.
Though not knowing when 'the end' of Fecal Matter Boulevard is and having not taken a breath of fresh air in a year is pretty annoying. Thank god there's like a zillion other animes out there to make the time go by.
Dude you're totally right. A source of mine leaked these future filler episode titles to me, they're as bad as you would imagine:Quote:
Originally Posted by dragonrage
"Hickory Smoked Retribution" (Chouji gets diarrhea)
"That time of the month! Sakura's messy problem!"
"Who's hiding in that closet? Is that ... Iruka-sensei?!?"
"1000 Uses for Rasengan"
"Grunt! Eat trash! Roll in the mud! It's Ton-ton's big adventure!"
...actually, now that I think about it, those titles look pretty promising...
Those titles are certainly better than the Star Village Arc....
Ep 188 marks the full 2 seasons of filler. My hopes have been, since several weeks ago, on ep 179. If it somehows involves Jiraiya FINALLY stoping his "research" it will be good. If not... a 3rd season?
Dunno... I somehow expect half of the current "season" (not taking in accout where the fillers began to mark 2 season) to be filler, and the second half being certain gaiden...
Or at least throw us some fillers were Naruto trains with Jiraiya! If the fillers get to that point, at least we shall now the fillers are coming to an end....
I give up.
Looking at the fillers in hindsight, they should have been about everything except the primary three (Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke). What I'm getting at is: What is going on with everyone around them? How are they progressing during these three years? These sorts of things could have been answered quite well should they have excluded Naruto for the most part during the last year and then some during the fillers. Hell, they could have interchanged the 'main character' every so often to keep things going had they run down material for each individual, and have them take a back seat to the action at that point.
Taken from that perspective, the fillers could have done quite a bit of imaginative stuff had they just taken advantage of existing supporting characters and had a huge amount of material to work from without having the feeling of the series being soaked in piss (it's nice and warm initially but disgusting on so many levels).
Lol. Priceless.Quote:
"Hickory Smoked Retribution" (Chouji gets diarrhea)
"That time of the month! Sakura's messy problem!"
"Who's hiding in that closet? Is that ... Iruka-sensei?!?"
"1000 Uses for Rasengan"
"Grunt! Eat trash! Roll in the mud! It's Ton-ton's big adventure!"
Now if only the filler writers could come up with stuff of this quality.
This one they could do extra cheap as a flashback episode...Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
I'm very annoyed.
No english translation, nor can I find a good translator to do so. Can anyone help?Quote:
不可解 狙われた行商人
Fukakai, Nerawareta Gyoushoujin
It was already posted.
188. Incomprehensibility the itinerant merchant who aimed
which makes no sense at all because of how babel fish translates...:) :)Quote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
I can leave only Kanjis is you want to...
Until someone who knows japanese, or ANN updates, we have to stick to babelfish.
Well, they don't really make sense before somebody who has seen the episode translates. I think it has been proven.
Seeing the babel translation, it is safe to assume that its a followup to the last episode... that is... they are one-ep fillers like the previous three episodes.
May was another waste... will June be better? I think not...
according to
Jpn. 06/07/06 Episode 188: "Mystery, The Targeted Peddler"
i think this episode could quite possibly be a continuation of episode 187, seeing as 187 is about a business opening and 188 is about a peddler. *shrugs*
Yeah throw that Babelfish translation away and use the one provided by Saman.
*shakes head*
Someone please let me know when Naruto is done with its silly fillers. It's been, what, over a year now?!
If you would have bothered to read the first post, you would have seen I changed the title to the one saman provided TWO days ago.Quote:
Originally Posted by smilealwiz