Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Man.......my roommate's such a jew....literally.....
When I agreed to room with them, I signed a 6 month lease contract that would switch over to month-to-month after it expires.
February 7 would be when it expires.
So they go to me and ask if I'll sign a 12 month contract, or else they'll need to find another roommate, because apparently this time of the year is the easiest to find a replacement. I knew I didn't want to be here for another whole year, so I decided to start looking for a new place. Anyway, a long story of huge inconveniences short, I decided now, a week later, that I would try to get a 6 month contract with them instead (technically, as I already said, I should be on a month-to-month program, but I'm a nice guy). The one says that they found someone that's supposed to sign a contract tomorrow, but they'd talk about it and get back to me. I'm sure they'd prefer for me to stay, since the past 6 months went pretty smoothly and it's always easier to avoid moving people around.
Then the one (that I'm accusing of being jewish), goes and pulls this on me: The advertisement they posted for my room was quoted at $800/mo, and so if i decide to stick around, I'd have to pay $800 instead of the usual $775. What kind of bullshit is this? The full apartment's rent is $1550, so now they want me to pay more than half the montly rent. Even half is too much, technically, because there's 3 of us total. Even though I get a bedroom and bathroom to myself, that doesn't constitute half the apartment. There is literally no advantage to me rooming with 2 other guys instead of just 1 other guy. However I really would prefer a 6 month lease than finding a 12 month lease + paying an extra $400/mo for a single and moving all my shit.
I'm not to concerned about an extra $25/mo...I'm sure the $12.50 they save means more to them anyway.....it's more of the principle of the thing, since I'm already doing them a favor by not trying to enforce the contract I signed back in August.
My roommates are such stingy bastards.
Listen to those deep dark evil voices in your head and releave your stress[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]