You dont need a mind to come up with that answer [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: God#2
mind explaining?Quote:
Originally posted by: Knives122
today I learned that 2+2=7
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You dont need a mind to come up with that answer [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: God#2
mind explaining?Quote:
Originally posted by: Knives122
today I learned that 2+2=7
Today (well, yesterday) I learned that coffee grounds stuck on with honey can make very realistic-looking (and delicious, according to some) facial hair. Quote of the day: "Jordan just ate her moustache!"
Originally posted by: Jadugar
You dont need a mind to come up with that answer [img][/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: God#2
mind explaining?Quote:
Originally posted by: Knives122
today I learned that 2+2=7
-_-, you guys are just jealous of my brilliaint mind
Of course we are. You are one of those code breakers, arent you?
Today I learned that someone in KitKat's circle of friends, perhaps even herself, is named Jordan.Quote:
Originally posted by: KitKat
Today (well, yesterday) I learned that coffee grounds stuck on with honey can make very realistic-looking (and delicious, according to some) facial hair. Quote of the day: "Jordan just ate her moustache!"
lol, Terra you're on my msn, you should know my real name [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] Not to mention that I have it in my profile too
Oh shit. Yeah. You got a point there.
Today I learned that a bigger hard drive so I can hold my torrents before I burn them to DVD. As well I have learned that I need to start watching more anime.. because I'm having days wishing for more Bleach and Naruto Fillers.
who told you!!!Quote:
Originally posted by: Jadugar
Of course we are. You are one of those code breakers, arent you?
*clears throat*
I mean, no
my child, you have been enlightened.Quote:
Originally posted by: Deadfire
As well I have learned that I need to start watching more anime.. because I'm having days wishing for more Bleach and Naruto Fillers.
Today I learned about the proposed budget for US Federal spending in 2007:
2007 Budget cuts every expenditure, except defense.
This budget includes a huge, albeit gradual, reduction to Medicare over the next five years. Bush's State of the Union address promised "to constrain the massive entitlement programs for the elderly and the poor." Aka, we ain't paying for your RX drugs no more.
Also, the proposed fixed budget includes a formal call to reduce 'discretionary' budget expenditures. For those that don't know the difference, the first budget is created beforehand as a guideline for programs that don't require massive surprise spending (NASA, defense (research and development part, numberof jets comissioned), education, etc) while 'discretionary' spending is determined from year to year, often depending on events and often only finalized AFTER the year is over. Examples of discretionary spending would include emergency deployments of Homeland Security/relief efforts, pork barrel projects based in partiuclar states, some security measures (war in Iraq), etc.
Oh, btw, Bush also asked Congress for 120 million to be spent on Afghanistan and Iraq, but he left that money out of the budget. Now that is 'fuzzy math' if you ask me...
Today I learned all about the Atlantic Slave Trade. Only 3% of the actual slave traffic reached America and how slavery at first was not about race, which Europeans later used as a justification for the system, but because of money and gold, since most slaves in the beginnings were East Europeans/Slavs, which is where the word slave came from.
Today I learned that my newborn nephew is the cutest baby ever. I was at the hospital earlier today and it was truly unfathomable that he was the thing that had been inside my sister for over 9 months.
Today I relearned why I like the news so much, its so entertaining to see people burning flags and cars. So fun... And I'm glad it wasn't my car or flag. Woot!
Today I learned how to read a spectrogram properly (or the vowels at least. I'm still having trouble with voiced/voiceless stops).
Today I learned that Dr. McNinja is one of the worlds best webcomics, along with 8-Bit and OotS. I also learned a way to draw eyes so that they don't look like the sterotypical anime cookie-cutter eyes that everyone uses. And how REM are awesome.
Today, Or a yesterday, my mind is a little funny after all the events that have happened. My Grandpa will die a very painful death because a multiple reasons. Noone knows when... but we all know it will happen soon.... Also like his wife will die before his parent.
Originally posted by: el_boss
Today I learned that my newborn nephew is the cutest baby ever. I was at the hospital earlier today and it was truly unfathomable that he was the thing that had been inside my sister for over 9 months.
@Deadfire: Wow, I'm really sorry man [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Today, I learned that there are people who actually study in public washrooms. There's a certain washroom on my campus that has a small room adjoining it with some chairs and a low table. Generally, it's assumed that those spaces are for mothers who need to change diapers on babies, or for extra room for changing your clothes or whatever. Today, there was a group of girls studying there. WHY would you study where you can hear people pee? Granted, girls washrooms generally don't smell as bad as guys washrooms, but they don't exactly smell nice either. It was really bizarre.
That sounds really kinky. Maybe they find the sounds to be soothing, or perhaps even stimulating!