Episode 32 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: Motteh
first of all: Shinn is the main character, no series will have their main character killed of halfway through
Karekano aka His and her circumstances around episode 24 kills off the entire main cast and randomly starts over. So actually there is a precident. I'm not saying it will happen here just felt the urge to point that useless fact out.
Episode 32 Discussion "spoilers"
well we are talking about the sequel to Gundam Seed
so events taking place in Destiny will primarily follow the same "code of conduct" as in Seed
at least that would be the most reasonable thing to do
Episode 32 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: LokeXero
Sure Kira tried to stop destroy but shot down Neo beforehand. And Stellar scared, maybe quite likely actually about Freedom killing her/Neo yes, but is see more of a revenge motive for shooting down Neo as to why she flipped out after seeing Freedom after kira shot down Neo.
Whats this about "if kira didnt stop destroy shinn wouldnt be around anymore when you think about it". At no point in this episode does Kira save Shinn and more importantly all kira did was antagonise Stellar,Neo and Sting and even you have to admit that, Kira was a great cool guy end of SEED but so far in destiny hes been nothing but an annoyance that fights for his own ideals and disrupts the major players (ZAFT and EA). Maybe there wasnt anything wrong with lingering around when he wasnt needed
Destroy was attacking a ZAFT base, AA responded to the distress call but ultimately Kira and AA should have pulled out when Minerva came along, instead of staying around as they did and things wouldnt have ended as they did meaning we woudnt be having this conversation.
Ummm if it wasnt for Kira shinn would of been dead by stellars chest cannon. Kira saw stellar as a threat and took action. Also Kira wasnt going to escape after stellar calmed down. He was prob staying there just in case.
Episode 32 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: kyubisrage
Ummm if it wasnt for Kira shinn would of been dead by stellars chest cannon. Kira saw stellar as a threat and took action. Also Kira wasnt going to escape after stellar calmed down. He was prob staying there just in case.
there is no way to know for sure Shinn would've been killed, since it didn't happen that way
many people may not like the guy but he does have piloting skills which would've allowed him to dodge
based on the fact he pulled some fancy moves before (with and without Seed mode on)
and about Kira staying there
i think he too was dumbfounded about Shinn freezing after Neo told him it was Stellar
because the others didn't hear that and wondered why the hell Shinn wasn't doing anything after succesfully damaging Destroy before
Episode 32 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: Motteh
Originally posted by: kyubisrage
Ummm if it wasnt for Kira shinn would of been dead by stellars chest cannon. Kira saw stellar as a threat and took action. Also Kira wasnt going to escape after stellar calmed down. He was prob staying there just in case.
there is no way to know for sure Shinn would've been killed, since it didn't happen that way
many people may not like the guy but he does have piloting skills which would've allowed him to dodge
based on the fact he pulled some fancy moves before (with and without Seed mode on)
and about Kira staying there
i think he too was dumbfounded about Shinn freezing after Neo told him it was Stellar
because the others didn't hear that and wondered why the hell Shinn wasn't doing anything after succesfully damaging Destroy before
There has been absolutely nothing done by shinn that would make me believe there is any way in hell he could have taken on Chaos, Neo and Destroy all at once as the only mobile suit. The fact is Shinn has been unable to take down ANY of them and the slash he made at destroy would have been useless. Dullindale is trying to get the people on the Minerva killed he always has been.
Reguardless of Shinns skills he has NEVER been able to slice a laser out of the sky and the only reason destroy had even bothered to turn into a mobile suit instead of fortress was because none of the weapons could do ANYTHING to Kira.
So I'm sorry but the fact is Shinn wouldn't have stood a chance 1 on 1 VS destroy even Kira needed help with that one.
Originally posted by: Motteh
well we are talking about the sequel to Gundam Seed
so events taking place in Destiny will primarily follow the same "code of conduct" as in Seed
at least that would be the most reasonable thing to do
Another side note Kira did get killed off halfway through seed he was just picked up by lacus and for all intents and purposes to everyone in the series at that point Kira was dead. So following the same "code of conduct" as Gundam seed Shinn will come to a draw while fighting Kira and be picked up by a pink haired popstar with a nuclear gundam in her garage. I don't see them pulling identical tricks like this to often however.
Episode 32 Discussion "spoilers"
These Kira VS Shinn debates are... oh so interesting!
Episode 32 Discussion "spoilers"
ignore this post it doesn't exist I swear
Episode 32 Discussion "spoilers"
don't get me wrong
i don't have anything against either Shinn or Kira
it's just that i'm getting tired of all these people who put Kira on a pedestal and cut down the legs underneath Shinn's chair at the same time
and as for my "code of conduct" comment
that wasn't intended to be taken literally
of course it would be absurd if Kira self destructed taking Shinn down so Shinn was found laying on the beach by some blind guy who takes him to plant so Shinn can wake up to a "pink haired popstar with a nuclear gundam in her garage"
and also for the viewer it became immediately clear that Kira wasn't dead in Seed
and with immediately i mean the same episode Athrun was picked up by Cagalli
Episode 32 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: LokeXero
Sure Kira tried to stop destroy but shot down Neo beforehand. And Stellar scared, maybe quite likely actually about Freedom killing her/Neo yes, but is see more of a revenge motive for shooting down Neo as to why she flipped out after seeing Freedom after kira shot down Neo.
Whats this about "if kira didnt stop destroy shinn wouldnt be around anymore when you think about it". At no point in this episode does Kira save Shinn and more importantly all kira did was antagonise Stellar,Neo and Sting and even you have to admit that, Kira was a great cool guy end of SEED but so far in destiny hes been nothing but an annoyance that fights for his own ideals and disrupts the major players (ZAFT and EA). Maybe there wasnt anything wrong with lingering around when he wasnt needed
Destroy was attacking a ZAFT base, AA responded to the distress call but ultimately Kira and AA should have pulled out when Minerva came along, instead of staying around as they did and things wouldnt have ended as they did meaning we woudnt be having this conversation.
Are we even watching the same show??? If Kira hadn't shot Neo down (taking him out of the fight) do you really think he would have let Shinn talk her down and stop her from fighting. He may have stopped her breifly, but then Neo would talk to her and she would start back up again.
Somebody already mentioned it, but I'll repeat it anyways, Right at the end Stellar was about to fire all the chest cannons again, Shinn was just sitting there trying to talk to her. In SEED mode he MIGHT have dodged (I doubt it), but the way he was focusing on calming Stellar he wasn't in a position to do so. If Kira hadn't disabled Destroy's chest cannons he would have been blasted.
Also, when both sides in a war are wrong (though the public doesn't know about ZAFT's misdeeds yet) then they should be disrupted. Both sides are wrong, are you saying they should just sit back and let them at each other?
Destroy was acctually attacking the city of Berlin, Germany. The closest ZAFT base would be Gibralter. Besides Destroy had already wiped out 3 cities of innocent cilivilians, and would have continued to do so. It doesn't matter who showed up (unless of course it was reinforcements for the Destroy), making sure that thing was taken down had to be the priority. Besides, the Minerva only launched 1 MS (I know that is mainly Kira's fault), there is no way Kira or the Archangel could leave it to them to fight alone.
This goes back to my first point. Say they do as you suggest and fall back once the Minerva arrives. Both Sting and Neo were still fighting at that time, so it would have been them and Stellar vs Shinn. In that case Shinn may not even get a chance to find out Stellar is in Destroy. Even if he did, and Stellar acctually listened to Shinn instead of Neo, Neo could just use the programmed key words to get Stellar going again.
EDIT: Another note, the Minerva was minimally armed itself. The Tannhouser has never been repaired since Kira took it out, all it's other main weapons were taken out in the last battle (some may be repaired, but not all). It might have it's CIWS (close in weapon systems, mainly Machine Guns), but those won't do much to Destroy.
Episode 32 Discussion "spoilers"
Episode 32 Discussion "spoilers"
Episode 32 Discussion "spoilers"
This is for all of you people who hate Shinn. DON'T. He is at that point in time where he questions what he is fighting for. His purpose and reasons for fighting. If Asuran has a heart to heart talk with Shinn and doesn't say something stupid they both may learn something. Shinn is a good person. He is just a good person with some mental issues. I would be a bit cocky too if eveyone around me got shot down and I had the only surviving suit. As for taking Stellar away... well it was better than just having her disected while suffering on a ship where he could only watch and do nothing to help thus breaking the promise that he made with his woman. Shinn was also justified to get mad when Cagalli started to spout her crap. To me it was even better that he shot at her.
I personally don't like Kira in this series. All he does is go into battles gun happy. Stellar's death is his fault anyways. Why you ask. HE WAS THERE THATS WHY! If Kira wasn't there then Stellar wouldn't have had to have died there.
Also Kira didn't have to stab Destroy. There are so many differtent ways that he could havehandeled that.
Episode 32 Discussion "spoilers"
You can argue that Shinn wouldnt be alive cept for Kira but i dont see it that way cause it wouldnt be a problem if Kira and AA didnt intervene, though even if Destroy hadve fired impulse is still not directly infront of Destroy, it wouldve cut impulse's right side apart but not necessarily killed Shinn.
Maybe Neo did make Stellar paranoid before she entered Destroy but still it wasnt until Stellar saw Kira after Shinn calmed her down that she went berserk - http://xs31.xs.to/pics/05224/GSD_32_-_0937.jpg) and the shot she sees Kira inhttp://xs31.xs.to/pics/05224/GSD_32_-_0938.jpg which causes her to go mental because to her Freedom is Death..
And Zaft did have some "Operatives/Personel" in Berlin (http://xs31.xs.to/pics/05224/GSD2.jpg) - Gibralter is in Spain (http://gundamofficial.com/worl...background/maps.html).
I concede that my comment about the opening is prob wrong but maybe speculation, i slowed the animation down and you see Hair Curls which u see earlier in Rey not Mwu hence why i thought it was Rey but i guess if majority think its Neo then it i guess it will be...
Episode 32 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: Death13a
PTX What that post for?
don't you see it's very simillar?(part of it is hidden...cuz this forum doesn't auto resize pics)
Episode 32 Discussion "spoilers"
No, it's more like your picture breaks the forum tables.
Episode 32 Discussion "spoilers"
did that old man also said I love you?
Episode 32 Discussion "spoilers"
Gibraltar is in Spain?!?! Well, duh... Now that's quite obvious to everybody who has a hint of common knowledge. But Gibraltar is still the closest ZAFT base while it was a little off from Berlin.
Episode 32 Discussion "spoilers"
Out of curiosity... I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this or noticed this yet but why does it seem like they are just doing the first season of SEED only from the other angle and new characters? I mean first there is the first fight with orb where Kira shows up right on time to blow up Minerva's bow gun just in time. Then there is the whole let me give back our prisoner against the captain's orders story. Then there is the lets take one government completely out of the running to expose the evil of the other government. In the end the little separate faction of good will prevail. Some elements have changed and new twists are fun. But for the past 30+ eps I've been watching the same anime again.
Episode 32 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: FelixZeroAlastor
This is for all of you people who hate Shinn. DON'T. He is at that point in time where he questions what he is fighting for. His purpose and reasons for fighting. If Asuran has a heart to heart talk with Shinn and doesn't say something stupid they both may learn something. Shinn is a good person. He is just a good person with some mental issues. I would be a bit cocky too if eveyone around me got shot down and I had the only surviving suit. As for taking Stellar away... well it was better than just having her disected while suffering on a ship where he could only watch and do nothing to help thus breaking the promise that he made with his woman. Shinn was also justified to get mad when Cagalli started to spout her crap. To me it was even better that he shot at her.
I personally don't like Kira in this series. All he does is go into battles gun happy. Stellar's death is his fault anyways. Why you ask. HE WAS THERE THATS WHY! If Kira wasn't there then Stellar wouldn't have had to have died there.
Also Kira didn't have to stab Destroy. There are so many differtent ways that he could havehandeled that.
I'm still not positive what series your watching here in the slightest. Lets see Kira as not killed a single person in GSD and I'm sorry but you can't prove otherwise as there isn't a single example of this at all. As far as Kira could have taken out Destroy in a differn't way? What on earth are you talking about he stabbed it and that managed to take out the suit without doing killing Stellar. I still see absolutely no way she died from the injuries she sustained in the fight. My assumption is currently she is just passed out or else Shinn is carrying around a corpse for next episode. As for what Shinn is fighting for he isn't confused at all the only thing he has ever fought for is himself all he's doing is seeking revenge and killing everyone he see's.
Now as a side note Stellar just killed hundreds of thousands of people taking out 4 cities including Berlin is not something anyone no matter why has any right to be forgiven for. She didn't end the war she just made things worse and killed tons of innocent people and heck likely created a few more Shinn's to boot.
Originally posted by: LokeXero
You can argue that Shinn wouldnt be alive cept for Kira but i dont see it that way cause it wouldnt be a problem if Kira and AA didnt intervene, though even if Destroy hadve fired impulse is still not directly infront of Destroy, it wouldve cut impulse's right side apart but not necessarily killed Shinn.
Maybe Neo did make Stellar paranoid before she entered Destroy but still it wasnt until Stellar saw Kira after Shinn calmed her down that she went berserk -
http://xs31.xs.to/pics/05224/GSD_32_-_0937.jpg) and the shot she sees Kira in
http://xs31.xs.to/pics/05224/GSD_32_-_0938.jpg which causes her to go mental because to her Freedom is Death..
And Zaft did have some "Operatives/Personel" in Berlin (
http://xs31.xs.to/pics/05224/GSD2.jpg) - Gibralter is in Spain (
I concede that my comment about the opening is prob wrong but maybe speculation, i slowed the animation down and you see Hair Curls which u see earlier in Rey not Mwu hence why i thought it was Rey but i guess if majority think its Neo then it i guess it will be...
If Kira and the archangel didn't intervene the Minerva would have been slaughtered having only one mobile suit pilot who frankly no matter how good you think Shinn is had ZERO chance of taking out Destroy on his own. Its just impossible with his skills and the state of the minerva who frankly couldn't have scratched destroy.
What did confuse me in the episode was what happened to all the other windams that were supporting Destroy, Chaos and Neo?
oh and as for PTX-003C that is just scary to see G-Gundam was absolutely terrible and that scene is not something I want to relate to the attempt at a love story between Shinn and Stellar.
Episode 32 Discussion "spoilers"
I expected Sting to die but didnt expect him to die to random pilots. And Windom got shot down so fast I didnt even see what happened. I rewatched that part and I think it was the archangel who shot him? since Kira asked for help and Windom got shot by lasers right after that. I can't believe how fast Destroy got destroyed. I thought it would last to the end. And Stella!!!! I can't believe she died. I didnt even see any scratch on her! How long is this series anyways? It seems like everything is ending but Destiny and the new Freedom isnt even out yet. I thought Freedom was gonna get damaged sometime in this episode but I guessed wrong. Destroy turned out not so great afterall since it did nothing but destroyed cities.