wow he got a bear in his hands? mut gotta be quite strong. hey mut how did you manage to catch a bear? or did turkish mean a B-E-E-R like the drink not a B-E-A-R the animal?
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wow he got a bear in his hands? mut gotta be quite strong. hey mut how did you manage to catch a bear? or did turkish mean a B-E-E-R like the drink not a B-E-A-R the animal?
He means a teddy bear [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
-.- seriously?
Unfortunately, yes.
despite his cold exterior, mut is a sensitive guy
haha it's damn funny how this thread will always always degrade into an argument about Terra's sex and Mut's true identity... (hmmmm can't imagine mut hugging a teddy bear haha)
and yay there's a new gal here! welcome, 2-25! =) don't let mut or the rest scare you away...
btw assertn, nice new sig. ohoh and happy belated bdae! ^^ sorry I missed it...
To get away from Terra/Mut discussions, here are two pictures I made for my MSN Space
Original (it's the webcam, I don't have a black eye)
Photoshopped gayness (that's Chuck Swisky btw, a basketball commentator)
what's with the green background?
He wants to blind us.Quote:
Originally posted by: 2-25
what's with the green background?
takes the attention away from his face? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
I like clashing colors. My bed sheets are a bit dull, so the green makes it stand out more.
Not if you're a rebel.Quote:
takes the attention away from his face?
Damn... I'm so hottttttttttttttttttttt.
I love my DG shades.
With just a shower and a shave you can go from THIS
You GO, Unabomber Ted!!!
Ah, what the hell:
I just feel impelled to give you all a true comment from the bottom of my heart....
Whats with the hood mut? You always cold?
I hear CA drops below 70 this time of the year
Hahaaha if they can read that you're in for some flames from you know who.......Quote:
Originally posted by: 010577
I just feel impelled to give you all a true comment from the bottom of my heart....
tell me tell me tell me what does it say.
your.. not... white mut??
Sharingan Kakashi, I only asked you if you were white because everyone thought you were a wigger. Being clever doesn't work against me, nice try.
news to me, didnt know this...lmao. i wasnt trying to be clever i was just repeating what you said.
Mut, your lips are redder than Terra's.
Well of course Boc, He's wearing chapstick. Can't you see he has his hood on. Mut is obviously cold.
Okay, here are my incompetent chinese skills: Subtitles say somethin like "What is this word?" While the paper says (I am not sure about this one) I think "Ghost/Monster" or somethin along those lines.Quote:
Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
tell me tell me tell me what does it say.
No the word on the paper doesn't say "ghost/monster." it does contain the character but it actually says...i don't want to say it because it's not true and it's mean..."ugl*" >_<Quote:
Originally posted by: Roko
Okay, here are my incompetent chinese skills: Subtitles say somethin like "What is this word?" While the paper says (I am not sure about this one) I think "Ghost/Monster" or somethin along those lines.Quote:
Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
tell me tell me tell me what does it say.
All of you shut up. No one is as good looking as I am. We should have a Mr. GotWoot contest, which I would clearly win.
Shut up.
Haha yeah it means ugly... but in this context in means "disgrace"
It is a common joke to ask someone, "Don't you know how to write disgrace?" meaning you are disgracing yourself but probably not realizing it.
haha yea a mr. gotwoot contest, but we all know who the real winner would be [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
just to let u know incase ur an idiot or u wanted to twist my words i mean me
Originally posted by: 010577
I just feel impelled to give you all a true comment from the bottom of my heart....
that's like the BEST rebutt EVER!!!!!!
hahahaha man this is totally awesome! =)
mut: um I suggest u take off the shades and the hood, dude, if you ever wanna win the Mr. Gotwoot contest =P hee
but then he wont be so... mysterious
lol chicks like that dont they..dont they!?
so long.... o.O got confused there for a moment what was the topic again.. ^_^ But here's me.
well i guess ill put my image's like 2 years old but oh well.
god i miss the days when i had a big head of hair...good times
the less you see of mut, the better chance he'll have of winningQuote:
Originally posted by: smilealwiz
mut: um I suggest u take off the shades and the hood, dude, if you ever wanna win the Mr. Gotwoot contest =P hee
sam. I can honestly say, you look a tad bit on the homocidal side there, and as for mut. was that picture supposed to make you look like an asian mob reject?
keep dreaming mut, you dont stand a chance.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
All of you shut up. No one is as good looking as I am. We should have a Mr. GotWoot contest, which I would clearly win.
Shut up.
There are like, 5 people at best that are qualified to vote on this. The five females that frequent gotwoot. I think it might be down to three now. And they'll all vote terra.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
All of you shut up. No one is as good looking as I am. We should have a Mr. GotWoot contest, which I would clearly win.
Shut up.
lol seriously we should do this, and open it up to all entries, that would be hilarious.
it would be hilarious, but not for you, cos ud come last
i guess im in on this to, would be funny to see how mut does in a comp like this.
Originally posted by: Uchiha Barles
There are like, 5 people at best that are qualified to vote on this. The five females that frequent gotwoot. I think it might be down to three now. And they'll all vote terra.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
All of you shut up. No one is as good looking as I am. We should have a Mr. GotWoot contest, which I would clearly win.
Shut up.
Maybe I should be part of the voting squad instead?
i guess half of gw will answer yes on that since they dont know if you are a guy or a girl.
wheres your pic?Quote:
Originally posted by: basey_69
it would be hilarious, but not for you, cos ud come last
It's in the first page or so, the guy holding the case of beer.
Oh yes, and still... nobody knows for sure. (not even myself)Quote:
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
i guess half of gw will answer yes on that since they dont know if you are a guy or a girl.
do you have any normal pics of yourself Terra?
those are his normal pics.
hehe bit slow on the uptake ey?Quote:
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
wheres your pic?Quote:
Originally posted by: basey_69
it would be hilarious, but not for you, cos ud come last
i got 2 pics in the old show ur photo thread and one on the 1st page of this
but i do need a new one, that one is from last year
me a bit slow? sorry i dont worry about other peoples pictures, because i really dont give a shit. btw i posted that a day ago, and the question was already answered, so to you i say "hehe bit slow on the uptake ey?" dumbass.
holy crap dude calm down, theres no need to fling names around and get ur panties in a twist
the thing about u coming last was a JOKE, i didnt even see ur pic cos i didnt really care
as for the latest post u replied to shit i didnt check this thread yesterday and i was answering ur question
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
those are his normal pics.
They only show like half the face and Terra's wearing a hat, and the camera is like 2" away.
Just look around a bit. Terra has probably posted more pics than any other member here.
I think a Mr. Gotwoot contest would be fun. We have quite a few good-looking men here, not all of who have posted their pics in this thread yet. We could probably gather together enough of the women of the forum to make voting fair.
Mr. Gotwoot contest sounds like fun. ^_^ I'm ready to vote!
terra is disqualified because he has a vagina.
It's Neji if he was fat and tanner.
Mmmmm Dr. Pepper wouldn't you like to be a pepper to?
Cool Neji cosplay! You've got that pose totally correct.....
Well i have to say you have guts for posting a cosplay pic on this forum.
lol flaming should come soon...
i would rather have a Miss Gotwoot contest.
i was gonna flame him, but then i decided not too.
look at the guy playing cloud behind
Wow I never knew they had cosplay conventions in the US. Hehe I agree with Lefty, you definitely have guts posting that. :-P
the expression is very very good. just like the real neji
OMG!! that was at animeexpo, right?!?! awesome pic^^
LoL it's funny everyone wants to flame me for just having fun^^.
Anyway, yeah it's at expo. It was crazy how many Naruto people there was if you have ever been to the convention center it Naruto people took up the whole staircase and most of the bottom floor.
*ps- thank you for pose and look complements
Yes I second this. Let's have a Mr. Gotwoot contest! ^^ w00t!Quote:
Originally posted by: KitKat
I think a Mr. Gotwoot contest would be fun. We have quite a few good-looking men here, not all of who have posted their pics in this thread yet. We could probably gather together enough of the women of the forum to make voting fair.
or we can have a swimsuit contest (for the girls obviously) instead
5 girls, 800 guys.....just like any other swimsuit contest
i was just gonna say.......Quote:
Originally posted by: Def_X
LoL it's funny everyone wants to flame me for just having fun^^.
Anyway, yeah it's at expo. It was crazy how many Naruto people there was if you have ever been to the convention center it Naruto people took up the whole staircase and most of the bottom floor.
*ps- thank you for pose and look complements
geez looks like half the people in the pic were naruto characters
i second this motion.Quote:
Originally posted by: Assassin
or we can have a swimsuit contest (for the girls obviously) instead
5 girls, 800 guys.....just like any other swimsuit contest
hi ^^. haven't posted in a while but I think it's time for a comeback! Anyways i thought I should post my pic so here it is:
p3z, #gotwoot for hot Mut sex.
of course he's only talking about the guys, so if you're gay, cum by and fuck mut
a girl! attack!
no the eyes are real
edit: omg didnt notice your pic p3z, you are.... wow [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
before i have any bad thoughts, how old are you p3z?
lmao thats classic...Quote:
Originally posted by: kAi
of course he's only talking about the guys, so if you're gay, cum by and fuck mut
aww you're really pretty p3z. you should post more often^^
Hinata's right behind you. Kill her!!Quote:
Originally posted by: Def_X
It's Neji if he was fat and tanner.
Mmmmm Dr. Pepper wouldn't you like to be a pepper to?
She looks around 13ish.Quote:
Originally posted by: Sam98034
before i have any bad thoughts, how old are you p3z?
i dont look like that anymore though, just cut my hair 2 days ago [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] , maybe it was for the best...
Are you from the T.V show called The Apprentice?Quote:
i dont look like that anymore though, just cut my hair 2 days ago [img][/img] , maybe it was for the best...
yea i wish, then maybe i'd be making some money instead of busting my ass everyday playing soccer
edit: no one from the apprentice could move like this
just got a recent pic
I'm trying to look cool, did just the opposite, aaaaallriiiight.
dont know what kind of 13 year olds you meet. to me she looks 17+Quote:
Originally posted by: Xollence
She looks around 13ish.Quote:
Originally posted by: Sam98034
before i have any bad thoughts, how old are you p3z?
lol theres no way she looks 13
You have a nice Sean Connery shrubbery goin'Quote:
Originally posted by: Sam98034
just got a recent pic
I'm trying to look cool, did just the opposite, aaaaallriiiight.
cant remember the last time i posted in this thread. this is me from a couple of months ago on a bar crawl in durham
dont think i was actually drunk, just playing for the camera i guess [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
I think he's being sarcastic, guys...Quote:
Originally posted by: Xollence
She looks around 13ish.Quote:
Originally posted by: Sam98034
before i have any bad thoughts, how old are you p3z?
well he is not doing a good job with being sarcastic. or do you mean sam or xollence?Quote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
I think he's being sarcastic, guys...Quote:
Originally posted by: Xollence
She looks around 13ish.Quote:
Originally posted by: Sam98034
before i have any bad thoughts, how old are you p3z?
p3z is a man.
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
well he is not doing a good job with being sarcastic. or do you mean sam or xollence?
also, spoiler format was very clever.
edit: its been said kardiva is tim meadows.
That's the guy! I knew he looked familiar.Quote:
Originally posted by: Samanosuke
edit: its been said kardiva is tim meadows.
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
That's the guy! I knew he looked familiar.Quote:
Originally posted by: Samanosuke
edit: its been said kardiva is tim meadows.
haha i guess my identity has been uncovered, i'll have to get up a new non-tim meadows-like picture as soon as possible
you mean chest hair right? Yeah, being a harry European is where it's at. Good for those long winters.Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
You have a nice Sean Connery shrubbery goin'Quote:
Originally posted by: Sam98034
just got a recent pic
I'm trying to look cool, did just the opposite, aaaaallriiiight.
hahah Y made me lol.