nice chapter, huntery and all.
but don't those words imply that the clan first attacked the people of the shooting star city, rather than being a 'random' act of violence by the spiders?
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nice chapter, huntery and all.
but don't those words imply that the clan first attacked the people of the shooting star city, rather than being a 'random' act of violence by the spiders?
You mean, "We reject no one, so take nothing from us"?
Yeah, I don't know what that's about. Maybe the tribe spent some time in Meteor City while they were hiding, and ran away.
Maybe it just means that they accept anyone as "family" and what is theirs belongs to you too.
This sentence was already mentioned before (although its a different translation)
The whole torture of the families and kids gives a different perspective on the troupe. Before I'd read them as a bunch of bad-asses, but now they really come off as villains.
Only 30 days, 15 hours, 37 minutes and 45 seconds until the manga returns...
Yeah, I was thinking about the anime too. I wonder if there's going to be new manga in time for it to get adapted to the anime. Maybe Togashi's last hiatus from the manga was so he could coordinate with the anime people.
Is mangastream's translation the only one that is confusing?
Hiatus over! 341 is here!
not sure how i feel about poison outside world. in most mangas it happened, the new world turned out to be pretty shitty arc.
YYH - just a tourney.
Claymore never went there.
Toriko - so far, kind of dumb.
YYH was just a tourney because Togashi wanted to fuck with his editors for being pricks. SJ learned its lesson which is why Togashi has such a golden contract now.
I wonder if Ging just never came home because he's a really shitty father or was it because there's something in the new world that he's obsessed with.
This arc introduced a bunch of new characters who are all suppose to be strong, i really wonder how many of them will get killed off relatively early on.
The whole new world thing just seems like another setting for unbelievably powerful "force of nature" for the hunters to fight against.
Chapter 342 [MangaStream]
I found the last couple chapters pretty confusing, so here's a synopsis of what's happened so far from a guy named amoham10 on MangaStream:
Well we know that Isaac Netero wants the Zodiacs to go to Dark Continent. Netero had also been to the Dark Continent before but found that his view of strength is more on that for combat. Beyond, on the other hand, views strength to be that of determination and the desire to explore the unknown - something Netero acknowledges as a far more virtuous quality of a hunter. This is why Netero is "making a request" for the Hunters Association to set up their own expedition and beat Beyond for the prestige of exploring and colonizing the Dark Continent.
The country of Kakin wants to go to the Dark Continent. The Dark Continent remember from last chapter, is taboo and humans have not visited it for centuries.
The Five Modern Nation Leaders (V5) don't want to deal with this because each time humanity has stepped into the Dark Continent, they've only brought calamities back. Another reason is out of the 149 times humanity has tried to voyage the Dark Continent, there were only 28 survivors and 3 were able to live normal lives (Beyond was one of them). Mind you these were powerful individuals with a lot of luck on their side. So it would be very reckless and dangerous for the citizens of Kakin to head over to the Dark Continent.
V5 order The Zodiacs to capture Beyond, as a way to get their own info on the Dark Continent (preferably the calamities).
Beyond gives himself up, proposing they take him to Dark Continent under the pretense that they are chasing him and to obtain greater support for his trip to the Dark Continent from the Hunter's Association and V5. Funny part was he made a prediction that they would release him, which means this was all planned from the beginning. Beyond is a lot smarter than we gave him credit for.
The Zodiacs accept, so they can fulfill Isaac's final request/order.
The V5 plan on inviting Kakin in order to turn the organization from the V5 into the V6, in an attempt to limit the damage of the expedition that would otherwise bring more calamities back from the Dark Continent. To ensure a monitored expedition, the Hunter's Association will accompany Beyond by orders of the V5 into the Dark Continent.
The Zodiac must do this on the expedition of the Dark Continent:
1. Keeping Beyond a prisoner
2. Fighting off Beyond's allies
3. Dealing with the 5 calamities
4. Exploring the continent to find ways to benefit mankind.
The King of Kakin is building Black Whale ships to effectively transport people from their country into the Dark Continent. The first ship will send Beyond and presumably the Zodiac 10 along with more in the future. The King estimates one million immigrants over the next five years. The V5 isn't planning on sending people other than select few into the Dark Continent. They'll use the ships to transport people to islands close to the Continent, and then tell them that's the place, so there won't be any immigrants to the Continent itself.
Ging meets with Pariston and proposes he joins Beyond's team. He also tells Pariston to stop causing trouble because Pariston wanted to send his pet army of 5000 Chimera ant soldiers against one of two targets: the Dark Continent if the Hunter Association goes along with Beyond or the Hunter Association itself if it doesn't. Pariston is interested that Ging joins but Ging tells that he might want to be a lone wolf in the Dark Continent......looks like Gon will have to search for his father in the Dark Continent in the future.
Beyond and the Zodiacs will be the first adventurers that manage to successfully infiltrate the Dark Continent officially, and will also establish the first ground base for operations and maybe even starting the cartography of the first continent.
Netero is the other person who returned to a normal life after visiting the Dark Continent, I suppose that makes the final person Alluka?
On what basis are you concluding it's Alluka? I have no idea what gave you that idea. Did I miss something?
She reminds me of the Gas Life-Form AI calamity, "desire of co-dependence." Plus one of those chapters mentions Killua/Zoldycks don't know where she came from. And, he ability of squishing people into near 2-D shapes reminds me of the deformation of one of the examples of the victims traveling to the Dark Continent. There's not much else evidence but its definitely possible.
Attachment 1671
Yeah, I see what you mean. Good catch.
Chapter 344 [MangaStream]
Synopsis thanks to amoham10 again for summarizing what's happened:
We start off with Kurapica reminiscing of all the individuals he met as a blacklist hunter. All these interactions to find clues of his klan's eyes are going to finally end with the fourth prince of Kakin. He contemplates where this final journey will take him and comes to grip with him being the lone survivor of his klan.
We move back to Ging who from last chapter, made the declaration he was the number 2 person in the group. The group members start to get into battle positions and will attack Ging depending on his answer. Ging surprisingly states he would double the money Beyond is paying them and will give it to them upfront. In fact he will pay them and will allow them to keep doing everything they have been doing up until now. The group is perplexed but also feeling a sense of incredulity from what Gng stated. Ging lets them know if that if they want to follow usual protocol that is okay and they can even take orders from Pariston but all that he wishes is he is the number two guy in the hierarchy of the group. A member wants to confirm if Ging is telling the truth and writes down the imaginary amount Beyond was paying him. Ging confirms and that member officially accepts Ging second in command. Ging immediately transfers the money into his account and the guy leaves the room. The other members of Pariston's group assume the guy ran off with the money, never to be seen again. Ging then lets the group know that whenever they are ready to allow him to be 2nd in the group, that he will accept it with no hesitation. Another member (the guy Ging almost smashed his face in) accepts him as number two but doesn't want his money. Ging turns to Pariston and mockingly says that Pariston isn't being paid anything to go on the expedition and that this is only to cure his boredom. Pariston and Ging come to an understanding because Ging isn't being paid either.
Leerio calls Kurapica, letting him know he was worried and wanting his cell number. Leerio confirms from Kurapica Gon is okay from Mizaistom. Something to note Leerio is worried about the Zodiac because he hardly knows them which is surprising because he spent a good amount of time with them in the election arc. Mizaistom then lets Kurapica know that there are dark shadows around the King, probably pulling the strings. Be non confrontational and tact because the prince is circumspectly eyeing the entire expedition process.
We finally see Gon and apparently his aura is not coming out. It doesn't mean he lost his nen but possibly his nen system in his body was damaged beyond repair. Think Gai using the 8th gates and destroying his chakra networks.
Ging recaps to Pariston's group the five deadly calamities. We find out something quite interesting. The calamities are brought back to the human world by the "guides". The "guides" are a magical beast species that have a strong connection to The Dark Continent. Ging states the group should avoid each of the five calamities because they are far more dangerous than the Chimera Ants and class A or B level threats. Beyond is going through a new unexplored route underground but that would be very dangerous because he might bring back a sixth calamity. The group asks what is the benefit of the V5 in going to the Dark Continent? Ging summaries what the V5 want and their past expeditions in the following:
-Republic of Belgrosa: In the Northeastern section from Lake Mobius there lies a mountainous territory that holds a mineral ore that could produce 20K of electricity for a day when submerged underwater. Mind you this is from a very a small amount and so energy conservation wouldn't be an issue. It is hidden in a mountain range inhabited by the beast calamity, Papu and only seven survived from the last expedition.
-Sahelta Empire: North of Lake Mobius after you pass a sea of trees there lies a labyrinth town that holds a herb that can cure 10k illnesses/ailments. If a country got this, doctors wouldn't be needed and the country can have a very long living labour force. The plant calamity, Brion destroyed the special forces of the empire and only two survived.
-Ochima Federation: South of Lake Mobius you will find a murky swamp land that holds the Nitro grain, a form of food that stave off starvation for an extremely long period of time. A country with this can feed its populous and also save billions of in food costs. The forces sent out were wiped out by the twin tailed snake, Hellbell and only eleven survived.
-Republic of Minbu: Instead of using their own military, they enlisted the Hunter Association for the power to obtain three special liquid mixtures. If you have this special chemical you can conjure water out of thin air. Water imports would be none and the food irrigation would be a thing of the past. The mist creature, AI killed most of the group and only 3 survived. The survivors went insane and any information about The Dark Continent wasn't salvageable.
-Kakanya Kingdom: The most successful out of the V5s sent out Beyond's group. They wanted an alchemist compound known as the "Metallion" and Beyond actually found it and brought it back to the world safely. However, Beyond being reckless, got lost which led them to take a detour and their group ended up catching the zombae disease (the disease of immortality). There were six survivors and so we could assume Beyond Netero has the zombae disease.
We also find out that during Beyond's first conquest to The Dark Continent, The Hunter Association hired Aizack Netero, Zzigg Zoldyck and Linnet Audoble. From the reaction they were terrified at the sheer scale of the beasts that roam around The Dark Continent.
The hunter from Pariston's group who got the money transferred by Ging, returns and explains he needed the money for his sister to be in care. The money Ging transferred to him is more than enough for her to be in care. This hunter is now forever in Ging's debt and will fight for him as comrade but Ging says he won't let him die under his command.
Finally, another member from the Pariston's group wonders if there any documents left behind any of the survivors from the documents. Ging explains only one person in the history of humanity ever explored the shores of Lake Mobius. The individual kept a journal of their explorations and named it "The New Continent's Traveller's Journal's East and West". The world only knows about the East portion of the journal but the West is nowhere to be found. Ging says there are 3 reasons why it wasn't found. One is because it wasn't found, Two because the writer failed to find what he wanted and decided to stop writing. Three is because the person is still writing it! The individual must of found the all curing herb and is still exploring the Dark Continent. Ging says the author is none other than Don Freeces.
Don Freecs is like Togashi, he has been on hiatus for 300 years.
Oh shit! "My aura... isn't coming out!" Must finish the chapter.
This is getting on the far side of epic. I really hope Togashi has been talking to the anime guys about what's going to happen in this arc/saga.
Also, Carnage's theory about Alluka looks more plausible if a Zoaldyck has been on the new world.
the summary really does help!
Only thing i'd like to add to that summary is that it's very likely that Linnet Audoble is Linne Hors-d'oeuvre from the election arc due to her age.
Has anyone else had trouble following what's going on since the manga resumed? I feel like I have no clue what's happening or what the characters are talking about half the time.
You ought to read the Viz translation/releases, they're much clearer than mangastream.
Chapter 346 [MS]
Chapter 346 [MangaPanda]
Didn't see that there yesterday. Sorry.
URR, the chimera ants were B rank. D:
Great chapter. I like how they think Kurapica is a mind reader.
Chapter 347 is here.
Manga Panda
it's amazing how he understands nen not by some magic hack, but by understanding what the user wanted to achieve when he conceived the idea. that ties into the original concept on nen and also is an example of how he operates by pandering to the specific interests of whoever he's dealing with.
The fact that it took longer than 1 second for that battle to end feels odd considering how strong the ants were and how high Ging's power level ought to be.
Not really. Ging said it himself. He figured out that it was really Partison that sent those guys in an attempt to see Gings powers for himself. So Ging didn't use any of his own powers. He used Leorio's.
However I feel that the fact that he was able to figure out and use Leorio's powers so easily revealed a bunch. Don't think many people can witness or take an attack once and then figure out how it worked. Not only that but several other techniques too, by predicting how it was intended to work. That told volumes about just how strong he is. Also don't use you powers infront of Ging or against him unless you are sure it will kill him, or he will figure it out and add it to his own arsenal.
Can't help but think that Crollo have been cheated. Why have a nen power that require you to have a book in one hand to use someones power, and to have such trouble to steal it, when you can simply figure it out. Hopefully it's such a rare talent that Ging is basically the only one that can do it. It could be Ging's power, but i hope not.
Ging blatantly said its not his power and can only mimic strike-type attacks. Plus, he might have had to have been hit to be able to replicate it. Chrollo's power can seemingly copy anything.
Either way, it is still very impressive. I wonder how long it will be until we see his actual ability. Also, Pariston's for that matter. I bet his is some dark shit.
Do we know who taught Ging how to use Nen? Was it Bisuke?
Yes, there was.
"If it's a strike-type attack, just taking it once is enough for me to mimic it."
That suggests that he can mimic any attack. A strike-type attack is not complex and can be mimicked after taking it just one time. A non-strike type attack is more complex and he would need to take/see it more than once to mimic it. It really doesn't get much plainer than that.
You need to work on you reading comprehension, there's no explicit indication that he can copy any attack, just that copying strike-type attacks are easy for him. This is literally as plain as it gets, because there is no mention of his ability to copy anything else.
Oops, I missed the last chapter. Looks like a new one comes out tomorrow, too.
Interesting, it looks like Tserrednich knows who Kurapica is. People on other boards are saying that's Pairo's head (I thought it was a picture of Kurapica)
Also, nen stands. I guess that explains Neon's power. She had a "stand" that acts on its own.
No new hunter this week? I dont think there was a mention of hiatus two weeks ago. This series is always scanlated last so its tough to tell.
/r/HunterXHunter says there's no new chapter. Togashi is sick, supposedly.
Yeah his lower back is in pain, haitusxhaitus for 2 weeks.
And I´ve caught up. 349 is the latest chapter, right? So the wait begins .... :|
Loving what happens past the anime´s end. Not wasting any time and directly jumping to the next big thing, the dark continent.
Although, two things bothered me:
1.) Kurapika gives off such a powerful presence. But aren´t his powers restricted to being used on Spider-members only?
2.) Disclaimer: I realize it´s a fantasy world, but still => So either those V6 continents are super small, as is the known world for humans, OR earth/the planet is ridiculously large, thus featuring a gravity way beyond 1g, which would make life impossible. Outter space or dimensional travel would have been easier to logically accept for me. And it´s somewhat a BIIIG omission to not tell the readers about the world´s layout during the very beginning of the series. I mean, all of this dark continent stuff was basically common knowledge ever since we saw Gon take off frm Whale Island. It´s only a big surprise because Togashi was like "lol, you guys dont need to know right now. Hey, lets enjoy the hunter exam and yorkshin and whatever. I´ll tell you later that everything takes place within a giant like surrounded by a monster inhabited mega-continent." :P
By no means a deal breaker, but kinda weird, lol.
Anyway, any hints at when the next chapter releases?
same as with Toriko. there's a giant world and the gravity's the same.
maybe whatever is going on in 'the dark continent' is messing around the ecosystem and making it human sustainable?
Decided to read the last few chapters since I know the series won't be back for many years, and just wanted to know what the next arc was going to be about. Don't plan on continuing to read going forward.
That said, interesting stuff in the last few issues. I thought the "larger world" was going to be other planets. Was not expecting that the whole HxH world was just some kind of island chain the the middle of a lake.
Also, someone said that these "5 great disasters" were chimera ants. Seems like they're probably all more powerful than Meruem was.
That kinda makes that whole arc silly in hindsight. Meruem was never going to be able to take over the world like that anyway. The world is apparently insanely huge and full of monsters that are probably stronger than him.
Kinda makes me wonder if that first Ant Queen, who thinks she was part-human herself, was created from some human that made it to the Dark Continent before.
Leorio and Kurapica becoming Zodiacs is just insane. Leorio kinda makes sense, since filling a seat with the guy that almost won the election makes some sense.
Filling the last seat with someone that NONE of them know on the recommendation of the guy that just joined doesn't make any sense at all. It just feels like a weird contrivance to get the main characters into positions of authority all of a sudden.
Kurapika has 5 different chains, and each of them has different limitations.
I believe only the binding chain and the chain that wraps around the heart are limited to Spiders.
That's funny. I thought Leorio as a Zodiac almost makes no sense when I read that. He's just so weak. Kurapica has great analytical abilities and good nen. If the Zodiacs were looking for somebody, I don't see why they'd pass him up. (What you say makes sense on an organization level, though. Leorio had the politics behind him, but he's basically a nobody to the Zodiacs)
And the manga has returned... chapter 350:
how did we reach this spot?
it's the most exciting match in the history of this manga!
Wtf, 2 new chapters, Togashi outta nowhere! Do we know when the next chapter releases, and how many more we´ll get :>
Yeah, no, I don´t believe this fight will have a satisfying outcome, aka one of them will die. Not happening. Since I find Hisoka infinitely more interesting, I want him to win, but ... I dunno. I don´t see Chrollo losing. Weird. If Hisoka truly wins this, he´ll be the strongest known fighter in the HXHverse alive.
Also, chapter 350 was text-overload. The previous chapter was too long ago, so I have no idea what´s up with all those princes, why Kurapika wants to kill one of them, why those princes are all coming to the dark continent, and so on. goddam, how I´d wish to see this in anime form. Togashi, why can´t you just quit the manga and send plot notes to the anime production team? :/
another new chapter.
in which, using a guy's head as a bowling ball yo-yo flail is the least complicated thing to follow.
welcome back, Togashi. you have been missed.
Meh, didn´t like this chapter much. It´s never explained why Chrollo can even dodge all the shit that Hisoka is throwing at him. Is Chrollo such an athletic genius?
And it sucks that they´re now killing the audience as they like. It would have been more interesting to see the fight stay confined within the ring and Battle Tower´s basic rules.
Oh well, as long as one of the two is dead in 1-2 chapters, I won´t complain.
Just read up to 357
That was a great battle. But damn, Hisoka is a sore loser apparently. Kind of a dick move really. Although, the Phantom Troupe are also huge dicks, so watching them get murdered is also kind of satisfying.
Now we're back to this boat shit I don't care about that is giving me Berserk flashbacks...
didn't think we would be seeing him again so soon.
here's another dude we haven't seen since forever ago.
We've been on this boat for a long, long time.
i feel like he keeps adding characters and factions to an already wide spanning mess.
does anyone remember there's a 'fake nitro son guy that started this boatride? and talk about whatever the dark continent is and that it's suffocating the world?
Damn did Togashi catch the covid?
wait, what?
source? google doesn't have something other than the usual stuff.
...this is a thread I didn't expect to see activity on...
Sorry if you've recently started reading, poop. This author has had output issues for a good few years now. We typically get about 10 chapters in a good year (2019 and 20 were not good years in that regard).
Yeah, I've read it all. I was just looping back in after being away a few years. :-)
... and here I thought a new chapter released.
Fool is me lol
391 is out, read it where you read manga.
I have no recollection who any of these people are, but I liked the fight scene.
especially how the long-haired guy made sure to only show them one attack and didn't reveal that he can do other things, so if the enemy isn't experienced (as they don't appear to be regular nen-users), then they won't be able to expose what non-battle stuff he can do.
not exactly a cancellation, but HxH won't be released on shonen jump anymore
Attachment 1997
and now there's a new chapter (401). and probably next week as well.
and if we're good, maybe this arc could conclude before 2040.
I haven''t read the past couple chapters. And I think I completely forgot what I read from the ship arc. Will probably have to start from the beginning again. So much text, so much complicated explanations, oof.