ROFL kai, thats awesome
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ROFL kai, thats awesome
[22:25] <TwisT> but if you say next is gonna rock i hope your talking about "that" ^^
[22:26] <Budweineken> not only "that", but "those" also happen
[22:26] <TwisT> :O
[22:27] <TwisT> do "those" happen anything in this episode?
[22:27] <Budweineken> a little bit of "this"
I thought this to be quite the exchange of words
After Joker-kun shows us a picture of his baby
[16:10] <DS> thats a HUGE picture
[16:10] <Arcness> lol cute kid le jokerrrrrrrr~~~~
[16:10] <Joker-kun> I didn't feel like resizing
[16:10] <Kraco> She looks about ready to start to watch anime.
[16:10] <DS> you could make like a poster out of that >_>
[16:10] <Joker-kun> thanks...
[16:10] <Arcness> whats her name?
[16:10] <Deadfire> Joker-chan
[16:11] <Assassin> joker, you should change her name to something else, just to piss off the mother
[16:12] <Arcness> her long name would be Elhaym
[16:12] <Arcness> ZOMG I WANT A KID
[16:12] <Arcness> just to name it
[23:38] <Deadfire> playing: "Deadfire - Dragonoutlaw sucks" [128kbps][44kHz][Stereo]
[23:39] <Knives> It even has bad kbps, haha
[23:39] <DO> its called bitrate :p
[23:40] <DO> I'm cool if I get my own song
[23:40] <Knives> But it's portraying you in a negative way.
[23:40] <Knives> I don't really see that as a complement..
[23:40] <DO> Still its cool
[23:41] * DO has a song
[14:57] <Deadfire> so
[14:58] <Deadfire> it's my sister's birthday today
[14:58] <Deadfire> I have 14 little girls aged 9 yelling like crazy
[14:58] <_kAi_> does she want cock for her birthday?
[14:58] <_kAi_> ok then.
[14:58] <Deadfire> she is 9 kai
[14:58] <Assassin> lol kai
[14:58] <_kAi_> well, i just found that out
[14:58] <Deadfire> Kai you like them young eh?
[14:58] <_kAi_> only your sister
[14:59] <Deadfire> ....
[14:59] * Deadfire sets mode: +b *!*@kai.sublime.voodoo
[14:59] * _kAi_ was kicked by Deadfire (you get the fuck away from my sister)
Why does KAI like 29 year olds?
[20:12] <complich8> ok, here's my plan
[20:12] <Wilik> fuckin Assassin
[20:12] <complich8> basically: step 1: ignore wilik
[20:12] <Assassin> :p
[20:12] <Deadfire> lol
[20:12] * Wilik has left #gwstaff
[20:12] <Budweineken> lol
[20:12] <Assassin> haha
[20:12] <complich8> hey, that worked =D
<Yukimura> DF!
<Yukimura> help!
<Deadfire> what?
<Yukimura> my dad's computer is beeping periodically at bootup
<DS> vga card dead
<DS> replace
<Yukimura> that might explain the black screen
Unban me from the channel, homophobes!
Terra seemed to have gotten lost....
On Rizon
<Terracosmo>- please unban me from the channel
<Deadfire> what channel?
<Terracosmo> gw :p
<Deadfire> your not banned
<Deadfire> or blocked
<Deadfire> :p
<Terracosmo> * You were kicked from #gotwoot by ChanServ (You are not permitted to be on this channel.)
<Deadfire> lol
<Terracosmo> :(
<Deadfire> thats on rizon
<Deadfire> your on rizon you dumbass
<Terracosmo> oh fuck
<Terracosmo> where is the goddamn channel then
<Deadfire> #gotwoot
On Gotwoot
* Terracosmo has joined #gotwoot
<Terracosmo> there we go
<Terracosmo> I fail at the internet
<Deadfire> you fail at IRC Terra
<Deadfire> you're lucky I was there
<Arcness> DF you dont have a life
<Arcness> where else would you be?
Fucking shit!! It's conspiracy da yo!!!
<Terracosmo> I wouldn't mind waking up in the morning next to this
* Chaos is never clicking Terra's links again
<Terracosmo> surrender to my love!
<Arcness> !kb Chaos Surrender to his love
* Gotwoot sets mode: +b *!*
* You were kicked by Gotwoot (Surrender to his love)
* Rejoined channel #gotwoot
<Arcness> !kb Chaos Surrender to his love again
* Gotwoot sets mode: +b *!*
* You were kicked by Gotwoot (Surrender to his love again)
[22:05] <Terracosmo> yeah during the sex I was like "aahhh ja da!! watashi wa virgin da!!" with my best japanese and the guy was like "mwhaahahaha RASENGAN!" and I had orgasms
lol i can't stop laughing at that one. hahahaha RASENGAN!Quote:
Originally Posted by Assassin
[22:50] <z> i had mozzarella cheese today Spiegel do dont go there >.>
[22:52] <Spiegel-Laptop> z, i will have terra f*** the cheese right out of your ass
[22:52] <Chaos> diagram?
[22:52] <Spiegel-Laptop> and i am sure assassin will be videotaping it
[22:53] <z> lmao
[22:53] <Spiegel-Laptop> i made too many diagrams yesterday lol
[22:53] <Spiegel-Laptop> just look at the horse one and that can be z too
[22:53] <z> a horse
[22:53] <Spiegel-Laptop> hey, horses have big dicks
[23:02] <Chaos>
OMFG LOL!! knives in the distance has the funny-as-hell-yet-disgusting-at-the-same-time thing mastered! I like the director glasses on Assassin :)
lol knives in the distance...hahahaha:D
-_- that's not funny
And terra is dealt another minority card to add to his hand.Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
he was dealt nothing. Hardcore buttsm3cks earned him that card. :D
...he did a lot more than just buttsm3cking from what i read. Comeon, at least give him the cred. he deserves. He needs his street rep.
[22:41] <Deadfire> besides we are colder then sack...sacka.... that square like province
[22:41] <Assassin> sasquatch
[22:42] <Assassin> its more of a parallellapiped
[22:42] <Deadfire> it's a silly place
[22:42] <BroRapist> trapezoid
[22:42] <BroRapist> it's nice shape
[22:42] <Deadfire> full of farmers
[22:42] <Deadfire> and a city named regina
[22:42] <Deadfire> that sounds like vagina
[22:43] <Assassin> it should be renamed vagina
[22:43] <BroRapist> vegina
[22:43] <Assassin> it'll pick up in tourism overnite
[22:43] <Deadfire> people would quickly leave however
[22:43] <Deadfire> as there isn't much there
[22:44] <Assassin> it should be the las vegas of canada
[22:44] <Assassin> man, i should be prime minister. i'd totally own this country
[22:45] <Deadfire> then the natives would get angry
[22:45] <Deadfire> but what else is new
[22:45] <BroRapist> the prime minister has to be white
[22:45] <Assassin> i'll give them free gas for a year
[22:45] <Assassin> and then they'll sniff them selves to death
[22:45] <Assassin> brown PM in 2025!
[22:45] <Deadfire> give them smallpox bankets like the americans did
[22:46] <Assassin> lol, complete pwnage
...WTF Assassin!
Please yall go back to making your TerraVids.
Don't fall asleep in this channel....
<Deadfire> Genji I'll un-access your ass from the list!
<Genji> ill tell on DO >_>
<z> ...DO didnt do anything
<Deadfire> ya what did DO do?
<Genji> im tired
<Genji> you know what i meant
<z> no i dont
<Deadfire> and thats DO's fault?
* Genji is now known as DS|Sleep
<Deadfire> DO made you tired eh?
<DS|Sleep> no
<Deadfire> what did he do, bore you to death?
<DS|Sleep> the fact that its 6.30 am
<DS|Sleep> made me tired
<Deadfire> RAM you a few times in the back-side
<Deadfire> give you a night of loving?
<Deadfire> answer the question DS!
<DS|Sleep> those 2 sentences made no sense to me
<DS|Sleep> none at all
<Deadfire> ah so you don't remember!]\
<z> hahaha
<z> i remember
<Deadfire> DO must have been rough
<z> there was a goat there too
<DS|Sleep> oh now they made sense
<DS|Sleep> bastard
Wilik's time....
<Yukimura> i hate it when we agree but i don't realize it
<Wilik> so do I
<Wilik> because then I have to spend 5 minutes explaining it to you
<Wilik> just now being a great example :P
<Yukimura> you could have stopped me
<Yukimura> but i see what happened, I missed the meaning of the word like
<Yukimura> it al snowballed from there
<Deadfire> <Yukimura> you could have stopped me
<Deadfire> Wilik doesn't do that
<Yukimura> he doesn't?
<Wilik> lol..
<Deadfire> he wants you to see after 5 mins you are a idiot for going on and on
<Wilik> guess thats what makes me an asshole
<Wilik> :P
<Deadfire> heh
<Yukimura> wow Wilik...that is a pretty asshole thing to do
<Yukimura> i think I'm going to have to cry myself to sleep
<Wilik> ha
<Wilik> only little bitches cry Yukimura
<Wilik> you wanna be a little bitch? do it on your own time
<Yukimura> this is my time
<Wilik> is it?
<Yukimura> it is
<Wilik> any time your on irc or logged into MT its MY time
And there you have it...don't waste Wilik's Time!
How to pick up chicks: The sage advice of the great wilik
[02:08] <Wilik> girls are easy to understand if you try
[02:09] <Wilik> it takes like 2 dates to figure out what they want to make them happy
[02:09] <Wilik> it also only takes 2 dates to figure out if its worth the time :P
[02:09] <Yukimura> i never thought it could be that fast
[02:09] <Yukimura> to figure out what they want
[02:09] <Wilik> lol
[02:09] <Wilik> just listen to what they talk about
[02:10] <Wilik> if they talk about going out alot and shopping and shit
[02:10] <Wilik> they are high maintance
[02:10] <Wilik> I dont bother with those girls unless I want a quick fuck :P
[02:10] <Wilik> because those girls are panty droppers with the right amount of work :P
[02:11] * Yukimura is writing furiously now
[02:11] <Wilik> take them some place nice and buy some drinks
[02:11] <Wilik> usually get some on date 1
[02:11] <Wilik> no need for date 2
[02:11] <Wilik> :P
[02:12] <Wilik> it probably doesnt help I grew up with 3 sisters
[02:12] <Wilik> erm
[02:12] <Wilik> 2
[02:12] <solietjake> why spend like 50-75 bucks on a date when u dont know if ur gonna get some
[02:12] <solietjake> save around 25-40
[02:12] <solietjake> and get a hooker lol
[02:12] <Yukimura> what do non high matinence girls talk about on a date (this would be book material)
[02:12] <Wilik> they ask alot about you
[02:12] <Wilik> and arent interested in how much you make and so forth
[02:13] <Wilik> solietjake, heres a nice trick
[02:13] <Wilik> go to a club
[02:13] <Wilik> find a girl that has already had some drinks because some other guy bought some for her :P
[02:13] <Wilik> take HER home
[02:13] <Wilik> $10
[02:13] <solietjake> lol
[02:13] <solietjake> yeh
[02:13] <solietjake> not a bad idea
[02:13] <solietjake> not to many clubs around here
[02:13] <solietjake> have to go to SF
[02:13] <Wilik> double bag that shit though
[02:13] <solietjake> which is like....
[02:14] <Wilik> i.e. wear extra protection :P
[02:14] <solietjake> 3-5 hour drive depending on traffic
[02:14] <Yukimura> lol
[02:14] <solietjake> nah
[02:14] <Wilik> ok..
[02:14] <Yukimura> that's so sexy wilik
[02:14] <solietjake> u dont want to wear two condoms
[02:14] <solietjake> rubber against rubber = breakage
[02:14] <Wilik> true
[02:14] <Wilik> its a 'joke' btw
[02:14] <solietjake> i know ;)
[02:14] <Wilik> you say that about questionable girls :P
[02:15] <Wilik> i.e. ones you pick up at a club
[02:15] <solietjake> yeh
[02:15] <solietjake> gotta protect the jimmy
[02:15] <solietjake> wear a hat =P
[02:15] <Wilik> yep
[02:15] <Wilik> decent girls are hard to find sometimes
[02:15] <solietjake> yep
[02:16] <solietjake> i think i found one
[02:16] <Wilik> but if you just want to get laid... clubs, bars, all good places to go
[02:17] <Wilik> I like to make up a profession when I goto clubs or bars
[02:17] <Wilik> so when the golddiggers ask what I do...
[02:17] <Wilik> I can tell them I make alot of money :P
[02:17] <Yukimura> lol, when you think about it picking up a girl at a club for a one night stand is just like prostituion but the bar is the pimp
[02:17] <Wilik> easy pickings then
[02:17] <Wilik> well Yukimura, theres 1 thing you are missing
[02:18] <Wilik> and that is, if you dont have good 'game' that girl will go home with some other guy
[02:18] <Yukimura> good point
[02:18] <Wilik> check this out
[02:18] <Wilik> I was out with a friend of mine about a year ago
[02:18] <Wilik> and this really hot chick was kinda hitting on him
[02:19] <Wilik> and he was a fuckin pussy
[02:19] <Wilik> she went home with someone else :P
[02:19] <Wilik> I was trying to help him out and shit
[02:19] <Wilik> but he was so retarded about it, it didnt help any
[02:19] <Yukimura> you can't fix being a pussy from the me
[02:19] <solietjake> oi
[02:19] <Wilik> I on the other hand...
[02:19] <solietjake> if i had the chance to have sex with a hot chick
[02:20] <solietjake> i'd fucking go for it
[02:20] <Wilik> took some other chick back to her place :P
[02:20] <Wilik> and left my friend there
[02:20] <Wilik> lol
[02:20] <Yukimura> that's why you're the man Wilik
[02:20] <Wilik> hit and run man, hit and run
[02:20] <Wilik> dont stay till morning, its a RULE
[02:21] <solietjake> lol
[02:21] <solietjake> shit
[02:21] <Yukimura> out of curiosuty what city are you in again wilik?
[02:21] <solietjake> i'd get out of there before she woke up
[02:21] <Wilik> san antonio
[02:21] <solietjake> ah tx
[02:21] <Wilik> oh man I got another good story
[02:21] <Yukimura> lol i was tyoing that solietjake
[02:21] <Wilik> ok so me and my other friend were in georgia
[02:21] <solietjake> lol
[02:21] <Wilik> about 3 years ago
[02:21] <Wilik> and we were at this bar
[02:21] <Wilik> just playing pool
[02:22] <Wilik> and this fugly ass bitch comes up to me and asks me for a lite
[02:22] <Wilik> and im like liting my cigarette
[02:22] <Wilik> and im like 'I dont have one'
[02:22] <Wilik> lol
[02:22] <Deadfire> lol
[02:22] <solietjake> lmfao
[02:22] <solietjake> ownt
[02:22] <Wilik> so my dumbass firned was like 'I got one'
[02:22] <Assassin> lol
[02:22] <solietjake> ouch
[02:22] <Wilik> and lit her cigarette
[02:22] <solietjake> i bet she lit his stogie
[02:22] <solietjake> lol
[02:22] <Wilik> so her hot friend came over and started talking to me
[02:22] <Wilik> her 'wingman'
[02:22] <Wilik> so I was cool with that
[02:22] <solietjake> lol
[02:22] <Wilik> one thing led to another
[02:23] <solietjake> did u hit that?
[02:23] <solietjake> lol
[02:23] <Wilik> and me and my friend are back at thier place
[02:23] <Yukimura> ugly girl with a hot wingman...that makes no sense
[02:23] <Yukimura> even in chick logic
[02:23] <Wilik> it was the fugly girl's bday
[02:23] <Wilik> anyways
[02:23] <Wilik> so my friend is doing whatever hes doing
[02:23] <Wilik> I dunno, I was busy getting it on with the hot chick
[02:23] <Wilik> anyways
[02:23] <solietjake>
[02:24] <Wilik> when im done I go out into the living room and hes passed out on their couch
[02:24] <Wilik> which he has threw up all over
[02:24] <Wilik> so I wake him up
[02:24] <Wilik> flip over the coushin
[02:24] <Wilik> and we get the fuck out of there
[02:24] <Wilik> lol
[02:24] <Yukimura> nice
[02:24] <Deadfire> lol
[02:24] <solietjake> lmfao
[02:24] <solietjake> dude
[02:24] <solietjake> thats awesome
[02:24] <Assassin> lol. you're a role model wilik
[02:24] <Wilik> yea
[02:24] <solietjake> i wonder if they noticed the smell...
[02:24] <Wilik> it was like 4am at that time
[02:24] <Yukimura> that's so awesome but yet so not right
[02:24] <solietjake> yeh
[02:24] <Wilik> I had just enough battery in my cellphone to call a cab
[02:24] <solietjake> i'd feel guilty
[02:25] <Wilik> because we were REALLY far from home
[02:25] <solietjake> did ur buddy score with that one chick?
[02:25] <Wilik> actually its funny
[02:25] <Wilik> because his dumbass gives the fugly chick his phone number
[02:25] <Wilik> so they call us up like 2 weeks later
[02:25] <Wilik> and see if we want to go out
[02:25] <Wilik> hes like 'fuck yea man'
[02:25] <Wilik> im like 'you must have been REALLY drunk'
[02:25] <solietjake> lmfao
[02:25] <Wilik> so we do
[02:25] <solietjake> ahaha
[02:26] <Wilik> we go to hooters
[02:26] <Wilik> and they bring up the coushin thing
[02:26] <Wilik> im all like 'I have no idea what you're talking about..'
[02:26] <Yukimura> YES
[02:26] <Wilik> so anyways
[02:26] <Wilik> the fugly chick is being a bitch
[02:26] <Wilik> and at this time they have ordered alot of expensive shit
[02:26] <solietjake> lmfao
[02:26] <solietjake> ouch
[02:26] <solietjake> wonder whos paying
[02:26] <Wilik> well
[02:26] <Wilik> I havent got to that yet
[02:26] <solietjake> oh
[02:26] <solietjake> sorry
[02:27] <solietjake> continue o great master Wilik
[02:27] <Wilik> so I motion to my friend to get up and head to the restroom
[02:27] <Wilik> and we both go over
[02:27] <Wilik> and I tell him 'dude this sucks, that chick is a bitch, lets get the fuck out of here'
[02:27] <Wilik> so we leave
[02:27] <Wilik> :P
[02:27] <solietjake> ahaha
[02:27] <solietjake> dine and dash
[02:27] <Yukimura> hahahahahahahaha
[02:27] <Wilik> the bill must have been like atleast $80
[02:27] <solietjake> i wonder if they know ur names
[02:27] <solietjake> or where u live
[02:27] <Yukimura> that's awesome Wilik
[02:27] <Wilik> I lied
[02:28] <Wilik> I told them my name was Mike
[02:28] <Yukimura> nice fake name
[02:28] <Wilik> and he told them his name was Leee
[02:28] <Wilik> lee*
[02:28] <Yukimura> very comman and forgettable
[02:28] <Wilik> was funny as hell
[02:28] <Yukimura> Lee not so much
[02:28] <Wilik> and no they had no idea where we lived
[02:28] <solietjake> lol
[02:28] <solietjake> ownt
[02:28] <solietjake> man
[02:28] <Wilik> because we met them back at the bar we originally met them at
[02:28] <solietjake> thats great
[02:28] <solietjake> man
[02:28] <Yukimura> you're gonna see the ugly chick like 8 years from now
[02:28] <solietjake> i bet they are lookin for u two
[02:28] <solietjake> everywhere
[02:28] <Wilik> oh man another good story
[02:29] <Yukimura> and she'll remember you
[02:29] <Wilik> same friend
[02:29] <solietjake> yeh lol
[02:29] <Wilik> and I dunno why but the ugly chicks really digged him
[02:29] <solietjake> gonna kick ur ass or somethin
[02:29] <Wilik> so we met them at the bar
[02:29] <Wilik> and stuff is going ok so we go with them to another bar
[02:29] <Wilik> and my friend is pretty fucked up at this point
[02:30] <Wilik> so we meet one of thier other friends at the other bar
[02:30] <Wilik> and my friend starts hitting on their friend
[02:30] <Wilik> right infront of the ugly chick that he was with originally
[02:30] <Wilik> so she gets all pissed off and leaves
[02:30] <Assassin> lol
[02:30] <Yukimura> yeah i don't think you're supposed to do that
[02:30] <solietjake> o man
[02:30] <solietjake> shit dude
[02:30] <Wilik> and the chick I was planning on getting some from tells my friend 'you better go get her, shes flurting with that other guy' and points to where she went
[02:31] <Wilik> and hes like 'fuck that ugly bitch, this chick is much hotter'
[02:31] <Assassin> ROFL
[02:31] <Wilik> needless to say I didnt get any that night
[02:32] <Deadfire> lol
[02:32] <Wilik> they were nice enough to drive us back to our car though :P
[02:32] <Assassin> thats an awesome verbal bitchslap
[02:32] <Wilik> lol
[02:32] <Wilik> yea I got lots of great stories
[02:32] <Wilik> oh man
[02:32] <Wilik> like 2 weeks ago
[02:32] <Wilik> me and my gf met up with my coworker
[02:32] <Wilik> and some friends of hers
[02:33] <Wilik> and we ended up going back to my coworkers place
[02:33] <Wilik> and we brought one of my gf's friends
[02:33] <Wilik> and we hooked them up
[02:33] <Wilik> I was like 'dude stop putting the pussy on a pedistal'
[02:33] <Wilik> lol
[02:33] <solietjake> lmfao
[02:33] <solietjake> roffle waffle
[02:33] <Wilik> because its been awhile since he got some
[02:34] <Wilik> I was like 'just fuck her right here right now'
[02:34] <Assassin> lol
[02:34] <Wilik> so its been like 2 weeks since he got some now
[02:34] <Deadfire> heh
[02:34] <solietjake> lol
[02:35] <Wilik> yea I have alot of fun ;)
[02:35] <Yukimura> ah the pedestal
[02:35] <Wilik> it was really funny because my gf was like 'you have no game'
[02:35] <Wilik> I was like 'oh yea?'
[02:35] <Wilik> and I started hitting on this one chick
[02:35] <Wilik> and had her number in like 5 minutes
[02:35] <Wilik> and my gf was like 'you suck'
[02:35] <Assassin> lol
[02:35] <Yukimura> damn
[02:36] <Yukimura> that's awesome
[02:36] <Deadfire> lol
[02:36] <Wilik> yea she doesnt say that anymore :P
[02:36] <Assassin> lol, wilik you have to write down that conversation and make it available to all of us :p
[02:36] <Wilik> which convo :P
[02:36] <Assassin> the 5 min one
[02:36] <Assassin> lol
[02:36] <Wilik> oh
[02:36] <Wilik> lol
[02:37] <Wilik> man its all spur of the moment
[02:37] <Wilik> I have no idea what I say
[02:37] <Wilik> I just talk
[02:38] <Wilik> you know a great pickup line?
[02:38] <Wilik> walk up to a girl and ask her to pass the ketchup
[02:38] <Wilik> usually they'll be all stunned for a minute
[02:38] <Wilik> then you just start talking
[02:38] <Assassin> lol about what? ketchup?
[02:38] <Wilik> yep
[02:38] <Wilik> but its a great ice breaker
[02:39] <Wilik> especially in a bar
[02:39] <Wilik> because there is no ketchup
[02:39] <Wilik> :P
[02:39] <Assassin> "well you see, there are two very different types of ketchups"
[02:39] <Wilik> no no
[02:39] <Wilik> usually it goes something like this...
[02:39] <Wilik> 'hey can you pass the ketchup?'
[02:40] <Wilik> *girl looks puzzled for a minute 'what ketchup?'
[02:40] <Wilik> 'ha im kidding, thats the best I got, can I buy you a drink?'
[02:40] <Wilik> go from there
[02:40] <Assassin> lol
[02:40] <Assassin> sage advice as always wilik
[02:40] <Wilik> but see it works because shes now talking to you
[02:41] <Wilik> and thats the hardest part
[02:41] <Assassin> heh, i'll definately have to try that
[02:41] <Wilik> lemme know how it works for ya
[02:41] <Assassin> sure thing :p
[02:42] <Wilik> you might have to try it a few times to get it all worked out the way you want to handle the responses
[02:42] <Assassin> lol, trial and error
[02:42] <Wilik> yep
[02:44] <Wilik> the best advise is just dont be afraid of being shot down :P
[02:44] <Wilik> women hate guys that give up to easy
[02:44] <Wilik> on the other hand...
[02:44] <Wilik> women hate guys that dont know when to give up :P
[02:44] <Wilik> for instance
[02:44] <Wilik> me and my one friend in georgia
[02:44] <Wilik> we went out to our regular bar
[02:45] <Wilik> and we took our roomate with us
[02:45] <Wilik> he was like...
[02:45] <Wilik> 35
[02:45] <Wilik> crazy ass mexican dude
[02:45] <Wilik> anyways
[02:45] <solietjake> lol
[02:45] <Wilik> we were getting drunk and stuff
[02:45] <solietjake> the devil went down to george... sorry lol
[02:45] <Wilik> and we told him some chick was checking him out and he should go talk to her
[02:45] <Wilik> funny
[02:45] <Wilik> his name was george
[02:45] <Wilik> :P
[02:45] <Wilik> anyways
[02:45] <Wilik> he goes and talks to her
[02:45] <Assassin> lol
[02:46] <Wilik> and she totally shoots him down
[02:46] <Wilik> so he comes back
[02:46] <solietjake> georgia*
[02:46] <Wilik> and we're all like 'dude shes playing hard to get, dont give up'
[02:46] <Wilik> so he goes back over
[02:46] <Wilik> and talks to her some more
[02:46] <Wilik> and that didnt go over to well
[02:46] <Wilik> by now we can tell shes getting pissed
[02:46] <Wilik> so we egg him on again
[02:46] <Assassin> haha
[02:47] <Wilik> and he goes over a third time
[02:47] <Wilik> lol
[02:47] <Wilik> she gets up and LEAVES
[02:47] <Wilik> I was laughing so hard
[02:47] <Assassin> lol
[02:47] <Wilik> anyways it gets better
[02:47] <Wilik> he gets pissed
[02:47] <Wilik> and leaves
[02:47] <Wilik> we dont know he leaves
[02:47] <Wilik> till the next day
[02:47] <Wilik> because we call him at like 3am
[02:47] <Wilik> and we're like 'dude where are you?!'
[02:47] <Wilik> and hes like 'at home in bed!'
[02:47] <Wilik> heres the kicker
[02:48] <Wilik> we find out the next day he wasnt at home
[02:48] <Yukimura> with her?
[02:48] <Wilik> he went to another bar
[02:48] <Wilik> and go into a fight with a gay dude
[02:48] <Wilik> who stole his shoe as he was jumping over a fence to get away
[02:48] <Wilik> and on his way home he fell asleep under a bush
[02:48] <Assassin> lol wtf
[02:48] <Wilik> which is about the time we called him
[02:48] <Yukimura> ......
[02:48] <Wilik> he 'thought' he was at home in his bed
[02:48] <Wilik> anyways
[02:48] <Assassin> lmao
[02:49] <Wilik> turns out he woke up around 5am
[02:49] <Wilik> lost and with no idea where he is
[02:49] <Wilik> and finds his way home
[02:49] <Wilik> he lost his phone and a shoe that night
[02:49] <Assassin> ahaha
[02:49] <Wilik> apparently he left his phone under the bush he was sleeping under
[02:49] <Wilik> that was a great night
[02:50] <Assassin> not so much for him :p
[02:50] <Yukimura> i think that's the definition of a crappy night for the mexican guy
[02:50] <Wilik> yea
[02:50] <Wilik> heres the best part
[02:50] <Wilik> the reason the gay guy was trying to kick his ass was because he was hitting on the gay guys friend who was a girl
[02:50] <Wilik> anyways she got mad
[02:50] <Wilik> because he wouldnt leave her alone
[02:51] <Wilik> and so the gay dude tells him to leave her along
[02:51] <Wilik> alone*
[02:51] <Wilik> and hes like 'dude dont be gay im just trying to talk to her'
[02:51] <Wilik> haha
[02:51] <Assassin> lol
[02:51] <Yukimura> and he's like "I am gay..."
[02:52] <Wilik> the really funny part is, he went back to that same bar like 3 days later
[02:52] <Wilik> and hooked up with that chick
[02:52] <Wilik> and man she was fugly
[02:52] <Wilik> because we saw her leaving the next day
[02:52] <Yukimura> is it really that important that she was ugly?
[02:53] <Wilik> no no man
[02:53] <Yukimura> i mean come on, he banged her right?
[02:53] <Wilik> fugly is beyond ugly
[02:53] <Assassin> lol
[02:53] <z> fucking ugly :p
[02:53] <Yukimura> i need a referance
[02:53] <Wilik> its the kind of ugly a paper bag wont even fix
[02:53] <Yukimura> i'm not good at judging attractiveness at all
[02:53] <z> [23:54] <z-man> .urban fugly
[02:53] <z> [23:54] <^> [1/82] shorter word for "fucking ugly" - oh shit that girl is fugly
[02:53] <Assassin> fugly is like z
[02:53] <z> yup
[02:53] <Wilik> even if you you draw a happy face on the paper bag
[02:53] <Assassin> lol
[02:54] <Yukimura> sigh, stupid all guys high school
[02:55] <Wilik> dont feel bad Yukimura, I didnt date much in highschool
[02:55] <Yukimura> I just feel like I should have learned this stuff then
[02:55] <Wilik> I didnt come out of my 'shell' till I was about 19
[02:55] <Yukimura> yeah i'm still pretty holed up in here at 21
[02:55] <Wilik> then it was all trial and error
[02:56] <Wilik> and I wasnt really good at the whole 'dating' thing till about 22
[02:56] <Wilik> I guess my so called 'high' point was dating a 29 year old at 19
[03:01] <Assassin> i think thats the main lesson. you shouldn't have high standards unless you have the track record to support them
[03:01] <Wilik> yea
[03:02] <Assassin> theres no shame in banging an ugly chick
[03:02] <Wilik> because you cant walk up to a hot chick and expect to get some
[03:02] <Wilik> unless you got the balls to get some :P
[03:02] <Wilik> its all pink on the inside eh? :P
[03:02] <Wilik> I remember when my dad told me that
[03:02] <Wilik> I was about...
[03:02] <Assassin> rofl
[03:02] <Wilik> 17
[03:03] <Wilik> and he was driving me to school
[03:03] <Wilik> and he was upset I didnt have a gf at the time
[03:03] <Wilik> and was asking me why I didnt
[03:03] <Yukimura> .....
[03:03] <Wilik> and I was like 'I dont want to hit on ugly chicks'
[03:03] <Assassin> lol so your dad tells to bang whatever you can get. thats awesome
[03:03] <Wilik> and he was like 'what does it matter? its all pink on the inside'
[03:03] <Yukimura> lol, i wish my dad was like that
[03:03] <Assassin> best talk ever
[03:03] <Wilik> dude my dad was crazy
[03:04] <Wilik> he wanted to get me a hooker for my 18th bday
[03:04] <Wilik> because he didnt feel I was dating enough
[03:04] <Yukimura> hahahaha
[03:04] <Assassin> lol
************************************************** ********
[03:14] <Yukimura> nowadays people try to raise kids without beating them
[03:14] <Wilik> fuck that
[03:14] <Yukimura> it's lunacy!
[03:14] <Assassin> damn rite
[03:14] <Wilik> im gonna beat my kids
[03:14] <Assassin> ditto
[03:14] <Wilik> they dont like it, they can leave
[03:14] <Wilik> I dont give a fuck
[03:14] <Wilik> dont have to take care of them if they arent there
[03:14] <Yukimura> i'd beat my son, I don't think I could do it to a least outside the heat of the momonet
[03:15] <Wilik> dude
[03:15] <Assassin> lol
[03:15] <Wilik> you dont beat your daughter, thats what your wife is for
[03:15] <Assassin> ahahaah
[03:15] <Yukimura> yeah that's what I was thinking
[03:15] <Wilik> you make her do it
[03:15] <Wilik> my mom whopped the shit out of my sister
[03:15] <Yukimura> oh...i was thinking, if i get mad at the daughter i'd just beat my wife
[03:15] <Wilik> ROFL
[03:15] <Assassin> lmao
[03:15] <Wilik> damn Yukimura thats just twisted
Terra graces us again, this time we were somehow talking about a VA for the fourth hokage (naruto):
[ 06:48:45 ] *[ Terracosmo ] and mute fourth hokage
[ 06:48:56 ] *[ Terracosmo ] that's just fucked up
[ 06:49:01 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] yondaime was fanservice
[ 06:49:06 ] *[ Terracosmo ] hell yeah
[ 06:49:13 ] *[ Terracosmo ] I don't understand his popularity
[ 06:49:17 ] *[ Terracosmo ] he hasn't even appeared
[ 06:49:30 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] nh3 was based on th emanga
[ 06:49:31 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] thats why
[ 06:49:39 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] so they put him in even without VA
[ 06:49:39 ] *[ Terracosmo ] true
[ 06:49:52 ] *[ Terracosmo ] they'll probably cast Gackt as his voice
[ 06:49:54 ] *[ Terracosmo ] ultimate fanservice
[ 06:49:58 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] lol
[ 06:50:00 ] *[ Terracosmo ] or TM Revolution
[ 06:50:02 ] *[ Terracosmo ] or Ayumi Hamasaki
[ 06:50:03 ] *[ Terracosmo ] lol
[ 06:50:13 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] haha no TM would have to die within 3 eps
[ 06:50:15 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] XD
[ 06:50:26 ] *[ Terracosmo ] obviously
[ 06:50:27 ] *[ Terracosmo ] poor TM
[ 06:50:33 ] *[ Terracosmo ] his chars have no future
[ 06:50:40 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] hah
[ 06:50:56 ] *[ Terracosmo ] you saw Seed Destiny then?
[ 06:50:59 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] yes
[ 06:54:46 ] *[ Terracosmo ] I even wrote Heine fanfics
[ 06:54:48 ] *[ Terracosmo ] I loved him
[ 06:54:57 ] *[ Terracosmo ] stupid anime
[ 06:55:39 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] lol
[ 06:55:41 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] hah
[ 06:55:47 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] you even had a heine sig
[ 07:01:40 ] *[ Terracosmo ] yeah
[ 07:01:41 ] *[ Terracosmo ] fuck
[ 07:01:44 ] *[ Terracosmo ] stupid anime x2
[ 07:01:47 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] hah
[ 07:13:37 ] *[ Terracosmo ] lol
[ 07:13:40 ] *[ Terracosmo ] damnit
[ 07:13:45 ] *[ Terracosmo ] revel in my sadness
[20:55] <Deadfire> how about we test this Assassin kick me from the channel for a sec
[20:55] <Assassin> op me
[20:55] <Deadfire> fuck that
[20:56] <Deadfire> Haku
[20:56] <Deadfire> >_>
[20:57] -NickServ- Password accepted - you are now recognized.
[20:57] -HostServ- Your vhost of is now activated.
[20:57] * Gotwoot sets mode: +o Assassin
[20:58] <Assassin> i can kick you now. but i wont cuz you're a dirty hoe
[20:58] <Assassin> DCC Get ::: #1 [SD]_Naruto_Hurricane_Chronicles_-_004_[3B08A457].avi ( 170MB ) ::: 69% ::: >x< ::: Speed: 33.15KB ::: KoolAidBlast ::: Status: Active «
[20:58] <_kAi_> so, you gunna stick your dirty dick up him?
[20:59] <Deadfire> !kb Assassin thats fine I can still do it to you :p
[20:59] <Deadfire> O.O
[20:59] <Deadfire> !!!!
[20:59] <Deadfire> :p
[20:59] * Assassin sets mode: +b *!*@*.Bastard.RU
[20:59] * Deadfire was kicked by Assassin (gtfo hoe)
[20:59] Gotwoot invited Deadfire into the channel.
[20:59] * Joins: Deadfire (~DF@Commie.Bastard.RU)
[20:59] <Gotwoot> [Deadfire] without Porn the internet would not know of Deadfire
[20:59] * Gotwoot sets mode: +o Deadfire
[20:59] * You were kicked by Deadfire ([Autoprotect] 19:59:40)
[20:59] * Attempting to rejoin channel #gotwoot
[20:59] * Rejoined channel #gotwoot
[20:59] * Topic is 'more badass than samuel l jackson broke on the corner with his ghetto blaster'
[20:59] * Set by _kAi_ on Wed Feb 28 21:34:10
[20:59] * Gotwoot sets mode: +o Assassin
[20:59] <Deadfire> lol
[20:59] <Assassin> haha
[21:00] <Deadfire> Autoprotect FTW
[21:00] <Assassin> gotta get me one of those
Script Kiddy, I wish i had opper and all that status, but i am only a lowly peon.
<Wilik> wheres DO
<complich8> he's over there ->
<Wilik> thanks captian obvious
<complich8> [Winamp] is playing: [Sahashi Toshihiko - Heigei] [01:20 / 01:37] ( )
<Wilik> i'd listen to the radio
<Wilik> but its all gay music
<complich8> you're all gay music, Wilik =D
<Wilik> nope, just the stuff you're playing is :P
<complich8> I disagree
<Wilik> atleast you got a fanboy
* Wilik points at DF
<complich8> ehh, that's true >_>
<Deadfire> what?
<Wilik> lol
<complich8> better than being consigned to irrelevance like certain people though >_>
<Wilik> knives?
[22:21] <Knives> who are you?
[22:21] <JohneLockeTheWindow> someone you don't hate
[22:21] <JohneLockeTheWindow> that's all you need to know
[22:21] <Nasphreak29> ..and why should Johne lock the window?
[22:22] * JohneLockeTheWindow is now known as JohnLockeTheWindows
[22:22] <Deadfire> because jane is trying to get in
[22:22] <Nasphreak29> but Jane is a chick
[22:22] <Deadfire> john is a homo
[22:22] <Nasphreak29> ..aaaah
[22:22] <JohnLockeTheWindows> john is not a homo
[22:22] <Drakeron_Lucifus> ...
[22:22] <Nasphreak29> that explains it
[22:22] <Drakeron_Lucifus> my real names john!
Chalk that up with the "things you don't say at certain times" list
unban me you asshats
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
* Arcness sets mode: -b *!*
<Arcness> Oh it was masa
<Arcness> LOL
<Arcness> haha
I didnt know it was you. You should sign into your nick :P I thought you were some random webuser.
[21:36] * Nasphreak29 is now known as NasphreakInBedWithZ
[21:36] <NasphreakInBedWithZ> ..
[21:36] <Deadfire> ...
[21:36] <Wilik> now thats gay
[21:36] <Deadfire> man Nas thats gay
[21:36] * NasphreakInBedWithZ is now known as NasphreakInBedWithWilik
[21:36] <Wilik> oh dear god
[21:36] <UChessmaster> lol Wilik
[21:37] * NasphreakInBedWithWilik is now known as NasphreakInBedWithTwisT
[21:37] * NasphreakInBedWithTwisT is now known as NasphreakInBedWithDOandWilik
[21:37] <Wilik> eew
[21:37] <Wilik> DO
[21:37] <UChessmaster> ...
[21:37] <Wilik> nas is so gay
[21:37] <Wilik> he makes z look straight
[21:37] <DO> :/
[21:37] * NasphreakInBedWithDOandWilik is now known as NasphreakInBedWithAngelEyezand
[21:37] <Wilik> oh shit
[21:37] <Wilik> AngelEyez
[21:37] * NasphreakInBedWithAngelEyezand is now known as NasphreakInBedWithAEandKitKat
[21:38] <Wilik> Nas is trying to get freaky with ya
[21:38] <Wilik> you should ban him
[21:38] * AngelEyez sets mode: +b *!*@the.original.phreak
[21:38] * NasphreakInBedWithAEandKitKat was kicked by AngelEyez (As requested)
[21:38] <Wilik> ROFLMAO
[21:38] <UChessmaster> lol
[21:38] <AngelEyez> ;)
[21:38] <Sasori> lol
[21:38] <Deadfire> lol
[21:38] * AngelEyez back to GW
[21:38] <Sasori> :]
[21:38] * NasphreakInBedWithAEandKitKat has joined #gotwoot
[21:38] <Wilik> now that is funny as hell
[21:38] <NasphreakInBedWithAEandKitKat> she was actually here?!
[21:38] <Wilik> yes
[21:38] <UChessmaster> kick him again!
[21:38] * NasphreakInBedWithAEandKitKat is now known as Nasphreak29
[21:39] <AngelEyez> I'm always here :P
[21:39] * NasphreakInBedWith_kAi_ really goes to bed now
[21:39] <Wilik> oh shit
[21:39] <Wilik> _kAi_
[21:39] <UChessmaster> please?
[21:39] <Wilik> ban him!
[21:39] <NasphreakInBedWith_kAi_> -.-
[21:40] <UChessmaster> lol
[21:40] * NasphreakInBedWith_kAi_ is now known as nasphreakinbedwithwiliksmom
[21:40] * nasphreakinbedwithwiliksmom runs off to bed
[21:40] <Wilik> oh you'd regret that if it was true
[21:40] * nasphreakinbedwithwiliksmom has left #gotwoot
A amusing day had by all.....except Nas
That was fun. Nasphreak gets owned.. Multiple times.:p
Wow, I don't even remember typing this. I'm simply DUH BOMBQuote:
Originally Posted by Assassin
[20:27] <Assassin> df shouldn't be a mod. he'll starve us all
[20:27] <DF|Champloo> starve?
[20:28] * Whitebeard goes to bed
[20:28] <Assassin> vage refrences to communist russia
[20:28] <Assassin> vague*
[20:28] <masa> friggin commies trying to put the same amount of stew in each pot
[20:28] <DF|Champloo> in soviet russia refrences are vague to YOU!
[20:28] * complich8 takes df's stew
[20:29] * masa takes Assassin's stew
[20:29] * DF|Champloo steals masa's stew
[20:29] * complich8 steals df's masa's stew
[20:29] * Assassin is hungry
[20:29] * masa steals comp's df's my stew
[20:29] * complich8 devours the other two before anyone has a chance to steal them
[20:29] * Assassin is still hungry
[20:29] <masa> haha! too slow!
[20:30] <DF|Champloo> lol
[20:30] <complich8> hey, that's a lot of stew :p
[20:30] * masa dribbles some on the floor for Assassin to lick up
[20:30] * DF|Champloo orders more stew
[20:30] * Assassin takes a bit out of masa's leg instead
[20:30] <Assassin> bite*
[20:31] <Assassin> too hungry to type properly
[20:31] * masa gives DF some more stew, stool stew...
<Deadfire> ...
<Deadfire> someone just looked at my desktop here and called saber "some sort of pokeman thing"
* Deadfire 's erge to kill is rising
<Dee-esMon> technically..... she is >_>
<Dee-esMon> i mean she is summoned, and fights for a master
<Dee-esMon> <_<
<Deadfire> You will die for that comment DS
Death to the Dee-esMon! I think he has had it comming for a long time...
We Love you DS
[01:17] * D0 is now known as I_love_cocks
seriously, this guy is just wierd >.>
That was DO??
The masters of Gotwoot offer solutions for social problems.
Part 1: Identification of Problem
[13:28:58] <complich8> my roommate got mugged not even half a block away from where I work
[13:29:23] <Wilik> that sucks
[13:29:41] <complich8> what's worse is that it was 6 girls that mugged him
[13:30:07] <complich8> what's even worse is that the cops drove up and, rather than taking a police report right away or chasing down the fleeing muggers, they tried to find something to arrest him for
[13:30:48] <Wilik> ROFL
[13:30:53] <Wilik> 6 girls?
[13:31:00] <complich8> could have easily caught one or two of them, but instead they opted to harrass the guy who was on the ground unconscious and bleeding ...
[13:31:09] <Wilik> did they try to rape him too?
[13:31:09] <complich8> yeah ...
[13:31:11] <complich8> no
[13:31:22] <complich8> they just beat him up and stole his wallet, cell phone and shoes
[13:31:31] <Wilik> haha his shoes?
[13:31:33] <complich8> yeah
[13:31:39] <Wilik> no one will jump you comp
[13:31:44] <Wilik> you look like a damn viking
[13:31:45] <complich8> yeah, I'm pretty safe :p
[13:32:06] <Wilik> did he defend himself at all?
[13:32:29] <complich8> he's sort of a pansy, and they apparently hit him pretty hard
[13:32:35] <Wilik> haha
[13:32:39] <Wilik> women dont hit hard
[13:32:53] <complich8> fat black women?
[13:33:01] <Wilik> now thats totally different
[13:33:05] <complich8> yes :p
[13:33:13] <Wilik> Yuki knows all about that shit
[13:33:14] <_kAi_> that's what I thought straight away
[13:33:23] <complich8> it also makes it even more ludicrous how the cops didn't chase after them
[13:33:37] <Wilik> then being black and all
[13:33:41] <complich8> "she's running slower than you can walk! chase the bitch down!!"
[13:33:49] <Wilik> just throw a donut
[13:33:54] <_kAi_> but rolling is a different story
[13:33:55] <complich8> >_<
[13:33:55] <Wilik> she'll stop to eat it
[13:34:01] <_kAi_> so will the cop
[13:34:15] <Wilik> so he really didnt defend himself at all?
[13:34:26] <complich8> anyway, one of them punched him in the face, he was moderately drunk ...
[13:34:27] <complich8> he fell
[13:34:30] <complich8> they started kicking
Part 2: Solution Proposed
[13:34:31] <Wilik> I wish 6 girls would jump me
[13:34:37] <_kAi_> I'd rape them
[13:34:41] <Wilik> same here
[13:34:45] <Wilik> to teach them a lesson
[13:35:08] <Wilik> I can see the trial now...
[13:35:18] <Kraco> Apparently the cops thought so as well. Common sense.
[13:35:42] <Wilik> 'so we were trying to beat him up right.. then that mother fucker just turned me around and started fucking me doggy style right there in the middle of the street'
[13:36:19] <_kAi_> heh
[13:36:36] <Wilik> me 'she had it coming your honor, she picked the wrong guy to try to steal a wallet from, because lets face it, if im gonna give some bitch money, I damn well want something in return...'
[13:36:48] <_kAi_> hah
[13:37:04] <_kAi_> exactly
[13:37:15] <Wilik> i'd get off on soliciting a prostitute
[13:37:16] <Wilik> :P
[13:38:03] <Wilik> and she'd learn a valuable lesson, its easier to just fuck a guy for money then to try to kick his ass to get it :P
[13:38:13] <_kAi_> so be a hoe
[13:38:25] <Wilik> pimps up, hoes down!
[04:10] * Richard has joined #gotwoot
[04:11] * Richard slaps Deadfire around a bit with a PeanutButter Sandwitch
[04:12] * Richard has quit IRC (Quit: )
[04:13] <Deadfire> wtf?
Heh, Yeah that was funny.
I wonder who that was though.
happened in MT
[12:09] <@Deadfire> kai
[12:10] <@Deadfire> how you doing man?
[12:10] <@Deadfire> you are getting our winter soon :P
[12:10] <~_kAi_> not to bad, you?
[12:10] <~_kAi_> yeah, I know I can feel it coming
[12:10] <~_kAi_> and I don't like it one bit
[12:11] <@Deadfire> you read my more recent thread in GD on GW?
[12:11] <@Deadfire> thats what is happening
[12:11] <masamuneehs> you scared yet?
[12:11] <~_kAi_> military?
[12:11] <@Deadfire>
[12:12] <@Deadfire> Masa to be honest more scared of not getting in
[12:12] <@Deadfire> then once I get in how I will survive almost a year and a half of training
[12:13] <masamuneehs> i dunno man, i'd be more worried about my soul
[12:13] <@Deadfire> why my soul Masa
[12:13] <@Deadfire> ?
[12:15] <masamuneehs> well, i'm not a religious man or nothing like that. but something about making my living, potentially at the cost of somebody else's life, it just doesn't sit well with me
[12:15] <masamuneehs> and yeah yeah, you're only developing shit. but look at Nobel...
[12:15] <~_kAi_> I'd kill for a living
[12:15] <~_kAi_> heh
[12:16] <@Deadfire> how ever you are defending the interests of those with out the power to do so for themselves
[12:16] <masamuneehs> ... i'm sorry, but i just don't buy that
[12:16] <masamuneehs> more like, the people with the power to defend their interests use those who can't make their way through life to achieve their goals
[12:16] <@Deadfire> and I don't buy that you aren't a religious man
[12:16] <Whitebeard> I agree with masa here, but Im not going to discourage you. Try your hardest!
[12:17] <@Deadfire> masa I can make myself though life
[12:17] <masamuneehs> i don't mean to discourage. but it's not something i could do. it's a personal threshold thing
[12:17] <@Deadfire> why do you think I've given up my life?
[12:18] <@Deadfire> masa I would like to continue
[12:18] <masamuneehs> i mean, for a few dollars less you could get a job somewhere else, in a sector that has nothing to do with war or that kind of politics
[12:18] * Whitebeard hides in his little corner
[12:19] <@Deadfire> I don't really care for the money realy
[12:19] <masamuneehs> i mean, look at kai
[12:19] <masamuneehs> he's australian, so he has no soul and is disposed to acts of violence to ensure his self-preservation
[12:19] <Whitebeard> fucking kangaroos
[12:19] <masamuneehs> different people, different thresholds
[12:20] <masamuneehs> i just couldn't live with myself if i knew my well-being, money or whatever, came from fucking someone else
[12:20] <~_kAi_> i could fuck women for money
[12:20] <@Deadfire> masa my living is no different from any other goverment worker?
[12:20] <masamuneehs> kai, i'd fuck men for money
[12:21] <~_kAi_> [12:20] <masamuneehs> i just couldn't live with myself if i knew my well-being, money or whatever, came from fucking someone else
[12:21] <masamuneehs> ...
[12:21] <~_kAi_> I thought you were against it
[12:21] <~_kAi_> haha
Maybe masamuneehs should choose a different career path.
[09:43] <masamuneehs> next time you're in the us kai, next time
[09:43] <_kAi_> i will never be
[09:43] <_kAi_> hah, laters
[09:43] <masamuneehs> then your ass will forever be deprived of the glorious gift that is my rod
semantics, semantics...
and idle irc threats of assrapege
This just in....
joins: Daijing ( [27 users]
«Daijing» !rule
«+BroRapist» you forgot the s
«Daijing» !rules
@Deadfire sets mode: +b *!*
[%] [Deadfire] banned (Daijing)
Daijing was kicked by @Deadfire (Should have read the topic dumbass)
«+BroRapist» omglawl?
Ah yes, Messing with the Nubs again, hmm BoC.
[14:15] <Assassin> KitKat's off the market Spiegel...go read the relationship thread
[14:16] <masamuneehs> WHAT? Sarah, this is true? you've been taken?
[14:16] <Spiegel-Dads> I am good.... Why would I care if she is off the market... I am a Man Whore
[14:16] * masamuneehs faints
[14:16] * Yukimura faints
[14:16] * st33v gasps
[14:16] <KitKat> I didn't say that
double post!
[02:59] <Yukimura> ah the things I see when I go browsing for porn star information... " NOT JUST HAIRY GIRL PHOTOS, BUT
[02:59] <Yukimura> who could I say no to that?
[02:59] <DS> .............
Well this was the happenings of tonight~
[00:15:19] ::: Kick: (@Deadfire) kicks (Assassin) (Deadfire)
[00:15:19] ::: Join: (Assassin) ( [30 users]
[00:15:22] ‹ Assassin › :p
[00:15:25] ‹ @Deadfire › damne it
[00:15:36] ‹ Assassin › i think i'll post a new pic in the pic thread
[00:15:46] ‹ Assassin › haven't posted for a while
[00:15:55] ‹ @Deadfire › [23:14] -ChanServ- Permission denied.
[00:15:58] ‹ @Deadfire › damn it
[00:16:01] ‹ @Deadfire › DO I want so
[00:16:03] ‹ @Deadfire › *sop
[00:16:06] ‹ Assassin › ha!
[00:16:09] ‹ Assassin › hoe!
[00:16:14] ‹ @Deadfire › Paki
[00:16:59] ‹ Assassin › and proud of it!
[00:17:04] ‹ @Deadfire › lies
[00:17:07] ‹ Assassin › :(
[00:17:08] ‹ @Deadfire › you hate yourself
[00:17:13] ‹ @Deadfire › so emo
[00:17:22] ‹ Assassin › im like a self hating jew without the jew
[00:18:01] ‹ @Deadfire › Assassin you are the terriost that hates his life so much that he doesn't even want to blow himself up
[00:19:21] ::: Topic: (@Deadfire) sets topic (Welcome to #gotwoot. /say $sqrt(N) | Simple rules: Don't be a dumbass, jackass, assspammer, asshat, asswipe, or any other forms of ass. (That includes you assassin) | DO enjoys boobies | <Deadfire> Assassin you are the terrorist that hates his life so much that he doesn't even want to blow himself up)
About 5 minutes later:
[00:28:02] ‹ @Arcness › <--- ASSASSIN!
[00:28:03] ‹ @Arcness › ;p
[00:28:18] ‹ +Joker-kun › ah yes I remember Assasin now
[00:28:54] ‹ Assassin › lol
[00:29:00] ‹ Assassin › thats a few years old
[00:30:42] ‹ @Deadfire › Assassin
[00:30:46] ‹ @Deadfire › you look so emo
[00:30:56] ‹ @Deadfire › so emo in fact
[00:31:03] ‹ @Deadfire › I think you are almost white
[00:33:51] ‹ Assassin › --> my latest
[00:33:58] ‹ Assassin › thats a month or so back
[00:34:07] ‹ @Deadfire › you got whiter!
[23:37] <Spiegel-Dads>
[23:38] <Deadfire> fucking logging in
[23:38] <Spiegel-Dads> lol
[23:38] <Spiegel-Dads> i am on dialup
[23:38] <Spiegel-Dads> i aint downloading and uploading
[23:38] <Arcness> who's the one on the bottom
[23:39] <Deadfire> I'm sorry Spiegel I'm not logging in to look at pictures of you when I can pull up a google search on redneck and get the same thing.
[23:39] <Deadfire> Man... why am I so insulting tonight
[23:39] <Deadfire> I've like killed Assassins dreams of being brown
[23:40] <Deadfire> z is thinking about killing himself so joker will not be his new dad
[23:40] <Deadfire> Spiegel is trying to get the red off his neck
[23:52] <Assassin> man, i cant stand that DF kid...what a tool
[23:52] <Assassin> >.> <.<
[23:52] <DF> I'll kill you
[23:52] <NM> lol
[23:52] <DF> oh wait
[23:52] * DF sets mode: -o Assassin
[23:52] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Assassin
[23:52] * Assassin sets mode: -o DF
[23:52] * DF was kicked by Assassin ([autoprotect active])
[23:52] * Joins: DF (~DF@Commie.Bastard.RU)
[23:53] <_kAi_> haha
[23:53] <NM> lol
[23:53] <_kAi_> nice auto protect
[23:53] <Assassin> lol
[23:53] <NM> awesome
Hah! It's nice to see Deadfire totally owned. :p
It doesn't happen often, and when it does well... Assassin didn't have a good time on IRC after that.Quote:
Originally Posted by joker-kun
[13:00:16] Joker-kun Spiegel get drunk last night?
[13:00:18] Spiegel-Dads lol
[13:00:23] Spiegel-Dads no i didnt get drunk
[13:00:27] Joker-kun oh...
[13:00:34] Joker-kun feels like the only drunkard >.>
[13:00:40] Spiegel-Dads the girls i was with dont drink so i respected that and didnt drink
[13:00:49] Joker-kun ah
[13:00:51] ~DO Spiegel
[13:00:57] ~DO you should respect stfuing
DO and his usual humor.
Yes, that is classic DO right there. Got to love IRC.
If you would like to join in our adventures, and are not afraid of a little humor, you can come too. Remember, #gotwoot.
Some random Wilikness.
[ 20:19:55 ] *· · Joins : Wilik|FUCK [] - 26 users
[ 20:20:25 ] *[ Wilik|FUCK ] oh yea
[ 20:20:30 ] *[ Wilik|FUCK ] this was funny as hell
[ 20:20:34 ] *[ Wilik|FUCK ] so I was walking to work right
[ 20:20:38 ] *[ Wilik|FUCK ] from the parking area
[ 20:20:41 ] *[ Wilik|FUCK ] at my old office
[ 20:20:46 ] *[ Wilik|FUCK ] it was like my last day there
[ 20:20:49 ] *[ %z\sleep ] uh huh
[ 20:21:03 ] *[ Wilik|FUCK ] and there was a fuckin dick pump on the ground
[ 20:21:07 ] *[ Wilik|FUCK ] by the dumpster
[ 20:21:09 ] *[ Wilik|FUCK ] WTF
[ 20:21:13 ] *[ %z\sleep ] haha
[ 20:21:15 ] *· · Nick : z\sleep : [ z ]
[ 20:21:19 ] *[ Wilik|FUCK ] why are the bums using those man
[ 20:21:42 ] *[ Wilik|FUCK ] for enhanced rapage?
[ 20:22:13 ] *[ %DS ] haha
[00:58] <Arcness> well iam going to sleep
[00:58] <Arcness> ive gotta work tomorrow
[00:58] <Arcness> or today i guess
[00:58] <Arcness> lates
[00:58] * Quits: Arcness (~Arcness@Is.Really.teh.D0vil) (Input/output error)
[00:59] <Yukimura> if his country bothered to fight in wars he might be off for Memorial Day tomorrow
[01:05] <st33v> lols, did you wait for him to log off to say that?
gotta love late nite randomness :p
[15:29] <Wilik> learn to read dumbass
[15:29] <Joker-kun> well he typoed first
[15:29] <Deadfire> thanks for the assist Wilik
[15:29] <Joker-kun> go fuck a pig
[15:29] <Joker-kun> honkey
[15:29] <Wilik> dont you have some eskimos to go kill a whale with Joker-kun?
[15:30] <Wilik> maybe you should go club baby seals or something
[15:30] <Joker-kun> no I need Deadfire to come with me
[15:30] <Joker-kun> he's got all the camo gear
[15:30] <Deadfire> I don't have the dog sled this week
[15:30] <Joker-kun> and harpoons
[15:30] <Joker-kun> damn..
[15:31] * Deadfire thinks about work
[15:32] <Deadfire> damn it
[15:32] * Deadfire tries to get it out of his head
[15:32] <Joker-kun> what's wrong with work?
[15:32] <Deadfire> i hate it so
[15:33] <Joker-kun> just general hate eh
[15:33] <Kraco> You wish you would be already doing work with an assault rifle instead?
[15:34] <Deadfire> sad and pittiful as it sounds, yes I do
[15:34] <Kraco> Nah. There's nothing wrong with that. Shooting with weapons and using explosives was the best stuff in the army.
[15:34] <Assassin> i just saw an episode of NCIS where this navy tech guy used the CIC computers to play mmorpgs, and got so caught up in the game that he thought it was real, and he killed himself by trying to walk to shore on the seabed cuz he thoguht he was a character in the game and couldn't be killed
[15:35] <Assassin> it made me think of DF
[15:35] <Deadfire> ....
[15:35] <Deadfire> thanks assassin
[15:35] <Assassin> np
[15:35] <Deadfire> I feel better about my life
[15:35] <Assassin> :p
[15:35] <Joker-kun> sounds like a shitty episode
[15:35] <Assassin> it was half decent
[15:36] <Deadfire> if it reminded him of me it must have been very gay
[15:36] <Assassin> lol
[15:36] <Joker-kun> is Deadfire going through some self pity?
Epic Quote
[22:07] <Deadfire> [22:07] <DO> [10:08] <@Arcness> <Deadfire> [22:07] <DO> [10:07] <@Arcness> <DO> [10:07] <@Deadfire> [22:06] <DO> [10:07] <@Arcness> <Deadfire> [22:06] <st33v> Arcness: <Deadfire> [22:05] <DO> [10:06] <@Arcness> <Deadfire> [22:04] <DO> [10:05] <@Deadfire> [22:03] <DO> [10:04] <@Deadfire> [22:03] <DO> [10:04] <@Deadfire> [22:03] <st33v> Deadfire: [21:48] <DO> [09:49] <+Nasphreak29> [22:49:32] <DO> [09:49] <@Deadfire> [21:47] <Wilik> maybe GW is directly cock blocking you
[13:55] * Joins: Wilik|Work (
[13:55] <DO> got work soon
[13:55] <DO> bleh
[13:55] <Wilik|Work> work is for losers
[13:55] <_kAi_> LOL
[13:55] <DO> i knows
[13:55] <_kAi_> I like how you used your Wilik|Work nick
[13:56] <Wilik|Work> well im at work
[13:56] <Wilik|Work> lol
[13:56] <Assassin> loser!
[13:56] <Wilik|Work> :(
[13:56] <DO> i like how kai states the obvious!
[13:56] <_kAi_> well, you wouldn't get it other wise
[13:56] <Assassin> lol
[13:56] <_kAi_> you're so stupid
[13:56] <DO> whut is suopid
[13:56] <_kAi_> suopid, no idea
[13:57] <DO> r u smrt
[13:57] <_kAi_> s.m.r.t
[13:57] <DO> yah r u?
[13:57] <Wilik|Work> no ru!?
[13:57] <_kAi_> y
[13:57] <DO> cuz
[13:57] <DO> liEK u r?
[13:57] <Wilik|Work> b4 I anser asl
[13:57] <_kAi_> heh
[13:57] <_kAi_> i really can't talk like that
[13:57] <DO> whut is asl
[13:57] <_kAi_> it's so hard
[13:58] <Wilik|Work> no kidding
[13:58] <Wilik|Work> it makes my brain hurt
[13:58] <_kAi_> yeah
[13:58] <DO> this is just how the first aol chat room started
[13:58] <Wilik|Work> clearly DO is uneffected by it
[13:58] <_kAi_> i was trying to think of something to use
[13:58] <_kAi_> but i couldn'
[13:58] <_kAi_> t
[13:58] <DO> iam not effected by it
[13:58] <DO> for iam a great person
[13:59] <Wilik|Work> or you're brain dead
[13:59] <Wilik|Work> im opting for brain dead
st33v: i'm like
st33v: juggling 4 potential employers atm
st33v: i'm like the terra of the business world
st33v: except i don't take it in the ass
Yeah screw you guys...if I don't quote myself I never see my name in this thread :(
Haha, nice Assertn.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
I promise next time something good is said by you and i'm there i'll post it:p
[ 02:48:48 ] *[ Spiegel-LT ] ahh
[ 02:48:49 ] *[ Spiegel-LT ] no lol
[ 02:48:51 ] *[ Spiegel-LT ] lol
[ 02:49:00 ] *[ Spiegel-LT ] stop right hand is fighting left habd
[ 02:49:02 ] *[ Spiegel-LT ] hand
[ 02:49:03 ] *[ Spiegel-LT ] lol
[ 02:49:06 ] *[ Spiegel-LT ] damnit
[ 02:49:24 ] *[ %Dee-esMon ] wth are you doing
[ 02:49:37 ] *[ +Nasphreak29 ] he is masturbating
[ 02:49:40 ] *[ +Nasphreak29 ] but..his hands are fighting
[ 02:49:42 ] *[ +Nasphreak29 ] for control
[ 02:49:48 ] *[ +Nasphreak29 ] cause...he switched
[ 02:49:51 ] *[ %Dee-esMon ] haha
[00:58] * Topic is 'Welcome to GotWoot, home of asshattery and porno-chan | This channel officially doesn't care about Deadfire's pants'
[00:59] <Deadfire> "This channel officially doesn't care about Deadfire's pants'"
[00:59] <Deadfire> :(
[00:59] <DO> shut it
[00:59] <DO> df
[00:59] <Deadfire> DO
[00:59] <Wilik_> they are one your head DF
[00:59] <Deadfire> the ghetto will not help me in my time of need!
[01:00] <z> do you own one pair of pants or something?
[01:01] <Deadfire> na
[01:01] <Deadfire> that was from I think two days ago
[01:01] <z> are they your...camo pants?
[01:01] <Deadfire> I woke up in a daze and didn't know where shit was
[01:02] <Deadfire> so I told everyone I needed pants
[01:02] <z> they didnt care did they
[01:02] <Deadfire> and I think Kitkat was the one to put that in the topic
[01:02] <complich8> yeah ...
[01:02] <complich8> kitkat doesn't care about df's pants ...
[01:02] <Deadfire> which sort of makes things worse
[01:02] <complich8> I don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad thing ...
[01:03] <Deadfire> yea exactly complich8
[01:03] <complich8> I mean ... it could be she doesn't care about your pants because she's just not interested in that, or it could be because they're not much of an obstacle...
[01:03] <complich8> like, either "George Bush doesn't care about black people" or "I don't care about gnats"
[01:04] <Deadfire> Hmm.... this makes me ponder
[01:04] <complich8> knowing kitkat, I doubt it's the second though ... so it's probably a bad thing
[01:04] <Wilik_> we just dont care about DF's pants
[01:04] <complich8> either that or it could just be pure indifference
[01:04] <complich8> like it is for me
[01:04] <complich8> like .... "what are you even talking about ... no, I don't care, nevermind. thread locked"
[01:04] <Deadfire> complich8 it would be more like you to be indifferent and Wilik to tell me to go buy some fucking pants
[01:05] <Wilik_> yea
[01:05] <complich8> s'true
[01:05] <Wilik_> there ya go
[01:05] <Wilik_> DF you know me so well
[01:05] <Deadfire> it scares me sometimes Wilik
[01:05] <Wilik_> it should
[01:08] <Deadfire> anyways I should get to bed
[01:08] <Deadfire> as it is just right there
[01:08] <Wilik_> whatever DF
[01:08] <Wilik_> you are probably sitting on your bed right now, chatting on irc
[01:08] <Deadfire> ....
[01:09] <Wilik_> :P
[01:09] <Wilik_> was I right?
[01:09] <Deadfire> I have to be sitting in my chair to read the text at least
[01:09] <DO> i wish I could irc from bed
[01:09] <Wilik_> shit
[01:09] <Wilik_> I can irc from bed
[01:09] <Wilik_> just use my laptop
[01:09] <Deadfire> why don't we all IRC in bed
[01:09] <Wilik_> I like my chair more
[01:10] <Deadfire> the only thing though is I'm in bed talking to strangers and agreeing alot with them
[01:12] <complich8> I like my bed, but to type two-handed from my bed I'd need to suspend a laptop upside-down
[01:12] <complich8> and that would just be awkward
Earlier in #gotwoot
[01:19:17] +masamuneehs disgusting (and not safe for work!)
[01:19:42] Knives that's that stupid girl from megaman
[01:19:46] Joker-kun lol
[01:19:54] ~complich8 that's .....
[01:19:58] Knives where all the bots are on pokedexs or some shit
[01:19:59] ~complich8 who thinks of these things?
A little later
[01:40:23] +masamuneehs
[01:40:27] +masamuneehs OMFG ITS BACK
[01:41:02] rockmanj wtf
[01:41:04] rockmanj eww
[01:41:09] rockmanj that ruined my day!
[01:43:24] rockmanj im gonna have nightmares
[01:43:33] rockmanj who does that then runs away?
[01:44:07] rockmanj i dont even feel like finishing the article i was reading now
[01:46:08] rockmanj it was kinda weird...i click on it...and im like...that's odd
[01:46:15] rockmanj her mouth kinda looks like a snatch
[01:46:20] rockmanj then the penis pops out!
[01:46:24] rockmanj :(
Poor rockman
Oh and just cause Assertn says he's never quoted this is what he thought of it
[01:24:57] @st33v lols masa wtf
You're welcome Assertn:p
Ok, it was kinda retrospect
Okay. Seriously... This isn't even disturbing. it's just plain WTF.Quote:
Originally Posted by joker-kun
I really have to know what that .gif was.
I hardly ever visit /gif/ or /b/ anymore, but still. I'm so curious.
you honestly don't want to know.
In Grandpa complich8 we trust.
[17:04] * L points at topic
[17:04] <L> =)
[17:05] <Light> how can you point to the topic, unless
[17:05] <Light> it's a plot to draw me out
[17:05] <Light> and to see how I react
[17:05] <Light> if I change the topic you know I'm kira
[17:05] <Light> but if I don't then you will think I'm not
[17:05] <L> perhaps ( yagami light yahari kira desu...)
[17:05] <Light> but if I don't do anything you will think it's werid
[17:06] <Light> so I will get someone else to change the topic
[17:06] <Light> but If I do that then L may ask that person why
[17:06] <L> clever
[17:06] <Light> and then he will relate it to me being kira
[17:07] <Light> but what if I kick and banned him before
[17:07] <Light> but then he will wonder why
[17:07] <Light> and use leet haxs
[17:07] <Light> and find I'm really Kira
[17:07] <L> so what will you do
[17:08] <Light> I don't know
[17:08] <Light> (notes that that is the only answer that he can give to make L think he isn't Kira
[17:08] <L> hmm ic
[17:08] <Light> (but it's possible he will wonder why)
[17:08] <L> (keep evading me kira)
[17:09] <Light> (I must change the subject, but to what
[17:09] * Light thinks
[17:09] <Light> so it's a nice day outside eh?
[17:10] <Light> (prefect L will not think I'm kira as Kira doesn't like nice days)
[17:11] <L> (hmm, a nice day... kira doesnt like nice days)
[17:11] <L> (but.... its not a nice day...)
17:12] <Light> (damn it really isn't a good day outside)
[17:12] <L> (yagami light yahari kira desu...)
[17:12] <L> yeah its a nice day
[17:12] <L> ....
[17:13] <Light> (what should I say, anything i say will make him think I'm Kira)
[17:13] <Light> Na I'm joking L I'm trying to make us cheer up
[17:14] <Light> (prefect Kira doesn't joke and isn't cheery)
[17:14] <L> (hmm, i wonder....)
[17:14] <L> oh, ic
[17:15] <L> (ill get you next time kira....)
[17:14] <DrAgE> Wilik, its Assassin's birthday
[17:14] <Wilik|Work> OH SHIT
[17:14] <DrAgE> treat him kindly
[17:14] * Quits: Assassin ( ([] Local kill by Wilik|Work (HAPPY BDAY BITCH!))
[18:49] <Deadfire> lets play the ! game
[18:49] <Deadfire> !!!!
[18:49] <Joker-kun> !!!!!
[18:49] <Jaredster> ???
[18:49] <Jaredster> am i doing this right
[18:49] <Deadfire> no use !
[18:50] <Deadfire> and you have to have the longest amount of them
[18:50] <Deadfire> so I put !!!!
[18:50] <Deadfire> and joker put !!!!!
[18:50] <Deadfire> so you have to do 6
[18:51] <Deadfire> !!!!!!
[18:52] <Joker-kun> !!!!!!!
[18:52] <Deadfire> !!!!!!!!
[18:53] <complich8> !!!!!!!!!
[18:53] <Deadfire> !!!!!!!!!!
[18:54] <complich8> !!!!!!!!!!!
[18:54] <Deadfire> !!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:14] <complich8> !!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:54] <Deadfire> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:54] <complich8> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:54] <Deadfire> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:54] <complich8> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:54] <Deadfire> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:55] <Joker-kun> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:55] <BroRapist> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:56] <complich8> there's a step up for ya....
[18:56] <complich8> courageous ...
[18:56] <Deadfire> indeed
[18:56] <Deadfire> Joker can you match him
[18:56] <Deadfire> ?
[18:56] <Joker-kun> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:56] <Joker-kun> +3
[18:56] <Joker-kun> :O
[18:56] <BroRapist> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:56] * Quits: BroRapist ( ([] Local kill by complich8 (srsly ... stop that))
[18:56] <Deadfire> Bro wins
[00:39:01] @st33v i had biochem, chemistry 1, chemistry 2, biology 1
[00:39:04] @st33v in high school
[00:39:05] @st33v xd
[00:39:16] @st33v and 2 years of physics
[00:40:11] @st33v yeah yeah, i had my cum laude
[00:40:23] BroRapist stopped reading at "cum"
[00:40:53] @st33v congratulations BroRapist, you're the first one to do the obvious
Assertn' pwning BoC:rolleyes:
[20:40:09] <Spiegel> lol
[20:40:09] <Spiegel> i know
[20:40:20] <Spiegel> I will Spike my Spiegel in your ass
[20:40:56] <Nasphreak29> whats that Spiegel?
[20:41:00] <Nasphreak29> your going to anally rape Thi3f?
[20:41:02] <Nasphreak29> wow
[20:42:27] <Thi3f> I'll just reply as I did to DO when he wanted to do the same thing. 2mm probably won't hurt, so go ahead
[23:31] <DO> okay I was banned from the forums again
[23:31] <Yukimura> lol
[23:31] <Yukimura> who would do such a thing
[23:33] <DO> ok well
[23:34] *** You are permanently banned from Gotwoot (spelled idiocy, dumbass)
I didn't ban you, you pothead.
:( it looks like there's plenty of hikinx going on...
post deleted
Short but to the point
[10:46] <Wilik|Work> I used to beat up my sister
[10:46] <Wilik|Work> I told her I was prepairing her for the world
[10:46] <Wilik|Work> yea I was an asshole
[ 02:20:14 ] *[ ~^ ] !kick st33v
[ 02:20:15 ] *· · Kicks : st33v was kicked from #gotwoot by [ Gotwoot ] : [ Requested ]
[ 02:20:17 ] *· · Joins : st33v [] - 32 users
[ 02:20:26 ] *[ &st33v ] >:|
[ 02:20:38 ] *[ &st33v ] :o
[ 02:20:43 ] *[ &st33v ] lols
[ 02:20:48 ] *[ &st33v ] thanks josh <3
[ 02:20:49 ] *[ %Yukimura ] i didn't see tht coming
[ 02:20:54 ] *[ ~DO ] wtf st33v with &
[ 02:20:55 ] *· · Quits : complich8 [ ~complich8@THE.complich8 ] : [ [[quit]] ] - 31 users
[ 02:21:00 ] *[ ~DO ] I disagree tottaly
[ 02:21:06 ] *[ &st33v ] DO
[ 02:21:13 ] *[ ~DO ] st33v is gay and has aids
[ 02:21:20 ] *[ ~^ ] see what you've done st33v
[ 02:21:23 ] *[ &st33v ] is this the part where you show your ugly side?
[ 02:21:24 ] *[ ~^ ] you made comp quit
[ 02:21:30 ] *[ ~^ ] because of your bleeding vagina
[ 02:21:32 ] *[ ~DO ] st33v: stfu
[ 02:21:43 ] *[ ~^ ] :P
[ 02:21:46 ] *[ &st33v ] :|
[14:31] <Assassin> you know, in like all cultures, DF would be the catch of a century....He holds several positions of authority online, is good with technology and he's a soon-to-be warrior
[14:31] <Assassin> he could have his own harem
[14:32] <Assassin> gratned it would be a shitty century, but still
Assassin seems to want my sort of makes sense now
Well, i think he has been going through tough times...
I got banned. Again.
Stop bitching it happens all the time.
So far from what I've seen in the IRC... ya'll are cracked :P
From what I've seen in the IRC... you can't exclude yourself.Quote:
Originally Posted by Iridani
[18:53:46] <st33v> i used to be like you guys
[18:53:54] <Enus> you mean straight?
I Am Enus :P
I see Anus has made sure to give himself sufficient mad props.
Trust me... I don't exclude myself in the least. I KNOW for fact I'm crazy as a fruit bat and twice as nutty.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Knives you fail at flaming
[00:24] * Yukimura »» DCC Get #1 «» [¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦] [a.f.k.] Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei - 03.avi (174.99 MB) «» Nick: afk|IzumiKonata «» Speed: 167.72 Kb/s «» Recieved: 2.88 MB (1%) «» Elapsed: 16secs «» Left: 17mins 30secs ««
[00:30] * Arcness »» DCC Get #1 «» [¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦] [a.f.k.] Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei - 03.avi (174.99 MB) «» Nick: afk|IzumiKonata «» Speed: 593.11 Kb/s «» Recieved: 68.81 MB (39%) «» Elapsed: 2mins «» Left: 3mins 4secs ««
[00:32] <Yukimura> stupid arcness stealling my speeds!
[00:32] <Arcness> finally how does it feel
[00:32] <Arcness> to have something stolen from YOU
If no one gets it Yuki is black....
[00:48] <Knives> when the hell is that gundam show coming out? and when is the code geass finale playing?
[00:48] * Arcness sets mode: +b *!*
[00:48] * Knives was kicked by Arcness (No...)
[00:48] * Arcness sets mode: -b *!*
[00:48] * Joins: Kazuma (
[00:49] * Deadfire sets mode: +b *!*
[00:49] * Kazuma was kicked by Deadfire (no.....again)
[00:49] * Deadfire sets mode: -b *!*
[00:49] * Joins: Kazuma (
[00:50] <Kazuma> df, do you think you can refrain from being a douche for at least one day? which I know would be very hard for you to do given the......circumstances.
[00:51] <Deadfire> I find it funny that you decide to call me out even when it was Haku that banned you first, and banned you for many other things that I have not
[00:51] <Deadfire> oh well
[00:52] * Quits: Kazuma ( ([] Local kill by ^ (MY TURN TO BE AN ASS))
[00:52] <^> who was that?
[00:52] <Joker-kun> knives
[00:52] <Deadfire> Knives
[00:52] * Iridani gives Wilik a hug for that
[00:52] * Joins: Knives (
[00:53] <^> oh
[00:53] <^> oh well
[00:53] <^> I dont like him anyways
[00:53] <^> yea, im talking about you Knives
[01:53:12] * Kazuma has quit IRC ([] Local kill by ^ (MY TURN TO BE AN ASS))
[01:53:17] <Joker-kun> hah
[01:53:20] <Deadfire> lol
[01:53:25] <Deadfire> TY wilik
[01:53:28] <Deadfire> <3
[01:53:29] <^> who was that?
[01:53:32] <Joker-kun> knives
[01:53:33] <Deadfire> Knives
[01:53:49] * Iridani gives Wilik a hug for that
[01:53:53] * Knives has joined #gotwoot
[01:53:59] <^> oh
[01:54:03] <^> oh well
[01:54:07] <^> I dont like him anyways
[01:54:15] <^> yea, im talking about you Knives
i'm once again banned. hoorah. well, it was good while it lasted, folks. i'll be sure to bring that 14 year old back with me for Nas/Enus.
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
wish i woulda been around to see the story...but dotn trip too much, nas is like 12, so its ok :p
however...IFHTT says:
[rockmanj > there are a lot of pervs here
[rockmanj > like old men will flash middle school girls
[18:26] <tt\sleep> lol
rockmanj > well 40 year old men
[rockmanj] > or theyll do it in a car
[18:26] <tt\sleep> if i lived in korea i probably would too
[rockmanj] > wtf
[rockmanj] > why?
[18:26] <tt\sleep> lol
Since when? Wow, I know why Haku banned you dumbass :PQuote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
I am 16 -_-'
its called hyperbole...i know how old u areQuote:
Originally Posted by Nasphreak29
[01:53] <Enus> WE HAVE BEEN OVER THISE Assertn -_-
[01:53] <Assertn> i haven't
[01:53] <Enus> COLLEGE
[01:54] <Assertn> OMFG!
[01:54] <Assertn> I'M A DUMBASS
[01:54] <Assertn> It's THIS, btw
[01:54] <Assertn> =]
[01:54] <Enus> simple typo fucker
[01:55] <Assertn> Simple type, fucker.
[01:55] <Assertn> omg >_<
Holy shit, I can't believe i missed that... Assertn +2
[13:22] * Joins: SK
[13:22] * Gotwoot sets mode: +b SK!*@*
[13:22] * SK was kicked by Gotwoot (HI! I'm a HUGE HOMOSEXUAL PLEASE BAN ME)
[13:22] <Deadfire> I love that trigger
Remove that I don't want people to know where I'm from.
Where? Philadelphia?
Lol he actually removed it. If SK didn't get banned constantly then anyone who logged onto irc could see the same thing that Assassin removed from his post by just doing a whois. If you don't want people to know your ip address then use a proxy or something.
<bitchywhore> you should be honored deadfire
<Deadfire> why is that?
<Iridani> my guess is because you're the owner of a cock.
<^> OH YEA
<Yukimura> hahahahah
<DO> entourage time
<bitchywhore> I wish Iri
<Yukimura> lol, Iri i'm laughing so hard
<bitchywhore> (beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep)
<z> bitchywhore...DF and Iridani are dating
<Iridani> well they said they wanna honor him... so she wants to kneel and pray o.O;
<bitchywhore> He should use his then
<z> just a heads up
<bitchywhore> Thanks z
<Deadfire> bitchywhore you seem to have missed the direction of that comment
Amazing the oddballs that wander into the IRC hmm?