So...she's a lesbian, yet still your girlfriend...Gender confusion? :confused:Quote:
Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
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So...she's a lesbian, yet still your girlfriend...Gender confusion? :confused:Quote:
Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
I spent 8 months looking for a job, until one offer finally was made.
Its been 10 months since that.
No bisexual people in your country?Quote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
I think she's going to break up with me for her ex
It makes the most sense since women couldnt possibly love someone who doesn't hit them or treat them like shit.
This is really only true for women under 30.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
I want to right more in these glorious forums, but I have nothing to write about. :(
Have any of you all ever begin to dispise someone you respected, admired and wanted to be be really good friends with. Recently that has happened to me. I still don't know the reason why, but the has been an unsettling feeling between us or maybe it is just me. I don't know but whatever people grow apart, i guess that this has been one of my shortest friendships. damn.
It really sucks though.
It's been a while since I've been this annoyed. Forum trolls annoy me, but trolls in games annoy me even more. I just had the most terrible experience in Guild Wars from picking up two random people that made it their mission to annoy the crap out of the group and sabotage it in any way possible. Our annoyance only added to their amusement I'm sure. Even after we ditched them, they managed to sneak back into our group under different character names and sabotage it a second time. That stings the pride a bit, after we thought we'd escaped. One of them was named Mage...a coincidence I find amusing myself. Anyways, live and learn. I'm slowly adding to my blacklist. It doesn't just include individuals anymore. I've extended it to guilds. If you piss me off in GW, your whole guild is going on the blacklist. Fear the wrath of KitKat!
This deals with a freind from collage who has this horrible habbit of being over fucking ocnfident about his skills in film, wait I mean vidoe since its the only fucking thing he's ever shot on. He thinks he's fucking speilberg, or scoursese(granted he hates taxi driver, somthing I consider a phopa). Ths kid has an ego the size of the sun. He has this delusion that he can go to LA and magically becoem a director in a matter of one or two years. Bullshit, he has to pay his dues as a lowly grip/ or a PA to a producer then work his way up. This kid will not do anyhting outside his immediate job discription, which on an indi set is fucked up sicne crew sizes are small and everyone needs to chip in on moving shit.
Wow I can tell your pissed because you have made so many typos lol. But then I hate people who are like that, I have a friend who thinks he can draw anime really good, but he sucks ass. Okay my turn to bitch ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by Lefty
Okay our school is putting a dress code into effect which is pointless and stupid.
1. Collared shirts and buttoned shirts only
2. Tuck in collered shirt or buttoned chirt
3. Pants cant go pass ankles (stupid, because im not gonna look like Steve Erkle or whatever, plus no one is following that) (School is ghetto)
4. No logos not to exceed most of shirt and same thing with pants
5. No holes and rips on jeans and collered shirts.
1. No revealing clothes (MOTHER OF GOD!)
2. No tight pants (SOB)
3. No short skirts (SOB)
4. and same as #4 and #5 (OMG)
5. Bra can't be seen (No more saying god in vein)
6. No emblems, playboy bunnies, or anything that is interacted with sex logos (Hugh Hefner is screwed) (J/K)
Well thats all I have to say except for white guys who try to be black!
Edit: Might as well fucken wear uniforms or not.
I'll give this a try, shall I?
I really hate the way that, now that I need help the most, all my past "friends" have better things to do than even talk to me.
I really hate the way that the only way I can deal with my own emotions is to pretend that they are not bothering me.
I really hate the way that my parents are seperating,
I really hate the way that politics has torn my family apart.
I really hate the way that the world has chewed me up and spat me out.
I really hate the way that my extended family barely acknowledge my existence.
I really hate the way that all my attempts to help a past friend are being stonewalled.
I really hate the way that, around the world, people are dying because no one really cares.
I really hate the way that I can't find the motivation to put everything I hate into words.
I really hate the way I hate enough for this forum name to be appropriate.
I'm pissed off. Spending 10-16 hours a day at a computer for the last ... err, 7 years, I guess... I've started to develop RSI problems. My right hand hurts and doesn't feel right.
What's worse, I can't really do much else, 'cause ... hands are important! I mean, what can you do for fun that doesn't involve your hands? Except for passive stuff, watching movies, watching tv, watching anime.
I'm going to stop typing now and go watch things at random, and hate how I'm stuck with passive entertainment models.
Well I guess I'll jump on this as well and explain my very boring life
6:00-7:30 AM: Wake Up Call (I normally don't wake up untill 6:30ish) and the process to get to school which can take almost a hour to get too.
7:30 AM-12:30 PM: school
12:30-2:00PM I have to take the ride back to home get my stuff and eat something to get to work for 2
2:00-10:00 PM Work my ass off
As you can see that every week day of this drives me nuts. I'm so tired I can't focus on anything like school, gotwoot, or any of the projects I want to work on. I'm falling behind in studying, and everything. I've been really sick for 2 weeks, and I think I'm recovering now but I still don't feel 100%. When I do have time I'm found trying to sleep or looking at the last events I missed. I can't stop working as I need the money. as well I need to take School. My hours can't be cut down as it's back to school season and we have like 3 Techs that work.
And you know I'd like to find one of those girlfriends people talk about...
Whatever Life sucks, Get over it
Originally Posted by Kirai no Tenshi
there, there..Well i hope that you felt better after this. Trust me you are not as alone as you think you are. And this type of stuff really shows you who your real friends. are.
Life isn't fair, nor do I think it knows the meaning. You just have to keep your head up and look toward a bright future. Atleast that is what I think.
My advice to you is to give palm and palmela a rest :p . Seriously that really sucks, but again I am sure your not alone on that one. You just have to get some help for your hands, wrist support, specialized mouse pad, keyboard pad that sorta stuff, though I am sure I am preaching to the wrong person.Quote:
I'm pissed off. Spending 10-16 hours a day at a computer for the last ... err, 7 years, I guess... I've started to develop RSI problems. My right hand hurts and doesn't feel right.
What's worse, I can't really do much else, 'cause ... hands are important! I mean, what can you do for fun that doesn't involve your hands? Except for passive stuff, watching movies, watching tv, watching anime.
I'm going to stop typing now and go watch things at random, and hate how I'm stuck with passive entertainment models.
Life sucks, what can you say. But it gets better.Quote:
Well I guess I'll jump on this as well and explain my very boring life
6:00-7:30 AM: Wake Up Call (I normally don't wake up untill 6:30ish) and the process to get to school which can take almost a hour to get too.
7:30 AM-12:30 PM: school
12:30-2:00PM I have to take the ride back to home get my stuff and eat something to get to work for 2
2:00-10:00 PM Work my ass off
As you can see that every week day of this drives me nuts. I'm so tired I can't focus on anything like school, gotwoot, or any of the projects I want to work on. I'm falling behind in studying, and everything. I've been really sick for 2 weeks, and I think I'm recovering now but I still don't feel 100%. When I do have time I'm found trying to sleep or looking at the last events I missed. I can't stop working as I need the money. as well I need to take School. My hours can't be cut down as it's back to school season and we have like 3 Techs that work.
And you know I'd like to find one of those girlfriends people talk about...
Whatever Life sucks, Get over it
You are starting to get better only now? Damn, I thought you were fully healed already. I have never been sick for more than a few days, and so I can't even imagine what it's like to be ill for 2 weeks... I hope you indeed are recorvering now. Although I doubt your round the clock busy life style much helps that...Quote:
Originally Posted by Deadfire
I got myself a 451-Universal Wrist Support (, as all the info about the inevitability of RSI were saturating the news some years ago. Unless you have already tried one of these, you can't even imagine how nice and really effective they are. Whilst this is hardly a cure, I strongly believe it can postpone problems and slow down the development of the problem.Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
@ Kraco: How do those thingys help your wrists? There's a woman at my office who for some reason can't use one of her hands, she wears a similar rig on the other wrist but it doesn't appear to be medical.
Anyway, to bitching! Websense...I hate you! If you don't know, Websense is basically the buisness version of the V-chip used by server admins in all the offices i've worked in to keep me from the sites I want to visit while i'm pretending to be working! From what I understand, the makers put websites into categories and the user has the choice to block any particular categories they feel shouldn't be accessed at work. Obviously Games has been axed everywhere I've been, but some other categories are listed here Wikipedia and here Company's Site. My favorite beef is the Tasteless category, which is generally blocked. Who is some shmuck in San Diego to decide what is or isn't 'tasteless' for me. Anyway i'm sure this shit does increase productivity a little, but if you aren't planning to work, you'll find something to distract you, even if it isn't your first choice. I am typing this post while at work, for instance, and I think I first discovered Gotwoot while at work 2 years ago. I was also being blocked from game sites at that job and I'd read all the days news. (so if any of you don't like me, blame WebSense).
On another note, I'm irritated by crack searching sites as well. Maybe i'm just not cool enough to find the ones without viruses and other garbage hiding around every corner (fortunately WebSense also allows you to block sites they've deemed to be loaded with Malicious Software...for an extra fee) but all I want is a crack, does the stupid site really have to throw in a million viruses at me if they're going to give me the crack anyway?
PS: Fuck you, way to change up your system so my rotating sigs don't work anymore, I really liked the no heads up before my link became usless.
UGH!!! I had to fucking wake up at 6:30 this morning get ready to go to school. This day alone I have to stay there from 10 to 5(I feel like I'm working). And I have to carry 5 big ass books in my backpack that make me look like a freshmon from highschool.
When the hell are they coming out with those suicide machines I've been hearing about?
How old is your girlfriend?Quote:
Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
Also with "here" I first thought you meant on GW, lol XD
That's a good question. And whilst I don't have any official info, I can throw a few guesses based on my ~4 years of experience.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
1) It supports the wrist physically, which is a very big factor when you think about using a mouse. Despite a mousepad with a wrist support, you partly need to exert a muscle tension to keep your hand in a correct position, especially when you are moving the mouse. The wrist support at least partially removes the need for a tension, as it's somewhat stiff itself. Aye, the thing is not some flimsy strap of cloth, I assure you. It's several millimeters thick.
2) The core is made of neoprene, covered by some fabric, and it's warm and nice. When your muscles are kept warm, it lessens stiffness and generally makes your hand work and feel better compared to coldness.
3) It slightly prohibits your hand movements, and thus removes a part of the cause for RSI. This isn't of course desirable for accurate PS work, FPS games and such. But it's not like you would wear it all day long anyway.
That would be a trip!Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
She's 25
Don't you guys understand? If you play the computer too much you develop RSI. My friend has it because he plays everyday and he has graduated from High School and is still living with his parents. It sucks though because he is a cool guy, he has no life but he's still my friend because im also best friends with his brother. So to you guys out there, hang out!!! Or get laid ;)
Edit: Take a break from the computer
I didn't get a birthday thread, thats some ol' bullshit.
meh, neither did I last time my birthday rolled around :p Don't take too personally.
OH I WILL!:mad: [/wrist]Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
Awww :(
Belated happy birthdays, Complich8 and Fox Fire.
In less happy news.
At around 10pm, the night before last, I started feeling aches throughout my body.
By about midnight, the pain was pretty much unbearable (and I have a high tolerance for pain), and I'd also gained a migraine.
At something like 4am, the delusional state that's brought on my severely disturbed sleep had me convinced that I was going to die.
A little over 24 hours later, I've had enough painkillers to anaesthetise an Algorian Mammoth, metaphorically. The pain has been mostly replaced by nausea, which isn't striking me as much of an improvement. I hate being sick.
Hmm... Maybe you are getting your wings at last, Tenshi! At least in Haibane Renmei there seemed to be severe pain and fever before the wings broke out of a haibane's back. You are an angel, after all!
Joking aside I hope it's nothing serious. It does sound very nasty, though.
Wings would be nice.
That way, I could put take out my anger on all the things I hate with impunity.
I'd just need to steer clear of AA guns and fighter planes.
I'm more inclined to beleive, however, that it's a viral infection.
It certainly has an element of plausibility to it, especially since I'm not really an angel; I just pretend to be one on the Internet.
I've not been this ill since I was working directly with clothes imported from China.
Hate being ill.
awww... hope you feel better kirai!
Kirai, your sickness presents an interesting conumdrum for me. On the one hand it's harder to be angry and mean to you since your're over there wallowing in misery and such, but on the other hand, the spite generated from the social conditioning that tells me I should stop being mean to you increases my overall animosity towards you. As you know the angrier I am at you the more I want you to hang around #gotwoot so I can mess with you. Anyway, get well so we can go back to our regular routine of verbally eSlaping one another. And make sure my avatar is alright, I'm condfident no measly virus will breach her defenses, but you can't be too careful!
Obligatory Bitching: What's the deal with all these crickets? Thery're everywhere! I've probably gotten 75-100 confirmed cricket kills this summer alone. This is mainly thanks to my new Raid lemon scented bug spray, which in addition to driving crickets into insane fits of jumping and spasming on contact also acts as a slow acting poison, killing the foolish young crickets that dare venture across any area one of their bretheren was felled. On the positive side, there are more dead crickets, and thus less live crickets now. However because of my copious spraying my basement is becomeing a cricket Killing Fields, with more corpses appearing near the door every day.
Being that I hate insects in all ways, I am not fond of picking them up, even with a paper towel and I certainly wouldn't subject my vacuum to the demeaning duty of interacting with cricket carcasses either. So now i'm stuck searching the baasement this last week before school starts again, finding dead dried up corpeses everywhere I go, and throwing them away. I even found a corpes in a bag of clothes I hadn't opened for years and a live one in some clothes that I was about to fold!
While we're on the subject of small creatures that irritatie me, there is a Spider that I need to call out. I generally have no beef with spiders like I do with crickets, since spiders primarily eat insects, who are my arch enemies. However there is a new guy who spins a web outside my patio window every evening around dinner time. If you've ever get the chance to watch a spider weave a web you really should, it's an amazing feat for one creature with a brain the size of a pinhead and terrible eyesight to create something 10 times bigger than itself, one strand of silk at a time. My problem is, this spider is too damn big! While it's not one of the giant spiders you might see in the Amazon or something, it's still about as long as 4-5 lines of text on the forums and maybe 3 wide. This spider is intimidating to say the least, and with it's penchant for the window right outside the dinner table I am forced to look at it nearly every night. While i'm glad it's capturing and killing the foul insects (I've seen it killing and eating one, which was also pretty cool to watch) it tends to distract me from eating, which is unacceptable. Go somewhere else giant spider!
explanation would be cool
I'm actually quite worried about you, Yuki.
You defined the size of the spider in terms of lines of text on the forum.
That's quite scary.
Although screen resolution would make it mean more.
If you were running a 14 inch monitor at 1600 by 1200, then I'd feel inclined to laugh.
But you could be running a 52 inch plasma screen at 640 by 480, which would make the spider frighteningly huge (like X-Box).
the spider's just a pic I took of a large-ish spider (about the size of a quarter). It was last year (about a year ago exactly, middle of august), and those guys were all over the damned place. That one was in the middle of a web that was anchored to a branch about 15 feet overhead, and to the bushes about a foot off the ground ... stretched out to about 5 feet wide at the base, was about 3 or 4 feet wide where the spider was (in the middle).
Mostly just a response to yuki's complaints about a big spider :p.
To contribute to the bitching, here's a story for ya:
I went in to work yesterday (despite it being sunday) … mostly to fill out a timecard and put in a couple hours (and only partly because I was hungry and wanted a sandwich and work's right on the way back). Walking in through the drawing room (big open room in the first floor of the building), there was some management student meeting or something … a dozen or so random students sitting around a table talking. The apparent “leader” guy said “I’m really excited about this year” … and my only immediate reaction was this thought:
Wow … how cliché. A dozen, maybe a hundred people before you have sat where you’re sitting, or the equivalent, and said the exact same thing: "I’m excited about this year". But why? Because it’s your year now, because you’re in command of the group, it’s your chance to shine. This year is your entitlement. It’s not just some opportunity, it’s yours. At least that's what you think. That’s why your excited. That’s why everyone’s excited. And all your little ambitions and dreams, all the grandiose things you think you’ll do … with cliché lines like that, they are destined to be crushed into a pulp of obscure banality. You're going to graduate and become an assistant manager at an OSCO.
I'm ... becoming really jaded I guess :p. I hate the sugary optimism of students who've had their path bought by their parents and think the world revolves around them. Sick of the floods of idiots who can't figure out how to cross streets without running in front of traffic like some grotesque god-mode game of frogger (where "lose a life" is superseded by "win a lawsuit"). It's going to be nice in 3 or 4 weeks, around the time the first exams hit and the weather gets a little colder and all of those cheery optimistic morons get their happy delusions demolished by the cold cruel reality of their freshman calculus classes. Schadenfreude? Yeah, I've got that in spades.
Except that the crushing defeat of Math 161 or Chem 115 or Physics 152 never happens to those happy management majors. I fucking hate that. They go through their entire undergrad curriculum thinking they're so great 'cause they can waltz out with a 3.5 in classes that a braindead maggot could sleep through and pull a B in by shitting randomly on the scantron sheets, think they're special because their curriculum is a cakewalk even compared to majors in Liberal Arts. And that irritates the hell out of me.
There was a pretty big spider in my basement yesterday. It was just sitting there on the carpet and didn't move until it got squashed. It was very large.
The one I saw was the size of over two quarters including the legs, so I guess that would be considered Big Mac-size.Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
I'm usually a very easygoing person, but encountering a big spider will cause me to scream bloody murder. It's funny, because I grew up on a farm, and insects outside in the wild don't bother me at all. Bugs in my house however, are hostile invaders that must be killed as quickly as possible. There is only one creature that I loathe more than the spider, and that is the creature I call the Hamilton Bug. These pasty little centipedes have grotesquely long jointed legs and giant antennae and move excessively fast, frequently eluding capture. They start out really small, but can grow to be a foot long, in rare cases. Even talking about them gives me the shivers. I used to come across them in my old house, and my preferred method of dealing with them was either running away, or yelling till someone came down to kill it.
I can't even kill them because I can't stand the crunchy feeling of their little exoskeletons being crushed. Ugh, bugs, stay out of my house.
@compy: Nothing wrong with a little optimism! I came through a brutal spirit-crushing 5 years of engineering physics and I'm still cheery and hopeful =P
Got a picture of one by any chance?Quote:
Originally Posted by KitKat
Hamilton bug, eh? Centipede-ish, kinda big, moves fast, long legs?
is it like this common house centipede?
I've seen these guys as long as about 3 inches including legs and antennae... they're freaky.
If it's not one of them, I'd love to see a pic if you can keep yourself from screaming long enough to snap one sometime (seconding BoC's request, motion carries, take a pic).
(are you sure they're not ... muskrats? :D)
I'm super pissed that I can't get any work done at work.
The VP of our multimedia dept and the main client guy for our project keep having funny aim chat convos and it's distracting me. How am i supposed to get work done when there's too much fun in the workplace :mad:
Arg, i hate getting negitive reps on posts over a year old. That is all, thank you for lsitening.
Damn there are NO hot chicks in my class. I really mean it, there might be a weak 6 in there somewhere other than that I have nothing to work with. I really feel like skipping this class now.
CS 483: intro to the theory of computation. 11 people (10 undergrads, one grad student). 1 girl. Physically I'd say she's about a 7.5. If you count brains towards hotness, she's probably a 9 (how many girls know how to apply the difference between a transition function and a transition relation in automata theory?).Quote:
Originally Posted by el_boss
Psy 222: fundamental psychobiology. 70 people. 30-40 women (I haven't counted), so about 50-50 breakdown, which is actually pretty bad for psychology (which usually tends towards a 60-40 female/male mix). 85% psych majors in the class, 15% school of science (generally in interdisciplinary neuroscience programs).
At least both of the textbooks and both of the profs are good. And now I know what Basal Ganglia are ...
I haven't started school again yet, so I'm still waiting on the hot girl/not-hot girl breakdown of my classes (I can only hope...).
Also, I hadn't noticed until complich8 said it, but there always did seem to be more girls than guys in my psychology classes. Hmm :confused:.
The girls need the therapy.
Some of my friends have the same theory. Women are crazy, which is why so many of them are taking psych classes: to try to figure out wtf's wrong with them :p.Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
When I took Abnormal, it was 80% women. Psych of Women was 85%. Social Psych usually runs about 60%. Developmental? Let's just say that one's definitely a great place to meet women :p
Cognitive, Learning Theory, Evolutionary psych ... 40-50%. Better ratios than engineering, but not so that much better. Even for women in scientific fields (albeit scientific fields in the college of liberal arts), it seems like the harder (as in less arguable) the science involved is, the fewer women pursue it.
Shame, too. Women in science automatically get +2 hawt points, but not if it's humanities-type sciences. Anthropologists need not apply for auto-hotness.
Xan, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Linguistics classes are very much female dominated. In my linguistics classes I was lucky if there were two or three guys in the whole class. Plus, I learned early on that talking to guys in Humanities isn't half as easy as talking to engineering guys. All my regular topics of video games, anime, and the latest episode of Mythbusters failed me. These guys talked instead about literature and history and philosophy, and not even my collection of math jokes could save me. They also had a certain arrogance about them that comes from the partial celebrity status granted by being a male in a mostly female class. I'm not about to deal with that. I'll take the poor misunderstood engineering boys over those elitist Humanities snobs any day. (See how my post cleverly morphed into a rant!)
I never even thought to bitch about women in Engineering, thanks for reminding me KitKat.
At my school the femal population is essentially the bacteria that feeds on the wood at the bottom of the barrel, and our best bet is that choice multicellular organism that feeds on the other bacteria instead. Of course almost no multi-cellular organism would ever major in Electrical and Computer Engineering there, unless that organism is a invasive strain from over seas. With a 60/40 M/F ratio and 50% of our students coming from outside the US, mainly Asian, Indian, or Arabs, the pickings are slim enough as it is. (I have nothing against the forigners, but i'm usually not into people who don't understand any of my cultural referances, as I don't understand any of theirs ). And then there's the engineering aspect...with nothing but hardworking international girls who chatter constantly in languages I don't speak surrounding me in the cluster I don't percieve many opportunites to strike up conversation. In addition of the three girls in my ECE class of ~100 (about 25 girls at last count) I would only ever consider speaking to maybe 8. Luckily for me, the moderatly attractive are fully aware that they're the best most introverted engineers can do, making them wholly unapproachable.
Fortunately I'm finally branching out a little this year by taking abnormal and social psych, hopefully at least one of those multi-celled girls will be present in one of those classes.
$1500 for maintanence on my car :mad:
Wow that's quite a lot. How did it amount to so much?Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Well, it is 7 years old.
That's not that old..... I recently just went for my first servicing, and luckily it was that expensive. What kills are the road taxes, carpark fees, insurance, road entry taxes, etc etc :(
Your post kept me reassured until I walked into my Computational Linguistics class today. Major sausage fest. Five girls in a class of 25. Crap.Quote:
Originally Posted by KitKat
It is "Computational" Linguistics though, so while it'll probably be a lot of fun and very interesting, it doesn't seem like the type of class a lot of girls would take. A rather depressing tradeoff...
the israel brench of Coca-Cola is trying to push a taxation reform that will raise the prices of beer to abnormal level hights. That's not nice.
also, my commanders are all idiots, we did nothing for about five hours in thursday before they realized we can go home. more than that, we've spent a week cleanning the new base that we'll be leaving in two weeks. And, I was planned to have a two weeks course in November, but now they plan to make it only a test day, and that we'll study on our own to it, so there goes my chance to do a daily service for fuckin' two weeks.
Suprisingly, the thought of doing a volunterlly "boycott" (spelling) on coca cola hasn't even passed my mind.
Right I think this is my first ever bitching post but I need to air this crap.
Basically I have just started this new (and my first grad) job with one of the "Big 4" accountacy (or professional services as they like to think of themselves) firms. My friends around me are all chuffed for me as it is prestigous firm to work for and tell me that I am now 'sorted'. Thing is though I have just found out that despite being based in the London office I am being sent right to the other side of the country to Scotland to work on a project for a few weeks. Now granted that I knew that there might be some travelling involved with the job, but being sent out on your first assignment halfway across the country is taking the piss. I don't even know if I want to work in this area of the service line I have joined, as my interest is in another area.
Now I'm a guy who doesn't like travelling. I don't like the idea of being away from my home, my room and my comfy bed. Not only that, my social life is going to get disrupted as I will be away from my mates in a city I don't know anything about.
Some people may like the lifestyle. In trying to smother my concerns, I'm being told that I get but up in a swanky hotel and travel business class and shit, all paid for by the firm. It feels so ridiculous that to earn a decent living you have to sell your ass to the firm and they get to send you anywhere they want, all in exchange for money in your bank that you might not even get time to spend.
Ladies and gentlemen, work sucks.
mage, one more racist comment and you're out for a month. seriously, you've had so many chances.Quote:
Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
I hate my dad. You give him something either he will brake it or lose it.
He has something against my birds. He puts them all day outside in the backyard saying that they need fresh air or they are making to much noise which they dont. Today, before my mom goes to work, she told him to watch for the birds (they were outside because he putted them) so that none of the neighbor cats come and eat them. He is yeah yeah ill watch them, nothing wont happen to them. He goes downstairs to go on the computer. He comes back up because my brother who just came back from school is calling him in the backyard and my brother tells him that 3 of the 4 birds ran off. Thanks to my brother good eyes, he found one the little kids on the tree branches in our backyard. And now we have 2/4 of the birds. We have the dad and the baby female.
I come back from school, I see my mom in the car what is she doing there and she tells me the story. I couldnt believe it. My beloved birds that I love so much are gone!!!!! I spent my whole time to look for them going from neighbor to neighbors house and backyard looking for them, I cant find the mom or the little mommas boy.
I would have never tought they would have ran us. If my dad didnt constantly put them outside or if he did watched them, they would have been here. Now, outside is cold (around 10C) and im sure they are freezing and dying or getting eaten by one of my neighbor cats. They could have still been at home and alive if my dad was taking care of them.
I spent my whole time caring for them and now they are gone. Losing them was like losing my grandfather. I love them as I loved a human being.
Funny thing is that i lost some one precious few years after september 11. -_-
I went to bed at 10 pm last night. I woke up at 1:00 am, and couldn't get back to sleep. This, despite the fact that I only got 3 and a half hours of sleep last night.
Come 7 or 8 am, I'll be able to sleep like a stone until my alarm goes off.
I'm sorry to hear about your birds Malthalis. I've lost a few pets that were very human to me.
I've got a damn rash that's driving me crazy. I can't figure out why I have this terrible rash spreading over my whole body. I haven't been running through the woods; I don't think I'm allergic to anything. This skin irritation is very irritating. Despite using all the willpower I have to not scratch, it spread everywhere.
For some reason, probably related to me not being made of fail like some people, it came down to me to fix the washing machine.
The original excuse was that I was thin enough to fit down the side, but for fuck's sake, the washing machine can be moved to make more room, just as it can be moved to make less room (mor on that later).
So, I'm pretty much used to having to do all the hard work whenever anything goes wrong, and honestly, I think I'm the only person in the house who stands even a remote chance of success. So, I get down to work, looking for the mythical transit bolts, which it turns out look nothing like the ones shown in the manual (and I've never actually had to install a washing machine before, so I don't know what they're supposed to look like).
Some time and confusion later, I make the decision that the bolts I'm looking at are in fact the transit bolts that need removing, and so I set to work, while everyone else goes on doing whatever they're doing (which is certainly not huddled in a spider-infested alcove trying to undo stubbourn bolts with tools that are in no way adequate for the job).
I make a large amount of success with the first bolt, although I come to a point where I could do with another hand, and a little extra light, neither of which are liekly to happen any time soon. I keep trying, but to no avail, and eventually decide that I've done enough, and fuck anyone who doesn't agree.
This is when I find that, in my efforts to get a better angle to undo the bolt, I've blocked my only means of exit from this arachnid pit. And no one's in earshot to come and help me out. Thus, I am forced to wrestle my own way out.
I wrote this note to my housemates, apprising them of the situation:
A recent batch of windows updates just forcibly rebooted my computer last night. When it came back up, it refused remote desktop connections.
On physically trying to log in, it would load, but very very slowly. Explorer shell would start after about 3 minutes, but many normal explorer functions were nonresponsive (ie: couldn't drag-and-drop or copy-paste, couldn't access the start menu).
So, I backed up everything that I'd have a tough time replacing/regenerating, and formatted the bastard. Unfortunately,the process meant that I only got 3 hours of sleep (for the fourth time this week), and only got 4 of 5 homework problems done. I figured out how to do the fifth one on the walk to class, but didn't have time to write it down, because I was on my way to turn it in at the time (it was a fairly complex solution, would have taken 20-30 minutes to write down).
Now I'm sitting here at work, whoring the timeclock, exhausted and burned out, and I've got another equally-difficult homework assignment to deal with in the immediate future. I just want to sleep, dammit.
God Damn it!
For the third time in as many days I read the word "tweens". If I could, I'd shoot everyone who said or wrote that word. Right in the fuckin' face.
"Tweens" isn't a god damn word. They're called kids you motherfuckers. KIDS! I'd even accept the word "pre-teens" because I've read that word in many developmental psychology books. "Tweens" is just a bullshit marketing word that some asshole made up three years ago to discribe a supposedly new demographic. He thought to himself, "Hey! No one's ever thought of marketing something for nine to twelve-year-olds! I'll make up a catchy name for that shit!"
These fucking marketing morons apparently never heard of Nerf footballs, Super Soakers, or Power Rangers. Untill 2003 "tweens" never existed. I swear to god I hate hearing that shitty word more than any other corporate-speak.
Tween 20 is a good laboratory chemical... Well, that's the only meaning of the word tween for me, so I guess I'll join your club.
Okay I can't make heads or tails of my situation.
Today during lunch I had my friend buy me a Sprite. So I got it and went to go finish the cake that i had already bought awith some friends. I apparently didn't have the receipt my friend did. (I am still in the store) One of the employees comes and asks me for the receipt and I forgot that i didn't have it and pulled out the one for the cake, "Oh, this is the receipt for this cake. My friend has the receipt for this." And he replies, "You're friend doesn't buy the drink and leave." I could understand that he didn't believe me so he took me over to the cashier that I bought it from, she said that I did pay for it. So I though i was good and i could go finish my food. No...they kick me out of the store for "moppy" behavior. Honestly i have no idea if moppy is even a word. It seems now that if I go in there I will be arrested...Is this not bullshit?
Whoever sent me that stupid "send this to 10 people or you will be cursed" chainmail PM: don't do it again.
I hate my roommate.
I find a free MMORPG, everquest level graphics, pretty cool looking.
Spend a day downloading it.
Spend an hour registering and making a character and learning the newbie level basics.
Spend a day playing my character.
Get in a conversation in which I use wtf, and omg.
3 minutes later an Admin tells me "We do NOT tolerate profanity."
I reply "Wtf, I wasn't using any profanity."
You have been banned, permanently. No explanation, no second chance, no nothing.
I visit the forums, and apparently they are so strict on the language codes that you cannot even say 'wtf' or 'omg' (taking the lords name in vain). Even if you argue that it could be "What the fudge" or "Oh my gosh".
What really ticks me off was the guy that banned me didnt even explain or give me a second chance after I had wasted a bunch of time on the game. He just permanently banned me for using the most common acronym on the internet.
The game must be run by religious zealots and soccer moms in an unholy collaboration. It is a mystery how they managed to create something playable, though. The world is clearly ending!
*insert generic bitching about cpanel's insistence on using its own apache and php, and not taking responsibility for maintaining them via normal mechanisms*
I hate the army... we're down to eight guys doing the guard post duty.
dammit,my vacation ended at september 25, and since then i've stood at the front gate of the base for about 60 hours until this mornning...
heck, ever since last friday i've been guarding the gate every goddaammed night. let me sleep!
today I woke up at 02:oo to cover up for someone in the guard post, after that i've taken a shower and got on the bus back home. it's been about 25 hours since then... how much more! until when!
AUG 05 are tired!
/note: ignore the last part... my mind isn't quite working well right now...
Today I had a History midterm exam. I also had some Linguistics homework to finish. The two coincided terribly.
The Computational Linguistics homework had me stumped for 2 days just trying to figure out the programming language I was using. This is my first time doing any programming at all and our professor is pretty much jumping right into projects despite the fact that much of the class is in the same situation as me.
In the end, it was easier than I thought, but the last problem had me stumped (I had to change a set of Finnish nouns from their stem form to their realized forms after various case changes and inflections). While trying to figure out what needed to be done, I put off studying for the History test. Come 1am, I had only just began to study. I figured sleep was pointless at that point and that if I studied efficiently all night I could get to the test (which was early), take it, then come home and sleep the rest of the day.
About an hour before I had to leave to go to the test, I decided to take a small break my eyes. I woke up an hour after the test had finnished. My soul hurts...I'm not panicking about my grades. I've resigned to acceptance of the situation and just hope there's some way I can make up the test. is all that needs to be said.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
It's nice to know there's people who find problems with anything and everything.
Still, the idea behind that joke made me laugh a little.
So did this one,
That would have left me stumped as well, and I'm a Finn...Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
I am a quiet person.
I talk so quietly that I often have to repeat myself.
I often inadvertantly sneak up on people, because I move around so quietly, even when I used to wear steel-toecapped boots for work.
I rarely talk unless I have something to say.
Just now, I was watching Monk, at 8:30am, when my housemate comes and knocks on my door, asking me if I can keep the volume down before 9 or 10 o'clock.
This is the same housemate who was conducting a conversation, a few decibels shy of shouting, at 11pm last night, while I was asleep. Not technically true, since I woke up a few moments after it began.
So, right now, I'm on the edge of crying.
Is it even remotely fair that I be made the villain of the peice by a raging hypocrite?
Oh, and I'm banned from IRC.
I'm having problems with one of my housemates too.
He's decided for the 3 of us that we should all start paying for food individually because he doesn't like going to the grocery store. He's content going home every weekend, getting his mom to buy him food, and coming back with it for him to eat. Me and my other housemate don't have that luxury. We need to buy our own food, and we need to go shopping. He's now refusing to pay for any of the food we bought recently, meaning we're going to have to keep track of who eats what, which is a major fucking hassle. It's not exactly a friendly environment anymore.
brb labelling things in the fridge...
so i'm not like the only guy who was involved in making the rules on spoilers. in fact, i just gathered up alot of stuff that others had suggested and made (as suggested) a topic for discussion on it.
and despite alot of stuff getting thrown around, not much was changed.
Then i go and post the new rules (after some encouragement), and BANG! nasty neg reps. Like people hold me entirely responsible for what goes on here. Well, kill the messenger all you want, but I didn't see ANYONE post anything after I invited more conversation on the rules changes, even summing up what had been discussed throughout the topic. People seem to like to bitch, moan, neg rep, but really all it is is a bunch of pathetic peons who throw hissy-fits when they don't get their way and don't add shit to the forums. Well, yall can suck on my nads, cuz too fucking bad, nothing's changing.
*sorry for the rant, i know i volunteered for the position. but it just gets shitty to catch so much flak, and often little of anything good, while i'm just trying to help. had to let off some steam*
As some of you have read before I hate the bus, I have to ride it everyday to and from school. I’m going to get the anger about it off here so bear with me
Things I hate about the bus system
1. Why do some people prefer the front of the bus when there's room in the back? Like Christ WTF is wrong with you. If there is room in the back of the bus MOVE!! I’d like to sit down for my hour ride, and yet you stand in the middle of the aisle not letting any though because you don’t feel like it. I don’t feel like standing there like a idiot when I could be sitting. You can talk to your friend later when your off the fucking bus.
2. Priority seats are for people who have a hard time standing on a moving bus.
But unfortunately, some people have trouble recognizing that. I don’t understand why people seem to think that sitting in the front and making people that are old or in fucking wheelchairs go somewhere else is ok. And when the people tell them to move they bitch and moan. When I get old or broken I’m smacking these people with my cane
3. When walking down the aisle try not to smack me with your backpack. I don’t understand why you need to have a backpack the size of a large suitcase, nor do I understand why you need to suddenly turn to talk to your friend ignoring the person that’s on the outside of that thing. If you hit me with a backpack I’m taking my knife and cutting it to let all your shit fall out.
4. Buses are not restaurants. Imagine if the 135,000 daily passengers I see daily each left litter and spills behind. It's not a pretty thought. Clean up after your self, your damn mother isn’t on the bus and you think that you can leave everything just lying around. I really don’t want to sit on your candy because your to much of a kid to pick it up
5. Please remove Roller Blades, before boarding the bus. You would think that this is a no brainer. However people continue to do this, the reason surpasses my reckoning
6. I’ve already told you all about my hate for people with their crappy music at loud volumes. If you are a person like that, your Ipod is going out the fucking window
7. Please exit by the rear door, that’s what it’s for. If I wanted to run in to you when I go though the front I would have.
8. I don’t need to know what you’re talking about from across the bus. If you’re going to talk to the person beside you I should not be able to hear you though my headphones transversely from you
9. Don’t get me started on the smell some people have, seriously I’ve had to puke more then once because of the smell.
I hate it when people smoke and then come in the bus and we are trap breathing the smoked air. Its really irritating.Quote:
Originally Posted by Deadfire
I got home 2 hours late beacause of the sudden fucking snow storm. The fucking bullshit system turns to shit as soon as the weather turns. Fucking pussy rail-road, grow some fucking balls.
well i have been getting up at 4am and coming home at 10pm-ish. No need to tell you this kinda sucks, but it should pay off in the long run, hopefully.
but this is really cutting into my anime watching time, not to mention the time i have to spend with this community.
Me want anime. Fortunately there is still the weekends, for now that is. But my passion for playing pool has been re-ignited for i have found some people for the APA that i can actually play with. Getting my ass kicked but learning and enjoying it as well.
My hard- drives are filled with anime to watch and no time to watch it. What a crying shame.
I think it is time to buy some more.
In related news the girl I knew sold a $3000 computer for $1000, why did she not tell me. It was a customized g4 with a 20 inch wide screen monitor. Worst part is she broke it to me over dinner last Saturday (we haven't seen each other in a few months). I really wanted her computer, curses.
Well gotwoot, seeya when I seeya, hopefully this weekend or sometime soon.
well, it's been a while since i posted a nice long rant about somethings .
well i have a few,
in my last rant i was bitching about how stupid people are at my old job at the zoo. well i got a few others
first off, for a a company as large as the phoenix zoo, I cannot believe the terrible management and money management that the phoenix zoo has. the management was so terrible no one knew What the fuck was goin on, this got old when it came to schedules and requesting time off. i can't recall on how many times they fucked up my schedule after we corrected them numerous times.
second, man what a bunch of fuckin cheapskates after 1 year of working there you know what i get for my hard work and effort. 13 cent raise and 4 hours of paid time off...WOW 4 hours of paid time off.. when i asked if it was 4 days or 4 hours i got the rudest smartasshes comment "4 hours god don't go crazy on me " i was sooo piss'd off by this i couldn't believe this bullshit. the job im currently working at i recieved a 50 cent raise within the first 45 days, and i get 5 days of paid time off.
demolition is fun.
the down fall is that when peoples house's catch fire or other shit water damage by floods and other random disasters, some people are cool some are fucking morons. mr penwell for instance guy is i dunno 9 god damn feet tall..and he is such a jew i have yet to hear one praise from him about our company , lightning struck his house and it caught fire. we spent 2 weeks packing his house so it could be redone. no hospitality.
man some people go as far as breaking there own shit and blaming us, honestly WTF. there are some fucked up people in this world. it's even worse when they accuse you of stealing some piece of shit cell phone , jewelry or some other random item. They end up finding it one week apology or anything, worst part about it is i gotta hold my tongue against some douche...
granted i did take a vintage dime from 1942 , that the owners didn't realize they had ...but fuck.. why would i steal a virgin mobile Piece of shit that cost 59.99 when i have my fucking black berry .
sad to say but i really hate some fuckin people...
i get accused of being racist..which you know im sorry i am a lil bit. don't get me wrong but what piss's me off is when a african american can be racist against his own people or a hispanic person is racist against other mexicans, so tell me WTF.i hate this shit like oh he can cause he is mexican..kinda like africans americans using the N word. and it's ok cause there african americans..gimme a fuckin break. *OK i realize that was really incoherent rambling im sorry for my NUMEROUS grammer flaws.
Today at work we were told:
"You may leave early today, we need to update the system" - 1 Hour and a Half earlier. Yay... but then...
"Oh yeah, and to compensate we are staying until 11pm tomorrow and thursday"
WTF?? 8 more hours for leaving 1 hour and a half early?
I hate the boss' temporary suplent... (boss was pregnant until several weeks ago)
I hate how Windows 2003's Certification Authority doesn't make it easy to sign certificates from non-windows sources (ie: openssl).
Also, OS-X DNS resolution is totally fucking broken for local networks (trailing dot required? WTF!). And that pisses me off.
Finally, I hate that I've been at my job for 3 years and don't get paid vacation time, nor have I gotten a raise in the time I've been there. It ... sort of pisses me off a bit.
On the bright side, I know enough about everything I'm doing to document it all and fix the things I jury-rigged together over the last 3 years before I graduate...
Yesterday I gave my friend, who also happens to be my neighbor, a ride to school in the morning. On the way, she said if she could get a ride back home after school. I asked what time. She said 6-7. I said that's a bit late, but I'll see if I can make it work. At around 5, I called her and said I was gonna leave. She says she can finish whatever she's doing by 6:30, so if I could wait until then... I said okay I'll stay, because I had my laptop and was gonna do a programming assignment anyway. I went to meet her at the library.
She had to go to some seminar at 6 and said she'd probably be done by 6:30. She was there with another friend and I deviced a plan for her to contact me (I don't have a cellphone). The plan is: when her thing ends around 6:30, she will call the friend who happens to be sitting next to me. When the friend picks up the phone, I will leave and wait for her outside a nearby building. This is because I don't want to talk to the friend. So far, the plan sounds pretty good. However, I didn't take one factor into account...
And that is the friend leaving the library before she's done. The friend left at around 6:15, leaving no way for her to contact me. Oh well, that's fine, because her thing ends at around 6:30 and taking walking distance into account, I'll go wait for her at 6:40. So come 6:40, I go outside and start waiting. I waited for a very long time and she still hasn't come. I was like wtf... At 7:20, I go to a nearby phone to call her and ask where the hell she was.
She says she's at another friend's dorm studying. I was like WTF?!?! She told me her seminar ended at 7:05 and since it was pretty late, she assumed I left already. She said she didn't want to walk all the way over here (5 minutes tops, if you walk as slow as a turtle) to check if I'm still waiting. As this conversation carried on, I got more and more pissed. Seriously, why the hell would I leave? I'm not one to leave others behind despite how long I wait.
A similar incident happened a couple months ago and she was involved in that as well. I was extremely pissed at how she simply didn't bother to walk over here and check if I'm still waiting. That phone call concluded with her asking how she can make up for this. I just said "Don't bother. Forget about it." She then asks why. Is she expecting me to explain this answer? It's not all that hard to understand. By now it was 7:35 and I ended the call by saying "Have fun studying. We'll talk later."
Today I called her to borrow her camera for a school project, because my batteries are dead. First thing she asks me: "Are you doing this because of what happened last night?" WTFFFFFFF? Since when is borrowing a camera an act of revenge? And plus, knowing me as well as she does, I am not someone that dwells on matters like this. Last night she wanted to make up for this, and now she's relunctant to lend me her camera? What am I gonna do? Smash it?
Ok and here's the kicker: she sees me as her closest friend, and I guess that's true. She shares a lot of things with me that she probably shouldn't share simply because I'm the only one she can trust completely. She trusts me so, yet assumed I'd ditch her because she was running a bit late after a seminar?
Answer: girls are stupid
welcome to life. you'll find that its a bitch.
Not really. Just sounds like your friend is damn inconsiderate. I have guys who are pretty shit at keeping time. But she does sound like she's an idiot as well.
Indeed. It's extremely inconsiderate because she's the one that requested the drive back home as well. Thinking reversibly, that could also explain why she asked if borrowing the camera would be a revenge; she must realise she was way out of line and is conserned you might be pissed off.
I'm not trying to be a jackass and mean no offence whatsoever, but the fact you don't have a cellphone might also be a factor here. Most of the people nowadays have one, and so it's considered a standard way to arrange things these days, decreasing the need for planning and agreeing on everything well beforehand. Thus when somebody doesn't have one, it irritates other people who are thoroughly accustomed to handing everything here and now, everywhere, and changing preplanned plans, like it's possible with cellphones.
Inconsiderate people suck. Don't stay an extra hour just to give someone a ride home, especially when it's pretty obvious they weren't depending on you to begin with.
That's what I think, anyway =D.
I hate cellphones.
Especially when the call me home at night, work related
For me having a car and a phone is essential for work. However I do agree that irresponsible people are the worst. Don't let your kindness be your weakness. It's alright to treat your friends well, but the line is crossed when they start to exploit you because of "convenience". I don't understand the camera bit too, but if she's a close friend you can always talk it over cause it's not too big an issue after all.
I know what you mean. Once I start making more than $0 a month (2 months from now) I'll consider getting one.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Man BoC I know exactly what you mean. I've been left behind by so called friends before and have had the exact similar situation of waiting and you find you've waited for no reason. Seems to be the trend at college (I'm assuming you're in college also) full of inconsiderate people IE MY FUCKING ROOMMATE!!!
It's a trend that people are unconciously following.
just put your phone on manner mode, dudeQuote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
i work 20+ hours a week at a dead-end job.
i'm swamped carrying 20 credits this semester.
i still need to find a real job for after this year.
i haven't watched an anime in a week.
i wasn't able to pre-order a Ps3 or a Wii.
i fight just about every other time i see my "girlfriend"
I would, but then we get scolded for being unavailable when a system crisis occurs.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
I also hate to sit at work without doing anything. The system failed today and we could not work during all the morning.
Seems the system is up already though.
So I have to write an essay on how narrators work in the construction of an alternate world in the poetry of the First World War and it's effects on WHO CARES?!?
I know literature isn't the most useful subject to know about, but even then, why can't I write my essays on something relevant?
oh bitch bitch bitch....thats all you people ever do.
@WD: because you chose to study literature. its irrelevant by definition.
Okay, me and my friend are chilling at Starbucks, he is studying, I had a reading to do but I wasn't doing it so I was just sitting there. I was looking at the painting they have and for some reason I just got into this really peaceful state, as if I was enshrouded in a ball and my mind and everything was calm. As I am enjoying this, suddenly these kids who I hate, and who know I hate them, come in to the picture, of course being loud and obnoxious as always. They begin to talk to my friend, who doesn't like them much either, but he is unlike myself, in that he feels the need to play along and act, while I see no advantages in doing so. Anyway this group of people have done fucked up shit, eventually leading to them calling the cops on me and almost getting me arrested, my friend knows all this of course. Yet, he still acts as if everything is cool and actually says he doesn't mind them. I just feel there is something inherently wrong about that, as if it is dishonest in some way, and I also feel like my friend is fucking me over by acting as if there is nothing wrong with the situation.
Thats my bitching for now.
I know! It's like you attend to college to learn how to sound like a self-important douchebag! And even then, that essay is pointless. If it's pointless within the pointless, what does that make it?Quote:
Originally Posted by Assassin
And SK... wow, that's just bad, bad luck. What a sucky situation.
Got all four of my wisdom teeth out today. Yeah... I don't think I need to elaborate.