Today I learned that if you drink more than 8 ounces of water in 30 minutes, your blood vessels pop.
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Today I learned that if you drink more than 8 ounces of water in 30 minutes, your blood vessels pop.
Today I learned that the gun fight I heard (and saw) about half a mile away from us was some of that stuff you see in the papers about Ir*q.
Today I learned that this awesome thread was here and am now reading back through it for all the cool stuff people have posted.
Today I learned what "MC" actually stands for. I honestly didn't know it existed before its Hip Hop usage :confused:.
"Master of Ceremonies". Heh, there's just something about calling a rapper "Master of Ceremonies" that makes me laff.
Today I learned that if one procrastinates too long about something, that something is likely to be eventually forgotten, only to come back and bite you in the ass. Hard.
Also, on a related note, today I learned that this thread existed.
Cheers, Peepz!
It also gives a new meaning to McDonald's. :DQuote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Today I learned that you can be expelled from my school for using CGI based IRC Clients while on the school computers.....
Luckly I know our tech guy and he let me off the hook this time....
That's ... just stupid!Quote:
Originally Posted by Spiegel
Today I figured out a Turing-style algorithm to decide L={Properly nested parentheses and brackets} in logarithmic space. It used 4 counters: a "paren" counter, a "bracket" counter, a "current look" counter, and a temporary counter to count over to the "current look" counter.
It's built around the same sort of principle that the pumping lemma for context-free languages uses, which I think is neat.
Today I learned that Richard has a mental problem.
"Today I learned that you can be expelled from my school for using CGI based IRC Clients while on the school computers....."
I did that for like a week straight. Didn't realise that. Thankfully no one noticed.:cool:
Yeah our tech guy is preatty much in his office all the time so he sees EVERYthing that throws a flag up. Kinda annoying.Quote:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
Yeah I know, But at least he did let me off the hook.Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
Today I learned that no matter where you are, whether high school, university or even in the workplace, there are people who simply suck at doing presentations.
I used to be one of those people....
Today I learned never to leave my account logged in and leaving it in the presence of a jew and an emo.(python456934 and that other guy)
Today I learned three things.
1) I learned that I wasted about 30 mins of my life speed reading through 72 some odd pages of this thread.
2) I learned that reading about other peoples life experiences is an extremely effective and enjoyable way to pass time.
3) I learned that I am incredibly prone to contradicting myself.
I find that I am Incredibly prone to that myself.Quote:
Originally Posted by High Wind
On another note, Today I learned that my internet hates me, and that my grandparents really know nothing of computers.
Today I learned, I am actually drunk and everyone else is really sober.
today i learned that i am a bit of a perfectionist.
actually, wait, i knew that already.
I learned that Guitar Hero 2 is the best game ever made. I'm gonna buy the first game jyst so I'll have two guitars. :D
Today I learned in FFIX when you go left first in Oelivert, it screws up everything with Stiltzkin and makes me sad. :mad: :(
today i learned that my local A&P sells shonen jump. I figured i had to go to a comic book store to get it. it seems kinda old though cuz it was still running hikaru no go manga. i dunno if thats normal or not.
Today I learned that writing an Eagle report over night is not a good idea and more work onto the actually typing of it should be done earlier. Go Me!
(by Eagle Report I mean my Eagle Scout proposition Paper for my scout leader to review and approve. Yes I am a boy Scout)
Today I learned Spiegel is a boy scout.
I also learned that some Death Note characters make a cameo in Full Metal Panic!: The Second Raid.
today i have learned everything that you guys have learned
When I pull my USB jump drive out of a windows vista machine (with out ejecting it) it will crash the computer so hard that you need to reinstall:rolleyes:
(I'm serious I did this at work, I laughed so loud that people were worried about me)
I also learned that the Windows upgrade advisor has no compatibility data for my IDE channels
how exactly does it not know what IDE drives are?
Today I learned that Kaspersky anti-virus is more over protective than my mother, and the only reason I couldn't play GunZ Online was because of it. Bitdefender baby!
I also learned two alternative ways to do mathematical proof by induction other than doing the k+1 method.
Today i learned that my teachers are complete idiots for letting me have a laptop at school. They think all i am doing is taking notes but what they don't see is that there is a USB cable heading straight to my phone connected to the internet. Now if only i could hack onto school wireless without Novell...
Today I learned never to use #20 gage wire while you let 10 volts and over 10 Amps flow through it. Wire can catch fire too. Now if they had only waited until I brought the #12 from home...
Today I learned that upon cracking your back vigorously a few times, you can't stand for a little bit...
and that a squirrel+eagle=squeagle.
Today I learned that my contacts are not conducive to playing video games that require rapid eye-movements. Oh, wait, that's all video games. :(
My campus has at about 98% wireless coverage. People who bring laptops to lectures often spend their lectures playing DOTA or CS:S online instead of paying attention or taking notes.Quote:
Originally Posted by Spiegel
The high school I went to, I wouldn't dare bring a laptop or anything of any significant value to. Lots of thefts, even from locked lockers. Lots of gangbangers -> no backpacks, no coats carried in the building during school hours (for fear of guns, mostly).
Yes, i am in high school, A catholic high school. not so much theft here. I don't think they would want to steal a 1998 laptop anyway.Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
Today I learned the bass parts for "I want you back" by the Jackson 5, "Day Tripper", and "Jumpin Jack Flash".
Haven't got 'em down perfect, but they're really fun to play regardless.
Today I learned that my physics class is about 3 rooms away from the necessary range of the wireless router ...Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
That and mixing different types of cereal can result in a sensual orgy in your mouth.
Today I learned (from someone else) that when you try to fart 3 times and can't you have to shit, and when you fail at farting the 2nd time you risk a shart.
Today I learned spending hours sitting down tring to make potentially crappy banners instead of doing homework blows. O and I'm free of the FCAT for life.:cool:
Today I learned that I wasn't the one who broke the chemical vapour deposition machine. Whew. Nor were there any outward signs of it being broken when I used it (I'd only just been trained, and it was my first time using it alone, and I thought I'd been watching all the dials, but couldn't remember for sure....). Now it's all happily fixed, so I can use it tomorrow. Hurrah! Finally I can deposit some silicon dioxide on my samples and continue with my experiment.
Today I learned not to trust what people say. It could be far from the truth...
"KitKat shows a faint glimmer around `his` head"
Ah! My whole world is now upside down!:(
Today i learned that you need big empty space to train with nunchakus. Not just in front or behind you but also above you... My beautiful lamp :(
I learned how to and when it's legal to stick your thumb in someones eye and aim for the brain.
When is it legal? Today I learned that a lot of my home state peoples are idiots. Go Alabama!
This weekend I learned...
It's not safe to give me video games.
seriously, i have about 60 hours away from the army and I spend far too many of them infront of the screen, hackin' away monsters and my free time..
the deal is simple, I visited hardcoregamers101, saw the summonnight article, downloaded the GBA roms, started playing - and bamm! I end up going to bed at 0600 and wake up at 0930. then I keep playing a while more until noon, stopping only to watch Smallville marthon until dinner. afterwards i go visit a friend of mine, fall asleep (about 3 hours of sleep over the night, what do you expect?), when i got back home, i finished the game, then played a little more, and went to bed, this time for 4 hours. woke up, finished the 100floors maze, played a little more, and gave up when I realized I can't get 100% of the game without a do over.
So I started summon-night 2.
I barely got to check my e-mail, see anime or get some sleep, give me a video game and i turn to a zombie. same thing happened with Prince of Persia, Shaman king and Heroes IV.
Usually it's not so bad, since i have a lousy computer and i don't own a gaming console, so i hardly get to play anything.. but if you give me a decent game, it's all over. A complete waste of my time. I don't leave time for anything important, i didn't even get a haircut becuase i was too into the game to care.
well, at least i finished one game, i'm keeping the sequal for next weekend.
Well, one thing I learned in the army is that a soldier gotta sleep when he can, even at odd places and times. Because too often he can't. Sounds like you keep practicing that "good" habit even outside of the service... >_>
That's essentially what I learned when I played MGS3 - in a 48 hour period, 21 of that was the game, from beginning to end.Quote:
Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
Also, today I learned that having a flu, then going to try and compete in a French speaking competition may not have been the best decision I've made.
1. When you are not the instigator, you didn't provoke the other person verbally or physically.Quote:
Originally Posted by Spiegel
2. When you or someone else is at risk of great bodily harm, such as getting shot, raped, stabbed, killed, etc....
3. When you or the person threatened has no reasonable means of escape.
If all three of these conditions are met, go for the eyes and push towards the brain! Or grab the throat hard and pull at it as if you were ripping out a plug, it's easier than punching the throat because there's some pretty tough armor there even if it doesn't seem like it.
P.S. Or use common sense when you know you can't win, like if they have a gun aimed at you point blank.
Today I realized that Tagalog and Spanish are more similar than I had originally thought.
Perhaps not as similar as Italian and Spanish, but enough for me to understand to shut up when a Filipina friend told me to "quite la woca". I guess it makes sense, seeing as the Philippines were occupied by Spain for so long.
Edit: Looking it up, I was right in assuming that Spanish and Tagalog aren't related at all. The latter just has a load of loan-words and phrases from Spanish, as well as a few other languages. I find that incredibly interesting!
today i learned that no matter how much fun an interview was to conduct, or is to listen to, it's still a pain in the ass to transcribe. *ded from the boring*
Not so much something I've learned...but something alot of you should find interesting:
This is a great example of just how much superior Flash Player 9 is over Flash Player 8 =]
Didn't you ask if you could still keep humming the melody even if you had to quit the vocals? >_>Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Originally Posted by Kraco
Oddly enough, I'm having trouble finding the phrase on any online Tagalog dictionaries. Perhaps it's slang :confused:.
I learned today that I shadered the record time of completion of the final project
Most take 3 days
I took 5 hours
and 100% to boot
As well I learned to day that there is no more work to do in school, thus I'm complety done. The only think I have to do is meet with a few people (one about money the other about a career)
I also learned today how booking flights online are....interesting
Today I learned that Bud ownz at DJing Gotwoot Radio.
Also how to do excellent renders.
And a new sig style.(Do the sigs, jsut forget the blur step >.>, seems people dont like blur =[)
Today I learned that I've been accepted to grad school!!!! Yay! I shall avoid the 'real world' for two more years, hehe.
Today I learned of FSN's awesomeness. I also learned that prolonged "fights" with Spiegel and z on IRC will get me kicked, thankfully not banned though. *phew!*:D
today i learned that a good's being price responsive means that it is inelastic in demand.
i also bombed a midterm :(
also learned that:
Around 1/4th of US troops returning from Iraq/Afghanistan show signs of mental health problems.
and that The FBI officially broke rules while spying on Americans in accordance to the Patriot Act The linked document in this article offers, to me, serious rationale for severe punishment of FBI officials.
Today I learned that I bombed a number theory quiz and I tapped out too late on a ankle lock in grappling.
Today I learned not to sleep in when you have work...or you will be screwed....
Today I learned I'm finally done, I thought it would take forever but I did it. Now I'm into the working world...again
My student loan got to $16,000 however I now have my "Network Administrator, and Internet Security" Degree.
Finishing with a 91% Average and 110% attendance qualifies me for some money off my loan but who knows, I'm not one that counts on the Canadian government to give me anything.
At the moment I'm doing the second last day of my 2 week internship...that I'm not going to get hired. So I'm looking for places to work (noticing of course they aren't anywhere in where I live, and most are in the states)
Today I learned...
If all the members of GotWoot were Ninja... the world would be screwed.
Oh, and that I really hate having going to work in the middle of a mission on a character I just started in Guild Wars.
Today I learned no ones posted in this thread for a month.
Today i learned i have been playing GuildWars for over a month. I also learned posting from your phone is challenging and fun.
Today I learned that playing too much Metal Gear Solid online isn't necessarily good for you, and if doing so on the PSP, doubly so.
Also: using the PSP is even more challenging and fun...not to mention painful.
Today I learned that I'm going to have to bust my ass after finals to get the server moves that need to be worked out worked out and get a static-routed vpn up and running so I can put my users in useful places when they remodel my lab. My deadline for moving the rack out of my lab (and thus for moving the servers that need to move out of the rack) is Wednesday or so of next week. I was hoping for another 2 weeks or so to write good firewall and routing rules, get agreements negotiated and control of the servers that are going transferred over, and generally make sense of things.
So I've got a week to do what I wanted 3 weeks to do. And until I spend half of that time in meetings, I won't have any idea how to proceed. Feck.
Today I learned that the rudimentary sewing skills I learned when I was 12 during home economics classes are enough to fix the knees of my jeans. Two more pairs I don't have to replace for a couple months.
Like a lot of thing you can learn that don't seem useful at the time you learn them, being able to sew (albeit not that competently) helps out a lot more than you think.
being able so sew/cook is more useful in real life then most of the stuff you learn in highschool
Quoted for truth about the cooking. Sewing has never come in handy for me, though.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assassin
Today I finally figured out the bass part to Sweet Child o' Mine by GNR. The hard part was figuring out how the intro was supposed to sound and also the notes in between the root notes of every chord. I think I've got it down now, just need to practice for speed and accuracy. I love being able to play along with the song now.
Today, I learned that I don't fail at computers. I also learned that I do fail at Geometry. YAY!
Today I learned that I too fail at Geometry. I also learned that XanBcoo's signature is as ugly and grotesque as sin.:)
i learned that people are being asses to me on irc :mad:
Don't worry. We're asses to everyone on IRC. Its true. I've been eaten and kicked be teh d3vil soo many times its not funny. is funny.....:rolleyes:
Today I spent a delicious amount of maybe 30 minutes reflecting over the fact that my life is probably damn near perfect.
I might have my bad days and my complexes (mostly brought on by a mix of vanity and childhood abuse of various kinds) but overall everything is as solid as can be.
Behold why!
- I live in a rich country without exaggerated amounts of violence & crime (at least not more than in any other country with generally high standards).
- I don't have any immediate flaws in my appearance, sure, everybody can't love everybody when it comes to looks.. but I'm neutral enough to not be hated, and hot enough to have fanclubs.
- I have found a hobby that I really enjoy putting all my free time into (music: drums) and I'm also pretty good at it. Additionally the songwriter in my new band is a genius and we have lots of contacts in the business.
- My parents are alive, well and loving. They are also very generous and hand me cash when I need it. They have helped me through tough times and make me feel a little less worthless for not having a job right now.
- I am not stupid. My grades are above average and my english skills are excellent compared to the average scandinavian dito.
- I have a wide social network and have no problems with making friends, getting women to want me or anything else when it comes to socializing. I'm oh so funny and charismatic!
- The best fuckbuddy I've ever had lives 5 minutes away. The other two I have live ~20 & ~40 minutes away respectively.
So to all the guys here who keep calling me gay, silly, lame & other derogatory words with the intention of trying to insult me (calling me gay otherwise is okay because I am fucked up): GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES BECAUSE I FUCKING OWN YOU, HAH!
So yeah. That's what I learned today. I never really reflected this way before. Maybe I'm just in a happy mood?!
Today I learned I'm part pack mule.
How i learned this you ask well I'm a filmmaker in the Seattle area. I'm doing a mini on the international district. I walked the entire 10 block area that encompases it. Took two hours to do it. I was draggin a back pack with two 35mm camera bodies on 50mm lens, a 60-300mm telephoto, a 75-120mm telephoto, a Leica Digital camera, and sekonic light meter. On otp of that i had an XL2 on a manffrotto tripod which weight a good fifteen pounds. Not heavy right away but by hour two it felt like it weighed a ton.
I looked liked some journalist from Vietnam.
To lefty - Now to tell us what everything means!
Today I learned that my Business Systems and Tech teacher is a real pushover. An exam with 93 questions, finished within ten minutes is NOT SATISFYING, NOR GRATIFYING!
Anyway, I am happy that it was so easy, being that I failed my Geometry exam with flying colors...
Today i learned that playing FF IX with the controller upside down was hard to master *_*
I learned The origins of QWERTY
I can walk 3km's in 30 minutes.
Which equates to me walking at the speed of 6km/h.
About 50% of the world is lactose intolerant...however lactose intolerance is actually a more natural characteristic for humans, so a more appropriate perspective would be to say that those of us who have genetically evolved a tolerance for lactose should be labeled as lactase persistent
It's a damn curse, I tell you. I wish I was one of those mutants who never lose their ability to digest lactose. I'm the only one in my family who is intolerant :(Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Today I learned (rather yesterday) that one of the dogs in this house chewed though the wires that connects to house alarm, and triggered it.
The worst thing was I wasn't home at the time and the owners of the house were out of the country at that moment.
Need less to say I had a interesting day when I got home, to find police cars in front of my house and the dogs very...very scared.
Today I learned that the most awesome sentence in the English language is: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
lol wut??
Didn't know buffaloes were such bullies. No wonder they were hunted near extinction.
today i learned Excel in an army class (just the real basics of it, but it was still more than i knew before).
yesterday i learned that taking basic computer classes in the military is like competing in the disabled olyempics. it doesn't matter wheather you 'win' or not, its just stupid (example of the test: "how can i pass between open windows?").
DeathBOO, i thought the israelis were pretty hi-tek... what happened ?
anyhow, what i learned today.... The new guy they hired that took the job i had last year.... he's going to get fired; i dont know this absolutely yet but he does nothing, and is facebook/myspacing without having even done any of his job duties. I have a totally different job so i get to sit at a computer and be doing next to nothing ;)
Today I learned that when scaling decimal numbers to convert them to rgb in flash, it's important to trim your decimals before multiplying them by 256 or 65536.
that i dont like to help ignorant people...
edit : ok... this is going to the bitching thread sorry...
What's wrong with trimming after? Maintains greater accuracy that way =]Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
it skews the color. We were using RGB, keeping R constant and varying GB. Wanted a gradient to progress along white->pink->red, but instead got a scale going on white->yellow->peach->red -- a curve instead of a line.
er, oh. I'd probably just throw up a bit-shift routine like this (in AS3, anyway):
var c:uint = Math.round(0xff * perc);
var color:uint = 0xff0000 | c << 8 | c;
Ok so yeah, round before merging ^_^
ehh, not my code... one of my users wrote it and I was helping him debug. Probably would have been better if he were using int instead of Number, so decimals would have been truncated to begin with...
The guy who wrote the code isn't particularly knowledgable about flash, and the project he's working on is the third thing he's programmed, ever.
He's doing pretty well for having almost never programmed before...
Oh, and today I learned that I would rather watch a downloaded TS version of the latest Die Hard movie than migrate configs to rhel. Not that this was exactly a big personal epiphany, mind you ...
Today I learned that viruses and spyware fucks up internet cafe computers for some reason. It's sort of a good thing, because now I know that if I sit at a infected computer in an internet cafe I'll most probably notice it.
I learned of my salary today.
What happens when they find out that you use Intel processor chips?
I mentioned that in both of my interviews. I still offers for both in the end. I'm good at interviews and my skills/knowledge in this field speak for themselves. I don't think they give a crap about what CPU I use at home.
That was another position, btw. I declined it because it involves "writing sample letters" and I want none of that.
Teach me oh great one :(
Today I learned that BOC's name is Bill :)
Today I learned what it was like to be without my favorite forums at lunch... It wasn't a happy afternoon.
The Good: You're working for AMD.Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
The Bad: You're getting paid shit.
Actually it's the other way around for me.
Good: Pay is pretty good for a co-op job. That is the average maximum for 2nd term students.
Bad: I'm not a huge AMD fan. Hell, what if they go bankrupt during my work term?
BoC's pay seems pretty fucking nice for a college student. And none the less he gets the money working with computers, which is awesome.
Yeah, that pay rate is about $17/hr. It's not terrible, but it's not insanely good either. Don't really know how much real buying power that is, since it's $CDN, but it sounds like a pretty good pay rate for someone with BoC's experience level ...
You coulda saw that on facebook..Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
That rate will net me around around $4000 after subtracting rent and tuition for next term. Good enough since I live at home during my school terms.Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
Most jobs will pay according to standard rates for the co-op program. My rate is the average maximum for 2nd term students. You'll get MUCH higher pay in later terms; 6th (final) term jobs can go as high as $25/h, which is pretty incredible for a student employee.
Here's the salary guide for my school:
Today I learned of the programming language, Lolcode:
It's based on those stupid "Im in ur..." cat macros and other internet phrases. For example, "I has a..." is used to declare variables and "O RLY" is used for If statements ("YA RLY" and "NO WAI" are "true" and "false" respectively).
Reading through the examples and contributions is hilarious. I imagine ending loops with "KTHXBYE" would be strangely satisfying.