RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
i dont think "too much grunge" is as accurate of a way to put it, but rather "too unevenly concentrated"
there are distinct borders that form when clusters of grunge meet the non-grunge.....
although actually i dont know if you'd even call that grunge at looks more like just dissolve filter effects
also, something needs to be done with the naruto pic on the left.......the white patches fade him in an awkward manner, when he should probably be standing out of the background more
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
what do you think of my wallpaper assertn?
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Thanks for the feedback. Yeah I messing around with grunge, (it's all brushes) I agree with the uneveness, I'll keep that in mind for future grindage.
@Kagemane_no_Jutsu: I like the wallpaper, a lot. I think the background is a bit too sharp, but that may be me.
Ok, well this is my first coloring, so please don't flame it, but constructive criticism helps.
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Nice jod LCD. It takes a few goes at coloring somthing to get feel for it. Thats a lot better than my first try.
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@LCD: Not bad for your first try! I like it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img].
@Lefty: Pretty badass! What episode is that picture of Sasuke from? I'm making a Sasuke sig and I want to use that image but can't find it >_<
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Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
@Lefty: Pretty badass! What episode is that picture of Sasuke from? I'm making a Sasuke sig and I want to use that image but can't find it >_<
It's from the 66-67 double ep. 24:39 in the A-A version.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
@LCD - sweet coloring! what tools do you use when you're coloring something like that?
@Lefty - both sigs are pretty cool! I like the Bleach sig better.
Thanks to everyone for the suggestions on my latest sig. Here's what I came up with....
I dont care for it too much. I just might make a new one from scratch.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
fixed the face, I noticed I had colored part of it hair, where it shouldn't have been.
@gaaralovessand: For coloring, I trace the individual parts, and copy from the orignal to a new layer. Then I use Image Adjustments->Color Balance to change the color up. After coloring all the parts, then I go back and add lighting and shadows, by using gradients of white and black at low transparency to gradually add lighting. And I use burn and dodge for the more detailed areas like the fingers. But I'm sure this is not the best method. Hopefull I'll find a method that works well and doesn't take 2 billion years [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
man, do I envy you guys. great works
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
gaara: i think baby gaara on the right has the better colour the first time. but overall good improvement on that sig.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
@Souryusen: Thanks for the picture dude!
@Gaara: As Jing said, good improvement! The baby Gaara looked better the first time though. And the bg looks much cooler.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Just a new chibi naruto wallpaper I made. Didn't make the chibis but I still think its cool.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
for some reason i just think that happy look is all wrong on oro, itachi and gaara.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
lol, nice wallpaper Kagemane_no_Justsu. I think the chibi characters are funny. I think the white border around them works really well too.
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New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
I love paintpixel's work, but... Man, Rock Lee is looking faggier than ever in that pic.
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kage: you need alot of work on that wallpaper, it looks like a half assed job, the cutting on rock lee wasn't good, many sharp weird edges and making it chrome just made the straight edges even more obvious (whatever that blending options is), and the font is just awfull.
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It looks ok to me Kage but as Mut said, that isn't a really good pic of Lee to use. I would use the picture of Rock Lee that your using in your current sig, it looks much better than that Lee made by Paint Pixel.
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Lose the bevel&emboss effect on the rock lee image, bevel and emboss rarely makes things look good.
I like the background in it, its fitting for a rock lee wallpaper
You need to either goto the layer your lines are on and do a level adjustment so they are darker, or go over the lines with the pen tool or something, looks good, but defining the lines will help alot. Especially the ones in the midsection and legs
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ok, I took your advice and got this as a result (right one) Not sure which one I like more.
Edit: btw Kage, I like the wallpaper.