Are you after Shounen or horror? They're usually fairly different.
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Are you after Shounen or horror? They're usually fairly different.
Honestly, not sure what to recommend, but just going to throw some names around... hopefully some will resonate:
Jujutsu Kaisen
Black Clover
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Outside Picnic
Dr. Stone
The Promised Neverland
Fire Force
No Guns Life
Tower of God
Those have aired during the past year, with a few exceptions...
For specifically Horror, the only anime that ever actually made me uneasy like a horror film was "Another".
For a cross between horror and shounen, try the Promised Neverland, though I have some reservations about the adaptation. That mixes horror/thriller elements with shounen sensibilities.
Other series from the last few years that might scratch your shounen itch are: Haikyuu, Thunderbolt Fantasy (not anime, per-say, but adjacent in its production staff/writer), Nanatsu no Taizai (I'd recommend stopping after the first season), Boku no Hero, Shokugeki no Souma (also, recommend stopping partway through season 4; you'll know when), Mob Psycho 100.
Some other high-quality action/adventure series from the past few years that don't fall into the shounen tamplate as much: Princess Principal, Made in Abyss, Alderamin, Juuni Taisen, Killing Bites
Other high quality shows that don't necessarily focus on action: Inuyashiki (grimdark superhero deconstruction), Hyoka (mystery), Hinamatsuri (comedy/slice of life), Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume o Minai (romance)
Hope that helps a bit.
For horror, you probably want stuff like:
Shinsekai Yori
Mahou Tsukai no Yome (though it is also slice of life, tragedy, and adventure)
Made in Abyss
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (one of them, original or remake, doesn't really matter which)
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica
School Days
As the primary focus:
- GTO (the manga is way better, but the scans are legendary poor quality in the early-middle arcs)
- Peach Girl
- Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice), which you've seen, but the manga is way better for what you're looking for.
...probably plenty of hentai.
As a significant focus of a portion:
- Durarara
- Narutaru Shadow Star (not sure how much they show in the anime, since I've haven't seen it in forever).
- ViVid Strike, very notably in one episode.
The good stuff is all still in manga/webtoons.
I know GTO and Koe no Katachi, but in all of these, the bullies only get what they deserve after a long time. Aren't there any stories where the people around them INSTANTLY react like they should and condemn the bullies and side with the victim?
If you know manga about that, I'll that recommendations for that, too. Would seriously love watching/reading a story where bullying isn't obfuscated and instantly called out.
No, for a couple reasons.
1) Its Asian media. The norm there is to tolerate it. Bystanders don't get involved and watch it happen.
2) It wouldn't be good dramatic fiction if it was repeatedly resolved and pre-emptively stopped. That's the kind of thing you'd expect to see from an American Anti-bullying Public Service Announcement. Japan has made a similar one in anime form, but it was for educational purposes as well, and wasn't intended to be entertaining. It's noteworthy that the Japanese anime version implies that the solution to dealing with bullies is to wait for them to similarly be teachers or adults to be found in resolving it, because they will do nothing. All the burden of action is on the students themselves to, "be bigger about it."
3) If that's what you are specifically looking for, you're better off watching a compilation video from youtube that skips all the build-up that makes it an actually satisfying moment when they finally refuse to tolerate it any longer.
The good manga out there is much the same. There's a significant level of build-up in order to make the turn satisfying to read.
Apparently nobody watched this, so let me recommend this anime:
Emma, a Victorian Romance
It's pretty much what the title says and if you don't like Downton Abbey, you won't like this anime. It's slow without being boring, quiet but exciting. It doesn't do anything new, so I can't say it's a must-see. But if you're in the mood for a nice, old-fashioned love story set in London, then this is a great series to watch. Will finish season 1 today, then on to season 2.
I didn't watch the anime because I've read the manga four times from start to finish.
Kaoru Mori's works are amazing. Her level of detail encroaches on or surpasses Miura's.
I read the manga and her subsequent work Otoyomegatari, which is also masterful storytelling and art.
Okok, you manga-weebs, I got it! :P Still a nice anime.
Join us. Then fall into the trap of historical European-inspired shoujo manwha/manhua!
Ok, I'm already inmidst season 2 and will probably finish it tomorrow (or tonight ... lol). Can you guys recommend anime similar to this? Doesn't have to be the same setting/time, but the same carefully built drama, the likeable characters and the care for details. This should have at least 3 seasons :( God, I think I'm gonna rewatch Downton Abbey again ...
That's kinda what we were getting at. Kaoru Mori is one of a kind.
You really need to go into webtoon shoujo/josei for comparable stuff.
I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel here for tenuous similarities in your criteria.
Maybe Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju
Rewatch Sakamichi no Apollon?
I will always take the opportunity to recommend NANA
Hana yori Dango...maybe. Kinda a stretch because it is fairly dated.
Someone else would probably bring up Toradora! even though I fucking hated it and the praise it gets.
Uchouten Kazoku maybe.
Tegami Bachi maybe as well, though they never got to the ending so all the threads don't line back up.
Ok, you mentioning Toradora here makes me question your other recommendations :P I have no idea how Toradora is ANYTHING like Emma. I guess it has romance, too, eh? lol
But I might actually rewatch Sakamichi no Apollon, good idea.
"carefully built drama,the likeable charactersand the care for details"
Pretty obvious why I might reluctantly include it.
There was plenty of caveats because the real answer was Otoyomegatari and the avalanche of webtoons that have the same elements but will never get anime.
Ok, I'm feeling lonely without this anime :( Can you guys actually give me recommendations with THE SAME setting? xD I just want some homely historical chill-drama with nice characters. Preferably not the usual modern moe-character designs. And no magic stuff either. thx
Ikoku Meiro no Croisee might be the closest you get.
You can always try ARIA which is deeply Venice themed, but that definitely has a few magic elements in the Arthur C. Clarke vein.
See previous explanations above. They don't and won't exist in the anime medium. You can watch anime versions of Anne of Green Gables or Daddy Longlegs if you can find them from the 1980s. That's the best you're going to get.