admit you enjoyed itQuote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
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admit you enjoyed itQuote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
why does this call to mind a seinfeld episode?
Well there isn't really anything to enjoy from watching people have sex. At first it was kinda interesting more as a topic of conversation than anything else but that didn't last and after being woken up in the middle of the night or not being able to go to sleep it got very annoying. I have an aunt who was into that kinda stuff though, she had some white neighbors across the street who used to have sex in the middle of the day, literally 12pm, and she would break out the popcorn and everything and spend the evening watching them.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Lol what is it with white people and not utilizing curtains. People really don't need to be able to see into your house and at night that's all leaving your blinds open does. And if you're going to have sex It should be common courtesy to try and minimize the impact of it on your surroundings, I say give the fuckers the note. You never know, embarrassment and guilt have worked wonders in the past.
See yeah, that's my problem. It wouldn't be so much of a deal if I could just ignore them, but it happens either really late or really early, when I'm trying to sleep. Also the guy/girl's bed is situated just above mine.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Will do. The next time I hear it happening, I'll go up and tape it to their door. I'll even take pictures. Fun fun.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
My brother who used to live in the next room, had a very.....loud......night and it was only a wall between us. I didn't know what to do and throwing stuff at the wall only seemed to turned them on so I went and slept downstairs.
Though, the next day I told them that she was loud so I had to move downstairs and sleep.
She never, ever did look into my eyes the day after.....
...and thought stuff that I was a freak.
Damn her.
You should try rearranging your living space, like moving your bed into the living room and make the bedroom your living room. Then you wouldn't hear them, I'd imagine.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
East Riverside? I don't think I know the area. I used to live on South Riverside I think, next to the movie theatre. I actually worked at that theatre too.
When I was in highschool, I swore I would never babysit again. I can handle it fine, but I don't enjoy it at all. Seriously, I never want to have kids. Ever.
Anyways, I was convinced to babysit twice a month for this semester, for these two couples, so I have to look after two 3 year olds, and two boys in grade 6 and 7 respectively. If it was just the little kids, I don't think I'd have a problem. Heck, I put them to bed an hour before their bedtime, and when they're playing by themselves, I don't worry about them because I know they're fine. The boys on the other hand.... ugh, I can't leave the two of them alone together or else they try to kill each other. And every other line is "You're fat" "You're gay" "You're a nerd" and they're obsessed with making jokes about bodily functions, and female anatomy if they think I'm not listening... well, most of you were young boys at one point, so you might have gone through this particular stage. The house where I babysit them isn't even their house, and last time I left them alone for 10 minutes, and came up and there was popcorn all over, on the floor, the carpet, the couches..... Tonight I almost gave the older one permission to beat on the younger one because he was being so annoying. The older one at least thinks I'm really cool, and will at least try to make sure he looks like he wasn't the one being immature, when I'm there. *sigh* After this semester....NEVER AGAIN.
Before you added that last part, I was gonna chime in and say "hey, that sounds a lot like me and my brother..."Quote:
Originally Posted by KitKat
Especially the name calling.
I hope you're getting paid well for your troubles.
Grade 6 and 7? Why do they even need a babysitter? That fact alone tells there's something wrong with them. Damn modern parents who don't even parent their kids.
Well, I'm not really one to judge with any sense of realism because I and my brother were always pretty much the perfect gentlemen. (Maybe there was something wrong with us...)
Well I skipped that particular stage. Its funny imagining Kitkat baby sitting kids that fight and call her names. You honestly don't seem capable of being mean you should atleast try putting on a strong front. Kids are easy for me to deal with either they love me or I scare the shit out of them, so they are easy to control. My advice would be to just let them fight until they get tired, I did that and when they realized no one was paying attention to them or would stop them, they stopped.Quote:
Originally Posted by KitKat
Lunar eclipse tonight!!
Oh's completely clouded over...
After a week of clear skies.
i watched it! crystal clear skies after days of cloudiness! it was cool
damn you saman! you sent all your coulds this way. i couldn't see it. now i have to waitl like 3 years. i hope you're happy >.>
I saw the eclipse. In some places it looked blood red. For me, it was a hazy brown color.
Indeed... Red Moon Eclipse was cool...
I missed the eclipse because customers came into the store....apparently mid-eclipse was at 10:26PM EST. The next total eclipse won't be until December 21, 2010.
Source: Nasa
EDIT: this is pretty much what I saw at around 9:50PM
I didn't get a clear shot atm.
Damn, Sweden sucks xD!
Oh well, night late walking cheers you up when you can't sleep. Just annoying climbing out and down the window and stuff.
Oh, and the coldness. Atleast clear skies, lol ^^!
i did? but i don't even know what coulds are :PQuote:
Originally Posted by Assassin
i am pretty happy, though :D. i can show you my craptacular eclipse pictures if it'll make you feel better!
D: I'm so damn angry. They still haven't fixed my hair straightner yet! I paid over 2000 for that damn thing. Jeez. What the hell could take so long? Only the cord was broken.