RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Thanks, I found a good site for tuts, so I'm trying to do some sigs to get better at making them. I overdid it with the contrast previously and it took away alot of the detail but it looks better now. I had never used the contrast/brighten option in photoshop before so it was a learning experience. Yea for me.
couple sites i found, not sure if you guys use these but theres lots of good stuff.....
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Good job with the changes made! the most important thing is that you like what you produce.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
I made this wall i currently use it too.
My wall
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
thats one sweet ass wallpaper man.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Indeed, I love it. I think I'm gonna use it when I'm bored with my current wallpaper.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
its nice. the renders used are sexy, and colours are nice. brushing is ok, gj
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
dont use such bright color for a background......backgrounds should never distract the viewer from the content
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
I don't know about that. Considering my of my content is maximized, the only time I really see my wallpaper is when everything is closed, and so then I would prefer it too look interesting rather than actually in the background.
Well made Niggs
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
I like how to background ties in with the image. I think it works well.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
lol thts 1 sweet sig
i havnt posted or made a sig for a wile, but i find im more creative so i thought id make some more photoshop things, im bak into making sigs, and heres my newest
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
That's definitely an interesting color scheme.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Good choice of stock. The background is a bit distracting imo.
Here's something I just wipped together.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Originally posted by: littlecooldude
I don't know about that. Considering my of my content is maximized, the only time I really see my wallpaper is when everything is closed, and so then I would prefer it too look interesting rather than actually in the background.
Well made Niggs
i dont know if you were referring to my post or not, but if you were, i was talking about foomanchew's green shikamaru sig, not niggs's wallpaper
naszim, i really like your sig
too bad its the trendy "steal grunge brushes from the internet" style though [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Heres another sig from me that im doing for a friend
i want to know what i can improve on, what i did just plain wrong, and also what i did right/good, so, as always, constructive feedback is appreciated.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Oh, sry AssertnFailure, I though you were talking about the wallpaper.
@Lefty: I like the left side, but the right side is a bit dark imo, or at the least make the text a touch lighter.
@PurfektZero: Overall, I like it. The stock images are good, and the logo looks good. The main thing I would improve is the font. It's a bit too rigid imo, need something a little softer. (Although I think the Monkey part looks ok)
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Lefty, thts a nice sig, but i cant tell wat its supposed to be a picture of on the left side, but its pretty good for somthing not to complex, 8.4/10
Purkeftzero, nice siggy there, u didnt go too far into the effects, but i like the way u peiced ur images together and it has a smooth look, 8.5/10
i made 2 sigs today, 1 with colour and 1 colourless becuz i couldnt decide which i liked better
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
@naszim: i like the colored one better, makes gaara stick out nicely
Another day another sig, its like 7 30am as i finished this and typing this post, and i havnt slept, so i cant tell if i love or hate this sig, but here it is
edit: still unsure of wether i hate or love the sig, heres another version, i thought maybe it was too cluttered with the other stock image, but, i still dont know >_>