first 1 is my fav. its nice but i would suggest reducing the contrast in certain bits of it, its a bit "overwhite". gj
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first 1 is my fav. its nice but i would suggest reducing the contrast in certain bits of it, its a bit "overwhite". gj
first one my fav to, maybe add more blue to it other than that its cool.
hey guys i want to have a new sig ... and would appreciate anyone doing it...
just a cool sig with all 4 of the wood family descendants from getbackers....
you will only know what i am saying if u read the manga i suppose... wood descendant like the guy with animals (monkey);enterthread=y
ask there 010577
heres another new guilty gear sig
Very nice, Zero! My favorite out of the 3
thats nice, i dont know if its just me but i don't like thick borders. still a wicked sig
Thanks for the feedback, im glad i seem to be gradually improving with each one >.> first everyone liked kys over sol's, and then baiken's over ky's, now heres 4 in the probably-long series of sigs i will do for guilty gear characters, this one unfortunalty, in my opinion, doesnt top ky or baikens, i just lost direction with it and ran out of ideas on what to do for it.
Heres the version i /wanted/ to use
but the animation part put it over the size limit for the particular forum i had in mind, and probably most others (over 600kb)
so i used this animation instead
and heres a version with out animation at all
the first one looks best that animation is cool
first one is the best, animation is good, work on the bg, its too dark and dull, try blending the foreground character to the left a bit. gj
new sig i made from the latest ep of naruto, hope you like it.
changed the contrast and colorized it a bit hope it looks a little better
bg is good, work on the text and increase contrast on the character and maybe colourise so it fits the rest of the sig better. gj
what would you suggest i do with the text? change to different text or change the color?
that picture of shikamaru looks kinda rough.
the small shika looks bad, really bad actually. but if you could fix that its nice and i disagree with ren dont change the text looks good, maybe change the foomanchew text if changing any text.
its kinda overcontrasted now, and the previous colour on the text suited it better, just work on the blending options of the text, spice it up a bit.
if you're happy with a sig dont ruin it just cos some1 said they dont like something about it. art is subjective [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
I'm open to suggestion, its only my second sig so I don't mind the pointers. I really respect your guy's opinions all of you make really nice sigs. So thanks for the input, I'll have to work on the contrast a bit more. Thanks guy's
The real question is, what would YOU change about your sig?Quote:
Originally posted by: Foomanchew24
I'm open to suggestion, its only my second sig so I don't mind the pointers. I really respect your guy's opinions all of you make really nice sigs. So thanks for the input, I'll have to work on the contrast a bit more. Thanks guy's
well not much, but i did change the contrast and the brightness and I think it looks a little better now.
Good job Fooman! Shikamaru looks alot better now, much clearer. The color works good with Shikamaru to and I like the text you used.