I made a sig of ANBU Kakashi, what do you think? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...Kakashisig.jpg
And nobody ever commented on my Edward Elric wallpaper! Edward Elric Wallpaper
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I made a sig of ANBU Kakashi, what do you think? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...Kakashisig.jpg
And nobody ever commented on my Edward Elric wallpaper! Edward Elric Wallpaper
/me looks at wallpaper
Cool! It'd make a good sig, as well, I think. Although, the hair around the ponytail is a touch choppy.
I like the Kakashi sig.
Nice wallpaper nm. The stock images on your sig needs touching up.
Nice sig, NM. The difference in the quality of your two stock images is kinda glaring though.. you might want to touch one of them up.
Yeah, I think the one that needs a little fixing is the Kakashi on the right. I got that one from Gotwoots main page, I loved how it looked [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img].
A new Garaa sig. What do you think?
i would've picked that one to be the winner in the contest.
its ok. get rid of the grainy gaara, its out of place. a better effect would have that grain slightly motion blurred to the left and put it behind the real gaara.
Yea.. I wasn't quite sure to do. I should remake the sand Garaa. And maybe the bg. Btw loved your sig r3n. Thanks for the tips. Thanks mut [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
That would've easily won.
Nice work UN#1!
nice sig Uzumaki, possibly the best one i've ever seen,lol
well since I could'nt turn my sig in on time I guess Ill just show you guys what I would've turned in if I did:
Nice knives. Like the colors. Only thing is the white line on the left. Probably missed it.. And thanks guys. Maybe I should sumbit more.
But I kinda put photoshop on the shelf. So it's pretty much old
very nice knives, the only thing i dont like is the area around his neck and right shoulder.
knives did you make the brushes? or is that just a background effect.
I made the background, did it with like 6 different layers and then just merged them all
Edit: Better way of saying it: I dl the brushes from some site, and just did it like it was a grunge sig
it may seem redundant at this point, but nice work knives!
Both you and UN#1 coulda done some damage in the contest.
yeah i know =D. it's just that lately when i see brushes on for download, they all say "make sure you give me credit for my brushes if you use them". and i feel bad for not crediting them in the past. however my current one is done by me anyway except the line thing under "kosmos". i'd credit the person, but its too far back.Quote:
Originally posted by: Knives122
I made the background, did it with like 6 different layers and then just merged them all
Edit: Better way of saying it: I dl the brushes from some site, and just did it like it was a grunge sig
I changed the back ground in my sig and i think it looks better than what was originally.
Two new sigs.
(yes i know the sizes are off, its for a different forum, but wanted to share still)