You like.....totally just jacked my bitch.Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
In other bitching news, I think my boss is more than just a little bit queer. Its kinda weird....and creepy.
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You like.....totally just jacked my bitch.Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
In other bitching news, I think my boss is more than just a little bit queer. Its kinda weird....and creepy.
Whats will all the death references in spanish?Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Todays bitch:
Its sucks when you prefer working late and at ungodly hours of the night instead of doing reports...
My current job requieres me to make reports and attend meetings once in a while... and Im seriously missing the previous job... even with all the extra work...
People who call/email in to Tech Support are dumb. That is all.
Nokia is teh suck. My dad's phone has been sent in 4th time today because the repair centre hasn't been fixing the goddamned side camera button. I originally sent it in JULY 30.
I got out and buy some nail polish with my own money, and then it gets used by someone else.
I'm sitting at the computer, and smell.. nail polish. I then turn around, and lo and behold, my brother did his nails.. with MY nailpolish, the one I actually went out to buy because I'm broke and can barely buy anything without my mom >.> Finally! Something of my own, and he uses it.. I mean, it was an unexpected use, but man.. grr.
My bitch. I can't believe she is bitching about nail polish.
Your Brother???? What???
aaah seventeen. such a carefree age.
my bitch is also kinda girly, actually. my dad bought me new nose studs from his latest trip to pakistan. they're 22k gold, and they're very pretty. the nicest one is a little one shaped like a flower with white and red gems in it. so of course i start trying to put it in as soon as i get it, and lo and behold, the backing of it falls out of my hands and onto the carpet. it's now been three days, and i still can't find the backing, so the stud is pretty much useless now. very disappointing.
It's not girly.. it's just the principal of things.
i didnt even know a thread aside from one piece and naruo manga existed.
My bitch is that it took me soo long to find a slightly positive outlet for my anger instead of bottling it! Awesome im going to be here everyday!
I did the drawing on the back of some notes from my Spanish Literature class. They were on some poem I didn't really understand it that well, but I ended up getting a 93 on the test so...Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
RE: Jaitne's brother - what the hell??
I know right, it perplexed me too. The only excuses would be if he is under 12, he is comedian or it was black nail polish and he is a goth but I never liked that anyway.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
well, one of the guys from the army screws me over, again.
last week, he went home a day before everyone else, and left me with another watchpost duty (yep, I really like sleeping 4 hours a-night (01:30-03:00 & and 06:00-08:30)), now, he was asked by one of the NCOs to show up early to escort a shipping container.
now, he says he's not feeling well, and this hot potato falls onto me.
we are having a cultural\entertainment day tommorow, and now i'm going to miss it becuase of him. and he has done a similiar thing before.
In this situation you take a long sock, drop a piece of hard soap inside it, and demonstrate to him what being sick really means.Quote:
Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
I know I'll regert asking:
What the hell do you mean?
It's a reference from the movie Full Metal Jacket. IT"S about a bunch of U.S. Marines in training together. One of them is very sub-standard and keeps getting the rest of the unit in trouble. So one night they give him a blanket party, which consists of everyone in the unit putting a bar of soap into a sock then taking turns hitting him with it as he's pinned to his bed by a blanket held across his chest. After they did this to the guy he became a model soldier...until he snapped, shot their DI in the face and then ate his rifle.
Sean Taylor got shot that is just wrong.
I tried to show off my handy man skills in front of this hot chick at work today and ended up looking like an idiot when I blew a circuit breaker and delayed her from finishing her project. Now she's waiting around for the electrician to come fix the problem and I ran from the scene because I'll probably get in trouble for messing with the electrical wiring when I'm not properly trained. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Lol, animeniax.
Sean Taylor
Some fuckstick broke one of the windows of my parents' store last night, most likely to steal. Thankfully nothing was taken but now my mom and I are incredibly paranoid and very if we weren't under enough stress.
They need to install that metal mesh thing that can be rolled down in the evening to protect the windows and prevent anyone from going in. Such are the times that you can't be too careful.