Nothing really new to bitch about, just that I can't fucking stand having to work in groups for school shit. I can't wait until I'm finished with this goddamned bullshit.
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Nothing really new to bitch about, just that I can't fucking stand having to work in groups for school shit. I can't wait until I'm finished with this goddamned bullshit.
I'm about |__________| close to quitting the whole full-time thing and becoming an independent contractor.
My housemate and his friends are nocturnal. Right now as I'm typing this at 12:50 AM, the phone is ringing. I am certain it's one of his friends calling, which is why I'm just letting it ring. Seriously...don't people know about cut offs? You don't call people past midnight unless they're living alone. What if not everyone is nocturnal? What if his housemate (i.e. me) is sleeping?
Fucking retards.
That's when you pick up the phone and tell them off.Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
Do it man. More pay, no 'identifying with corporate values' bullshit and best of all, no one to actually respect as your boss.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
No can do.Quote:
Originally Posted by Jaitne
I used to be able to do 300 sit ups a day, stopped working out a few months ago and now I can only manage to get up to 150.
this week is my week from hell. too much work and school and socializing and not enough relaxing and sleeping. i'm having tons of fun with my coworkers and friends, but i'm also stressed and exhausted.
i've taken a long absense from my favorite thread....
this bitching is a day late.... got a (*#U%(@*& speeding ticket yesterday...
i've been working really hard and have been running a small computer business on the side thinking i was doing good making extra money just to have some bitch ass cop give me a $240 ticket when i wasn't even at the peak of my accelleration. i didn't even ask to see the radar or anything cause i was in a rush and didn't want to further delay it.
Well, it generally takes a lot to really truly annoy me, and Rogers is the company that consistently does it on a regular basis. I'm regretting my three year phone contract, because I still have a year and a half left of their terrible customer service.
Prime example: Their website.
Sure, it looks all high-tech, but it never works properly. I use online billing, so I have to log in to be able to see my bill. I WANT to pay my bill, but half the time I can't log in. So then I have to phone them, and go through their equally terrible speech recognition software until I finally get to a real person, all so that I can ask for my simple dollar amount that I need to pay.
Last night, I was getting a different error than usual when I attempted to log in, so I used the 'forgot your password' function, thinking it might be a password issue (I sometimes forget which passwords I use for what) and I get this email in my inbox:
And that was all. There was no temporary password. The email just ended. This morning I tried to log in again, and now my account has been suspended for 24 hours for my security protection, after 3 failed login attempts. Seriously Rogers, what the heck? I'm not the one failing here.Quote:
Originally Posted by Rogers
Maybe you should switch to the traditional paper bills. Who knows, they might manage to print them in an orderly fashion.
Why would someone commit suicide because of what someone else said on myspace. If you ask me that girl didn't deserve her life, sure I've contemplated committing suicide but that was only because life as a quadriplegic was something I looked forward to but damn. This story is incredibly mess up not to mention the fact that it was the parents of another girl who drove her to it and now there are questioning whether what they did was legal or not. If you ask me they or their daughter should be killed just to show them what it feels like but then again I don't value human life much. I was going to post this in the news thread but it just felt like it belongs here.
Even though I know what you're talking about, a source would be helpful.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Poorly written article about aforementioned suicide
It's pretty messed up that the parents of the other girl aggravated the situation, but I really think it would have happened sooner or later. The girl obviously had problems, as well as previous suicide attempts.
Yeah I know I should have had a source but I was in a hurry, as is evidenced by the mistakes I made, but I assumed everyone has at least heard of the story. I always wanted to know how someone could fail a suicide attempt, I mean mine was well planned out with absolutely no chance for failure, other than a completely unforeseeable interruption.
I don't see how someone could fail at committing suicide. Although most suicide attempts are just a cry for help and most people never intend to actually go through with it, I would imagine that if one becomes disheartened enough to attempt suicide and they fail at that, it would be the ultimate kick in the face.
Off topic but something I just always wanted to ask.
The girl probably did make the right choice for herself if she didn't have the fortitude to just ignore people on myspace. However she was young and might have grown out of it given time so I would also blame the parents some for letting her be alone when she was that vulnerable, but who would have expect their daughter to kill herself over myspace?
I have to give the girl props for hanging her self instead of doing something dumb like taking lots of over the counter pain killers though, if you're going to do something, do it right.
Pain killers work well, you just have to take them one at a time instead of trying to down the entire bottle at once.
If she always had such low self-esteem, struggled with her weight and didn't have any social skills you would think the parents would have kept a closer eye on her and her activities especially if she had talked about or attempted suicide in the past but most parents are completely oblivious anyways. She was a deeply troubled thirteen year old girl someone should have been looking out for her.
Did you read the article? The parents were completely controlling her ability to access her myspace profile.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Earlier today it seemed like my 1TB external harddrive had died. Wouldn't respond when I connected it to a computer, tried all three of my computers without luck. I figured it was dead as I was sure I heard a clicking noise. Upon trying to connect it to a computer it would just hang the whole system, and it wouldn't even show up. Tried doing a chkdsk, took 10 min without anything happening so I thought it had hanged that too. So I started looking for ways of recovering the data. After being mad about this for 5 hours, + trying several different disk recovery programs(all shitty), I randomly try a chkdsk again. After 40 minutes it found out the file type on the drive, and 10 minutes later it fixed the whole drive. Said it had a lot of errors with the fat table etc etc. I guess I'm too impatient -.-
Of course I'm happy that it works again, but what I don't like is that I don't know what caused it, that I wasted so much time because I was impatient and that I don't know whether or not it's stable now. Half filled up so it would suck losing it. Took a backup of important files now though. I have a test tomorrow, but I ended up doing this instead. Oh well.
Yes they were, but she neglected to check the account before allowing her to sign on. Next thing that was wrong was that she saw she was upset yet she left her online, didn't make her immediately sign out, not only that she left the house without informing her husband of what was going on. Once that all happened they left her alone and went downstairs to have dinner although they thought that the problem was resolved.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Anyway this could have all been avoided if she had just checked the messages before allowing her to go online. I understand that she was in a hurry, and everybody is human and makes mistakes. I guess she just never thought she would take it that far but whatever.
Suicide watch is a 24/7 thing trust me I know. I get that she wasn't under a "suicide watch" but they were obvious signs and I can tell you one thing for sure when you have a child that is that troubled, when they seem the slightest bit upset you never ever leave them alone.
fat32 is bad. 4 gig filesize limit. Lots of random issues. NTFS is a safer bet. Just for your future reference... next time, first thing you do when you get a new disk is format it ntfs, and you'll have better results.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xrlderek
If the disk has failed once, it's very likely to fail again. Check your event log to see if it's generating some sort of failure event ("disk has a bad block" would be a common one). If the disk has bad blocks, don't rely on it anymore ... replace it asap.Quote:
I don't know what caused it, that I wasted so much time because I was impatient and that I don't know whether or not it's stable now. Half filled up so it would suck losing it. Took a backup of important files now though. I have a test tomorrow, but I ended up doing this instead. Oh well.
1tb disks are fairly new ... so that should probably still have a mfr's warranty. But you'll have to find someplace to store the data unless they'll cross-ship.
For my own bitching pleasure... because I'm a contractor, I don't get friday off even though there's going to be like two other people at my site. My desktop's too slow to play 720p movies even with coreavc, and my fileserver's too old to recognize my new 1tb sata disk. Also, AMD's lackluster product launch and Intel's ultra-high-end product announcements didn't bump down the midrange hardware prices at all on anything. Which is lame.