What kind of music do they listen to?
Hi this is my first post on got woot forums but i been with this site for awhile .I'm a big fan of this site and love all the great anime on here.I felt that I needed to post on this thread because I grew up with hip-hop and a very big fan of it.First off its not fair to put all hip-hop genre into 1 form calling all of it "gangsta rap " or saying hip-hop when your talking about a pacfic genre.Just like rock hip-hop has many forms,you have east coast rap (think jay-z or nas),dirty south(lil jon),mid west(nelly,kayne west),west coast rap(2pac,dr dre)then from those you have these: street-hop(break dancing, rap battles),
gangsta rap(talking about gangs and guns),underground hip-hop(rapping about life and real world problem without cursing)pop-rap(this crap like gangsta rap really makes hip-hop look bad talking about money and ho's.you know the stuff mtv shows).Now this is just in america many countires have there own form (japan has j-rap which is sort of 80s like style of hip-hop,puerto rico has a form of hip-hop called reggeton which is spanish rap mix with reggae)I could keep going but the list is really long you get the point I hope.
So sterotyping is not fair because not all rap genre are the same.Also sterotyping people that listen to it is also not fair .Im a dark skin hispanic and i dont dress and talk like the rappers you see on mtv and im not a thug or a wannabe gangsta im just a guy that lives in brooklyn and likes anime and final fantasy games ,I also box and right poetry on my spare time(when im not working or with my girlfriend).And although im a big hip-hop fan i am very open minded and also listen to different types of rock (except for gothic not a big fan but i dont dislike anyone that does).So before you judge people or music do what I do and listen to the different types of that music get an understanding for it you might just see things different.Also dont buy into what MTV thinkswhats rock or rap judge it for yourself by listening to under ground artist that try so hard to get notice but cant because tv stations like MTV and BET think there music isnt cool.
With that said heres my hip-hop version of some of the music the cast of naruto would listen to :
Naruto - he is kinda dorky and has alot of energy ,I see him into j-hip-hop
Sasuke-hes a deep thinker and knows the problem around him,I see him into underground/oringal hip-hop just seems like he would enjoy itand understand it.
Sakura -She is kinda hard but I would have to say rap-pop(i can see her liking shady and nelly for some reason)
Jaraiya- Old school 80's hip-hop all the way plus and pop-rap that talks about women [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Gai- old school hip-hop plus street hop (come on you know you can picture Gai trying to break dance)
Hanata Kakashi- he would be fan of j-rap
well that what i think good day [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Edit: sorry if its to long but i had alot to say after reading every post.
What kind of music do they listen to?
but wouldnt you saying "j-hip-hop is for energetic dorky people" be a stereotype? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
welcome to GW btw [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
Welcome to the forums OneMind! You seem to be as dedicated and cunning within rap as I am with metal. I find it nice when people learn so much about things they like. You seem like a nice and well-mannered guy, so you'll probably have a nice stay here.
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
That is of course if you dont go around Mut@t@, he sometimes gets a little um grumpy,
And Itachi looks like one of those Classical music people, just think him listening to bethoven(sp) and beating people up
What kind of music do they listen to?
Heh, this thread is interesting.
Naruto - I could see him being into some crappy genre, he's a hard one to define. I would have to say... honestly I can't think of anything for him.
Itachi - Real Metal, he would probably listen to melo-death, death, and doom metal.
Sasuke - The trance/techno as people have said seem to fit him well.
Sakura - Once again, as said, the popular pop bands.
Jiraiya - Older rock/metal, like Maiden and such.
Gai - Glass Tiger.
Kakashi - Another tough one, maybe power metal?
Bleh, and that ends my second post.
What kind of music do they listen to?
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
but wouldnt you saying "j-hip-hop is for energetic dorky people" be a stereotype? [img][/img]
welcome to GW btw [img][/img]
lol i knew that kinda came out wrong i ment to say j-hip-hop is very funky and energetic there for its right up narutos alley i just threw the dorky part in because that s what i think of him not the music.
Also terracosmo i read all your posts and agree with alot of it i am very open minded and feel that doesnt matter what type of music you listen to but the person you are inside .I have friends that are into metal and friends that listen to hip-hop we are a cool bunch and although we might not like the same music we all agree that sterotyping people based on what music they listen is just dumb.
Thanks for the warm welcome love the site [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
i dont think all this time that anybody actually MEANT to stereotype people for their music interests....
its just that, as i mentioned before, in order to classify what the different characters would most likely listen to, you'd have to take the stereotypes into account.
If i say shikamaru listens to classical music because its more peaceful and intellectual style of music appeals to laid-back genius types, then i'd be stereotyping.
In fact the only way i could predict what shika's music preference is without stereotyping and without actually knowing what he listens to would be to just pull genres out of a hat.
anyway....enough about that [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
It's good to have these discussions to dispel stereotypes. We all know that stereotyping is bad, but everyone tends to do it and the only way to get rid of a stereotype is to educate people. Whenever I tell anyone that I'm a dedicated metal fan, they always look at me in surprise and say, "What? Really? I can't believe it!" The fact that I don't look like the stereotype they have in mind forces them to re-evaluate their opinions. Anyways, OneMind, I really appreciated your post on hip-hop. It's a genre that I don't really enjoy listening to, so I don't know much about it. I think that being a little more informed helps me to be less likely to stereotype it, and the people who listen to it.
I think that Iruka would sing camp songs with his students and then not be able to get them out of his head and end up singing them over and over for the rest of the day [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
Suddenly this thread became very cute, I think now we should have a group hug.
...or a group handshake works too. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
I'll begin...
Kumbaiya, my lord! Kumbaiya!
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
hehe Souryusen, since this is a Naruto thread, the song we all should be singing together is.... a Naruto song!
Let's all sing Haruka Kanata[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
Somehow the "singing together" thing loses potency when the bass is rattling your teeth.
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
Fumikomuze akuseru kake hiki wa naisa, sou dayo.. lol
There's already a thread for this song, so I don't think I should continue any further. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Is it better when we all get along? *handshake for guys and hugs for the gals* [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
What kind of music do they listen to?
What kind of music do they listen to?
Kiba = the "who let the dogs out" song
What kind of music do they listen to?
i defo reckon the ramen guy has country an western goin on at the back of that little shack.
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
(and don't you love how the metal thread has moved to naruto?)
What kind of music do they listen to?
Gai: Comeone.. He is a disco-dude.. So disco-music..
Lee: same as Gai
Itachi: of course.. heavy metal
Neji: I think trance.. Cant se him with anything else..
Shikamaru: Trance.. Its to trubblesome to listen to anything with text..
Naruto: Probably mainsteam pop
Sakura: Boyband.. No question about it..
Sasuke: I think the guy who said Gangsta rap was right.. Some kind of rap music at least..
Oro: Yeah!! Micheal Jackson..
Gaara: probably so goth-music
well i dont get anymore pictures about anyone else..
What kind of music do they listen to?
Kabuto probably Michael Jackson with Oro
Sandaime maybe big band, swing music, the old stuff.
What kind of music do they listen to?
Oh right "thriller" right?