keep-anbu released 5 and 6
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keep-anbu released 5 and 6
OH, then just sign up and then click on the link(might have to login again) it should work thenQuote:
Originally posted by: Goingin
The page doesn't let me right-click.... [img][/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Knives122
well since we know when the series is going to end, I guess the only thing we have to worry about is when the opening song is going to come out
Edit: I actually found the song
Unlimited and Fuhen
Just right click the song name and save target as
Btw, ep 5 is out by Lunar
Samurai 7 is getting more interesting. I am really looking forward for this series.
Well i thought that episodes 5 and 6 werent has good as the others... but still pretty good...
just watched ep 5, but still dling ep 6
ep 5 was interesting, the new dude looks a lot like naruto, hes very clever
rice and seven gods of rice, is that true? so thats how the seven samurai ties into the rice village
AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i downloaded them both but i couldn't find time to watch it. i'm so sad...[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
i'm definitely going to watch it tomorrow. these 2 episodes are highly anticipated.
Lunar Released both episodes too [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]... *Chewy*...
ep 7 and 8 RAWS are out if your interested
is it just me or do the drawings/animetion look extra fucked up in episode 7 (haven't seen 8 yet)? it looks like a child drew them, those drawing should be included in that page by maddox (the one where he bags on kids' drawings).
This is a fabulous new series, I can't wait for the subbed 7 and 8 to be out. Unfortunately, that means I can't answer your questions, Mut@t@. Sorry :-)
keep-anbu released episode 7[Keep_ANBU
Just me or the animation just take a day off? the actions and movements scenes looks like something from Lupin III. not the whole thing just the part around where the new guy took on the samurai with no money. the sound is off as well?? the voiceing looks like its something a kid would do.
Edit: @ mut@t@: yeah that looked pretty bad, for a second there, i was wondering why i saw 7 released and 8 not yet, i had a feeling like that was some kind of joke? but i guess not [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
Yeah, Mut@t@, the animation in episode 7 was just really bad in parts. It is as if another team took over, maybe a "B" team. Hopefully, that means they took extra care for episode 8, and episode 8 will be really awesome. I can't wait.
wth!?? is this how they treat a remake of a classic?? the animation was a joke, i havent seen such horrible animation in ages. This makes the sometimes terrible animation in naruto look 10x better! I couldnt even tell what some people were doing in some scenes and the way they move look so unnatural.
I think it was "bring your children to work" day or something and they let their 5 year old kids draw that shit out.
Yes, the animation of episode 7 is weird. Is that intended? I mean the artist may tried to use different art style to illustrate the lavish city. But I don't really like that kind of art style. I hope episode 8 back to its "normal" style. What do you think about it?
man, i agree with everyone, the animation sucked ass
the characters had no detail, and they looked like they came straight from the drawing board
the backgrounds were alright though
Same here, this ep sucked because of the drawings..
The part of the story was good as always, but why screw up something that is already perfect [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
As the rest i hope ep 8 will be back to the old style
Yeah episode 7 had animation, specifically drawing problems... but it was mostly in the dancing part.... so im going to give the benefit of the doubt that it was on purpose for some unknown reason...
Anyways episode 8 is out[Keep_ANBU
yeah the first half of ep 7 had bad animation it didn't look very well oh well nothing really interesting or important was going on so i didn't really care i hope 8 will look a lot better
Yes Episode 7's animation was disgusting.
Was that one line translated correctly: "Just go and die by the bandits."
Shouldn't there be a "don't" in there lol.