hakeem then you better watch ep 14 because the takato era is over ep 15 will start a new one
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hakeem then you better watch ep 14 because the takato era is over ep 15 will start a new one
i was about to comment on that to but did not want to bust his bubble hehe
What! Why so soon??
Atleast Yakumo showed much of his skill.
It seems that this wont last as long other Samurai/martial arts shows. Too bad.
I hope after this series is over... they focus on some generation not mentioned in this series... and build another series solely around that generation..
this is goning to be a 26 eps anime ..
Budweineken what you are saying may happen there is chance they pick up the manga too [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Eipisode 15 is out. go get it.
Spoilers just in case....
I was having mixed feelings with the begining of the arc.... but seeing Okita at he end made it all better...
End Spoiler
BTW can anyone tell how many years have passed since the Takato with the date provided in the begining...
from what i gather from episode 14 20 or 16 yrs
this ep was funny, i hope thye fight next ep
16yrs, come on bt just 40min more.Quote:
BTW can anyone tell how many years have passed since the Takato with the date provided in the begining...
OK just watched some of the ep, didn't know about the 4additional yrs so I'd say 20yrs have past.
Cool thanks... I couldnt find my old episodes...
no need to be exact... an around 20 years sounds good...
But one question...
Is it 20 years after the tournament Takato faught in... or 20 years after old (or semi old) Iori is telling the story about the death of Jubei?
wow thats a tricky one hehe hard to say now as you are right he was old when he talked about juubei's death
One internet website on Yagyu Jubei stated that he dies in 1650. On another site, it stated that Musashi died in 1645. I do not currently have the episode at my disposal right now, but I think the year is stated somewhere. So if anyone can figure out what the current year is in episode 15, we can probably have a timeline available.
in episode 15 said the year was 1853
can someoen help me plz im trying to get ep 1 of this show but all the links are broken or there are no seeder can anyone jive me a site with this how on it?
thx ahh 2 gig its gogin to hurt my bandwidth hope its as good as u ppl think
Since I'm bored and since I'm a sucker for japanese story (famous samurais & ninjas) I'll give this one a try. I'll return to this thread when I've seen to ep 15 ... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] *Starts the 1-12 torrent*
I have yet to see this, but the female character looks alot
like Kaoru-dono! "Kennnnshiiinnn!!!!"
well I'll wait to see how it pans out.
Does anyone know if Mutsu is still subbing this series? I thought I heard somewhere that they have stopped.